Are you a racist

If you listen to negro street thug rapper 'music' in which the word ****** is habitually used are you a racist?
If you inadvertently hear someone use the 'word' and don't attack the speaker immediately are you a racist?
According to the Jew hating assholes at the NYT you are.

Racism is either a frivolous charge, a juvenile invective, aimed at any you don’t like, or an actual crime that involves injuring someone…not just their feelings.

If you function as the Nazis and Bolsheviks did, any thought crime must be punished. If you are an American, you allow a difference of opinion: it is our birthright under the first amendment.

You're right it isn't against the law to be a racist.

Nor is claiming such a valid excuse for failure.

Another significant characteristic that holds blacks back is not honoring those who have succeeded....the 'acting white,' 'Uncle Tom,' thing.

John McWorter has written about it as well.
As does Joseph Phillips


Clarence Page of the Chicago Trib say this on one of the Sunday shows, how blacks will pull down one who succeeds.

"Crab mentality, sometimes referred to as crabs in the bucket, is a phrase that describes a way of thinking best described by the phrase "if I can't have it, neither can you." The metaphor refers to a pot of crabs. Individually, the crabs could easily escape from the pot, but instead, they grab at each other in a useless "king of the hill" competition which prevents any from escaping and ensures their collective demise"
Crab mentality - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You need some new material. I have never heard black folks attack a black person who is smart as acting "white". How many black folks have you ever heard say that to another black person? When black folks accuse another black person of acting "white" it is someone black who doesn't want to associate with other black folks. We don't have to worry about it though, because white folks like you quickly show them who they are.

" I have never heard black folks attack a black person who is smart as acting "white".

I'm not responsible for either your ignorance nor your lying.

I just gave you two books by blacks who said that, and Clarence Page is black, as well.

And here is the Smithsonian warning blacks not to 'act white.'

“The chart endeavors to list "the ways white people and their traditions, attitudes and ways of life have been normalized over time and are now considered standard practices in the United States." Among those traditions, attitudes, and ways of life are: Individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, a belief in progress, a written tradition, politeness, the justice system, respect for authority, delayed gratification and planning for the future, plus much more.” Smithsonian Goes Full Marxist: Nuclear Family, Science, Christianity All Part of Oppressive 'Whiteness'

I'm not white, and my folks taught me to be all of those characteristics.

You didn't answer may question. I don't need to read a book, I am a black man in America I live it everyday.

"I don't need to read a book,"

And herein we find the explanation for what passes for thought on your side.
If you listen to negro street thug rapper 'music' in which the word ****** is habitually used are you a racist?
If you inadvertently hear someone use the 'word' and don't attack the speaker immediately are you a racist?
According to the Jew hating assholes at the NYT you are.

Racism is either a frivolous charge, a juvenile invective, aimed at any you don’t like, or an actual crime that involves injuring someone…not just their feelings.

If you function as the Nazis and Bolsheviks did, any thought crime must be punished. If you are an American, you allow a difference of opinion: it is our birthright under the first amendment.

You're right it isn't against the law to be a racist.

Nor is claiming such a valid excuse for failure.

Another significant characteristic that holds blacks back is not honoring those who have succeeded....the 'acting white,' 'Uncle Tom,' thing.

John McWorter has written about it as well.
As does Joseph Phillips


Clarence Page of the Chicago Trib say this on one of the Sunday shows, how blacks will pull down one who succeeds.

"Crab mentality, sometimes referred to as crabs in the bucket, is a phrase that describes a way of thinking best described by the phrase "if I can't have it, neither can you." The metaphor refers to a pot of crabs. Individually, the crabs could easily escape from the pot, but instead, they grab at each other in a useless "king of the hill" competition which prevents any from escaping and ensures their collective demise"
Crab mentality - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You need some new material. I have never heard black folks attack a black person who is smart as acting "white". How many black folks have you ever heard say that to another black person? When black folks accuse another black person of acting "white" it is someone black who doesn't want to associate with other black folks. We don't have to worry about it though, because white folks like you quickly show them who they are.

" I have never heard black folks attack a black person who is smart as acting "white".

I'm not responsible for either your ignorance nor your lying.

I just gave you two books by blacks who said that, and Clarence Page is black, as well.

And here is the Smithsonian warning blacks not to 'act white.'

“The chart endeavors to list "the ways white people and their traditions, attitudes and ways of life have been normalized over time and are now considered standard practices in the United States." Among those traditions, attitudes, and ways of life are: Individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, a belief in progress, a written tradition, politeness, the justice system, respect for authority, delayed gratification and planning for the future, plus much more.” Smithsonian Goes Full Marxist: Nuclear Family, Science, Christianity All Part of Oppressive 'Whiteness'

I'm not white, and my folks taught me to be all of those characteristics.

You didn't answer may question. I don't need to read a book, I am a black man in America I live it everyday.

"I don't need to read a book,"

And herein we find the explanation for what passes for thought on your side.

There is nothing like personal experience, which you have NONE. I have asked you a question 2 times and you keep referring me to a book. I haven't heard black folks who strive for higher education being told by other black folks that they are "acting white".
If you listen to negro street thug rapper 'music' in which the word ****** is habitually used are you a racist?
If you inadvertently hear someone use the 'word' and don't attack the speaker immediately are you a racist?
According to the Jew hating assholes at the NYT you are.

Racism is either a frivolous charge, a juvenile invective, aimed at any you don’t like, or an actual crime that involves injuring someone…not just their feelings.

If you function as the Nazis and Bolsheviks did, any thought crime must be punished. If you are an American, you allow a difference of opinion: it is our birthright under the first amendment.

You're right it isn't against the law to be a racist.

Nor is claiming such a valid excuse for failure.

Another significant characteristic that holds blacks back is not honoring those who have succeeded....the 'acting white,' 'Uncle Tom,' thing.

John McWorter has written about it as well.
As does Joseph Phillips


Clarence Page of the Chicago Trib say this on one of the Sunday shows, how blacks will pull down one who succeeds.

"Crab mentality, sometimes referred to as crabs in the bucket, is a phrase that describes a way of thinking best described by the phrase "if I can't have it, neither can you." The metaphor refers to a pot of crabs. Individually, the crabs could easily escape from the pot, but instead, they grab at each other in a useless "king of the hill" competition which prevents any from escaping and ensures their collective demise"
Crab mentality - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You need some new material. I have never heard black folks attack a black person who is smart as acting "white". How many black folks have you ever heard say that to another black person? When black folks accuse another black person of acting "white" it is someone black who doesn't want to associate with other black folks. We don't have to worry about it though, because white folks like you quickly show them who they are.

" I have never heard black folks attack a black person who is smart as acting "white".

I'm not responsible for either your ignorance nor your lying.

I just gave you two books by blacks who said that, and Clarence Page is black, as well.

And here is the Smithsonian warning blacks not to 'act white.'

“The chart endeavors to list "the ways white people and their traditions, attitudes and ways of life have been normalized over time and are now considered standard practices in the United States." Among those traditions, attitudes, and ways of life are: Individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, a belief in progress, a written tradition, politeness, the justice system, respect for authority, delayed gratification and planning for the future, plus much more.” Smithsonian Goes Full Marxist: Nuclear Family, Science, Christianity All Part of Oppressive 'Whiteness'

I'm not white, and my folks taught me to be all of those characteristics.

You didn't answer may question. I don't need to read a book, I am a black man in America I live it everyday.

"I don't need to read a book,"

And herein we find the explanation for what passes for thought on your side.

There is nothing like personal experience, which you have NONE. I have asked you a question 2 times and you keep referring me to a book. I haven't heard black folks who strive for higher education being told by other black folks that they are "acting white".
Then obviously you have been under a rock since you can't read a book and haven't heard anything.
If you listen to negro street thug rapper 'music' in which the word ****** is habitually used are you a racist?
If you inadvertently hear someone use the 'word' and don't attack the speaker immediately are you a racist?
According to the Jew hating assholes at the NYT you are.

Racism is either a frivolous charge, a juvenile invective, aimed at any you don’t like, or an actual crime that involves injuring someone…not just their feelings.

If you function as the Nazis and Bolsheviks did, any thought crime must be punished. If you are an American, you allow a difference of opinion: it is our birthright under the first amendment.

