Are you a Christian or a Follower of Christ?

I guarantee you these "followers of Jesus" are more immoral than Christians, because they are hippies, sent by leftist propaganda to tear down the Gospel and build up a false golden idol.

They don't love Christ, they simply use him to "identify" with something "cool".

Really? Explain to me the difference between a follower of Christ and a Christian. I consider them to be one and the same.

Christianity is in the eye of the Christian beholders.

Many self proclaiming CHISTIANS like to think they have the ONLY code for who is and who is not truly CHRISTIAN.

Just another variant of the lower angel of human nature which manifests into multiple forms of:

I'm a better person than you are


This this particular type of conceit is basically how people are turned from good citizens into TOOLS of people with evil intent.

This particular I'm the only TRUE Christian conceit is one of those God love me more than he loves you variants of that kind of childish human nature.​

If we happen to be a believers of good and evil personified, it might behoove us to remember that:​

PRIDE goeth before the fall.

If you into the whole RELIGIOUS CONSPIRACY THEORY, then you might consider that PRIDEFUL CONCEIT is the tool that LUCIFER used screw up that whole Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden thing, too

There's no tool like PRIDE to make people who want to be good, do BAD things.​

Using people's pride to make them do evil is the prince of lies' specialty.​

Pride was, after all, the sin which got Lucifer's angelic ass tossed into hell, after all.​

He understands that human weaknesses well enough to use it on people who THINK they're being good christians.​

Their prideful natures make them forget that whole Judge NOT least ye be judged, caveat.

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Really? Explain to me the difference between a follower of Christ and a Christian. I consider them to be one and the same.

A Christian is "in Christ". You cannot "follow Christ" that is meaningless to the Church. The Church is "in Christ", and Christ is "in the Church" through the Holy Spirit.

There is no compromise on this fact, it is Biblical heresy to claim anything else.

To remove the fact that you are "in Christ" is to remove a facet of Christianity, to be heretical, or an Apostate.

Someones probably responded, but am I the only person who thinks this argument is nonsensical?

Wow... i used that word twice today.

I'm with you on that one....
I guarantee you these "followers of Jesus" are more immoral than Christians, because they are hippies, sent by leftist propaganda to tear down the Gospel and build up a false golden idol.

They don't love Christ, they simply use him to "identify" with something "cool".

Really? Explain to me the difference between a follower of Christ and a Christian. I consider them to be one and the same.

Christianity is in the eye of the Christian beholders.

Many self proclaiming CHISTIANS like to think they have the ONLY code for who is and who is not truly CHRISTIAN.

Just another variant of the lower angel of human nature which manifests into multiple forms of:

I'm a better person than you are


This this particular type of conceit is basically how people are turned from good citizens into TOOLS of people with evil intent.

This particular I'm the only TRUE Christian conceit is one of those God love me more than he loves you variants of that kind of childish human nature.​

If we happen to be a believers of good and evil personified, it might behoove us to remember that:​

PRIDE goeth before the fall.

If you into the whole RELIGIOUS CONSPIRACY THEORY, then you might consider that PRIDEFUL CONCEIT is the tool that LUCIFER used screw up that whole Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden thing, too

There's no tool like PRIDE to make people who want to be good, do BAD things.​

Using people's pride to make them do evil is the prince of lies' specialty.​

Pride was, after all, the sin which got Lucifer's angelic ass tossed into hell, after all.​

He understands that human weaknesses well enough to use it on people who THINK they're being good christians.​

Their prideful natures make them forget that whole Judge NOT least ye be judged, caveat.

Good post.
:lol: Is that supposed to be offensive? If so, you suck at it.
I guarantee you these "followers of Jesus" are more immoral than Christians, because they are hippies, sent by leftist propaganda to tear down the Gospel and build up a false golden idol.

They don't love Christ, they simply use him to "identify" with something "cool".

Really? Explain to me the difference between a follower of Christ and a Christian. I consider them to be one and the same.

Christianity is in the eye of the Christian beholders.

Many self proclaiming CHISTIANS like to think they have the ONLY code for who is and who is not truly CHRISTIAN.

Just another variant of the lower angel of human nature which manifests into multiple forms of:

I'm a better person than you are


This this particular type of conceit is basically how people are turned from good citizens into TOOLS of people with evil intent.

This particular I'm the only TRUE Christian conceit is one of those God love me more than he loves you variants of that kind of childish human nature.​

If we happen to be a believers of good and evil personified, it might behoove us to remember that:​

PRIDE goeth before the fall.

If you into the whole RELIGIOUS CONSPIRACY THEORY, then you might consider that PRIDEFUL CONCEIT is the tool that LUCIFER used screw up that whole Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden thing, too

There's no tool like PRIDE to make people who want to be good, do BAD things.​

Using people's pride to make them do evil is the prince of lies' specialty.​

Pride was, after all, the sin which got Lucifer's angelic ass tossed into hell, after all.​

He understands that human weaknesses well enough to use it on people who THINK they're being good christians.​

Their prideful natures make them forget that whole Judge NOT least ye be judged, caveat.

THe whole "Judge not lest ye be judged" was specifically regarding BELIEVERS judging BELIEVERS. We're SUPPOSED to judge non-believers and hold ourselves apart from them.

