Are you born with spiritual needs ?

a deeper would be nice to leave behind something more than you ate slept and shit

when you are dead you are gone it would be nice to be remembered for something good and be able to watch the impact from afar.

having watched people hurts

you laugh at things that make you uncomfortable

That's not the same thing at all as wanting to understand why we're here and what will happen after we're dead. I hope people remember me. But that hope has nothing to do with God or eternity or anything deeper than my own ego.

I watched my father die, and I know how much it hurts. I watched him take his last breath, and I was holding his hand when he did. It's not something I ever want to see again.

Sometimes we just laugh at a joke because it's funny.
That's not the same thing at all as wanting to understand why we're here and what will happen after we're dead. I hope people remember me. But that hope has nothing to do with God or eternity or anything deeper than my own ego.

I watched my father die, and I know how much it hurts. I watched him take his last breath, and I was holding his hand when he did. It's not something I ever want to see again.

Sometimes we just laugh at a joke because it's funny.

I personally stood by my mother's hospital bed and witnessed her take her last painful, earthly breath. Three years later, I was forced to break my father's door chain-latch to his house and enter the home where I grew up to see if my father was ok. He hadn't answered my calls that day and his car was still in the driveway. I walked into his bedroom to firsthand see my, Dad's lifeless body lying on his bed.

In both cases, prior their deaths, my parents believed that there was a Saviour, and that He was their's. Both of their lives had been characterized by an interest, but not an interest to the point of committed belief/faith in the biblical gospel of Jesus as Saviour, and Lord of mankind. As they grew older and us siblings were married and gone, they re-evaluated their priorities of life, and came to the conclusion that material life was not all there was, or all it was "cracked up" to be. Both of my parents became interested in the bible, and started attending a bible teaching church. Through that decision a few years before their deaths, they gained inner peace, and confidence in their lives that leaped the bounds of earthly existence. It wasn't their "crutch". It was their epiphany, and they believed it to be a "gift" that trumped all other gifts in their lives.

I do believe that the wonderings of man, as to his/hers destiny, material existence, intelligence or non-intelligence in creation, awareness itself, goals, destiny, ambition, love, hate, pride, humility.......etc... all are ripe areas of "wonderings".

So many say, that religion or belief is a man-made crutch, yet some of the most physically, mentally, and emotionally strong have embraced a belief system that appears to the rest of the world to be subjective, and non-substantiated at first glance. Both the high intellect, medium, and low, have all embraced this alleged "crutch".

There is something inbred in man that DNA, can't answer, and it's this desire to "know" what this whole existence on this terrestrial ball called, earth, is all about. Some I believe want say that our increased brain size equates to the ability to "wonder", yet no one adequately answers the question of why the phenomena of "wonder" is pre-disposed to happen as a result of more intelligence.

Scripture says that man inherently flees from authority, and especially authority that reveals man's moral flaws, and actions.

Yet, even with this fear of revealing one's innermost "dirty laundry", man still seeks answers to his future, plight, and position in this existence. He/she wants the answers of life, minus the accountability of life. By discounting an authority above oneself, then accountability is avoided.

This human creature is garnered with free will, and with that free will also finds a dilemma. This authority exacts a responsibility upon this free-will creature to make a momentous decision that will determine his/her life beyond the visual, or the senses, to a realm that exacts a measure of faith. The "corker" is that this free will comes packaged with accountability. Accountability before an authority, hopefully results in repentance, a contrite attitude/heart, and a new start in another direction that is most likely 180 degrees out of synch with the prior motives/philosophys of life.

My parents passing and my "wonderings" are inalterably linked in my life. Where are my parents? I believe my faith, based on the bible has settled that matter, yet I still wonder about them. I also miss them very much.

Believing what the bible says about human life/my life, and it's stated relationship to a Creator, has resolved a lot of "wonderings", yet it hasn't quenched my inner drive to continue this "wondering" into other specific aspects of existence, being, infinite order of matter, arts, etc.

To say, "We exist, we die, we are no longer a being." is to trivialize, and minimize the very infinite display of infinite intelligent, artistic, genious that shouts at the world and it's inhabitants every day and night from both the nightly heavens, and the daily observed phenomenas of earthly, material existence.

Of course thats again my opinion.;)

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