Zone1 Are There Prophets Around Today?

Thanks for proving you have no idea what you are talking about.
And here we go......the sign of an empty head, the ad hominem personal attack. This is much like those who must swear when angered, its a sign of low intelligence and less character. ;) When you can't run with the big dogs, its best to stay on the porch.

Perhaps you should try Yoga and meditate just a little longer :abgg2q.jpg: it appears you are not ready to move on to the next level with all those anger issues.
And here we go......the sign of an empty head, the ad hominem personal attack. This is much like those who must swear when angered, its a sign of low intelligence and less character. ;) When you can't run with the big dogs, its best to stay on the porch.

Perhaps you should try Yoga and meditate just a little longer :abgg2q.jpg: it appears you are not ready to move on to the next level with all those anger issues.
Perhaps you should post useful information.
Perhaps you should post useful information.
Perhaps you should read and study your Bible before you make an ass out of yourself. Everything I presented can be documented by Book, Chapter and Verse. Who should we believe........"you" or the Holy Scriptures? :dunno:

Why the Law of Moses is no longer in effect: The Holy Scriptures consist of 2 major parts.....the O.T. and the N.T.
A testament is a will or covenant. Thus, we have the Old Will and the New Will from God.

This change in wills is documented in detail (Hebrews 1:1-2). God no longer speaks to man through prophets (as He did under the Old Law) but rather through the words of Christ Jesus. Jesus Himself stated as much, "He that rejecteth Me; and receiveth not My Words has one that judges him; the word that I have spoken; the same shall judge him on the last day." -- John 12:48 The Old Law had no solution for men who were continually sinning ..........the best it offered was the blood of bulls and goats to hide sin from one season to the next, "........for it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sin." -- Hebrews 10...explains in detail why the old law existed, it was but a shadow of things to come, until the seed of Abraham came, Jesus was that seed that ushered in the N.T. kingdom of God......the sacrifice of Jesus mirrored the promise made to Abraham (Genesis 22:8), "God will provide for Himself the lamb for a burnt offering.....MY SON." The apostle confirms that Jesus was that offering (Gal. 3)

This change in testaments/wills is documented and foretold in the O.T. -- Jer.31:31-34 God stated through the prophet Jeremiah the new testament/will will be different from the one delivered to Moses on Mt. Sanai.

Why would God change the law....did He change His mind? Absolutely not....God is unchanging from the beginning to the end (Malachi 3:6, "I am the Lord, I change not........" Why the change? God did not change His mind.........both testaments were planned even before the worlds were created, before time itself began (1 Peter 1:19-20, 2 Tim. 1:9, Thess. 2:13-14)

The apostles of Christ were speaking for the Christ after His ascension into heaven where He is seated at the right hand of the Father on the Throne of David as ruler of Spiritual Jerusalem...i.e. the church/kingdom of God/Christ (Acts 2:36, Jesus is both Lord and Christ of His kingdom). The Apostles were commissioned by Jesus before His death to receive power from heaven in the form of a helper....the Holy Spirit of Truth/Holy Ghost/Spirit in order to establish the N.T. church's doctrine as directed by Jesus from Heaven (John 16:13)

The Apostles tell us that not only was there a change in testaments/covenants......but a change in the Priesthood, where Jesus is the High Priest will all members being themselves part of a royal priesthood. No middle man needed to approach the throne of the Christ (Heb. 5:1-10, 1 Peter 2:9, Rev. 1:6) all members are laity separated from the clergy.

The Apostle tells us........when there is a change in the priesthood there must be a change in testaments/covenants (Heb.7:11-17)

There was a change in sacrifices (Heb. 9:16-28, 10:1-8) Jesus fulfilled the requirements of the Old Law (Matthew 5:17-18), Paul the Apostle tells us that Jesus nailed the Old Law to His sacrificial cross (Col.2:14). The Old Law was put death on the cross along with Jesus Christ (Eph. 2:15)

Those who still practice their faith under the Old Law are worshiping in vain, "You have been severed from Christ, you who are seeking to be justified by the law (of Moses); you have fallen from grace." -- Gal. 5:4.
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Perhaps you should read and study your Bible before you make an ass out of yourself. Everything I presented can be documented by Book, Chapter and Verse. Who should we believe........"you" or the Holy Scriptures? :dunno:

Why the Law of Moses is no longer in effect: The Holy Scriptures consist of 2 major parts.....the O.T. and the N.T.
A testament is a will or covenant. Thus, we have the Old Will and the New Will from God.