You're right it isn't against the law to be a racist.

Nor is claiming such a valid excuse for failure.

Another significant characteristic that holds blacks back is not honoring those who have succeeded....the 'acting white,' 'Uncle Tom,' thing.

John McWorter has written about it as well.
As does Joseph Phillips


Clarence Page of the Chicago Trib say this on one of the Sunday shows, how blacks will pull down one who succeeds.

"Crab mentality, sometimes referred to as crabs in the bucket, is a phrase that describes a way of thinking best described by the phrase "if I can't have it, neither can you." The metaphor refers to a pot of crabs. Individually, the crabs could easily escape from the pot, but instead, they grab at each other in a useless "king of the hill" competition which prevents any from escaping and ensures their collective demise"
Crab mentality - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You need some new material. I have never heard black folks attack a black person who is smart as acting "white". How many black folks have you ever heard say that to another black person? When black folks accuse another black person of acting "white" it is someone black who doesn't want to associate with other black folks. We don't have to worry about it though, because white folks like you quickly show them who they are.

" I have never heard black folks attack a black person who is smart as acting "white".

I'm not responsible for either your ignorance nor your lying.

I just gave you two books by blacks who said that, and Clarence Page is black, as well.

And here is the Smithsonian warning blacks not to 'act white.'

“The chart endeavors to list "the ways white people and their traditions, attitudes and ways of life have been normalized over time and are now considered standard practices in the United States." Among those traditions, attitudes, and ways of life are: Individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, a belief in progress, a written tradition, politeness, the justice system, respect for authority, delayed gratification and planning for the future, plus much more.” Smithsonian Goes Full Marxist: Nuclear Family, Science, Christianity All Part of Oppressive 'Whiteness'

I'm not white, and my folks taught me to be all of those characteristics.

You didn't answer may question. I don't need to read a book, I am a black man in America I live it everyday.

"I don't need to read a book,"

And herein we find the explanation for what passes for thought on your side.

There is nothing like personal experience, which you have NONE. I have asked you a question 2 times and you keep referring me to a book. I haven't heard black folks who strive for higher education being told by other black folks that they are "acting white".

Stop making excused for failure.....get off your knees.

If you listen to negro street thug rapper 'music' in which the word ****** is habitually used are you a racist?
If you inadvertently hear someone use the 'word' and don't attack the speaker immediately are you a racist?
According to the Jew hating assholes at the NYT you are.

Racism is either a frivolous charge, a juvenile invective, aimed at any you don’t like, or an actual crime that involves injuring someone…not just their feelings.

If you function as the Nazis and Bolsheviks did, any thought crime must be punished. If you are an American, you allow a difference of opinion: it is our birthright under the first amendment.

You're right it isn't against the law to be a racist.

Nor is claiming such a valid excuse for failure.

Another significant characteristic that holds blacks back is not honoring those who have succeeded....the 'acting white,' 'Uncle Tom,' thing.

John McWorter has written about it as well.
As does Joseph Phillips


Clarence Page of the Chicago Trib say this on one of the Sunday shows, how blacks will pull down one who succeeds.

"Crab mentality, sometimes referred to as crabs in the bucket, is a phrase that describes a way of thinking best described by the phrase "if I can't have it, neither can you." The metaphor refers to a pot of crabs. Individually, the crabs could easily escape from the pot, but instead, they grab at each other in a useless "king of the hill" competition which prevents any from escaping and ensures their collective demise"
Crab mentality - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You need some new material. I have never heard black folks attack a black person who is smart as acting "white". How many black folks have you ever heard say that to another black person? When black folks accuse another black person of acting "white" it is someone black who doesn't want to associate with other black folks. We don't have to worry about it though, because white folks like you quickly show them who they are.

" I have never heard black folks attack a black person who is smart as acting "white".

I'm not responsible for either your ignorance nor your lying.

I just gave you two books by blacks who said that, and Clarence Page is black, as well.

And here is the Smithsonian warning blacks not to 'act white.'

“The chart endeavors to list "the ways white people and their traditions, attitudes and ways of life have been normalized over time and are now considered standard practices in the United States." Among those traditions, attitudes, and ways of life are: Individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, a belief in progress, a written tradition, politeness, the justice system, respect for authority, delayed gratification and planning for the future, plus much more.” Smithsonian Goes Full Marxist: Nuclear Family, Science, Christianity All Part of Oppressive 'Whiteness'

I'm not white, and my folks taught me to be all of those characteristics.

You didn't answer may question. I don't need to read a book, I am a black man in America I live it everyday.

"I don't need to read a book,"

And herein we find the explanation for what passes for thought on your side.

There is nothing like personal experience, which you have NONE. I have asked you a question 2 times and you keep referring me to a book. I haven't heard black folks who strive for higher education being told by other black folks that they are "acting white".

If members of the race with the lowest median household income can show that that they have followed the three rules of income mediation, and still cannot raise that economic level, then we should explore factors beyond their control….and racism would be one of the factors to be considered.

These are the rules:

" The Brookings Institution has spent a great deal of effort studying this issue.
And presidential candidate Rick Santorum has been quoting their findings on the campaign trail.
Brookings whittled down a lot of analysis into three simple rules. You can avoid poverty by:

1. Graduating from high school.

2. Waiting to get married until after 21 and do not have children till after being married.

3. Having a full-time job.

If you do all those three things, your chance of falling into poverty is just 2 percent .Meanwhile, you’ll have a 74 percent chance of being in the middle class.

Applies to everyone
These rules apply to all races and ethnic groups. Breaking these rules is becoming more commonplace, unfortunately, for all racial groups."
Three rules for staying out of poverty

But….we should not include or consider the situation of any who have not fulfilled those three requirements.

They are responsible for their own problem.

“In his book "The Philadelphia Negro" (1899), W.E.B. Du Bois posed the question as to what would happen if white people lost their prejudices overnight. He said that it would make little difference to most blacks. He said: "Some few would be promoted, some few would get new places -- the mass would remain as they are" until the younger generation began to "try harder" and the race "lost the omnipresent excuse for failure: prejudice."

…if historical injustices and persecution were useful explanations of group disadvantage, Jews would be some of the poorest and least-educated people in the world today. Few groups have been victimized down through history as have the Jews. Despite being historical targets of hostility and lethal violence, no one can argue that as a result Jews are the most disadvantaged people.” Discrimination and Disparities

The Democrat Party has, of course, a need to claim racism, since, without convincing black Americans of the necessity of voting Democrat, the party would never win another election.

They have held blacks back in every way possible.

But they've convinced you, haven't they.


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If you listen to negro street thug rapper 'music' in which the word ****** is habitually used are you a racist?
If you inadvertently hear someone use the 'word' and don't attack the speaker immediately are you a racist?
According to the Jew hating assholes at the NYT you are.

Racism is either a frivolous charge, a juvenile invective, aimed at any you don’t like, or an actual crime that involves injuring someone…not just their feelings.

If you function as the Nazis and Bolsheviks did, any thought crime must be punished. If you are an American, you allow a difference of opinion: it is our birthright under the first amendment.

You're right it isn't against the law to be a racist.

Nor is claiming such a valid excuse for failure.

Another significant characteristic that holds blacks back is not honoring those who have succeeded....the 'acting white,' 'Uncle Tom,' thing.

John McWorter has written about it as well.
As does Joseph Phillips


Clarence Page of the Chicago Trib say this on one of the Sunday shows, how blacks will pull down one who succeeds.

"Crab mentality, sometimes referred to as crabs in the bucket, is a phrase that describes a way of thinking best described by the phrase "if I can't have it, neither can you." The metaphor refers to a pot of crabs. Individually, the crabs could easily escape from the pot, but instead, they grab at each other in a useless "king of the hill" competition which prevents any from escaping and ensures their collective demise"
Crab mentality - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You need some new material. I have never heard black folks attack a black person who is smart as acting "white". How many black folks have you ever heard say that to another black person? When black folks accuse another black person of acting "white" it is someone black who doesn't want to associate with other black folks. We don't have to worry about it though, because white folks like you quickly show them who they are.

" I have never heard black folks attack a black person who is smart as acting "white".

