Anyone here from Connecticut?


Jan 30, 2014
Hartford, Connecticut
Im thinking of donating some to one of the candidates that are running for state wide office in CT. Saw some of the candidates: John McCkinney, Jack Orchulli, Tom Foley, Tony Boucher. The only one Ive heard anything about is Jack, that he's the former co-owner of the fashion company Michael Kors. Hmm anyone got some insight on these guys? Who seems like the best candidate? I think there's should be some changes made in the CT politics, thats why its important for me to get engaged in this matter & get some hard on facts :)
Jack is a great entrepreneur and the likes of him is pulling our country forward. We need to get more real leaders to senate
Jack is a great entrepreneur and the likes of him is pulling our country forward. We need to get more real leaders to senate

Yeah I agree. I like the fact that he wants to focus on the middle class :)
His latest two youtube vids are pretty interesting. He says that he's fed up with the current politicians & in the 2nd one he reveals that he's running for State Treasurer in Connecticut. Im sceptical towards all politicians but he seems like a smart guy with the heart in the right place.

Search for these on youtube (cant post links yet) :

Jack is back - fed up
Urchulli StateTreasurer
Jack is a great entrepreneur and the likes of him is pulling our country forward. We need to get more real leaders to senate

Yeah I agree. I like the fact that he wants to focus on the middle class :)
His latest two youtube vids are pretty interesting. He says that he's fed up with the current politicians & in the 2nd one he reveals that he's running for State Treasurer in Connecticut. Im sceptical towards all politicians but he seems like a smart guy with the heart in the right place.

Search for these on youtube (cant post links yet) :

Jack is back - fed up
Urchulli StateTreasurer

Yeah just checked them out! I agree with him. Hes right about being fed up with some of the current politicians that have the power. I am too. We need more honesty in politics, and less greeeed! Saw btw that he'll be interviewed today on the CT's local Channel 3 - Dennis House show. Anyone else going to check it out?
Jack is a great entrepreneur and the likes of him is pulling our country forward. We need to get more real leaders to senate

Yeah I agree. I like the fact that he wants to focus on the middle class :)
His latest two youtube vids are pretty interesting. He says that he's fed up with the current politicians & in the 2nd one he reveals that he's running for State Treasurer in Connecticut. Im sceptical towards all politicians but he seems like a smart guy with the heart in the right place.

Search for these on youtube (cant post links yet) :

Jack is back - fed up
Urchulli StateTreasurer

Yeah just checked them out! I agree with him. Hes right about being fed up with some of the current politicians that have the power. I am too. We need more honesty in politics, and less greeeed! Saw btw that he'll be interviewed today on the CT's local Channel 3 - Dennis House show. Anyone else going to check it out?

Mmm! Ahh, shame I missed it then. Can you see any replay of it or something?
Yeah I agree. I like the fact that he wants to focus on the middle class :)
His latest two youtube vids are pretty interesting. He says that he's fed up with the current politicians & in the 2nd one he reveals that he's running for State Treasurer in Connecticut. Im sceptical towards all politicians but he seems like a smart guy with the heart in the right place.

Search for these on youtube (cant post links yet) :

Jack is back - fed up
Urchulli StateTreasurer

Yeah just checked them out! I agree with him. Hes right about being fed up with some of the current politicians that have the power. I am too. We need more honesty in politics, and less greeeed! Saw btw that he'll be interviewed today on the CT's local Channel 3 - Dennis House show. Anyone else going to check it out?

Mmm! Ahh, shame I missed it then. Can you see any replay of it or something?