This change in wills is documented in detail (Hebrews 1:1-2). God no longer speaks to man through prophets (as He did under the Old Law) but rather through the words of Christ Jesus. Jesus Himself stated as much, "He that rejecteth Me; and receiveth not My Words has one that judges him; the word that I have spoken; the same shall judge him on the last day." -- John 12:48 The Old Law had no solution for men who were continually sinning ..........the best it offered was the blood of bulls and goats to hide sin from one season to the next, "........for it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sin." -- Hebrews 10...explains in detail why the old law existed, it was but a shadow of things to come, until the seed of Abraham came, Jesus was that seed that ushered in the N.T. kingdom of God......the sacrifice of Jesus mirrored the promise made to Abraham (Genesis 22:8), "God will provide for Himself the lamb for a burnt offering.....MY SON." The apostle confirms that Jesus was that offering (Gal. 3)

This change in testaments/wills is documented and foretold in the O.T. -- Jer.31:31-34 God stated through the prophet Jeremiah the new testament/will will be different from the one delivered to Moses on Mt. Sanai.

Why would God change the law....did He change His mind? Absolutely not....God is unchanging from the beginning to the end (Malachi 3:6, "I am the Lord, I change not........" Why the change? God did not change His mind.........both testaments were planned even before the worlds were created, before time itself began (1 Peter 1:19-20, 2 Tim. 1:9, Thess. 2:13-14)

The apostles of Christ were speaking for the Christ after His ascension into heaven where He is seated at the right hand of the Father on the Throne of David as ruler of Spiritual Jerusalem...i.e. the church/kingdom of God/Christ (Acts 2:36, Jesus is both Lord and Christ of His kingdom). The Apostles were commissioned by Jesus before His death to receive power from heaven in the form of a helper....the Holy Spirit of Truth/Holy Ghost/Spirit in order to establish the N.T. church's doctrine as directed by Jesus from Heaven (John 16:13)

The Apostles tell us that not only was there a change in testaments/covenants......but a change in the Priesthood, where Jesus is the High Priest will all members being themselves part of a royal priesthood. No middle man needed to approach the throne of the Christ (Heb. 5:1-10, 1 Peter 2:9, Rev. 1:6) all members are laity separated from the clergy.

The Apostle tells us........when there is a change in the priesthood there must be a change in testaments/covenants (Heb.7:11-17)

There was a change in sacrifices (Heb. 9:16-28, 10:1-8) Jesus fulfilled the requirements of the Old Law (Matthew 5:17-18), Paul the Apostle tells us that Jesus nailed the Old Law to His sacrificial cross (Col.2:14). The Old Law was put death on the cross along with Jesus Christ (Eph. 2:15)

Those who still practice their faith under the Old Law are worshiping in vain, "You have been severed from Christ, you who are seeking to be justified by the law (of Moses); you have fallen from grace." -- Gal. 5:4.
I don't follow the NT...too many errors that you have been trained not to see.
You have been trained to concentrate on pre-selected verses.
Jew are trained to read every word from beginning to end.
Who has the qualifications?
The other issue is we already know the end of time is not going to be pleasant because too many people are narcissistic.

The nation of Israel.

A prophet hast to be wise, strong and wealthy.
Israel were always known for their wisdom,
and the state of Israel also produces more
Yeshivah students than ever in history.
As well as proven its economic, and
military strengths with the
return to Zion.

Narcissim and Postmodernism on a collective level,
may be natural human response to living through
Biblical events in the absence of prophecy.

Simultaneously breaking the idol-ogies.
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There are different levels.
Roo-ach Hah-Ko-Desh is a spiritual level of unusually high insight, but not prophecy,

Ruah HaKodesh is common in Israel.
In every generation - outstanding,
but not unusual.

Individual prophecy may be already common,
we can't know until there's anyone sent to speak.
People in touch with their spiritual side?

Being "in thouch with their spiritual side",
may eventually be a catchphrase
for worshiping themselves.

But let's say, their spiritual side was indeed a gateway to prophecy, and prophecy can be on an individual level, as in to direct an individual prophet's life, or even that of an entire generation. Many generations had prophets addressing those specific generations, hundreds of them, absent from the TaNaCh.

Humanity needs the real thing.
It's not narrow prophecy
that this generation is
worth and be willing
to hear.

It's as wide as the worlds they destroy.
And to refer to what was said about
Narcissism and Dementia, another
example of why Prophecy should
be discussed in collective social
terms primarily.