I'm not responsible for either your ignorance nor your lying.

I just gave you two books by blacks who said that, and Clarence Page is black, as well.

And here is the Smithsonian warning blacks not to 'act white.'

“The chart endeavors to list "the ways white people and their traditions, attitudes and ways of life have been normalized over time and are now considered standard practices in the United States." Among those traditions, attitudes, and ways of life are: Individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, a belief in progress, a written tradition, politeness, the justice system, respect for authority, delayed gratification and planning for the future, plus much more.” Smithsonian Goes Full Marxist: Nuclear Family, Science, Christianity All Part of Oppressive 'Whiteness'

I'm not white, and my folks taught me to be all of those characteristics.

You didn't answer may question. I don't need to read a book, I am a black man in America I live it everyday.

"I don't need to read a book,"

And herein we find the explanation for what passes for thought on your side.

There is nothing like personal experience, which you have NONE. I have asked you a question 2 times and you keep referring me to a book. I haven't heard black folks who strive for higher education being told by other black folks that they are "acting white".

If members of the race with the lowest median household income can show that that they have followed the three rules of income mediation, and still cannot raise that economic level, then we should explore factors beyond their control….and racism would be one of the factors to be considered.

These are the rules:

" The Brookings Institution has spent a great deal of effort studying this issue.
And presidential candidate Rick Santorum has been quoting their findings on the campaign trail.
Brookings whittled down a lot of analysis into three simple rules. You can avoid poverty by:

1. Graduating from high school.

2. Waiting to get married until after 21 and do not have children till after being married.

3. Having a full-time job.

If you do all those three things, your chance of falling into poverty is just 2 percent .Meanwhile, you’ll have a 74 percent chance of being in the middle class.

Applies to everyone
These rules apply to all races and ethnic groups. Breaking these rules is becoming more commonplace, unfortunately, for all racial groups."
Three rules for staying out of poverty

But….we should not include or consider the situation of any who have not fulfilled those three requirements.

They are responsible for their own problem.

“In his book "The Philadelphia Negro" (1899), W.E.B. Du Bois posed the question as to what would happen if white people lost their prejudices overnight. He said that it would make little difference to most blacks. He said: "Some few would be promoted, some few would get new places -- the mass would remain as they are" until the younger generation began to "try harder" and the race "lost the omnipresent excuse for failure: prejudice."

…if historical injustices and persecution were useful explanations of group disadvantage, Jews would be some of the poorest and least-educated people in the world today. Few groups have been victimized down through history as have the Jews. Despite being historical targets of hostility and lethal violence, no one can argue that as a result Jews are the most disadvantaged people.” Discrimination and Disparities

The Democrat Party has, of course, a need to claim racism, since, without convincing black Americans of the necessity of voting Democrat, the party would never win another election.

They have held blacks back in every way possible.

But they've convinced you, haven't they.

Absolutely perfect.
It is the exact truth in every way.
The Democratic Party to this day is a wrecking ball to the black race.
They are that mother - the one who refuses to see fault in their child, no matter how bad they act, no matter what wrongs they commit - there she is, every time to cover for him. To tell him it is not his fault, to tell him he is special.
That is the Democratic Party.
The black race has no chance to catch up with society and be as successful as other races as long as they have the Democrats to provide them cover, excuses and money for nothing. No matter how poorly they perform in problem... we will just lower the standards to make the statistics not look so bad... no money for college... no problem - here you go.... no money for living expenses while you are there?... no problem.. don't worry about getting a job to help pay your way... you are special.. here some more money.... you don't do your homework or show up for class till it is half over, and then leave early... don't worry... we'll just keep you here anyway and keep paying for it. You are special, you shouldn't have to perform well, we will take care of it.
You are a senior in college now for the 2nd year, or even 3rd year... well... it is time to quit college, racism is why you can't graduate... we all know don't worry... here is some money...
If you listen to negro street thug rapper 'music' in which the word ****** is habitually used are you a racist?
If you inadvertently hear someone use the 'word' and don't attack the speaker immediately are you a racist?
According to the Jew hating assholes at the NYT you are.
I asked my ****** neighbor if I was and he said some crap I couldn't understand.
If you listen to negro street thug rapper 'music' in which the word ****** is habitually used are you a racist?
If you inadvertently hear someone use the 'word' and don't attack the speaker immediately are you a racist?
According to the Jew hating assholes at the NYT you are.

Racism is either a frivolous charge, a juvenile invective, aimed at any you don’t like, or an actual crime that involves injuring someone…not just their feelings.

If you function as the Nazis and Bolsheviks did, any thought crime must be punished. If you are an American, you allow a difference of opinion: it is our birthright under the first amendment.

You're right it isn't against the law to be a racist.

Nor is claiming such a valid excuse for failure.

Another significant characteristic that holds blacks back is not honoring those who have succeeded....the 'acting white,' 'Uncle Tom,' thing.

John McWorter has written about it as well.
As does Joseph Phillips


Clarence Page of the Chicago Trib say this on one of the Sunday shows, how blacks will pull down one who succeeds.

"Crab mentality, sometimes referred to as crabs in the bucket, is a phrase that describes a way of thinking best described by the phrase "if I can't have it, neither can you." The metaphor refers to a pot of crabs. Individually, the crabs could easily escape from the pot, but instead, they grab at each other in a useless "king of the hill" competition which prevents any from escaping and ensures their collective demise"
Crab mentality - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You need some new material. I have never heard black folks attack a black person who is smart as acting "white". How many black folks have you ever heard say that to another black person? When black folks accuse another black person of acting "white" it is someone black who doesn't want to associate with other black folks. We don't have to worry about it though, because white folks like you quickly show them who they are.

" I have never heard black folks attack a black person who is smart as acting "white".

I'm not responsible for either your ignorance nor your lying.

I just gave you two books by blacks who said that, and Clarence Page is black, as well.

And here is the Smithsonian warning blacks not to 'act white.'

“The chart endeavors to list "the ways white people and their traditions, attitudes and ways of life have been normalized over time and are now considered standard practices in the United States." Among those traditions, attitudes, and ways of life are: Individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, a belief in progress, a written tradition, politeness, the justice system, respect for authority, delayed gratification and planning for the future, plus much more.” Smithsonian Goes Full Marxist: Nuclear Family, Science, Christianity All Part of Oppressive 'Whiteness'

I'm not white, and my folks taught me to be all of those characteristics.

You didn't answer may question. I don't need to read a book, I am a black man in America I live it everyday.

"I don't need to read a book,"

And herein we find the explanation for what passes for thought on your side.

There is nothing like personal experience, which you have NONE. I have asked you a question 2 times and you keep referring me to a book. I haven't heard black folks who strive for higher education being told by other black folks that they are "acting white".

If members of the race with the lowest median household income can show that that they have followed the three rules of income mediation, and still cannot raise that economic level, then we should explore factors beyond their control….and racism would be one of the factors to be considered.

These are the rules:

" The Brookings Institution has spent a great deal of effort studying this issue.
And presidential candidate Rick Santorum has been quoting their findings on the campaign trail.
Brookings whittled down a lot of analysis into three simple rules. You can avoid poverty by:

1. Graduating from high school.

2. Waiting to get married until after 21 and do not have children till after being married.

3. Having a full-time job.

If you do all those three things, your chance of falling into poverty is just 2 percent .Meanwhile, you’ll have a 74 percent chance of being in the middle class.

Applies to everyone
These rules apply to all races and ethnic groups. Breaking these rules is becoming more commonplace, unfortunately, for all racial groups."
Three rules for staying out of poverty

But….we should not include or consider the situation of any who have not fulfilled those three requirements.

They are responsible for their own problem.

“In his book "The Philadelphia Negro" (1899), W.E.B. Du Bois posed the question as to what would happen if white people lost their prejudices overnight. He said that it would make little difference to most blacks. He said: "Some few would be promoted, some few would get new places -- the mass would remain as they are" until the younger generation began to "try harder" and the race "lost the omnipresent excuse for failure: prejudice."

