Zone1 Are There Prophets Around Today?

Yes, you are interpreting. To say you don't is illogical. If you don't then you aren't reading. You have a challenge that many do. You take verses out of context with the entire Bible. You do know that a "dead" Moses was at the Mount of Transfiguration, don't you. Dead people have made appearances as well in other occasions.
Then, you try to interpret that Peter, James and John are being worshipped because they laid their hands on Joseph Smith. That's just grasping for straws or a straw argument. I received the Priesthood from my Father-in-Law and I love him and respect him. But, I do not worship him. Do you even re-read your statements before posting your replies? No one worships Peter, James and John in our Church and never have. Perhaps in the Catholic Church they do elevating them to a special "Saint" status and pray to them as they do Mary. But, Joseph never worshipped anyone but Father in Heaven in the name of Jesus Christ. Uggg...

And what does Peter crucified upside down have to do on whether he will come back and restore the true Church of Jesus Christ?

First thing. Why do you continually deny presenting any documentation of any modern miracle by an Apostle of Mormonism......bringing the dead back to life? You cannot because there are no modern day Apostles and prophets. Their time has ceased.......they were for the founding of the N.T. church, with the Apostle clearly stating they would soon fail, when the perfect law of liberty was complete. It was completed in the 1st century. (1 Cor. 13)

There is no cure for a "reprobate" mind...........God has cast you out, given up on you when you blaspheme against the Holy Spirit of God and make claims that contradict His revealed words from the N.T. You call God a liar.......not me. You can pretend to be righteous, pretend to cast out demons, pretend to do good works in the name of Jesus, pretend/play to be Apostles (that existed only in the infancy of the churh -- When I was a child I spoke as child, I acted as a child, when I became a man (fully grown/developed, I put away childish things).......but when you practice "lawlessness".....a continual denial of the actual content of the Holy Spirit of Truth inspired Word of God. You will be rejected.

Your cult is not nothing but a group of Children in the eyes of God.........playing church, pretending to be something that you are not, Apostles and Prophets. You are infants in the word of God.......clearly its beyond your comprehension level to Rightly Divide the Word of Truth. Which is simple...........none of the Word of God contradicts itself.......its all inspired by the same Spirit of Truth. The way your cult pretends and play's contradict the Spirit of Truth with every breath you take.

No one is authorized to "interpret" the scriptures. The word of God reads the same for both you and I. Its objective when you read it without taking anything away from its contextual integrity, keeping everything in context depending upon the subject matter of the Chapter.

Present any post that I have presented where the Book, Chapter and Verse did not directly contract your fabricated claims of the dead coming back from Hades to lay hands on man in the 19th century (read Luke 16 and translate it to be anything different than the dead not being subject to come back to help the living) to Jesus Appearing to Joseph Smith to appoint him as an Apostle, when clearly Smith nor no modern man can meet the qualications outlined by Book, Chapter and Verse to be a true Apostle of Christ......with the primary prerequiste being they have witnessed Jesus' ministry from the beginning, even Paul met these qualification even if he was an enemy of the faith he was witnessing as Saul in the beginning of Jesus' ministry.
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First thing. Why do you continually deny presenting any documentation of any modern miracle by an Apostle of Mormonism......bringing the dead back to life? You cannot because there are no modern day Apostles and prophets. Their time has ceased.......they were for the founding of the N.T. church, with the Apostle clearly stating they would soon fail, when the perfect law of liberty was complete. It was completed in the 1st century. (1 Cor. 13)

There is no cure for a "reprobate" mind...........God has cast you out, given up on you when you blaspheme against the Holy Spirit of God and make claims that contradict His revealed words from the N.T. You call God a liar.......not me. You can pretend to be righteous, pretend to cast out demons, pretend to do good works in the name of Jesus, pretend/play to be Apostles (that existed only in the infancy of the churh -- When I was a child I spoke as child, I acted as a child, when I became a man (fully grown/developed, I put away childish things).......but when you practice "lawlessness".....a continual denial of the actual content of the Holy Spirit of Truth inspired Word of God. You will be rejected.

