Arctic heat

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
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Zack Labe


Today's latest #Arctic mean temperature continues to move the wrong direction... up. Quite an anomalous spike!

12:24 PM - 15 Nov 2016 · Irvine, CA

'Climate Emergency': North Pole Sees Record Temps, Melting Ice Despite Arctic Winter

"Folks, we're in a climate emergency," tweeted meteorologist Eric Holthaus.


Sea ice at both poles at about three standard deviations below normal. Overall sea ice level at a major record low for this time of the year. The temperatures in the arctic way above normal. Keep a watch on this, folks, could get very interesting.
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Zack Labe


Today's latest #Arctic mean temperature continues to move the wrong direction... up. Quite an anomalous spike!

12:24 PM - 15 Nov 2016 · Irvine, CA

'Climate Emergency': North Pole Sees Record Temps, Melting Ice Despite Arctic Winter

"Folks, we're in a climate emergency," tweeted meteorologist Eric Holthaus.


Sea ice at both poles at about three standard deviations below normal. Overall sea ice level at a major record low for this time of the year. The temperatures in the arctic way above normal. Keep a watch on this, folks, could get very interesting.

See? This is Gawd getting pissed over Hillary losing.
Meanwhile we froze our ass off in TX last night...

So let me get this right, OldCocks posts a graph which should leave one to conclude that the Northern Ice cap has lost about 1/3 of it's ice JUST THIS YEAR.

Logically then one can assume the sea level would have increased noticeably.

Of course it hasn't, and the pattern of deceit by the MMGW hoaxers continues unabated.

Now lets suppose you're the newly elected POTUS, and you're about to outline a budget for the next FY.

I wonder how terrified bed wetters are that a lot of the government funding that advanced this hoax may be cut off.

Meanwhile we froze our ass off in TX last night...

So let me get this right, OldCocks posts a graph which should leave one to conclude that the Northern Ice cap has lost about 1/3 of it's ice JUST THIS YEAR.

Logically then one can assume the sea level would have increased noticeably.

Of course it hasn't, and the pattern of deceit by the MMGW hoaxers continues unabated.

Now lets suppose you're the newly elected POTUS, and you're about to outline a budget for the next FY.

I wonder how terrified bed wetters are that a lot of the government funding that advanced this hoax may be cut off.

Oh my, Petey is another dumb fuck that thinks that melting floating ice can raise sea level. And if you read that into the graph, perhaps you need to repeat the third grade.
Since the satellites of many governments are showing the same thing, why do you think that Trump working to make the US a third rate nation in science will affect that scientific efforts of other nations?

And as far you freezing your ass off, had you a clue concerning the present science, you would know that the temperatures in the Arctic are very much the reason that we are seeing East Coast cold.
Since the satellites of many governments are showing the same thing, why do you think that Trump working to make the US a third rate nation in science will affect that scientific efforts of other nations?

And as far you freezing your ass off, had you a clue concerning the present science, you would know that the temperatures in the Arctic are very much the reason that we are seeing East Coast cold.

All those "governments" use the same damn satellite. LOL

Ground based stations do not reflect the anomalous readings from the satellite.
And why is the ice melting? Perhaps because the temperatures you're displaying here are right at the melting point of water when by this time of the year, normal temps would be near zero Fahrenheit.
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Here is a functioning satellite. Your warming is bull shit..

Good work, Billy. You saw all that blue and decided this must show some frigid shit when in fact it shows exactly what Matthew posted. The Antarctic is ~30F above normal. Thanks, Billy.

Here is a functioning satellite. Your warming is bull shit..

Good work, Billy. You saw all that blue and decided this must show some frigid shit when in fact it shows exactly what Matthew posted. The Antarctic is ~30F above normal. Thanks, Billy.
tell me retard, the graph is showing anomaly and its at 0 to -1.5 deg C.. Which means the true temp is below average and not above..
Bullshit. I made my own copy of that graph. Those are temperatures, not anomalies.

