Anyone noticing a Patriotic awakening in their communities?


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
I live in New York (Long Island), and there's bumper stickers saying "Cancel Communism," "We Can't Breathe," etc.

The last four conversation I had with people on the street resulted in "The reaction to COVID is a hoax, it is meant to keep us under control and crash the economy."

And most notably "I didn't believe a communist insurgency was in my country, until I saw our history torn down and MSM demanding the cancellation of the National Anthem.

Another one, "These morons actually want to abolish the police...and take away our guns."


I don't care how many fake polls (clinton gonna win by landslide) the far left throws at us to demoralize us, the word on the streets of Suffolk County is the silent majority is voting Trump in 2020.

Also, I noticed how timid these people were to SPEAK THEIR MINDS (in fear of being called a racist/nazi/etc) until I revealed my feelings on the COVID hoax, which is how I initiated EACH conversation.

One conversation at my apartment complex.
Two at work.
One in a pizzeria.

Had I tried to say these things a year ago, each of these four "regular" people would have called me a "kook" and "conspiracy theorist."

See, I don't have to expose the left anymore, the left exposed themselves.

The Silent Majority will cancel communism this November.
I live in New York (Long Island), and there's bumper stickers saying "Cancel Communism," "We Can't Breathe," etc.

The last four conversation I had with people on the street resulted in "The reaction to COVID is a hoax, it is meant to keep us under control and crash the economy."

And most notably "I didn't believe a communist insurgency was in my country, until I saw our history torn down and MSM demanding the cancellation of the National Anthem.

Another one, "These morons actually want to abolish the police...and take away our guns."


I don't care how many fake polls (clinton gonna win by landslide) the far left throws at us to demoralize us, the word on the streets of Suffolk County is the silent majority is voting Trump in 2020.

Also, I noticed how timid these people were to SPEAK THEIR MINDS (in fear of being called a racist/nazi/etc) until I revealed my feelings on the COVID hoax, which is how I initiated EACH conversation.

One conversation at my apartment complex.
Two at work.
One in a pizzeria.

Had I tried to say these things a year ago, each of these four "regular" people would have called me a "kook" and "conspiracy theorist."

See, I don't have to expose the left anymore, the left exposed themselves.

The Silent Majority will cancel communism this November.
Same thing here, almost to a T. Absolutely everyone I've talked with is just disgusted with the riots, the tearing down statues, ANTIFA, the occupying cities, blocking city streets, the BLM crap and painting it on the streets, AND all the INTIMIDATION tactics that these VIOLENT America hating fascists are using. They are pissing off a LOT of people, and these people aren't REVEALING that they're PISSED OFF, and they associate ALL of this America hate, the HATE WHITEY crap, the violence, all of it, they associate it ALL with the DEMOCRAT PARTY.

So the problem for the VIOLENT, FASCIST, DOMESTIC TERRORIST DEMOCRAT PARTY is, they live in a BUBBLE. They listen ONLY to others that THINK and SPEAK in LOCK STEP with THEM, and this is mostly confined to the big democrat run cities that are fascist toilets, so they know absolutely NOTHING about the vast, VAST MAJORITY of the nation outside their BUBBLE. They actually think everyone thinks like they do, but they are in for a major rude awakening, just like in 2016. Their POLLS are a pathetic JOKE.
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Echo chamber of the minority view as it cries about being the minority. Get used to it.

I live in New York (Long Island), and there's bumper stickers saying "Cancel Communism," "We Can't Breathe," etc.

The last four conversation I had with people on the street resulted in "The reaction to COVID is a hoax, it is meant to keep us under control and crash the economy."

And most notably "I didn't believe a communist insurgency was in my country, until I saw our history torn down and MSM demanding the cancellation of the National Anthem.

Another one, "These morons actually want to abolish the police...and take away our guns."


I don't care how many fake polls (clinton gonna win by landslide) the far left throws at us to demoralize us, the word on the streets of Suffolk County is the silent majority is voting Trump in 2020.

Also, I noticed how timid these people were to SPEAK THEIR MINDS (in fear of being called a racist/nazi/etc) until I revealed my feelings on the COVID hoax, which is how I initiated EACH conversation.

One conversation at my apartment complex.
Two at work.
One in a pizzeria.

Had I tried to say these things a year ago, each of these four "regular" people would have called me a "kook" and "conspiracy theorist."

See, I don't have to expose the left anymore, the left exposed themselves.

The Silent Majority will cancel communism this November.
Wow, you wrote that thinking that someone would actually believe you? It reads like a fake online review.
I live in New York (Long Island), and there's bumper stickers saying "Cancel Communism," "We Can't Breathe," etc.

The last four conversation I had with people on the street resulted in "The reaction to COVID is a hoax, it is meant to keep us under control and crash the economy."