Your cult is not nothing but a group of Children in the eyes of God.........playing church, pretending to be something that you are not, Apostles and Prophets. You are infants in the word of God.......clearly its beyond your comprehension level to Rightly Divide the Word of Truth. Which is simple...........none of the Word of God contradicts itself.......its all inspired by the same Spirit of Truth. The way your cult pretends and play's contradict the Spirit of Truth with every breath you take.

No one is authorized to "interpret" the scriptures. The word of God reads the same for both you and I. Its objective when you read it without taking anything away from its contextual integrity, keeping everything in context depending upon the subject matter of the Chapter.

Present any post that I have presented where the Book, Chapter and Verse did not directly contract your fabricated claims of the dead coming back from Hades to lay hands on man in the 19th century (read Luke 16 and translate it to be anything different than the dead not being subject to come back to help the living) to Jesus Appearing to Joseph Smith to appoint him as an Apostle, when clearly Smith nor no modern man can meet the qualications outlined by Book, Chapter and Verse to be a true Apostle of Christ......with the primary prerequiste being they have witnessed Jesus' ministry from the beginning, even Paul met these qualification even if he was an enemy of the faith he was witnessing as Saul in the beginning of Jesus' ministry.
There have been many, many miracles since the restoration of the Gospel and the Church of Jesus Christ from Apostacy. Chapter 13 of Corinthians doesn't say Apostles have to perform miracles. We know the so-called miracles of Catholic Saints are just Satan playing with the members. Your cult has been duped. We have had many awesome spiritual miracles including Elijah coming to the Kirtland Temple in 1836 restoring the Sealing or Binding Power to mankind so that Families can be forever. We've had our Prophets see visions and guided by the Holy Ghost. Why doesn't the Catholic Church have their members pay tithings and offerings? As in Malachi, you are robbing God.

As for your interpretation, you are again incorrect.

2 Peter 1:20-21
20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.

21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

We do have a right to interpret. But, you don't have a right to say only your interpretation is correct. Just like you have no understanding of a reprobate mind. The Holy Ghost has told me that fact.
There have been many, many miracles since the restoration of the Gospel and the Church of Jesus Christ from Apostacy. Chapter 13 of Corinthians doesn't say Apostles have to perform miracles. We know the so-called miracles of Catholic Saints are just Satan playing with the members. Your cult has been duped. We have had many awesome spiritual miracles including Elijah coming to the Kirtland Temple in 1836 restoring the Sealing or Binding Power to mankind so that Families can be forever. We've had our Prophets see visions and guided by the Holy Ghost. Why doesn't the Catholic Church have their members pay tithings and offerings? As in Malachi, you are robbing God.

As for your interpretation, you are again incorrect.

2 Peter 1:20-21​

20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.

21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

We do have a right to interpret. But, you don't have a right to say only your interpretation is correct. Just like you have no understanding of a reprobate mind. The Holy Ghost has told me that fact.
1. You are caught lying against the Holy Spirit of Truth Again. What do you assume "Signs and Wonders" to mean if anything other than miraculaous demonstrations? "Truly the signs of an Apostle were wrought among you in all patience, IN SIGNS, IN WONDERS, AND MIGHTY DEEDS." -- 2 Cor. 12:2

Allow Christ Jesus Himself to define "Signs and Wonders" as used by the Holy Spirit of Truth, and what these Signs and Wonders purpose was. The Signs of an Aposlte......Jesus was speaking directly to His Apostles (11 of the Apostles to be exact) no one else at the beginning of verse Mark16:14, "Afterward He (Jesus) appeared to the 11 (the remaining apostles after Jesus' resurrection)..............

