Who do you think the winner will be? (Poll)

Who do you THINK the winner will be?

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Platinum Member
Jul 25, 2018
We're about 3.5 months away from the big day and I'm interested in your thoughts on the upcoming election.

I'm not interested in what you WANT to happen. I think we all know what those results would look like. Instead, I'm asking what you THINK will happen. There's a difference.

There is still plenty of time for things to happen between now and election day, but I'm just looking for your gut instinct at this moment in time. Feel free to change your vote whenever.
We're about 3.5 months away from the big day and I'm interested in your thoughts on the upcoming election.

I'm not interested in what you WANT to happen. I think we all know what those results would look like. Instead, I'm asking what you THINK will happen. There's a difference.

There is still plenty of time for things to happen between now and election day, but I'm just looking for your gut instinct at this moment in time. Feel free to change your vote whenever.

What your poll does prove, most of American leans to the right. We are NOT rightwingers.

Trump, by 20 EV or less

Close race.

What do you see flipping blue?

Not really certain. Never thought that far in advance. I base that prediction on the current polls, even though they show Biden with a whopping lead.

I'll have to look at the electoral map again later and make a more concise prediction.
As an objective observer, I think that there is no doubt that the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., will win by a landslide in the College and in the popular vote.

The COVID0-19 tragedy has wiped out our economy and caused great emotional and physical suffering to millions (not to mention those who have died of it), and the Insurrection led by ethnicity X (and inexplicably supported by some other ethnicities) has created massive chaos and disorder and anger.

One would think that under such circumstances, the Silent Majority would stand with President Trump (for whom I hope to vote), but there is no accounting for the actions of human beings.

There is also a good chance that Dems will control both Houses. So the Dems will start to implement their program of knuckling under to that racist "anti-cop movement."

Many voters will regret having voted in the Dems, but it will be too late. In the history of other democratic countries, the people have voted in authoritarian governments that ended that democracy. It will probably happen here on November 3. (If you think free speech is currently censored on the Web, you ain't seen nothing yet. Wait until the inauguration of the country's 46th president.)
We're about 3.5 months away from the big day and I'm interested in your thoughts on the upcoming election.
I can say, with great certainty, that I have absolutely no idea who's gonna win. The variables are massive, even with just three and a half months left:
  • Trump is a clown show and could implode at any moment
  • Biden is a clown show and could implode at any moment
  • COVID could explode or decline at any moment
  • We could have a treatment and/or vaccine breakthrough for COVID at any moment
  • Many are understandably ashamed to admit to wanting Trump to pollsters
  • The stock market, concerned about the bubble caused by massive Fed intervention, could implode at any moment
  • Another divisive (we just love being divided) disaster elsewhere in the country could happen at any moment
What a fuckin' mess.
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Dumb Don has no chance to win, if Sniffy Joe doesn’t fuck it up.

Big if.

Trump, by 20 EV or less

Close race.

What do you see flipping blue?

the (D) gets the keys to the whitehouse, the house stays blue & there's a very good chance the senate flips to a (D) majority. in 2018, the (D)s concentrated on the house, because it was pretty much a given that the senate was gonna stay solid red.


this time around, some 20 (R) senate seats are up for grabs, & the (D)s only need 4 to take the majority.


even if donny 'wins', if he has a (D) controlled congress - - - he will be in deep doo doo.
We're about 3.5 months away from the big day and I'm interested in your thoughts on the upcoming election.
I can say, with great certainty, that I have absolutely no idea who's gonna win. The variables are massive, even with just three and a half months left:
  • Trump is a clown show and could implode at any moment
  • Biden is a clown show and could implode at any moment
  • COVID could explode or decline at any moment
  • We could have a treatment and/or vaccine breakthrough for COVID at any moment
  • Many are understandably ashamed to admit to wanting Trump to pollsters
  • The stock market, concerned about the bubble caused by massive Fed intervention, could implode at any moment
  • Another divisive (we just love being divided) disaster elsewhere in the country could happen at any moment
What a fuckin' mess.
Exactly! Shit happens all the time and everything is unpredictable.
Barr and Durham could actually indict someone.
The debates could be a disaster for either or both candidates. Kanye wins!
The actual policy differences could be the deciding factor.....never happen, its all a pack of lies anyway. Its what pols do.

Simply put, the Republicans haven't won the popular vote since 2004 and before that 1988. They've slipped by using the Electoral Anachronism, but that only works if no one is paying attention, and they are paying attention now.

Trump is not anywhere near flipping states Hillary won, and is on the defense in WI, PA, MI, NC, AZ and FL. He has to win all six of those, Biden only has to flip two or three.

States that never should have been in play now are- TX, GA, OH, IA, maybe even MO.

With a second outbreak of Covid around the corner, I just don't see things getting better for Trump. It's too bad the country has to suffer this much for putting someone so manifestly unfit in the White House, but we brought this on ourselves.
Exactly! Shit happens all the time and everything is unpredictable.
Barr and Durham could actually indict someone.

And why would anyone care? Barr has turned the DOJ into such a face no one takes it seriously anymore.

The debates could be a disaster for either or both candidates. Kanye wins!

Debates won't mean that much, and if anything, they hurt Trump more than they hurt Biden. Historically, debates almost always hurt incumbents, because you get to see an alternative on the stage. The only exception was maybe Bob Dole's campaign in 1996, but that's because Bob Dole had nothing to run on. I'm not even sure he knew what he was running on.

Kanye has already announced he isn't running, after all.

The actual policy differences could be the deciding factor.....never happen, its all a pack of lies anyway. Its what pols do.