…if historical injustices and persecution were useful explanations of group disadvantage, Jews would be some of the poorest and least-educated people in the world today. Few groups have been victimized down through history as have the Jews. Despite being historical targets of hostility and lethal violence, no one can argue that as a result Jews are the most disadvantaged people.” Discrimination and Disparities

The Democrat Party has, of course, a need to claim racism, since, without convincing black Americans of the necessity of voting Democrat, the party would never win another election.

They have held blacks back in every way possible.

But they've convinced you, haven't they.

Absolutely perfect.
It is the exact truth in every way.
The Democratic Party to this day is a wrecking ball to the black race.
They are that mother - the one who refuses to see fault in their child, no matter how bad they act, no matter what wrongs they commit - there she is, every time to cover for him. To tell him it is not his fault, to tell him he is special.
That is the Democratic Party.
The black race has no chance to catch up with society and be as successful as other races as long as they have the Democrats to provide them cover, excuses and money for nothing. No matter how poorly they perform in problem... we will just lower the standards to make the statistics not look so bad... no money for college... no problem - here you go.... no money for living expenses while you are there?... no problem.. don't worry about getting a job to help pay your way... you are special.. here some more money.... you don't do your homework or show up for class till it is half over, and then leave early... don't worry... we'll just keep you here anyway and keep paying for it. You are special, you shouldn't have to perform well, we will take care of it.
You are a senior in college now for the 2nd year, or even 3rd year... well... it is time to quit college, racism is why you can't graduate... we all know don't worry... here is some money...

This is what the Democrat Party has done for black Americans:

With respect to the education gap, how is it that 'racism' is responsible for these areas in which black students fall short when compared to white and Asian students:

The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

How does 'racism' explain these ...deficiencies????

How are white folks responsible???
Larry Elder, in a book he wrote in the 90s I believe, dared to provide statistics in our society without race included.
As has been shown countless times, black children who grew up in a loving home, away from the urban blight... did exactly as well or poorly as white kids. The failure/success rates are equal when you apply the same demographics.
White kids, who have shitty parents in bad neighborhood.... no father in sight, but instead a string of assholes who came and went. They end up in jail. They end up in dead end jobs and doomed to repeat the same mistakes as their two worthless parents did. Black or white, it doesn't matter. A child is born in a fucked up situation, a fucked up culture where responsibility and doing the right thing is for suckers... no one correcting them, no one kicking their ass... where the only lesson is "getting what's mine"... how could anyone think this is going to work out well?
Democrats do.
Larry Elder, in a book he wrote in the 90s I believe, dared to provide statistics in our society without race included.
As has been shown countless times, black children who grew up in a loving home, away from the urban blight... did exactly as well or poorly as white kids. The failure/success rates are equal when you apply the same demographics.
White kids, who have shitty parents in bad neighborhood.... no father in sight, but instead a string of assholes who came and went. They end up in jail. They end up in dead end jobs and doomed to repeat the same mistakes as their two worthless parents did. Black or white, it doesn't matter. A child is born in a fucked up situation, a fucked up culture where responsibility and doing the right thing is for suckers... no one correcting them, no one kicking their ass... where the only lesson is "getting what's mine"... how could anyone think this is going to work out well?
Democrats do.

1966 LBJ expanded the Aid to Families with Dependent Children program…under FDR, AFDC had been limited to widows, those who had lost their husbands and now lacked a breadwinner at home to help support the children.

Then began to loosen and expand the rules of AFDC eligibility, eventually getting to the point where any woman living alone with children could take advantage of this program. In doing so, they not only bought a large number of new votes, they also incentivized out of wedlock births and single motherhood.

As Charles Murray described in “Losing Ground,” the Great Society incentivized the same negative behaviors that cause poverty in the first place.

Millions of women discovered that they could be better off financially by not marrying.

“The strongest predictor of whether a person will end up in prison, is that they were raised by a single parent”.
C.C. Harper and S.S. McLanahan, “Father Absence and Youth Incarceration”, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Assoc., San Francisco, CA, 1998

In 1996, 70% of inmates in state juvenile detention centers serving long sentences, were raised by single mothers. Wade Horn, “Why There Is No Substitute For Parents”, IMPRIMIS 26, NO.6, June, 1997

“After controlling for single motherhood, the difference between black and white crime rates disappeared.”
Progressive Policy Institute, 1990, quoted by David Blankenhorn, “Fatherless America: Confronting Our Most Urgent Social Problem,” New York, Harper Perennial, 1996, p.31
If you listen to negro street thug rapper 'music' in which the word ****** is habitually used are you a racist?
If you inadvertently hear someone use the 'word' and don't attack the speaker immediately are you a racist?
According to the Jew hating assholes at the NYT you are.

Racism is either a frivolous charge, a juvenile invective, aimed at any you don’t like, or an actual crime that involves injuring someone…not just their feelings.

If you function as the Nazis and Bolsheviks did, any thought crime must be punished. If you are an American, you allow a difference of opinion: it is our birthright under the first amendment.

You're right it isn't against the law to be a racist.

Nor is claiming such a valid excuse for failure.

Another significant characteristic that holds blacks back is not honoring those who have succeeded....the 'acting white,' 'Uncle Tom,' thing.

John McWorter has written about it as well.
As does Joseph Phillips


Clarence Page of the Chicago Trib say this on one of the Sunday shows, how blacks will pull down one who succeeds.

"Crab mentality, sometimes referred to as crabs in the bucket, is a phrase that describes a way of thinking best described by the phrase "if I can't have it, neither can you." The metaphor refers to a pot of crabs. Individually, the crabs could easily escape from the pot, but instead, they grab at each other in a useless "king of the hill" competition which prevents any from escaping and ensures their collective demise"
Crab mentality - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You need some new material. I have never heard black folks attack a black person who is smart as acting "white". How many black folks have you ever heard say that to another black person? When black folks accuse another black person of acting "white" it is someone black who doesn't want to associate with other black folks. We don't have to worry about it though, because white folks like you quickly show them who they are.

" I have never heard black folks attack a black person who is smart as acting "white".

I'm not responsible for either your ignorance nor your lying.

I just gave you two books by blacks who said that, and Clarence Page is black, as well.

And here is the Smithsonian warning blacks not to 'act white.'

“The chart endeavors to list "the ways white people and their traditions, attitudes and ways of life have been normalized over time and are now considered standard practices in the United States." Among those traditions, attitudes, and ways of life are: Individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, a belief in progress, a written tradition, politeness, the justice system, respect for authority, delayed gratification and planning for the future, plus much more.” Smithsonian Goes Full Marxist: Nuclear Family, Science, Christianity All Part of Oppressive 'Whiteness'

I'm not white, and my folks taught me to be all of those characteristics.

You didn't answer may question. I don't need to read a book, I am a black man in America I live it everyday.

"I don't need to read a book,"

And herein we find the explanation for what passes for thought on your side.

There is nothing like personal experience, which you have NONE. I have asked you a question 2 times and you keep referring me to a book. I haven't heard black folks who strive for higher education being told by other black folks that they are "acting white".

Stop making excused for failure.....get off your knees.

View attachment 457082

What excuses? You are the one coming with the bullshit. You can't find me on my knees trick, Dr. King said, "a man can't stand on your back if it's not bent over."
If you listen to negro street thug rapper 'music' in which the word ****** is habitually used are you a racist?
If you inadvertently hear someone use the 'word' and don't attack the speaker immediately are you a racist?
According to the Jew hating assholes at the NYT you are.

Racism is either a frivolous charge, a juvenile invective, aimed at any you don’t like, or an actual crime that involves injuring someone…not just their feelings.

If you function as the Nazis and Bolsheviks did, any thought crime must be punished. If you are an American, you allow a difference of opinion: it is our birthright under the first amendment.

You're right it isn't against the law to be a racist.

Nor is claiming such a valid excuse for failure.

Another significant characteristic that holds blacks back is not honoring those who have succeeded....the 'acting white,' 'Uncle Tom,' thing.

John McWorter has written about it as well.
As does Joseph Phillips


Clarence Page of the Chicago Trib say this on one of the Sunday shows, how blacks will pull down one who succeeds.

