Most MSM is mostly dishonest political propaganda now

I put this in politics because it is mostly political rather than campaign related and we are dealing with a mostly political propaganda machine now instead of a free and open press. Discussion does not need to focus only on a dishonest media but on the dishonesty of all those putting out information.

Those still capable of logic, reason, critical and abstract thinking should be ever aware that whatever the MSM is pushing is likely not what the actual facts are.

This video is pure genius in illustrating the blatant and deliberate dishonesty of the MSM when it comes to Republicans and especially Donald Trump even as they bury or sugar coat honest negative news about Democrats and especially Biden.

Just wait fuckers, we're closing in on an election, the Democracked are currently organizing another Russiangate, Covid, two impeachments, riots, and the Jan. 6th insurrection erection. The other shit such as Stormy Daniels, and loan narration are small time in the big scheme, but at least the left has him by the balls under these Kangaroo courts. Until they lose, eventually. Leftists are in the game to win battles, not wars.

Considering what the left's cooked up over the years, especially with Trump in power, and in ways since Obama.........Expect the Demonicrats to reach new lows in time for the election.
This video is pure genius in illustrating the blatant and deliberate dishonesty of the MSM when it comes to Republicans and especially Donald Trump even as they bury or sugar coat honest negative news about Democrats and especially Biden.
Here is one of FoxNews' Jeanine Pirro doing exactly what you blame the Left wing media of doing.

"THERE IS NO CHAIR." cutting the video right before Biden sits in the Very REAL chair.

Screenshot 2024-06-06 at 1.08.33 PM.png


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