Are the Pats really that good or is everyone else really bad?

Skull Pilot

Diamond Member
Nov 17, 2007
the N.E. patriots are 10 and 0 and have put up numbers that are beyond impressive. Despite all the whining about video taping signals and running up the score, you cannot dispute the absolute dominance of this team.

didn't you just love hearing Don Shula whining about the possibility of the Pats going undefeated? i know I did.

the N.E. patriots are 10 and 0 and have put up numbers that are beyond impressive. Despite all the whining about video taping signals and running up the score, you cannot dispute the absolute dominance of this team.

didn't you just love hearing Don Shula whining about the possibility of the Pats going undefeated? i know I did.


I'm a patriots fan since long before they got to where they are now. I think that the Pats are running up scores to prove a point....that the video taping of signals had less impact than the league wanted everyone to believe.
I grew up watching the Pats. I even went to football camp with such greats as Steve Nelson, John Hannah And bill lenkaitis

i was just gloating
the N.E. patriots are 10 and 0 and have put up numbers that are beyond impressive. Despite all the whining about video taping signals and running up the score, you cannot dispute the absolute dominance of this team.

didn't you just love hearing Don Shula whining about the possibility of the Pats going undefeated? i know I did.



Are you serious?

So they tried to swipe a few signals, big deal it's done in baseball all the time. And what they got on those tapes if anything played no part in any of their oh so impressive victories.

PS I'll bet you're an Indy fan
They're probably that good, and everyone else is probably that bad. I could care less about the accusations. I recall in the 70s all the accusations that the Steelers were unfairly allowed to play dirty when the fact was, no one could touch them.

But I'll be rooting against NE pretty much no matter who they play. Haven't like them for 38 years, and ain't about to start.
Are you serious?

So they tried to swipe a few signals, big deal it's done in baseball all the time. And what they got on those tapes if anything played no part in any of their oh so impressive victories.

PS I'll bet you're an Indy fan

Very serious.

They got caught twice. How many times did they not get caught?

Go Cowboys.
Very serious.

They got caught twice. How many times did they not get caught?

Go Cowboys.

I'm up for yet another Dallas-Pittsburgh Superbowl myself ... I just don't ever know who to root for.:confused:

Just curious ... how many times has the team with the best record in the NFL been knocked off by an underdog during the playoffs?
Here's what gets me. The Pats lost their first round draft pick as punishment for cheating yet they'll still retain the one they made a deal for with the 49ers. Considering how bad they are, that's at least a 3rd or 4th pick overall.

I'm up for yet another Dallas-Pittsburgh Superbowl myself ... I just don't ever know who to root for.

Just curious ... how many times has the team with the best record in the NFL been knocked off by an underdog during the playoffs?

To this day, Neal O'Donnel says he didn't throw that interception on purpose...ya right?

As for the stat regarding underdog teams in the playoffs I'm not sure of that but while I was doing some research for the answer I found this little piece of info concerning the MLB when the owners were voting on realigning the league and making a wild card slot.

"I made my arguments and went down in flames. History will prove me right." -- Texas Rangers owner George W. Bush after voting against realignment and a new wild-card system during a Major League Baseball owners meeting in September 1993. Bush was the lone dissenter in a 27-1 vote.

Funny how Bush is wrong about everything. And look, he was the only one that disagreed with the changes too....idiot.:D
They appear to be one of the greatest teams of all time at this moment. But they have to win the Super Bowl first. Otherwise, they're just like my 1998 15-1 Vikings. :redface:

One can only hope. I thought the Vikings looked promising during preseason play. They need to shore up their QB issues though. Rumor has it Donovan McNabb will be heading that way next season.

Does anyone here play Madden Football? I'm a total addicted of it.
One can only hope. I thought the Vikings looked promising during preseason play. They need to shore up their QB issues though. Rumor has it Donovan McNabb will be heading that way next season.

Which is why many of us in MN are so stupified now, but excited for the future. Was there anybody who didn't go "Tarvaras who?" when we were told he was gonna be the answer? Personally I'm not to keen on getting McNabb the way he's looked this season. I also have Peterson on my fantasy team, and have been pleased.

I'm going to make a 'you heard it here first' prediction for Vikes QB next year as they will surely be in the market (unless Jackson shows serious promise down the stretch.


Wait for it......

Derek Anderson or maybe even Brady Quinn. Why? who expected this nobody turned somebody Derek Anderson to be this great? He's been in the league only two years now and I can't see how the Browns can give him up after what he's done. If the Browns keep him they have no reason to go to Quinn other than he just needs to get a shot at some point. The only other possibility is to let Anderson go for that very reason (don't know what his contract is like) and which case the Vikes should snap him up.
Which is why many of us in MN are so stupified now, but excited for the future. Was there anybody who didn't go "Tarvaras who?" when we were told he was gonna be the answer? Personally I'm not to keen on getting McNabb the way he's looked this season. I also have Peterson on my fantasy team, and have been pleased.

I'm going to make a 'you heard it here first' prediction for Vikes QB next year as they will surely be in the market (unless Jackson shows serious promise down the stretch.


Wait for it......

Derek Anderson or maybe even Brady Quinn. Why? who expected this nobody turned somebody Derek Anderson to be this great? He's been in the league only two years now and I can't see how the Browns can give him up after what he's done. If the Browns keep him they have no reason to go to Quinn other than he just needs to get a shot at some point. The only other possibility is to let Anderson go for that very reason (don't know what his contract is like) and which case the Vikes should snap him up.

I like what Derek Anderson has done this year. I don't think the Browns will give him that easy though. He and his WR have a chemistry that the Browns have been looking for a long time.
As for Brady Quinn, I'm don't know if you should really want him. He never could won the big games at Notre Dame and I'm not all that sure he's gonna be anything in the NFL without some serious coaching.
Hey, if your Vikes are still hard up for a QB in a couple years there's always Michael Vick :lol:
I like what Derek Anderson has done this year. I don't think the Browns will give him that easy though. He and his WR have a chemistry that the Browns have been looking for a long time.
As for Brady Quinn, I'm don't know if you should really want him. He never could won the big games at Notre Dame and I'm not all that sure he's gonna be anything in the NFL without some serious coaching.
Hey, if your Vikes are still hard up for a QB in a couple years there's always Michael Vick :lol:

Don't say that. That'd be just the kind a thing they'd do.

All kidding aside with a decent QB the vikes could be pretty decent, maybe a decent WR too, but I think there's some promise in the young received core we have.
oh, you're welcome....your whining is quite funny.

astrerisk, my ass!

Show me where I was whining.

Also, I know you were in the Navy, but we Marines prefer women. You can let your ship mates continue to abuse your ass.
the entire discussion about the pats videotaping is whining. If you want to prove that they are not the best team in the NFL, all you really have to do is find some team out there that can do something other than get trounced by them.

and...purposely misinterpreting idiomatic expressions is fairly sophomoric, don't you think?
the entire discussion about the pats videotaping is whining. If you want to prove that they are not the best team in the NFL, all you really have to do is find some team out there that can do something other than get trounced by them.

and...purposely misinterpreting idiomatic expressions is fairly sophomoric, don't you think?

Bottom line. They got caught cheating.

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