"Crab mentality, sometimes referred to as crabs in the bucket, is a phrase that describes a way of thinking best described by the phrase "if I can't have it, neither can you." The metaphor refers to a pot of crabs. Individually, the crabs could easily escape from the pot, but instead, they grab at each other in a useless "king of the hill" competition which prevents any from escaping and ensures their collective demise"
Crab mentality - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You need some new material. I have never heard black folks attack a black person who is smart as acting "white". How many black folks have you ever heard say that to another black person? When black folks accuse another black person of acting "white" it is someone black who doesn't want to associate with other black folks. We don't have to worry about it though, because white folks like you quickly show them who they are.

" I have never heard black folks attack a black person who is smart as acting "white".

I'm not responsible for either your ignorance nor your lying.

I just gave you two books by blacks who said that, and Clarence Page is black, as well.

And here is the Smithsonian warning blacks not to 'act white.'

“The chart endeavors to list "the ways white people and their traditions, attitudes and ways of life have been normalized over time and are now considered standard practices in the United States." Among those traditions, attitudes, and ways of life are: Individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, a belief in progress, a written tradition, politeness, the justice system, respect for authority, delayed gratification and planning for the future, plus much more.” Smithsonian Goes Full Marxist: Nuclear Family, Science, Christianity All Part of Oppressive 'Whiteness'

I'm not white, and my folks taught me to be all of those characteristics.

You didn't answer may question. I don't need to read a book, I am a black man in America I live it everyday.

"I don't need to read a book,"

And herein we find the explanation for what passes for thought on your side.

There is nothing like personal experience, which you have NONE. I have asked you a question 2 times and you keep referring me to a book. I haven't heard black folks who strive for higher education being told by other black folks that they are "acting white".

If members of the race with the lowest median household income can show that that they have followed the three rules of income mediation, and still cannot raise that economic level, then we should explore factors beyond their control….and racism would be one of the factors to be considered.

These are the rules:

" The Brookings Institution has spent a great deal of effort studying this issue.
And presidential candidate Rick Santorum has been quoting their findings on the campaign trail.
Brookings whittled down a lot of analysis into three simple rules. You can avoid poverty by:

1. Graduating from high school.

2. Waiting to get married until after 21 and do not have children till after being married.

3. Having a full-time job.

If you do all those three things, your chance of falling into poverty is just 2 percent .Meanwhile, you’ll have a 74 percent chance of being in the middle class.

Applies to everyone
These rules apply to all races and ethnic groups. Breaking these rules is becoming more commonplace, unfortunately, for all racial groups."
Three rules for staying out of poverty

But….we should not include or consider the situation of any who have not fulfilled those three requirements.

They are responsible for their own problem.

“In his book "The Philadelphia Negro" (1899), W.E.B. Du Bois posed the question as to what would happen if white people lost their prejudices overnight. He said that it would make little difference to most blacks. He said: "Some few would be promoted, some few would get new places -- the mass would remain as they are" until the younger generation began to "try harder" and the race "lost the omnipresent excuse for failure: prejudice."

…if historical injustices and persecution were useful explanations of group disadvantage, Jews would be some of the poorest and least-educated people in the world today. Few groups have been victimized down through history as have the Jews. Despite being historical targets of hostility and lethal violence, no one can argue that as a result Jews are the most disadvantaged people.” Discrimination and Disparities

The Democrat Party has, of course, a need to claim racism, since, without convincing black Americans of the necessity of voting Democrat, the party would never win another election.

They have held blacks back in every way possible.

But they've convinced you, haven't they.

Absolutely perfect.
It is the exact truth in every way.
The Democratic Party to this day is a wrecking ball to the black race.
They are that mother - the one who refuses to see fault in their child, no matter how bad they act, no matter what wrongs they commit - there she is, every time to cover for him. To tell him it is not his fault, to tell him he is special.
That is the Democratic Party.
The black race has no chance to catch up with society and be as successful as other races as long as they have the Democrats to provide them cover, excuses and money for nothing. No matter how poorly they perform in problem... we will just lower the standards to make the statistics not look so bad... no money for college... no problem - here you go.... no money for living expenses while you are there?... no problem.. don't worry about getting a job to help pay your way... you are special.. here some more money.... you don't do your homework or show up for class till it is half over, and then leave early... don't worry... we'll just keep you here anyway and keep paying for it. You are special, you shouldn't have to perform well, we will take care of it.
You are a senior in college now for the 2nd year, or even 3rd year... well... it is time to quit college, racism is why you can't graduate... we all know don't worry... here is some money...

This is what the Democrat Party has done for black Americans:

With respect to the education gap, how is it that 'racism' is responsible for these areas in which black students fall short when compared to white and Asian students:

The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

How does 'racism' explain these ...deficiencies????

How are white folks responsible???

In the last 70yrs tell me what the Trumplican Party has done for black folks, since you Trump Humpers love to tell us what Democrats have or haven't done for us.
If you listen to negro street thug rapper 'music' in which the word ****** is habitually used are you a racist?
If you inadvertently hear someone use the 'word' and don't attack the speaker immediately are you a racist?
According to the Jew hating assholes at the NYT you are.

Racism is either a frivolous charge, a juvenile invective, aimed at any you don’t like, or an actual crime that involves injuring someone…not just their feelings.

If you function as the Nazis and Bolsheviks did, any thought crime must be punished. If you are an American, you allow a difference of opinion: it is our birthright under the first amendment.

You're right it isn't against the law to be a racist.

Nor is claiming such a valid excuse for failure.

Another significant characteristic that holds blacks back is not honoring those who have succeeded....the 'acting white,' 'Uncle Tom,' thing.

John McWorter has written about it as well.
As does Joseph Phillips


Clarence Page of the Chicago Trib say this on one of the Sunday shows, how blacks will pull down one who succeeds.

"Crab mentality, sometimes referred to as crabs in the bucket, is a phrase that describes a way of thinking best described by the phrase "if I can't have it, neither can you." The metaphor refers to a pot of crabs. Individually, the crabs could easily escape from the pot, but instead, they grab at each other in a useless "king of the hill" competition which prevents any from escaping and ensures their collective demise"
Crab mentality - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You need some new material. I have never heard black folks attack a black person who is smart as acting "white". How many black folks have you ever heard say that to another black person? When black folks accuse another black person of acting "white" it is someone black who doesn't want to associate with other black folks. We don't have to worry about it though, because white folks like you quickly show them who they are.

" I have never heard black folks attack a black person who is smart as acting "white".

I'm not responsible for either your ignorance nor your lying.

I just gave you two books by blacks who said that, and Clarence Page is black, as well.

And here is the Smithsonian warning blacks not to 'act white.'

“The chart endeavors to list "the ways white people and their traditions, attitudes and ways of life have been normalized over time and are now considered standard practices in the United States." Among those traditions, attitudes, and ways of life are: Individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, a belief in progress, a written tradition, politeness, the justice system, respect for authority, delayed gratification and planning for the future, plus much more.” Smithsonian Goes Full Marxist: Nuclear Family, Science, Christianity All Part of Oppressive 'Whiteness'

I'm not white, and my folks taught me to be all of those characteristics.

You didn't answer may question. I don't need to read a book, I am a black man in America I live it everyday.

"I don't need to read a book,"

And herein we find the explanation for what passes for thought on your side.

There is nothing like personal experience, which you have NONE. I have asked you a question 2 times and you keep referring me to a book. I haven't heard black folks who strive for higher education being told by other black folks that they are "acting white".

Stop making excused for failure.....get off your knees.

View attachment 457082

What excuses? You are the one coming with the bullshit. You can't find me on my knees trick, Dr. King said, "a man can't stand on your back if it's not bent over."

No vulgarity.

Pretend you are an adult.
If you listen to negro street thug rapper 'music' in which the word ****** is habitually used are you a racist?
If you inadvertently hear someone use the 'word' and don't attack the speaker immediately are you a racist?
According to the Jew hating assholes at the NYT you are.

Racism is either a frivolous charge, a juvenile invective, aimed at any you don’t like, or an actual crime that involves injuring someone…not just their feelings.

If you function as the Nazis and Bolsheviks did, any thought crime must be punished. If you are an American, you allow a difference of opinion: it is our birthright under the first amendment.

You're right it isn't against the law to be a racist.

Nor is claiming such a valid excuse for failure.

Another significant characteristic that holds blacks back is not honoring those who have succeeded....the 'acting white,' 'Uncle Tom,' thing.