Yep! They uploaded a replay of the interview.
Search for "Jack Orchulli" on their website -
He got some good points there :)
Jack is a good guy- but he isn't the best candidate for Treasurer.
Go to and read about Bob Eick for State Treasurer.
Bob has the right financial experience for the job and can help raise the terrible pension fund performance Connecticut has had for the past 15 years under current State Treasurer Denise Nappier.
Take a look and see for yourself!
Remarkably platonic bunch here, yes indeedy.
Your state is an unusual place, it is. sandwiched in between 'Pinch' Sulzbergers anal fornicators at the New York Times and Pinch's subsidiary The Boston Globe, a paper that 'Pinch' bought for no specific economic reason other than for impressing same sex marriage on the unsuspecting people of Massachussetts. Its a laid back Rip Van Winkle sorta place that time and the Tea Party just forgot or simply passed by like that supposed whopper of a snow storm moving by far to your south tonight.
There used to be a time that immigrants could come to your state answering Liberty's siren call "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free" find a good, well paying steady job in the brass mills in the western part of the state or the big industrial centers by the river or the textile mills in the east, but gone are the days when an enterprising lad could simply walk off the boat and land himself a job as a set up man at Underwoods in Hartford, and raise pigs and a family in his spare time, as well as gone is the time when another non English speaker from the same far off land could get off the boat, do his indentured time in the Pennsylvania coal mines and afterwards buy forty acres of fertile bottomland in the valley and raise tobacco and a family of six.
But the jobs have moved on today to other locales while the immigrants still come. The pols, especially the Democrats, have sensed new opportunity in these later arrivals, cultivating them like the farmers of old did their crops expressly for their votes with a new siren song offering "Vote for me and I will steal from he to give to thee" creating a new and different huddled mass yearning only for benevolent masters.
Its kindee like FDR never died and never left office there in your state, constantly electing an endless stream of Democrat aspirants to office. You have John Larsen (D-CT) from your first congressional district who was San Fran "We have to pass this bill in order to find out whats in it!" Nan's right hand man as the Democrats in Congress defecated out Obamacare. Then there's your now senator, Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) who, while Attorney General, never met a class action lawsuit he didn't immediately like, who ran for Chris Dodd's, author of Dodd Frank and fervent advocate of the Community Reinvestment Act which precipitated the real estate market collapse Dodd Frank was created to correct, seat by regaling the electorate with his tales of being 'in country' in Vietnam when the closest he ever got to 'in country' was a Toys For Tots collection warehouse in DC.
And who can forget about your Comrade Governor Dannel Malloy (D-CT) who was crowned governor after the discovery of a bag of 10,000 uncounted exclusively Democratic ballots was discovered 36 hours after the polls closed behind a boarded up store front window in one of your states major cities, the city, I believe, where one of its mayors tried an attempt at taking the city into bankruptcy and where the police only investigate a drug dealers murder if the dealer happens to get shot on the court house steps and the shooting makes sthe national nightly news. In return for the ballot box favor, and right after imposing the largest tax increase in the state's history on its taxpayers, Comrade Governor Malloy tried to slide some $300,000 in funds for renovating the states Communist party Headquarters through the budget, but later deferred to the state's veterans groups objections.
The Founders original intent had been for each individual state to be its own laboratory in Liberty and Democarcy but the Northeastern states have drifted entirely away from that intent and become laboratories in oppression and tyranny instead. Neighboring New Yorks Comrade Governor Andrew Cuomo is currently busying himself rounding up several hundreds of cattle cars and the necessary locomotives to rid his state of his proclaimed undesirables, Tea Party types, Second Amendment supporters and pro life advocates. He has yet to discover an Adolph Eichman type to make sure all his trains run on time.
Your states primary newspaper, which never tired of pressing the attack against former Governor John Rowland (R-CT) but went completely silent when Hartford Mayor Eddie Perez (D-CT) was found guilty of almost the exact same types of political corruption, is now screaming for the arrest of any and all of Connecticut's gun owners who have not submitted to the states draconian registration edict leading to the distinct possibility of flying squads of police similar in style to the manhunt for Boston Marathon Bomber Zhokhar Tsarnaev in Watertown, MA, going block by block through every state street, block, town and city, cordoning off each area by placing Humvees with 50 cals mounted on board at each end while squads of state police go through each house or apartment emptying drawers and cabinets, ripping down sheet rock walls and ripping up floors looking for illicit firearms.
Comrade Governor Malloy has even placed the perfect man for the job in position, Michael Lawlor (D-CT) who cut his political eye teeth working for the KGB in Russia during the 80's while ostensibly studying Slavic Languages in the Soviet Union. He might even have been Vlad Putin's understudy while there. Who knows? Administrative Assistant Lawlors previous legislative achievement was a near miss in allowing the state to seize all of the states Catholic Church's revenues, and only the state's Catholic Churches, after a local Parish priest absconded with the Parish's Sunday Collection. This would have allowed the State to exercise a not insignificant influence over the church's preaching against homosexuality, something dear to Comrade Lawlor's heart.
Politics as usual, "Oh he's got a nice smile" or "He speaks so well!" isn't going to right your state's ship, and its far too late even for the Tea Party correction. Its also far too late to be righted by a French Revolution, "Tale Of Two Cities", complete with tundrels and Madame DeFarges event. Its more likely to take a Hell for leather "Kill them all and let God sort them out" style event before your state returns to the fold of freedom, liberty, and democracy.
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