ANti Vaxer dies of covid - lets down his wife and young family

Its a modern tragedy. People swallow these lies and then - die. he will never see his kids grow up and do great things just because he bought a hoax on the net.
Place the blame on Trump's politics where it belongs. There's always going to be a huge amount of resistance to accepting that truth, but the message is still going to get through to some of his mentally ill supporters.

Its a modern tragedy. People swallow these lies and then - die. he will never see his kids grow up and do great things just because he bought a hoax on the net.
His choice, his problem.

Motorcycle helmets...same thing.

As long as he (or his estate) pays his medical bills.
The far bigger problem to me is that the longer this virus hangs around, the more variants we get. I'd imagine there's a pretty good chance that we'll see variants that current vaccinations can't handle.

So while these misguided souls are following their orders to be ignorant, delusional, selfish, sociopathic rubes, my greater concern is about far more than them.
I hope we get a shit ton of variants that kill as many as possible. Fucking die!!!

And I will FUCKING KILL anyone who tries to force that shit on me!!!
No one is going to force it on you.

We sure wish you would just get over yourselves and get the damn shots before the variants kill us and our loved ones, but all we can do is ask.
Its coming to a point where these anti vax crazies need to be isolated. I dont want to be treated by the unvaxed and neither would I want my kids to be taught by them.

Businesses should put signs up stating that their staff are 100& vaxed.

So, like the Japanese Americans during WWII.
It would help customers make informed decisions. Where is the problem ?

No problem at all. If a person does not get vaccinated by their own choice, the medical charges are on them if they get covid.
We should apply that to the obese, those who participate in risky sports, alcoholics, smokers, drug users, unsafe drivers, hell, even jaywalkers.
Isn't being a facist fun?
That can all be fixed by having a stupidity rider. Higher premiums if you voluntarily engage in risky behavior. What you will probably find is that not getting vaccinated is not very risky compared with, say, drunk driing or sky diving. Probably would only cost you $1 per month.
How do you guys think we are ever in to get out of this pandemic if not through the vaccines?
It needs over 90% of the population vaccinated or it will be around forever.
In the UK take-up has been very good and it looks like well over 90% will eventually be vaccinated hopefully before Autumn. In the US, however, there has been so much hostility you are not going to reach 90% by as much as 10% to possibly 33% refusing. That means Covid will be infecting those not vaxed forever and continually throwing up more variants. In just 16 months in the UK one variant - the Kent strain is far more contagious but no more lethal. You though are going to risk it throwing up strains forever any one of which could be far more lethal and resistant to the vaccines.
What happens if it throws up a strain that is as lethal as Ebola and kills 90% of anybody infected and is also resistant to the vaccines? That is when you are really in the shit. And if your in the shit it risks every other country including the UK being at risk.

Maybe some people want the 'pandemic' to go on forever. Fear is an awesome source of motivation.
Maybe, but still waiting for one of them to come back and explain how we ever get out of it without the vaccines. Perhaps they think god will deliver them. Or like you say they just love a crisis and don't want it to end. There's a saying in Britain - "There's nowt as queer as folk!" In this very old saying 'queer' as in peculiar not gay.

Eventually, unvaccinated people will either get covid and then become immune, or they will get covid, and then die.

Their choice.
Not their choice for a few reasons. We don't know how long term the immunity is from having had Covid. Millions would have to die inorder to achieve natural heard immunity

Those that get sick, will spread it to others and provide fertile hosts for varients before they recover or die. They will also be putting a burden on the heath care system

Not every onedies or recovers fully. A sizable percentage are "long haulers" who have long term neurological, repiratory, cardiac or renal problems and may never be productive again and further burden the health care and social safety net systems, not to mention their families

In conclusion the "my body my choice" mantra is. short sighted and dangerous In addition, ir appears that the same people who bleat about choice with respect to the Covid vaxx, are not so big on choice when it comes to transgeder issues or womens reproductive rights.

So people in the US do not have a choice to be innoculated?

Can you name one of them?
I am not speaking of it legally. Unfortuatly the government cant force you to get the shot, assisde from public school children with respect to other diseases. But I am looking at it as a moral and pragmatic issue. It is about a reponsibility to the community

The vaccinated community has nothing to worry about.
It is not just about the vaxxed community. It is about THE community
But... COVID is 10-50 times as deadly as the flu. 10-50 times as contagious as the flu.
It is still less dangerous than driving a car.
All I can say is that statement is so incredibly stupid all I can do is post the math behind that moronic statement.

Automobile fatalities per year 50,000
COVID fatalities per year 400,000

Do the math dumbass.
Absolutely wrong. First the death rate is ten times what you claim, and COVID can have long term health effects to those who survive.

Only because of the blatant fraud that we all know has been taking place, in the form of counting deaths as #CoronaHoax2020 deaths that were really from other causes.

Even the CDC has admitted that only 6% of claimed #CoronaHoax deaths were from this virus alone. Whatever the CDC admits, you have to know that the whole truth is much more damning than that.

Its a modern tragedy. People swallow these lies and then - die. he will never see his kids grow up and do great things just because he bought a hoax on the net.
His choice, his problem.

Motorcycle helmets...same thing.

As long as he (or his estate) pays his medical bills.
The far bigger problem to me is that the longer this virus hangs around, the more variants we get. I'd imagine there's a pretty good chance that we'll see variants that current vaccinations can't handle.

So while these misguided souls are following their orders to be ignorant, delusional, selfish, sociopathic rubes, my greater concern is about far more than them.
I hope we get a shit ton of variants that kill as many as possible. Fucking die!!!

And I will FUCKING KILL anyone who tries to force that shit on me!!!
No one is going to force it on you.