John McWorter has written about it as well.
As does Joseph Phillips


Clarence Page of the Chicago Trib say this on one of the Sunday shows, how blacks will pull down one who succeeds.

"Crab mentality, sometimes referred to as crabs in the bucket, is a phrase that describes a way of thinking best described by the phrase "if I can't have it, neither can you." The metaphor refers to a pot of crabs. Individually, the crabs could easily escape from the pot, but instead, they grab at each other in a useless "king of the hill" competition which prevents any from escaping and ensures their collective demise"
Crab mentality - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You need some new material. I have never heard black folks attack a black person who is smart as acting "white". How many black folks have you ever heard say that to another black person? When black folks accuse another black person of acting "white" it is someone black who doesn't want to associate with other black folks. We don't have to worry about it though, because white folks like you quickly show them who they are.

" I have never heard black folks attack a black person who is smart as acting "white".

I'm not responsible for either your ignorance nor your lying.

I just gave you two books by blacks who said that, and Clarence Page is black, as well.

And here is the Smithsonian warning blacks not to 'act white.'

“The chart endeavors to list "the ways white people and their traditions, attitudes and ways of life have been normalized over time and are now considered standard practices in the United States." Among those traditions, attitudes, and ways of life are: Individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, a belief in progress, a written tradition, politeness, the justice system, respect for authority, delayed gratification and planning for the future, plus much more.” Smithsonian Goes Full Marxist: Nuclear Family, Science, Christianity All Part of Oppressive 'Whiteness'

I'm not white, and my folks taught me to be all of those characteristics.

You didn't answer may question. I don't need to read a book, I am a black man in America I live it everyday.

"I don't need to read a book,"

And herein we find the explanation for what passes for thought on your side.

There is nothing like personal experience, which you have NONE. I have asked you a question 2 times and you keep referring me to a book. I haven't heard black folks who strive for higher education being told by other black folks that they are "acting white".

If members of the race with the lowest median household income can show that that they have followed the three rules of income mediation, and still cannot raise that economic level, then we should explore factors beyond their control….and racism would be one of the factors to be considered.

These are the rules:

" The Brookings Institution has spent a great deal of effort studying this issue.
And presidential candidate Rick Santorum has been quoting their findings on the campaign trail.
Brookings whittled down a lot of analysis into three simple rules. You can avoid poverty by:

1. Graduating from high school.

2. Waiting to get married until after 21 and do not have children till after being married.

3. Having a full-time job.

If you do all those three things, your chance of falling into poverty is just 2 percent .Meanwhile, you’ll have a 74 percent chance of being in the middle class.

Applies to everyone
These rules apply to all races and ethnic groups. Breaking these rules is becoming more commonplace, unfortunately, for all racial groups."
Three rules for staying out of poverty

But….we should not include or consider the situation of any who have not fulfilled those three requirements.

They are responsible for their own problem.

“In his book "The Philadelphia Negro" (1899), W.E.B. Du Bois posed the question as to what would happen if white people lost their prejudices overnight. He said that it would make little difference to most blacks. He said: "Some few would be promoted, some few would get new places -- the mass would remain as they are" until the younger generation began to "try harder" and the race "lost the omnipresent excuse for failure: prejudice."

…if historical injustices and persecution were useful explanations of group disadvantage, Jews would be some of the poorest and least-educated people in the world today. Few groups have been victimized down through history as have the Jews. Despite being historical targets of hostility and lethal violence, no one can argue that as a result Jews are the most disadvantaged people.” Discrimination and Disparities

The Democrat Party has, of course, a need to claim racism, since, without convincing black Americans of the necessity of voting Democrat, the party would never win another election.

They have held blacks back in every way possible.

But they've convinced you, haven't they.

Absolutely perfect.
It is the exact truth in every way.
The Democratic Party to this day is a wrecking ball to the black race.
They are that mother - the one who refuses to see fault in their child, no matter how bad they act, no matter what wrongs they commit - there she is, every time to cover for him. To tell him it is not his fault, to tell him he is special.
That is the Democratic Party.
The black race has no chance to catch up with society and be as successful as other races as long as they have the Democrats to provide them cover, excuses and money for nothing. No matter how poorly they perform in problem... we will just lower the standards to make the statistics not look so bad... no money for college... no problem - here you go.... no money for living expenses while you are there?... no problem.. don't worry about getting a job to help pay your way... you are special.. here some more money.... you don't do your homework or show up for class till it is half over, and then leave early... don't worry... we'll just keep you here anyway and keep paying for it. You are special, you shouldn't have to perform well, we will take care of it.
You are a senior in college now for the 2nd year, or even 3rd year... well... it is time to quit college, racism is why you can't graduate... we all know don't worry... here is some money...

This is what the Democrat Party has done for black Americans:

With respect to the education gap, how is it that 'racism' is responsible for these areas in which black students fall short when compared to white and Asian students:

The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

How does 'racism' explain these ...deficiencies????

How are white folks responsible???

In the last 70yrs tell me what the Trumplican Party has done for black folks, since you Trump Humpers love to tell us what Democrats have or haven't done for us.

“Conservatives’ task is to build a society that nurtures individuals to self-sufficiency, ..."

An example of Republican support of self-sufficiency is the policy called the Earned Income Tax Credit
The EITC has a sterling Republican heritage. It was first instituted in the 1920s by a Republican Congress at the instigation of Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon. Repealed in 1943, Republican President Gerald Ford revived it in 1975.

EITC supporters argued that because the credit would be available only to those with earned income, it would reinforce work incentives and help get people off welfare. By making the credit refundable, it would offset the disincentive effects of higher payroll tax rates, which had risen from 4.8 percent on workers and employers in 1970 to 5.85 percent in 1975.

In the 1980s, Ronald Reagan supported a big increase in the EITC rate from 10 percent to 14 percent. In 1990, George H.W. Bush supported a further increase.

Despite the exploding cost of the EITC, Republicans in Congress created another tax credit in the 1997 tax bill. The child credit was intended to make it easier for mothers to stay at home and raise their children, rather than work outside the home.” Republicans and the Earned Income Tax Credit

"... the earned income tax credit (the pride of Ronald Reagan), which has become the biggest and most effective antipoverty program by giving working families thousands of dollars a year in tax refunds."
Opinion | The New Resentment of the Poor
If you listen to negro street thug rapper 'music' in which the word ****** is habitually used are you a racist?
If you inadvertently hear someone use the 'word' and don't attack the speaker immediately are you a racist?
According to the Jew hating assholes at the NYT you are.

Racism is either a frivolous charge, a juvenile invective, aimed at any you don’t like, or an actual crime that involves injuring someone…not just their feelings.

If you function as the Nazis and Bolsheviks did, any thought crime must be punished. If you are an American, you allow a difference of opinion: it is our birthright under the first amendment.

You're right it isn't against the law to be a racist.

Nor is claiming such a valid excuse for failure.

Another significant characteristic that holds blacks back is not honoring those who have succeeded....the 'acting white,' 'Uncle Tom,' thing.

John McWorter has written about it as well.
As does Joseph Phillips


Clarence Page of the Chicago Trib say this on one of the Sunday shows, how blacks will pull down one who succeeds.

"Crab mentality, sometimes referred to as crabs in the bucket, is a phrase that describes a way of thinking best described by the phrase "if I can't have it, neither can you." The metaphor refers to a pot of crabs. Individually, the crabs could easily escape from the pot, but instead, they grab at each other in a useless "king of the hill" competition which prevents any from escaping and ensures their collective demise"
Crab mentality - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You need some new material. I have never heard black folks attack a black person who is smart as acting "white". How many black folks have you ever heard say that to another black person? When black folks accuse another black person of acting "white" it is someone black who doesn't want to associate with other black folks. We don't have to worry about it though, because white folks like you quickly show them who they are.

" I have never heard black folks attack a black person who is smart as acting "white".

I'm not responsible for either your ignorance nor your lying.

I just gave you two books by blacks who said that, and Clarence Page is black, as well.

And here is the Smithsonian warning blacks not to 'act white.'