Not only that, the Bible tells us we'll also judge you all in the end. Be sure to remind me as you're knocking at the gates of all the nasty little things you've said about God and Christianity at that point.
Here's a good explanation:

"When God tells us not to judge (Matthew 7:1), the context goes on to explain that he is forbidding the prideful kind of judging in which we find fault with others with a better than thou, self righteous spirit (Matthew 7:2-5). On the other hand, when God tells us to admonish another person if he/she is doing something contrary to his holy will (Matthew 18:13-17, Galatians 6:1 "restore someone caught in a sin", Ephesians 5:11 "expose the deeds of darkness", Colossians 3:16 "admonish one another"), the context always reminds us to do this with a humble spirit of seeking to bring a brother or sister back to serving God instead of the devil (Matthew 18:15 "win your brother over", Jude 23 "snatch them from the fire").

Matthew 7:1 - "Judge Not, Lest Ye Be Judged" - Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS)

So if we're talking prideful and better than thou judging, I think I know who is guilty of "judging" here.
The bible is not a misprint. It houses the Holy Spirit, as my body does since my acceptance of Christ.

And that's where the certainty comes from. Once you invite Christ in, there is no doubt.
Why? Jesus is dead, isn't he? So to be a follower of christ, you have to be nailed to a cross and die, anything else is a cop out, and not a real christian.

If you wanna be a jesus H christ hater on this MB you better bring your A game.

Thats why.

You come across like you are at a chineeze restaurant orderin from colume b featuring no jesus.

Oh ya miss I'll take the platter WITHOUT the jesus.

Do it with some conviction ya slacker.
Why? Jesus is dead, isn't he? So to be a follower of christ, you have to be nailed to a cross and die, anything else is a cop out, and not a real christian.

No, Jesus is not dead.

Thus your entire premise is incorrect.
Baba, you're gonna be so surprised when you die! lol. There's a 1000 religions, you have a 1 in 1000 chance of being right.

Yeah... that's why you do research before you accept anything. You study it out and ask God whether it's true.

The Gift of the Holy Ghost is available those who covenant with God. And the Holy Ghost can teach the truth of all things. Sadly, this fact is lost on so many people who havent got a clue where to even learn this.

Once the Lord reveals the truth to you, you have a 1 out of 1 chance of being right.
But how do you know that you're right? Cuz you read it in a book? What if it's a misprint? Maybe it was the Harry Potter of its day? Cuz seriously, you ain't gonna make a beautiful women out of a man's rib without some kind of wizardry.

By going to the source. The scriptures are for our profit and learning. And indeed, wisdom says we should understand the ancient texts of knowledge and morality even if their were no God. It's foolish to dismiss the experiences of our forebearers outright.

However, their testimonies and experiences with God arent enough to show that what they believed is correct. They are just sharing their testimonies. We need to find out for ourselves. And the only way to learn that is to have our own experiences with God.

That's the only reason I know Christ lives. The Lord revealed it to me. That's how I know the scriptures are true. I know miracles happen because I've seen them. Ive participated in them. I know the power the Spirit has to change man because Ive seen Him change my life and the life of friends and family. I've seen stubborn men do an about face with decisions in their life because the Spirit told them to do so.

After all this, what reason do I have not to believe? Because you said so? Because you acknowledge that you dont have the first clue about communion with God? Because you think its foolish to even study the subject? What sane person would accept your mocking arguments over personal experience?

And you dont have to take my word for it. God can reveal it to you too. If you actually humbled yourself, stopped mocking people and sought to learn the truth. God is more than happy to reveal Himself to as many as come to Him in humility and faith, believing that He can.

I didn't always know God existed. However, I believed if He did, He would find a way to make Himself known to me. My faith was tried and He did. And Im a better man for it.

I dont know the reason for your hostility towards God. I suppose you think you understand everything greater than everyone else without doing any sort of study. But if you are honest with yourself, you will acknowledge that you havent seirously tried to learn.
But the scriptures have no basis in fact, just a bunch of stories written hundreds of years after the fact.

Which, of course, is completely incorrect.

What I'm asking is: how do you know that the bible is fact, not fiction.

I asked God. He said so.

I don't mean to trivialize it by saying it that bluntly. But that's the truth.

I used to go to sunday school... so I'm not (totally, lol) ignorant to the bible,

Have to ever read it? Because going to Sunday School really doesnt amount to a hill of beans.

and we've all seen the movies, 10 commandments, the Bible, story of jesus...

Yeah, cause movies accurately portray the books they are based on...

and I find that it's all based on heresay.

Do you know what hearsay is? Just for the record, first person accounts cant be hearsay.

Some of the cities existed but that's about it.

Then obviously if the book is accurately describing real locations it has a basis in fact and your previous statement is incorrect.

So basically you believe in a bogus book as though it were all true.

There is one main message in the New Testament. That is the Atonement and Resurrection of Christ. You are correct in stating that just mentioning locations is not going to prove it correct. Archaelogy cannot prove the Gospel correct. It would be foolish to expect it to.

There is only one way to know where Jesus Christ lived, that He died for the sins of the world, and that He rose from the dead. You study the accounts and then ask God the Father whether it happened. That is how the Apostle Peter learned. He learned it from God.

Of course, it takes effort. You have to experiment on the Word. You have to find a place for it in your heart so that you could believe. Youd have to sincerely want to follow God if He reveals it to you. He isnt going to give you this knowledge just to have to continue to stay in sin.

Moses spent all His days trying to get the children of Israel to sanctify themselves so that they could Enter the Presence of God. The Prophets and Apostles have all taught that we can ask God and learn for ourselves. The problem is so few people actually try.

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