Anyone here tired of "too much winning" yet?

Loving all of the winning...
“The biggest accomplishment of this Congress, at this point, is the use of the Congressional Review Act to cancel 14 of President Obama’s midnight regulations,” Pye said. “The use of the Congressional Review Act has saved tens of billions of dollars in regulatory cost, which would have been borne by businesses and consumers.”
Expanding liberty, increasing jobs, and saving billions. That's what happens when one rejects failed left-wing policy in favor of conservatism.

Conservatives Weigh in on Congressional Progress
The winning continues...
White House talking points on Tuesday urged DACA recipients to prepare for a "departure from the United States," a much starker possible future than Trump administration officials used in public when announcing an end to the program.
Admin memo: DACA recipients should prepare to leave - CNNPolitics

You used a fake news source..

The statement was contained in a background document that was sent by the White House to offices on Capitol Hill, obtained by CNN from multiple sources.

If they can not make Trump follow their narrative they will just make it up as they go along.
President Trump has been absolutely brilliant during his first 7 months or so in office...
For the first several months of President Trump’s administration, the national debt saw a steady decline, dropping approximately $100 billion from the day Trump took office until last week.
All Barack Insane Obama did was add trillions upon trillions. To see someone come in and actually cut the national debt is so refreshing.

U.S. National Debt Hits $20 Trillion For First Time In History
It's so nice to see the courts being stacked with true justices who will uphold the rule of law and protect the American people from the left-wing oppressors.
The White House announced that Trump has named Gregory Katsas to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, the nation’s second most powerful judicial panel, and Ryan Bounds to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, the West Coast appeals court and primary antagonist of the early days of the Trump presidency.

Trump Continues to Remake the Federal Judiciary
As we enter the last week of the "illustrious" Trump administration's first 100 days, the question arises as to how really tired we must be of so much "winning".....

A simple search of what was accomplished by Obama in his first 100 days, should yield some comparable data to Trump's nascent tenure.

Bear in mind what Obama was facing in his inheritance of the GWB economy woes, and what was inherited by Trump regarding job creation, Wall Street gauges and energy sources' stability.....Also, bear in mind the makeup of party affiliation in congress between these two recent presidents.

So, the question is a simple one: Are you yet tired of so much winning?
I have to honest I just got a huge raise and if business is happy I'm happy.
I'm not. I think Trump's doing ok battling the Swamp Creatures in both Parties. I fully expected the Swamp to fight back. But he's holding his own. Good on em. :thup:
Target took an anti-conservative position and paid the price. ESPN took an anti-conservative position and paid the price. The NFL took an anti-conservative position and paid the price. Now, even the New York Times is in full-on panic mode. If there is one thing that President Trump has done, it is galvanize conservatives to push back hard against the left’s fascist position. And it is working in a huge way. I’ve never seen so much winning (exactly as he promised).

The New York Times finally realized its reporters appear biased, and made this change

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