Reading further along in Chapter context, Jesus is still speaking only to the 11, Jesus is sending His remaining Apostles on a mission to start spreading the Gospel, the Good News.....its commonly called the Great Commission

Vs. 17 "And these SIGNS will accompany those who believe: Jesus lists some the miraculous gifts of the spirit, cast out demons, speak in a new laguange never learned....i.e., new tongues (as the Apostles did in Acts 2), pick up snakes and not be hurt by the venom (just as Paul was bitten once without harm, on the island of Melita -- Acts 28:3).......the drinking of posion would not kill them........the laying on of hands will heal the sick.......

and The Spirit of Truth describes the purpose of these signs .............. it was to Confirm the Gospel being preached by the Apostles was authorized by God. (Mark 16:14-19).......".......while the Lord worked with them (the apostles) AND CONFIRMED THE MESSAGE BY ACCOMPANYING SIGNS..."

2. You claim I am wrong by simply presenting the same passage of scripture that you just did (2 Peter 1:20-21)........and saying the same thing, no private interpretation allowed. Why? These passages are projecting back to the O.T. as well as speaking about their present in the 1st century. What lead Peter to say this? "Long ago, at many times, and in many ways God spoke to our fathers (ancestors) by the prophets, but in these last days, He has spoken to us by His Son........whom He appointed heirs of all things..........." Hebrews 1:1-2

Yet here you are again.......claiming that God still speaks through prophets instead of the Holy Spirit of Truth as directed by Christ Jesus Himself. "But the Helper (Holy Spirit, Spirit of Truth), the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My Name, He will teach your all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you (the Apostles). -- John 15:26

Today....after the church was founded by the Apostles 2000 years ago Eph. 2:20, with Jesus being the chief cornerstone 1 Peter 2:4, 6-7............God speaks to us only through Jesus Christ.....not any prophets.
1. You are caught lying against the Holy Spirit of Truth Again. What do you assume "Signs and Wonders" to mean if anything other than miraculaous demonstrations? "Truly the signs of an Apostle were wrought among you in all patience, IN SIGNS, IN WONDERS, AND MIGHTY DEEDS." -- 2 Cor. 12:2

Allow Christ Jesus Himself to define "Signs and Wonders" as used by the Holy Spirit of Truth, and what these Signs and Wonders purpose was. The Signs of an Aposlte......Jesus was speaking directly to His Apostles (11 of the Apostles to be exact) no one else at the beginning of verse Mark16:14, "Afterward He (Jesus) appeared to the 11 (the remaining apostles after Jesus' resurrection)..............

Reading further along in Chapter context, Jesus is still speaking only to the 11, Jesus is sending His remaining Apostles on a mission to start spreading the Gospel, the Good News.....its commonly called the Great Commission

Vs. 17 "And these SIGNS will accompany those who believe: Jesus lists some the miraculous gifts of the spirit, cast out demons, speak in a new laguange never learned....i.e., new tongues (as the Apostles did in Acts 2), pick up snakes and not be hurt by the venom (just as Paul was bitten once without harm, on the island of Melita -- Acts 28:3).......the drinking of posion would not kill them........the laying on of hands will heal the sick.......

and The Spirit of Truth describes the purpose of these signs .............. it was to Confirm the Gospel being preached by the Apostles was authorized by God. (Mark 16:14-19).......".......while the Lord worked with them (the apostles) AND CONFIRMED THE MESSAGE BY ACCOMPANYING SIGNS..."

2. You claim I am wrong by simply presenting the same passage of scripture that you just did (2 Peter 1:20-21)........and saying the same thing, no private interpretation allowed. Why? These passages are projecting back to the O.T. as well as speaking about their present in the 1st century. What lead Peter to say this? "Long ago, at many times, and in many ways God spoke to our fathers (ancestors) by the prophets, but in these last days, He has spoken to us by His Son........whom He appointed heirs of all things..........." Hebrews 1:1-2

Yet here you are again.......claiming that God still speaks through prophets instead of the Holy Spirit of Truth as directed by Christ Jesus Himself. "But the Helper (Holy Spirit, Spirit of Truth), the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My Name, He will teach your all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you (the Apostles). -- John 15:26

