Anyone know what this guy is babbling

I hope this idiot is taken down just like a horse that cheats in a race. But if he is seated as our President, our country will be the laughing stock of the world. Personally. I'll never accept that we elected anyone as stupid and corrupt as Biden.

you are CONfusing biden with donny as the laughing stock.

world leaders have already congratulated biden on his win. that is except for the dictators that president tinkles cozied up to during his regime.
Japan says Trump needs to be reelected and that the future of the free world and that world peace depends on it. China already had a half assed invasion of Hong Kong. They're setting up to invade Taiwan. The only resistance to that is Trump. Biden owes China too much to buck them.
We all be so much better off if Progressives started their own far, far, far away country, conceived in tyranny and dedicated to the proposition people are too stupid to live their lives
The Lord is my strength and my sheep?????

really, really reaching on that one

WTF cares?

It demonstrates that Mr. Biden's mind is slipping. A graduate of an elite Catholic prep school would know how to pronounce "psalm".
The Lord is my strength and my sheep?????

If it is a slip of the tongue - what I don't know now and what's in general uninteresting for me - then it is a very interesting slip of the tongue. A "palmist" would be someone who winks with the tribe of a palm leaf, when king Jesus moved to [heavenly] Jerusalem on the back of a donkey. So it looks to me Mr. president elected Joe Biden "saw" Jesus come home again to gods own country.

I was not a slip of the tongue. I was a case of not knowing how to pronunce "Psalms" when reading from a teleprompter. Biden did it twice.

So what?
I think he said, "I'm not Trump, and thank goodness, we can start cleaning this ugly stain from our history".

Something like that.
wrong---Harris/Biden will start the country going down the drain again, like Obama did
The Lord is my strength and my sheep?????

really, really reaching on that one

WTF cares?

It demonstrates that Mr. Biden's mind is slipping. A graduate of an elite Catholic prep school would know how to pronounce "psalm".

One question: Where do you celebrate Thanksgiving today? In hell? Election campaign is over.

And to the "problem". For no Catholic it is a problem if someonew says "Palmist" instead of "Psalmist". By the way: What is a Psalmist? Makes this word sense? The most psalms are from my grand... grandfather king David. I never called him "psalmist" and I never will do so. Sounds strange. I call him "David".

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probably the same reason the SC handmaid doesn't know the ' g ' in poignant is silent.

He did not "screw up" the pronunciation of a word----he revealed
the fact that he is DEMENTED ----He is probably READING that idiot
statement------I did not get the last word "the lord is my strength and
my "SHOE"??? or was it supposed to be "shield" My hubby reads
"psalmist" as P..SA-LM ---pronouncing all the letters. His native
tongue is hebrew of a community BIG on pronunciation (of hebrew
words) I have a hard time CONVINCING him that english actually
leaves out letters LEFT OVER from archaic forms of the language. It is
not difficult to discern that BIDEN knows english letters---but did not
learn the pronunciation of PSALM until he was at least 12----and it slipped
out of his brain-----lately. When I was a kid, catholic kids were not "ALLOWED"
to read the P-SAL-MS in class (long ago) INDEX LIBORUM PROHBITORUM
The Lord is my strength and my sheep?????

really, really reaching on that one

WTF cares?

It demonstrates that Mr. Biden's mind is slipping. A graduate of an elite Catholic prep school would know how to pronounce "psalm".

One question: Where do you celebrate Thanksgiving today? In hell? Election campaign is over.

And to the "problem". For no Catholic it is a problem if someonew says "Palmist" instead of "Psalmist". By the way: What is a Psalmist? Makes this word sense? The most psalms are from my grand... grandfather king David. I never called him "psalmist" and I never will do so. Sounds strange. I call him "David".

PSALM is a word leftover from the old form of english----it refers to a song
played on a harp (so they say) ----back in the old days lots of letters no longer
pronounced----WERE PRONOUNCED. ------as to the appearance of the word
in the english lexicon NOW-----blame KING JAMES. For the pronunciation of
the word----ask Mr. Smith---who was my freshman ENGLISH COMP. teacher---
long ago----He used to entertain the class by reading CANTEBURY TALES---
with the original (god-only-knows) pronunciation
I think he said, "I'm not Trump, and thank goodness, we can start cleaning this ugly stain from our history".

Something like that.
wrong---Harris/Biden will start the country going down the drain again, like Obama did
You nutters and this belief you have, that you have a crystal ball.

You do not.
I think he said, "I'm not Trump, and thank goodness, we can start cleaning this ugly stain from our history".

Something like that.
wrong---Harris/Biden will start the country going down the drain again, like Obama did
You nutters and this belief you have, that you have a crystal ball.

You do not.
You America/White/law and order haters/nutters and this belief you have, that you have a crystal ball.

You do not.
I think he said, "I'm not Trump, and thank goodness, we can start cleaning this ugly stain from our history".

Something like that.
wrong---Harris/Biden will start the country going down the drain again, like Obama did
You nutters and this belief you have, that you have a crystal ball.

You do not.
You America/White/law and order haters/nutters and this belief you have, that you have a crystal ball.

You do not.
Example, please, of my pretending to have a crystal ball.

And when you can't provide one, I won't expect you to apologize. People like you have no honor.
I think he said, "I'm not Trump, and thank goodness, we can start cleaning this ugly stain from our history".

Something like that.
wrong---Harris/Biden will start the country going down the drain again, like Obama did
You nutters and this belief you have, that you have a crystal ball.

You do not.
You America/White/law and order haters/nutters and this belief you have, that you have a crystal ball.

You do not.
You America/White/law and order haters/nutters and this belief you have, that you have a crystal ball.
too bad for you, the outcome of the election not your pathetic mental disorder is crystal clear - a victory for wholesome loving people and social values for the kind of economy the orange jesus was only using after the depression the pub's created causing their last electoral defeat.

and the guidance from mt high that tipped the scales.
I think he said, "I'm not Trump, and thank goodness, we can start cleaning this ugly stain from our history".

Something like that.
wrong---Harris/Biden will start the country going down the drain again, like Obama did
You nutters and this belief you have, that you have a crystal ball.

You do not.
You America/White/law and order haters/nutters and this belief you have, that you have a crystal ball.

You do not.
You America/White/law and order haters/nutters and this belief you have, that you have a crystal ball.
too bad for you, the outcome of the election not your pathetic mental disorder is crystal clear - a victory for wholesome loving people and social values for the kind of economy the orange jesus was only using after the depression the pub's created causing their last electoral defeat.

and the guidance from mt high that tipped the scales.
you'll be ok

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