If this was on policy, Biden would win.. the majority agrees with him on most of the issues.

Look, Trump was trailing Biden even when the economy was good and Corona was just a brand of beer. People never wanted him to start with. Now they have some damned good reasons to get rid of him.

You guys should count yourself lucky the Democrats decided to play it safe with Biden, and didn't nominate Bernie.
We're about 3.5 months away from the big day and I'm interested in your thoughts on the upcoming election.

I'm not interested in what you WANT to happen. I think we all know what those results would look like. Instead, I'm asking what you THINK will happen. There's a difference.

There is still plenty of time for things to happen between now and election day, but I'm just looking for your gut instinct at this moment in time. Feel free to change your vote whenever.
...having Mr Trump as POTUS is already a victory ......he can't be there forever

Simply put, the Republicans haven't won the popular vote since 2004 and before that 1988. They've slipped by using the Electoral Anachronism, but that only works if no one is paying attention, and they are paying attention now.

Trump is not anywhere near flipping states Hillary won, and is on the defense in WI, PA, MI, NC, AZ and FL. He has to win all six of those, Biden only has to flip two or three.

States that never should have been in play now are- TX, GA, OH, IA, maybe even MO.

With a second outbreak of Covid around the corner, I just don't see things getting better for Trump. It's too bad the country has to suffer this much for putting someone so manifestly unfit in the White House, but we brought this on ourselves.

biden has been concentrating on the swing states from 2016 that hillary ignored. that was her mistake - taking them for granted that she had their votes. donny won the EC by only some 75K votes in those states & wisCONsin will remember how they got screwed in the primaries - being forced to vote in person during a pandemic.

they showed up though en masse to send a message. i fully believe it will be different this time.
Exactly! Shit happens all the time and everything is unpredictable.
Barr and Durham could actually indict someone.

And why would anyone care? Barr has turned the DOJ into such a face no one takes it seriously anymore.

The debates could be a disaster for either or both candidates. Kanye wins!

Debates won't mean that much, and if anything, they hurt Trump more than they hurt Biden. Historically, debates almost always hurt incumbents, because you get to see an alternative on the stage. The only exception was maybe Bob Dole's campaign in 1996, but that's because Bob Dole had nothing to run on. I'm not even sure he knew what he was running on.

Kanye has already announced he isn't running, after all.

The actual policy differences could be the deciding factor.....never happen, its all a pack of lies anyway. Its what pols do.

If this was on policy, Biden would win.. the majority agrees with him on most of the issues.

Look, Trump was trailing Biden even when the economy was good and Corona was just a brand of beer. People never wanted him to start with. Now they have some damned good reasons to get rid of him.

You guys should count yourself lucky the Democrats decided to play it safe with Biden, and didn't nominate Bernie.
1. The DOJ plotted against the political opponent of BO, and then plotted a coup, and you call Barr "partisan"? (with no proof)
2. The presidential debates will matter, especially when the policy differences are so stark, imagine Joe trying to explain Bernie's policies, they should be a prime-time blast! Which candidate would you trust to run the country?
3. Kanye is on the ballot in Oklahoma, and counting...
4. Biden does have a few popular policies, hike taxes to pay for SS & Medicare, er no, to pay for 1,000 Solyndra's?! To defund the police, to shutdown pipelines, to nationalize utilities, to disband ICE, to have open borders and free everything, pass the Green New Deal, pass Gun Control, promote globalism (his "America First" policy is a whopper).
biden has been concentrating on the swing states from 2016 that hillary ignored. that was her mistake - taking them for granted that she had their votes. donny won the EC by only some 75K votes in those states & wisCONsin will remember how they got screwed in the primaries - being forced to vote in person during a pandemic.

they showed up though en masse to send a message. i fully believe it will be different this time.

I don't even think it was that.

Let's be honest, Hillary was an awful candidate with terrible messaging. People just weren't that enthusiastic about her, but they figured that since she "had it in the bag", they didn't need to show up.

A telling one. African American turnout dropped from 66% in 2012 to 59% in 2016. This time, it will be higher and it will be for Biden.
1. The DOJ plotted against the political opponent of BO, and then plotted a coup, and you call Barr "partisan"? (with no proof)

No, the DOJ had valid evidence that the Russians were interfering inour election. That's the kind of thing they SHOULD be investigating.

I'm not sure what you are even talking about with a "coup". A coup is when soldiers break into the capitol and shoot people. The worst thing that would have happened is Trump would have been removed and Pence became president. Some Coup.

2. The presidential debates will matter, especially when the policy differences are so stark, imagine Joe trying to explain Bernie's policies, they should be a prime-time blast! Which candidate would you trust to run the country?

Clearly not Trump. 140K dead, 40 million unemployed, riots in the streets. His record is so loud we can't hear a word he's saying.

Trump would actually have to answer questions in a debate. He can't even keep it together in a softball interview on Fox.

3. Kanye is on the ballot in Oklahoma, and counting...

If Trump is having to fight to keep Oklahoma, he's toast.

4. Biden does have a few popular policies, hike taxes to pay for SS & Medicare, er no, to pay for 1,000 Solyndra's?! To defund the police, to shutdown pipelines, to nationalize utilities, to disband ICE, to have open borders and free everything, pass the Green New Deal, pass Gun Control, promote globalism (his "America First" policy is a whopper).

Those are all great ideas... most Americans would be fine with them.


Not sure why you think that means anything. I guess that keeps you pacified.. but the fact is Biden is in a much stronger position than Hillary was... and Trump has a shitty record he can't hide from this time.

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