Today....after the church was founded by the Apostles 2000 years ago Eph. 2:20, with Jesus being the chief cornerstone 1 Peter 2:4, 6-7............God speaks to us only through Jesus Christ.....not any prophets.
Plenty of miracles. The appearance of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. John the Baptist, Peter, James and John, Elijah appears in the Temple. Miracles every day occur with members of our Church. You are a sad pathetic loser who is unhappy because you know your Church changed the every lasting gospel of Jesus Christ and caused the world to fall into apostacy. Sad, very sad...
Just wondering because it seems like all the prophecies that I've been having lately have been coming true and I want to know what others around here think.
They are predicted in the End Times. The most famous to come will be the Two Witnesses who will challenge the Antichrist and reveal to the Lost Tribes that God will bring them out of the captivity that's coming:

Comfort, comfort(A) my people,
says your God.
2 Speak tenderly(B) to Jerusalem,
and proclaim to her
that her hard service(C) has been completed,(D)
that her sin has been paid for,(E)
that she has received from the Lord’s hand
double(F) for all her sins.
3 A voice of one calling:
“In the wilderness prepare
the way(G) for the Lord[a];
make straight(H) in the desert
a highway for our God.[b](I)

And No, you're not a prophet. Prophets aren't in rebellion against God
I'm not in rebellion against God, but honestly I'm not really into this topic anymore.
Plenty of miracles. The appearance of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. John the Baptist, Peter, James and John, Elijah appears in the Temple. Miracles every day occur with members of our Church. You are a sad pathetic loser who is unhappy because you know your Church changed the every lasting gospel of Jesus Christ and caused the world to fall into apostacy. Sad, very sad...
You just keep going in circles......presenting the same nonsense ad nausem. Indeed very sad......the continued Blasphemy agains the Holy Spirit of Truth. Again.........I have no problem in calling a lying dog, a lying dog, regardless of how many times he fetches my slippers and paper. Just like a dog, you have been trained into accepting a false doctrine. How gullible does one have to be, not to be able to open the pages of the Holy Bible and see the documented contradictions against the Holy Spirit of Truth that Mormonism teaches? I can document at least 41 contradictions in a matter of minutes.

Mormon's own documents contradict one another. The Book of Mormon contradicts the Doctrine of Covenants. Example: Polygamy: The Book of Mormon condemns it while Doctines and Covenants defends it. The Mormons "new and everlasting covent" concering polygamy documented by Joseph Smith Jr.(D.C. Section 132, verse 4).......supposedly to last for ever, with those who did not follow it never to be allowed into the kingdom.......lasted until US law condemened it. So much for everlasting..........How many lies are you going to defend, even to the point of blaspheming against the Holy Spirit?

Joseph Smith and the Mormon church are grifters.....taking advantage of the gullible, defenseless women and children, all for power and greed. Come on! The supposed church of latter day saints was founded to form its OWN KINGDOM and was once in rebellion against the United States and its laws........from authorizing their own hit men, to taking on many wives as nothing more than slaves. You can't run from history actual. Mormons even stated that Black Skinned people were colored because of a curse from of the most bigoted faiths that ever existed.

And these supposed miracles are documented by WHO? The Mormon Church :abgg2q.jpg: ......especially the supposed appearance of thsoe who returned from Hades to lay hands on the living? Peter, Paul and John ..all men, not worthy of Worship.

Jesus Christ Himself declared that the dead could not visit the living........(Luke 16) Even Jesus never returned to earth in a physcial form to lay hands on Paul......Jesus appeared as a disembodied "Voice" and appeared to Paul as "light from Heaven" so bright that it blinded him.........but Joseph Smith was visited by the Dead because he was special, better than the Apostle Paul, when God has no respect of person? But Jesus came back to earth EARLY to authorize Joseph Smith to form a new Gospel? Really?