“The chart endeavors to list "the ways white people and their traditions, attitudes and ways of life have been normalized over time and are now considered standard practices in the United States." Among those traditions, attitudes, and ways of life are: Individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, a belief in progress, a written tradition, politeness, the justice system, respect for authority, delayed gratification and planning for the future, plus much more.” Smithsonian Goes Full Marxist: Nuclear Family, Science, Christianity All Part of Oppressive 'Whiteness'

I'm not white, and my folks taught me to be all of those characteristics.

You didn't answer may question. I don't need to read a book, I am a black man in America I live it everyday.

"I don't need to read a book,"

And herein we find the explanation for what passes for thought on your side.

There is nothing like personal experience, which you have NONE. I have asked you a question 2 times and you keep referring me to a book. I haven't heard black folks who strive for higher education being told by other black folks that they are "acting white".

If members of the race with the lowest median household income can show that that they have followed the three rules of income mediation, and still cannot raise that economic level, then we should explore factors beyond their control….and racism would be one of the factors to be considered.

These are the rules:

" The Brookings Institution has spent a great deal of effort studying this issue.
And presidential candidate Rick Santorum has been quoting their findings on the campaign trail.
Brookings whittled down a lot of analysis into three simple rules. You can avoid poverty by:

1. Graduating from high school.

2. Waiting to get married until after 21 and do not have children till after being married.

3. Having a full-time job.

If you do all those three things, your chance of falling into poverty is just 2 percent .Meanwhile, you’ll have a 74 percent chance of being in the middle class.

Applies to everyone
These rules apply to all races and ethnic groups. Breaking these rules is becoming more commonplace, unfortunately, for all racial groups."
Three rules for staying out of poverty

But….we should not include or consider the situation of any who have not fulfilled those three requirements.

They are responsible for their own problem.

“In his book "The Philadelphia Negro" (1899), W.E.B. Du Bois posed the question as to what would happen if white people lost their prejudices overnight. He said that it would make little difference to most blacks. He said: "Some few would be promoted, some few would get new places -- the mass would remain as they are" until the younger generation began to "try harder" and the race "lost the omnipresent excuse for failure: prejudice."

…if historical injustices and persecution were useful explanations of group disadvantage, Jews would be some of the poorest and least-educated people in the world today. Few groups have been victimized down through history as have the Jews. Despite being historical targets of hostility and lethal violence, no one can argue that as a result Jews are the most disadvantaged people.” Discrimination and Disparities

The Democrat Party has, of course, a need to claim racism, since, without convincing black Americans of the necessity of voting Democrat, the party would never win another election.

They have held blacks back in every way possible.

But they've convinced you, haven't they.

Absolutely perfect.
It is the exact truth in every way.
The Democratic Party to this day is a wrecking ball to the black race.
They are that mother - the one who refuses to see fault in their child, no matter how bad they act, no matter what wrongs they commit - there she is, every time to cover for him. To tell him it is not his fault, to tell him he is special.
That is the Democratic Party.
The black race has no chance to catch up with society and be as successful as other races as long as they have the Democrats to provide them cover, excuses and money for nothing. No matter how poorly they perform in problem... we will just lower the standards to make the statistics not look so bad... no money for college... no problem - here you go.... no money for living expenses while you are there?... no problem.. don't worry about getting a job to help pay your way... you are special.. here some more money.... you don't do your homework or show up for class till it is half over, and then leave early... don't worry... we'll just keep you here anyway and keep paying for it. You are special, you shouldn't have to perform well, we will take care of it.
You are a senior in college now for the 2nd year, or even 3rd year... well... it is time to quit college, racism is why you can't graduate... we all know don't worry... here is some money...

This is what the Democrat Party has done for black Americans:

With respect to the education gap, how is it that 'racism' is responsible for these areas in which black students fall short when compared to white and Asian students:

The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

How does 'racism' explain these ...deficiencies????

How are white folks responsible???

In the last 70yrs tell me what the Trumplican Party has done for black folks, since you Trump Humpers love to tell us what Democrats have or haven't done for us.

“Conservatives’ task is to build a society that nurtures individuals to self-sufficiency, ..."

An example of Republican support of self-sufficiency is the policy called the Earned Income Tax Credit
The EITC has a sterling Republican heritage. It was first instituted in the 1920s by a Republican Congress at the instigation of Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon. Repealed in 1943, Republican President Gerald Ford revived it in 1975.

EITC supporters argued that because the credit would be available only to those with earned income, it would reinforce work incentives and help get people off welfare. By making the credit refundable, it would offset the disincentive effects of higher payroll tax rates, which had risen from 4.8 percent on workers and employers in 1970 to 5.85 percent in 1975.

In the 1980s, Ronald Reagan supported a big increase in the EITC rate from 10 percent to 14 percent. In 1990, George H.W. Bush supported a further increase.

Despite the exploding cost of the EITC, Republicans in Congress created another tax credit in the 1997 tax bill. The child credit was intended to make it easier for mothers to stay at home and raise their children, rather than work outside the home.” Republicans and the Earned Income Tax Credit

"... the earned income tax credit (the pride of Ronald Reagan), which has become the biggest and most effective antipoverty program by giving working families thousands of dollars a year in tax refunds."
Opinion | The New Resentment of the Poor

So in other words, nothing.
If you listen to negro street thug rapper 'music' in which the word ****** is habitually used are you a racist?
If you inadvertently hear someone use the 'word' and don't attack the speaker immediately are you a racist?
According to the Jew hating assholes at the NYT you are.

Racism is either a frivolous charge, a juvenile invective, aimed at any you don’t like, or an actual crime that involves injuring someone…not just their feelings.

If you function as the Nazis and Bolsheviks did, any thought crime must be punished. If you are an American, you allow a difference of opinion: it is our birthright under the first amendment.

You're right it isn't against the law to be a racist.

Nor is claiming such a valid excuse for failure.

Another significant characteristic that holds blacks back is not honoring those who have succeeded....the 'acting white,' 'Uncle Tom,' thing.

John McWorter has written about it as well.
As does Joseph Phillips


Clarence Page of the Chicago Trib say this on one of the Sunday shows, how blacks will pull down one who succeeds.

"Crab mentality, sometimes referred to as crabs in the bucket, is a phrase that describes a way of thinking best described by the phrase "if I can't have it, neither can you." The metaphor refers to a pot of crabs. Individually, the crabs could easily escape from the pot, but instead, they grab at each other in a useless "king of the hill" competition which prevents any from escaping and ensures their collective demise"
Crab mentality - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You need some new material. I have never heard black folks attack a black person who is smart as acting "white". How many black folks have you ever heard say that to another black person? When black folks accuse another black person of acting "white" it is someone black who doesn't want to associate with other black folks. We don't have to worry about it though, because white folks like you quickly show them who they are.

" I have never heard black folks attack a black person who is smart as acting "white".

I'm not responsible for either your ignorance nor your lying.

I just gave you two books by blacks who said that, and Clarence Page is black, as well.

And here is the Smithsonian warning blacks not to 'act white.'

“The chart endeavors to list "the ways white people and their traditions, attitudes and ways of life have been normalized over time and are now considered standard practices in the United States." Among those traditions, attitudes, and ways of life are: Individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, a belief in progress, a written tradition, politeness, the justice system, respect for authority, delayed gratification and planning for the future, plus much more.” Smithsonian Goes Full Marxist: Nuclear Family, Science, Christianity All Part of Oppressive 'Whiteness'

I'm not white, and my folks taught me to be all of those characteristics.

You didn't answer may question. I don't need to read a book, I am a black man in America I live it everyday.

"I don't need to read a book,"

And herein we find the explanation for what passes for thought on your side.

There is nothing like personal experience, which you have NONE. I have asked you a question 2 times and you keep referring me to a book. I haven't heard black folks who strive for higher education being told by other black folks that they are "acting white".
Intelligent people can self educate...........

The colleges are never going to make anyone smarter.
If you listen to negro street thug rapper 'music' in which the word ****** is habitually used are you a racist?
If you inadvertently hear someone use the 'word' and don't attack the speaker immediately are you a racist?
According to the Jew hating assholes at the NYT you are.

Racism is either a frivolous charge, a juvenile invective, aimed at any you don’t like, or an actual crime that involves injuring someone…not just their feelings.