And most notably "I didn't believe a communist insurgency was in my country, until I saw our history torn down and MSM demanding the cancellation of the National Anthem.

Another one, "These morons actually want to abolish the police...and take away our guns."


I don't care how many fake polls (clinton gonna win by landslide) the far left throws at us to demoralize us, the word on the streets of Suffolk County is the silent majority is voting Trump in 2020.

Also, I noticed how timid these people were to SPEAK THEIR MINDS (in fear of being called a racist/nazi/etc) until I revealed my feelings on the COVID hoax, which is how I initiated EACH conversation.

One conversation at my apartment complex.
Two at work.
One in a pizzeria.

Had I tried to say these things a year ago, each of these four "regular" people would have called me a "kook" and "conspiracy theorist."

See, I don't have to expose the left anymore, the left exposed themselves.

The Silent Majority will cancel communism this November.
Wow, you wrote that thinking that someone would actually believe you? It reads like a fake online review.
What's fake?

Everyone is wearing masks. I start a conversation with four people about wearing masks. It's a common discussion among people right now.
You know...I haven't seen a single Biden bumper sticker.
And I haven't personally heard ANYONE say they're going to vote for the hair sniffer either.

In fact, it's been quite the opposite. Even listening to people talking in the bar, they are NOT, HAPPY, with democrats and all the RIOTS, LOOTING, BURNING, BLOCKING STREETS AND HIGHWAYS, TEARING DOWN STATUES, BLM, ANTIFA, VIOLENCE, INTIMIDATION, HATE WHITEY, HATE AMERICA, on and on, and it's ALL on the democrats. People are pissed, and I mean at DEMOCRATS.

You have to be seriously KIDDING yourself to actually think the MAJORITY of Americans are in FAVOR of the CRAP the DEMOCRATS have been RESPONSIBLE FOR. You have to be fucking DAFT.
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You know...I haven't seen a single Biden bumper sticker.
And I haven't personally heard ANYONE say they're going to vote for the hair sniffer either.

In fact, it's been quite the opposite. Even listening to people talking in the bar, they are NOT, HAPPY, with democrats and all the RIOTS, LOOTING, BURNING, BLOCKING STREETS AND HIGHWAYS, TEARING DOWN STATUES, BLM, ANTIFA, VIOLENCE, INTIMIDATION, HATE WHITEY, HATE AMERICA, on and on, and it's ALL on the democrats. People are pissed, and I mean at DEMOCRATS.

You have to be seriously KIDDING yourself to actually think the MAJORITY of Americans are in FAVOR of the CRAP the DEMOCRATS have been RESPONSIBLE FOR. You have to be fucking DAFT.

The liberal news media are doing their best to spin a narrative that a majority favor Biden, backed up with rigged polls and BS.
My small town is patriotic. Always has been. Patriotism hasn't slept here.
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You know...I haven't seen a single Biden bumper sticker.
There are a few about...but it seems most I talk to...see the election as chance to dump Trump...and I've seen a few stickers that say just that! You gotta be pretty brave to claim Democrat in Idaho...most are Republicans that hate Trump. Truth is..they'll vote Trump--not that Idaho is going to change anything at the national level.

Patriotic awakening? Nope..more of a hunkering down vibe in the air. Wait the bad shit out.
I was at library yesterday, it wasn't my usual library but they had books I wanted so stopped in to get them, one of them was on secession and the older librarian lady started talking to me about it and how she was interested in secession and how the country was going to break apart of course in her head it was a big state in the west and one in the midwest one in the south and one up in the Northeast but I told her I was a political science major and read this stuff for fun and because I was interested in and then I mentioned once Trump gets reelected it was going to get worse, she got real quiet and started whispering to me so no one else could hear her, she was saying she supports Trump but can't so it out loud etc etc, yep this is the silent majority people don't hear from and don't answer polls. I told her to have a good day and stay safe.
I had a medical issue Thursday and went to Urgent care. I asked how many patients has the Chinese virus. None. Not a one. Everyone was furious about the new rules. The office did not have the medication I needed. I trundled off to the emergency room. I asked how many chinese flu patients they had. None. On Friday I went to the dentist. Not a single dental patient they have had the wuflu. Everyone reported varying levels of anger.

Real fury is against the democrats at the state level because they are the ones who opened the prison doors.
I had a medical issue Thursday and went to Urgent care. I asked how many patients has the Chinese virus. None. Not a one. Everyone was furious about the new rules. The office did not have the medication I needed. I trundled off to the emergency room. I asked how many chinese flu patients they had. None. On Friday I went to the dentist. Not a single dental patient they have had the wuflu. Everyone reported varying levels of anger.

Real fury is against the democrats at the state level because they are the ones who opened the prison doors.
Perhaps if you had asked about Covid..they might have known what you were talking about?

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