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Just wondering because it seems like all the prophecies that I've been having lately have been coming true and I want to know what others around here think.
There are also a lot of false prophets around, like those that claimed Trump would win in 2020 and then claimed he’d be reinstated on xx/xx/xx and then on yy/yy/yy and then on zz/zz/zz and then on…. :auiqs.jpg:
What does the 'Great Eagle' write about
schools of prophecy and jamming?

Yossi Sassi & Oriental Rock Orchestra ft. Mats Levén - Hear and Dare


'It's Over',

abroad, in THE SKY?

Yossi Sassi & Oriental Rock Orchestra ft. Mats Levén - Hear and Dare


'It's Over',

abroad, in THE SKY?

Peer Tasi - 'Arak


for to return THE SKY?
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I have heard rumors of a new Messiah being revealed.

But I’m not Jewish, much less one of the kind of Jewish people who adhere to things like Kabbalah (or Reddit) or Messianic Judaism, so I don’t follow this stuff too closely.
You just keep going in circles......presenting the same nonsense ad nausem. Indeed very sad......the continued Blasphemy agains the Holy Spirit of Truth. Again.........I have no problem in calling a lying dog, a lying dog, regardless of how many times he fetches my slippers and paper. Just like a dog, you have been trained into accepting a false doctrine. How gullible does one have to be, not to be able to open the pages of the Holy Bible and see the documented contradictions against the Holy Spirit of Truth that Mormonism teaches? I can document at least 41 contradictions in a matter of minutes.

Mormon's own documents contradict one another. The Book of Mormon contradicts the Doctrine of Covenants. Example: Polygamy: The Book of Mormon condemns it while Doctines and Covenants defends it. The Mormons "new and everlasting covent" concering polygamy documented by Joseph Smith Jr.(D.C. Section 132, verse 4).......supposedly to last for ever, with those who did not follow it never to be allowed into the kingdom.......lasted until US law condemened it. So much for everlasting..........How many lies are you going to defend, even to the point of blaspheming against the Holy Spirit?

Joseph Smith and the Mormon church are grifters.....taking advantage of the gullible, defenseless women and children, all for power and greed. Come on! The supposed church of latter day saints was founded to form its OWN KINGDOM and was once in rebellion against the United States and its laws........from authorizing their own hit men, to taking on many wives as nothing more than slaves. You can't run from history actual. Mormons even stated that Black Skinned people were colored because of a curse from of the most bigoted faiths that ever existed.

And these supposed miracles are documented by WHO? The Mormon Church :abgg2q.jpg: ......especially the supposed appearance of thsoe who returned from Hades to lay hands on the living? Peter, Paul and John ..all men, not worthy of Worship.

Jesus Christ Himself declared that the dead could not visit the living........(Luke 16) Even Jesus never returned to earth in a physcial form to lay hands on Paul......Jesus appeared as a disembodied "Voice" and appeared to Paul as "light from Heaven" so bright that it blinded him.........but Joseph Smith was visited by the Dead because he was special, better than the Apostle Paul, when God has no respect of person? But Jesus came back to earth EARLY to authorize Joseph Smith to form a new Gospel? Really?

You just keep going around and around with the same circular statements with no thought of your own. During various times in OT, polygamy was practiced. Abraham as an example. There are others as well too. It makes sense when only those who are binded or sealed as man and wife for eternity. It's easy to see that more women will be resurrected to the Celestial Kingdom than men. Those women without a husband for eternity but qualify should not be kept out of eternal glory and increase in joy and posterity. The rest of your pathetic nonsense is just that, nonsense. The fullness of the Gospel has been restored and is taught and the authority of this only exists in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
You just keep going around and around with the same circular statements with no thought of your own. During various times in OT, polygamy was practiced. Abraham as an example. There are others as well too. It makes sense when only those who are binded or sealed as man and wife for eternity. It's easy to see that more women will be resurrected to the Celestial Kingdom than men. Those women without a husband for eternity but qualify should not be kept out of eternal glory and increase in joy and posterity. The rest of your pathetic nonsense is just that, nonsense. The fullness of the Gospel has been restored and is taught and the authority of this only exists in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Why quote O.T law and attempt to apply it to the N.T. of Jesus Christ? The Old Law was specifically for one nation on, gentile nation was ever commanded to observe O.T. law. -- Deut. 5:1-5 Again you are blaspheming against the words of Jesus Christ. Now you are claiming authority for polygamy by O.T. Law?

