April 4, 1865


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
On this day in 1865, President Abraham Lincoln and his young son Tad visited the city of Richmond, Virginia, just days after the Confederates abandoned their former capital and Union forces-including African American soldiers-captured the city.

A large crowd gathered around Lincoln as he walked the streets toward the former Confederate White House. Many in the crowd were black men, women, and children whose freedom was guaranteed by the Union victory that now seemed inevitable.

Admiral David Dixon Porter later recalled: "I should have preferred to see the President of the United States entering the subjugated stronghold of the rebels with an escort more befitting his high station, yet that would have looked as if he came as a conqueror to exult over a brave but fallen enemy. He came instead as a peacemaker, his hand extended to all who desired to take it."

On this day in 1865, President Abraham Lincoln and his young son Tad visited the city of Richmond, Virginia, just days after the Confederates abandoned their former capital and Union forces-including African American soldiers-captured the city.

A large crowd gathered around Lincoln as he walked the streets toward the former Confederate White House. Many in the crowd were black men, women, and children whose freedom was guaranteed by the Union victory that now seemed inevitable.

Admiral David Dixon Porter later recalled: "I should have preferred to see the President of the United States entering the subjugated stronghold of the rebels with an escort more befitting his high station, yet that would have looked as if he came as a conqueror to exult over a brave but fallen enemy. He came instead as a peacemaker, his hand extended to all who desired to take it."

View attachment 318996
And Democrats are still pissed.
There were no African Americans in 1865.That silly assed term for blacks came about in the 1970's.
Abraham Lincoln. If it wasn't for Barack Obama he would have the postiton of biggest asshole American President in the history of the Republic. Piss on him!
Lincoln's visit to Richmond was not one just to satisfy his curiosity. He also attended to business. John Campbell, the assistant Confederate secretary of war and former US Supreme court justice, called on Lincoln while he was at the Confederate White House. Campbell was the highest ranking Confederate official still in Richmond.

Lincoln met with Campbell and a handful of other Confederates in the parlor of the Davis mansion, behind closed doors. Lincoln's primary obsession now that the war was virtually at an end was how the states in rebellion could be properly restored to their proper place in the Union.

Lincoln emphasized that he could not treat with with any rebels until they had laid down their arms and surrendered, accepted nationwide emancipation, and bowed to the reestablishment of national authority. Campbell assured the President that if he would allow the Virginia legislature to meet, it would at once repeal the ordinance of secession.

Lincoln decided to adjourn the meeting with Campbell and his associates to think over the ideas and communicate with them again shortly.
For at least a hundred and fifty years American kids learned the mantra that "Lincoln preserved the Union" when in fact the Union fell apart under his watch. The victors write the history books.
For at least a hundred and fifty years American kids learned the mantra that "Lincoln preserved the Union" when in fact the Union fell apart under his watch. The victors write the history books.
The Union fell apart under Buchanan
Lincoln conscripted men and boys for Public Service and *printed* money to fund the war of aggression against states that didn't comply with his orders and decided instead to die- so, comply or die, due godvernment force has been our way since then.
Lincoln's visit to Richmond was not one just to satisfy his curiosity. He also attended to business. John Campbell, the assistant Confederate secretary of war and former US Supreme court justice, called on Lincoln while he was at the Confederate White House. Campbell was the highest ranking Confederate official still in Richmond.

Lincoln met with Campbell and a handful of other Confederates in the parlor of the Davis mansion, behind closed doors. Lincoln's primary obsession now that the war was virtually at an end was how the states in rebellion could be properly restored to their proper place in the Union.

Lincoln emphasized that he could not treat with with any rebels until they had laid down their arms and surrendered, accepted nationwide emancipation, and bowed to the reestablishment of national authority. Campbell assured the President that if he would allow the Virginia legislature to meet, it would at once repeal the ordinance of secession.

Lincoln decided to adjourn the meeting with Campbell and his associates to think over the ideas and communicate with them again shortly.
Great post. The rest of the Confederate government had fled.

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