If you function as the Nazis and Bolsheviks did, any thought crime must be punished. If you are an American, you allow a difference of opinion: it is our birthright under the first amendment.

You're right it isn't against the law to be a racist.

Nor is claiming such a valid excuse for failure.

Another significant characteristic that holds blacks back is not honoring those who have succeeded....the 'acting white,' 'Uncle Tom,' thing.

John McWorter has written about it as well.
As does Joseph Phillips


Clarence Page of the Chicago Trib say this on one of the Sunday shows, how blacks will pull down one who succeeds.

"Crab mentality, sometimes referred to as crabs in the bucket, is a phrase that describes a way of thinking best described by the phrase "if I can't have it, neither can you." The metaphor refers to a pot of crabs. Individually, the crabs could easily escape from the pot, but instead, they grab at each other in a useless "king of the hill" competition which prevents any from escaping and ensures their collective demise"
Crab mentality - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You need some new material. I have never heard black folks attack a black person who is smart as acting "white". How many black folks have you ever heard say that to another black person? When black folks accuse another black person of acting "white" it is someone black who doesn't want to associate with other black folks. We don't have to worry about it though, because white folks like you quickly show them who they are.

" I have never heard black folks attack a black person who is smart as acting "white".

I'm not responsible for either your ignorance nor your lying.

I just gave you two books by blacks who said that, and Clarence Page is black, as well.

And here is the Smithsonian warning blacks not to 'act white.'

“The chart endeavors to list "the ways white people and their traditions, attitudes and ways of life have been normalized over time and are now considered standard practices in the United States." Among those traditions, attitudes, and ways of life are: Individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, a belief in progress, a written tradition, politeness, the justice system, respect for authority, delayed gratification and planning for the future, plus much more.” Smithsonian Goes Full Marxist: Nuclear Family, Science, Christianity All Part of Oppressive 'Whiteness'

I'm not white, and my folks taught me to be all of those characteristics.

You didn't answer may question. I don't need to read a book, I am a black man in America I live it everyday.

"I don't need to read a book,"

And herein we find the explanation for what passes for thought on your side.

There is nothing like personal experience, which you have NONE. I have asked you a question 2 times and you keep referring me to a book. I haven't heard black folks who strive for higher education being told by other black folks that they are "acting white".

If members of the race with the lowest median household income can show that that they have followed the three rules of income mediation, and still cannot raise that economic level, then we should explore factors beyond their control….and racism would be one of the factors to be considered.

These are the rules:

" The Brookings Institution has spent a great deal of effort studying this issue.
And presidential candidate Rick Santorum has been quoting their findings on the campaign trail.
Brookings whittled down a lot of analysis into three simple rules. You can avoid poverty by:

1. Graduating from high school.

2. Waiting to get married until after 21 and do not have children till after being married.

3. Having a full-time job.

If you do all those three things, your chance of falling into poverty is just 2 percent .Meanwhile, you’ll have a 74 percent chance of being in the middle class.

Applies to everyone
These rules apply to all races and ethnic groups. Breaking these rules is becoming more commonplace, unfortunately, for all racial groups."
Three rules for staying out of poverty

But….we should not include or consider the situation of any who have not fulfilled those three requirements.

They are responsible for their own problem.

“In his book "The Philadelphia Negro" (1899), W.E.B. Du Bois posed the question as to what would happen if white people lost their prejudices overnight. He said that it would make little difference to most blacks. He said: "Some few would be promoted, some few would get new places -- the mass would remain as they are" until the younger generation began to "try harder" and the race "lost the omnipresent excuse for failure: prejudice."

…if historical injustices and persecution were useful explanations of group disadvantage, Jews would be some of the poorest and least-educated people in the world today. Few groups have been victimized down through history as have the Jews. Despite being historical targets of hostility and lethal violence, no one can argue that as a result Jews are the most disadvantaged people.” Discrimination and Disparities

The Democrat Party has, of course, a need to claim racism, since, without convincing black Americans of the necessity of voting Democrat, the party would never win another election.

They have held blacks back in every way possible.

But they've convinced you, haven't they.

Absolutely perfect.
It is the exact truth in every way.
The Democratic Party to this day is a wrecking ball to the black race.
They are that mother - the one who refuses to see fault in their child, no matter how bad they act, no matter what wrongs they commit - there she is, every time to cover for him. To tell him it is not his fault, to tell him he is special.
That is the Democratic Party.
The black race has no chance to catch up with society and be as successful as other races as long as they have the Democrats to provide them cover, excuses and money for nothing. No matter how poorly they perform in problem... we will just lower the standards to make the statistics not look so bad... no money for college... no problem - here you go.... no money for living expenses while you are there?... no problem.. don't worry about getting a job to help pay your way... you are special.. here some more money.... you don't do your homework or show up for class till it is half over, and then leave early... don't worry... we'll just keep you here anyway and keep paying for it. You are special, you shouldn't have to perform well, we will take care of it.
You are a senior in college now for the 2nd year, or even 3rd year... well... it is time to quit college, racism is why you can't graduate... we all know don't worry... here is some money...

This is what the Democrat Party has done for black Americans:

With respect to the education gap, how is it that 'racism' is responsible for these areas in which black students fall short when compared to white and Asian students:

The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

How does 'racism' explain these ...deficiencies????

How are white folks responsible???

In the last 70yrs tell me what the Trumplican Party has done for black folks, since you Trump Humpers love to tell us what Democrats have or haven't done for us.

“Conservatives’ task is to build a society that nurtures individuals to self-sufficiency, ..."

An example of Republican support of self-sufficiency is the policy called the Earned Income Tax Credit
The EITC has a sterling Republican heritage. It was first instituted in the 1920s by a Republican Congress at the instigation of Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon. Repealed in 1943, Republican President Gerald Ford revived it in 1975.

EITC supporters argued that because the credit would be available only to those with earned income, it would reinforce work incentives and help get people off welfare. By making the credit refundable, it would offset the disincentive effects of higher payroll tax rates, which had risen from 4.8 percent on workers and employers in 1970 to 5.85 percent in 1975.

In the 1980s, Ronald Reagan supported a big increase in the EITC rate from 10 percent to 14 percent. In 1990, George H.W. Bush supported a further increase.

Despite the exploding cost of the EITC, Republicans in Congress created another tax credit in the 1997 tax bill. The child credit was intended to make it easier for mothers to stay at home and raise their children, rather than work outside the home.” Republicans and the Earned Income Tax Credit

"... the earned income tax credit (the pride of Ronald Reagan), which has become the biggest and most effective antipoverty program by giving working families thousands of dollars a year in tax refunds."
Opinion | The New Resentment of the Poor

So in other words, nothing.

Look.....if you'd rather live your life hoping for a few crumbs from the Democrats, rather than pursue your own success.....that's who you are.

Here's a remedial:

Democrat’s Bountiful Gifts To Out Black Brethren

1.Doubling down on their support for slavery and segregation, the Democrat Party blocked every anti-lynching to come to the Senate.

2. Dragging their feet on post-war freedom for their slaves, they imposed poll taxes and Jim Crow laws.

3. The Obama ‘Promise Program’ made it almost impossible to remove thugs and criminals from ghetto schools, to make certain that learning was impeded.

4. Authored gun laws that only law abiding citizens would obey, preventing black citizens in crime ridden neighborhood from protecting themselves.

5. Promoted bogus anti-police hatred, while ignoring some 350,000 blacks killed by lawless blacks. 324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years – American Free Press

6. In nearing a century of Democrat welfare, blacks remain as the lowest income racial group.

7. Allied with the International Left, the Democrat party makes certain that racial animosity never dies down.

8. The Democrats made and make certain that religion and morality is barred from the schools and from the public arena. “…will America be made better by curbing religion in the name of secularism, of vice versa?” Ben Shapiro

9. The Democrat judicial system is based on the idea that all blacks are felons, so felons must be released from jails. Carter-appointed judge Norma Shapiro “ is one of the worst offenders among that influential cadre of federal judges who have substituted the ACLU's prisoners' rights wish list for the Bill of Rights and have trifled with public safety concerns. …” In 1992, black youths were nine times more likely to be murdered than white youths. Democrats lied, kids died.

10. But wait…..they did manage to ban one single word from common parlance.

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