Really? What does the law of Christ declare about being justified by the Old Law? You are fallen from grace. (Gal. 5:4)

But the first words to cross your mind? Justification under the O.T. of Moses? LOL :blues: Indeed, that's some "INSPRIATION" contradict the words of Jesus in order to apease man.

It appears to me that if Joseph Smith really received inspiration from heaven.......He would be inspired to follow the law as spoken by Jesus Christ. Marriage is for one man and one woman who become one flesh through the authorized union of marriage........Jesus even said, it was God that established the marriage contract from the Beginning of Creation, but Moses turned his head with a wink and and nod an allowed what was not commanded by God....because of the "hardness of men's heart". -- Matt. 19:2-9 Things such as Divorce........polygamy.......

What? Are you now defending polygamy because of the hardness of Joesph Smiths heart which contradicts the Words of Jesus that are to judge man on judgement day? (John 12:48) Again.......I call a lying dog, a lying dog......simply because something is found in the history of the O.T. does not mean that God condones everything recorded in that history. Its a truthful history that includes the good, the bad and the ugly. Clearly..........the false doctrine of Mormonism does not hear the words of Jesus.
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Why quote O.T law and attempt to apply it to the N.T. of Jesus Christ? The Old Law was specifically for one nation on, gentile nation was ever commanded to observe O.T. law. -- Deut. 5:1-5 Again you are blaspheming against the words of Jesus Christ. Now you are claiming authority for polygamy by O.T. Law?

Really? What does the law of Christ declare about being justified by the Old Law? You are fallen from grace. (Gal. 5:4)

But the first words to cross your mind? Justification under the O.T. of Moses? LOL :blues: Indeed, that's some "INSPRIATION" contradict the words of Jesus in order to apease man.

It appears to me that if Joseph Smith really received inspiration from heaven.......He would be inspired to follow the law as spoken by Jesus Christ. Marriage is for one man and one woman who become one flesh through the authorized union of marriage........Jesus even said, it was God that established the marriage contract from the Beginning of Creation, but Moses turned his head with a wink and and nod an allowed what was not commanded by God....because of the "hardness of men's heart". -- Matt. 19:2-9 Things such as Divorce........polygamy.......

What? Are you now defending polygamy because of the hardness of Joesph Smiths heart which contradicts the Words of Jesus that are to judge man on judgement day? (John 12:48) Again.......I call a lying dog, a lying dog......simply because something is found in the history of the O.T. does not mean that God condones everything recorded in that history. Its a truthful history that includes the good, the bad and the ugly. Clearly..........the false doctrine of Mormonism does not hear the words of Jesus.
Matt 5:[17] Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. [18] For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

It's thought that some of the Apostles had more than one wife as well. Paul had none and is thought by some to have been homosexual but did not act upon his same-sex urges. It's true that there are those who are limited from having more than one wife according to Paul. But, there are others who are not on that list. And, that was for those living under the current laws and commandments. But, as we know that through fulfillment of Jesus Christ, many laws and commandments of the OT were removed. But, that doesn't mean in these latter days with the New and Everlasting Covenant of Marriage, that new laws can't be implemented. I would think you all would want to know what the Godhead thinks is needed today before the 2nd Coming of Christ instead of living with only 2,000 laws. The Church has been restored from apostacy in these latter days. Follow the current Prophets as they know the current laws, commandments, covenants and ordinances of today and you will not be led astray.

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