To sum up - we might not care about individual prophecy, out of arrogance, it's also good, this generation is worth the real thing, which is when prophecy addresses the universal side of all.
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Israeli Cultural Revolution - Passion For The Temple | The Imaginative Force | Prophetic Cinema

"Fallouts of prophecy here are growing, and the sons of the prophets are awakening, the spirit of prophecy goes and sails in the land, seeking utterance, demanding mighty heroes, stock of might and holiness, they shall know to prosper speech..."

Shmonah Kvatzim L'Rav Kook

"Those of vast grasping, their force of imagination is great and very exalted." - Rabbi Kook
At least among us Jews, those who have a grasp of knowledge,
are those of great imagination. And then there's great daring,
in their descriptions, their thoughts.

We can see this among the prophets.
We can also see this among Kabbalists.
The terminology is full of imaginative power.

Which causes superficial people to think all these folks are confused and need psychiatric hospitalization. But they don't need any, they are entirely normal people. With that, they have great imaginative power, breaking many borders.

In the scientific field, until Psychoanalysis none of this was known. The Freudian psychoanalysis revealed great depths within the human subconscious, symbolic thinking.
Also later, Jung has many observations of this kind - the collective unconscious...the ocean of souls.

So, "those of vast grasping, their force of imagination is great and very exalted, and it's connected with visions that are more general in reality. And according to their courage, and purity of their spirit, the imaginative power enacts itself through them. To draw exalted imaginations, that the light of the high truth reveals by them. In such revelations that no logical mind can reach".

What does Rabbi Kook want from us? That we are not to be scared of meeting peopleof such imaginative force, that we don't think it's a shortcoming, moreover - it is an advantage.

Possibly Rabbi Kook wants something else, besides not being scared to meet such people, rather Rabbi Kook tells You: "Maybe You, the reader, You are one of these great people, that You don't get scared seeing You have imaginative power that is great,use it for these sacred purposes.".

Pe'er Tasi - 'Arak

Weather Changes - Bnayah Baraby with the Ashdod Orchestra

Changes in weather brought me to think
That beside them, I'm sad also because of You
Near the house that was my home, a street was paved,
I know, something is changing here

Here a cloud, similar to other clouds already passed
And regardless - I see shapes

Once I'd get the whole body closer to kisses
I'd come to You, learning everything
Once I'd have more people in me
Remaining I have only names
Also, a sea erases names - written in sand

But now I know that regardless, You are with me
And united both of us together are being born

The changing of people brought me to think,
That besides You, I have no one to love
Near the house which was my home
Paved a road, I know something
About bad and good

Here the sea, similar to another sea,
And another sea, and flowing more
There's always a sea, always a boat

Once, I used to get closer...
What You've said and what not
Brought me to think, that our words meet
Near the house that was my home
Here are You, once similar to sea, once not

- Written by Shlomah Artzi​

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Ephesians 4:11-13
11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:

In God's true church, you should find those offices of priesthood that were created for the perfecting of the saints and for the work of the ministry and for the edifying of the body of Christ. They should be part of the Church of Jesus Christ until we all come in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. For this reason were those offices of the priesthood created in God's true church.
Ephesians 4:11-13
11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:

In God's true church, you should find those offices of priesthood that were created for the perfecting of the saints and for the work of the ministry and for the edifying of the body of Christ. They should be part of the Church of Jesus Christ until we all come in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. For this reason were those offices of the priesthood created in God's true church.
Matt. 16:17-9
Just wondering because it seems like all the prophecies that I've been having lately have been coming true and I want to know what others around here think.
There have never been prophets just people who claim to be channeling some gods
Hanan Ben Ari - Holem Kmo Yosef (Dreaming Like Yosef)

Every human is expelled from the Garden of 'Eden
Everyone goes through a flood
Everyone has some Abel (vanity)
Of whom he is jealous till death
In each a tower of revolt and confusion

Every human walks to him/herself from father's house
Everyone almost binds his son
Deep inside there is a small Sodom
That he only wants to wipe out already
And there are angels to rescue him

And me as well, dreaming like Yosef
Yes, I too was thrown in a pit
Wheel returning in a costume
And like David I'm making of it a Psalm
Making of it a Psalm

Each one is queen like Ester
Defeating like Dvorah any army that will come
Like each, she also cries secretly
Like Rahel, like Mosheh on Mount Nevo

And me as well, dreaming like Yosef...

Every human created in the image
Coal burning mysteries and clues
Everyone is good material for a movie
A new role in a story ancient of days

Matt. 16:17-9
This verse shows that Peter was a true prophet who received revelation from the Father and thus true prophets are part of the true church of Jesus Christ. It is built upon the rock of revelation and upon this rock Jesus built his church. The gates of Hell can never prevail against the revelations of God.

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