And I'm the one who can't read a fucking graph?
Here's the link to the NOAA page that makes those graphs

Here is the text from "Details on how the analysis is performed"

The word "anomaly" does not appear anywhere in this text.

You're stupid and an asshole.

Description of the RTG_SST_HR analysis

NOTE for frequent visitors: Go to Changes to the RTG_SST_HR analysis for information on changes in the operational 1/12 deg. Real-Time Global SST analysis.

A daily, high-resolution, real-time, global, sea surface temperature (RTG_SST) analysis has been developed at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction/Marine Modeling and Analysis Branch (NCEP / MMAB). The analysis was implemented in the NCEP parallel production suite 16 August 2005. It became fully operational on September 27, 2005.

The daily sea surface temperature product is produced on a twelfth-degree (latitude, longitude) grid, with a two-dimensional variational interpolation analysis of the most recent 24-hours buoy and ship data, satellite-retrieved SST data, and SST's derived from satellite-observed sea-ice coverage. The algorithm employs the following data-handling and analysis techniques:

Satellite retrieved SST values are averaged within 1/12 o grid boxes with day and night 'superobs' created separately for each satellite;

Bias calculation and removal, for satellite retrieved SST, is the technique employed in the 7-day Reynolds-Smith climatological analysis;

Currently, the satellite SST retrievals are generated by a physically-based algorithm from the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation. Retrievals are from NOAA-19 and METOP-A AVHRR data;

SST reports from individual ships and buoys are separately averaged within grid boxes;

The first-guess is the prior (un-smoothed) analysis with one-day's climate adjustment added;

Late-arriving data which did not make it into the previous SST analysis are accepted if they are less than 36 hours old;

Surface temperature is calculated for water where the ice cover exceeds 50%, using salinity climatology in Millero's formula for the freezing point of salt water:t(S) = -0.0575 S + 0.0017 S3/2 - 0.0002 S2,with S in psu.

An inhomogeneous correlation-scale-parameter l, for the correlation function: exp(-d2/l2) , is calculated from a climatological temperature gradient, asl = min ( 450 , max( 2.25 / |grad T| , 100 )),with d and l in kilometers. "grad T" is in oC / km
Evaluations of the analysis products have shown it to produce realistically tight gradients in the Gulf Stream regions of the Atlantic and the Kuroshio region of the Pacific, and to be in close agreement with SST reports from moored buoys in both oceans. Also, it has been shown to properly depict the wintertime colder shelf water -- a feature critical in getting an accurate model prediction for coastal winter storms.
Amid higher global temperatures, sea ice at record lows at poles

For what appears to be the first time since scientists began keeping track, sea ice in the Arctic and the Antarctic are at record lows this time of year.

"It looks like, since the beginning of October, that for the first time we are seeing both the Arctic and Antarctic sea ice running at record low levels," said Walt Meier, a research scientist with the Cryospheric Sciences Laboratory at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, who has tracked sea ice data going back to 1979.
Amid higher global temperatures, sea ice at record lows at poles

For what appears to be the first time since scientists began keeping track, sea ice in the Arctic and the Antarctic are at record lows this time of year.

"It looks like, since the beginning of October, that for the first time we are seeing both the Arctic and Antarctic sea ice running at record low levels," said Walt Meier, a research scientist with the Cryospheric Sciences Laboratory at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, who has tracked sea ice data going back to 1979.

Amid higher global temperatures, sea ice at record lows at poles

For what appears to be the first time since scientists began keeping track, sea ice in the Arctic and the Antarctic are at record lows this time of year.

"It looks like, since the beginning of October, that for the first time we are seeing both the Arctic and Antarctic sea ice running at record low levels," said Walt Meier, a research scientist with the Cryospheric Sciences Laboratory at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, who has tracked sea ice data going back to 1979.


CNN is one of the best news sources there is...I guess you think anything outside of Breitdick is a fraud.

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