We sure wish you would just get over yourselves and get the damn shots before the variants kill us and our loved ones, but all we can do is ask.
Its coming to a point where these anti vax crazies need to be isolated. I dont want to be treated by the unvaxed and neither would I want my kids to be taught by them.

Businesses should put signs up stating that their staff are 100& vaxed.

So, like the Japanese Americans during WWII.
It would help customers make informed decisions. Where is the problem ?

No problem at all. If a person does not get vaccinated by their own choice, the medical charges are on them if they get covid.
We should apply that to the obese, those who participate in risky sports, alcoholics, smokers, drug users, unsafe drivers, hell, even jaywalkers.
Isn't being a facist fun?
That can all be fixed by having a stupidity rider. Higher premiums if you voluntarily engage in risky behavior. What you will probably find is that not getting vaccinated is not very risky compared with, say, drunk driing or sky diving. Probably would only cost you $1 per month.
How do you guys think we are ever in to get out of this pandemic if not through the vaccines?
It needs over 90% of the population vaccinated or it will be around forever.
In the UK take-up has been very good and it looks like well over 90% will eventually be vaccinated hopefully before Autumn. In the US, however, there has been so much hostility you are not going to reach 90% by as much as 10% to possibly 33% refusing. That means Covid will be infecting those not vaxed forever and continually throwing up more variants. In just 16 months in the UK one variant - the Kent strain is far more contagious but no more lethal. You though are going to risk it throwing up strains forever any one of which could be far more lethal and resistant to the vaccines.
What happens if it throws up a strain that is as lethal as Ebola and kills 90% of anybody infected and is also resistant to the vaccines? That is when you are really in the shit. And if your in the shit it risks every other country including the UK being at risk.

Maybe some people want the 'pandemic' to go on forever. Fear is an awesome source of motivation.
Maybe, but still waiting for one of them to come back and explain how we ever get out of it without the vaccines. Perhaps they think god will deliver them. Or like you say they just love a crisis and don't want it to end. There's a saying in Britain - "There's nowt as queer as folk!" In this very old saying 'queer' as in peculiar not gay.

Eventually, unvaccinated people will either get covid and then become immune, or they will get covid, and then die.

Their choice.
Not their choice for a few reasons. We don't know how long term the immunity is from having had Covid. Millions would have to die inorder to achieve natural heard immunity

Those that get sick, will spread it to others and provide fertile hosts for varients before they recover or die. They will also be putting a burden on the heath care system

Not every onedies or recovers fully. A sizable percentage are "long haulers" who have long term neurological, repiratory, cardiac or renal problems and may never be productive again and further burden the health care and social safety net systems, not to mention their families

In conclusion the "my body my choice" mantra is. short sighted and dangerous In addition, ir appears that the same people who bleat about choice with respect to the Covid vaxx, are not so big on choice when it comes to transgeder issues or womens reproductive rights.

So people in the US do not have a choice to be innoculated?

Can you name one of them?
I am not speaking of it legally. Unfortuatly the government cant force you to get the shot, assisde from public school children with respect to other diseases. But I am looking at it as a moral and pragmatic issue. It is about a reponsibility to the community

The vaccinated community has nothing to worry about.
It is not just about the vaxxed community. It is about THE community
That makes no sense.
Taking the CDC admission at face value, 6% of that 400,000 would be 24,000 genuine #CoronaHoax deaths—less than half the automotive fatalities.
I'm going by death by cause data 2015 to 2020.

Cancers, heart disease etc, are all roughly equal throughout that whole time span, with covid-19 adding to the number of deaths, that went from 2.8 million to 3.3 million due to COVID.

Look it up for yourself. You're absolutely wrong.
Absolutely wrong. First the death rate is ten times what you claim, and COVID can have long term health effects to those who survive.

Only because of the blatant fraud that we all know has been taking place, in the form of counting deaths as #CoronaHoax2020 deaths that were really from other causes.

Even the CDC has admitted that only 6% of claimed #CoronaHoax deaths were from this virus alone. Whatever the CDC admits, you have to know that the whole truth is much more damning than that.
You lie Bobby Boy The CDC said that in 5-8% Covid was the only cause of death. In the others, other factors redered them more suseptable to Covid mortality but they still died of Covid

But... COVID is 10-50 times as deadly as the flu. 10-50 times as contagious as the flu.
It is still less dangerous than driving a car.
All I can say is that statement is so incredibly stupid all I can do is post the math behind that moronic statement.

Automobile fatalities per year 50,000
COVID fatalities per year 400,000

Do the math dumbass.

Your statement is incredibly stupid because you are rolling up unvaccinated population statistics. Try the current vaccinated population death rate. Do the math moron.

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Automobile fatalities per year 50,000
COVID fatalities per year 400,000

Do the math dumbass.
It is still less dangerous than driving a car.

Your statement is incredibly stupid because you are rolling up unvaccinated population statistics. Try the current vaccinated population death rate. Do the math moron.
Interesting. Covid was far more deadly in 2020 because nobody was vaccinated.

The death rate from COVID dropped like a rock due to vaccinations.

So the difference between then, and now making COVID less dangerous than automobiles, also proves the number of COVID deaths at 400,000 was REAL. Or the vaccine wouldn't have prevented them like it does now.
Automobile fatalities per year 50,000
COVID fatalities per year 400,000

Do the math dumbass.
It is still less dangerous than driving a car.

Your statement is incredibly stupid because you are rolling up unvaccinated population statistics. Try the current vaccinated population death rate. Do the math moron.
Interesting. Covid was far more deadly in 2020 because nobody was vaccinated.

The death rate from COVID dropped like a rock due to vaccinations.

So the difference between then, and now making COVID less dangerous than automobiles, also proves the number of COVID deaths at 400,000 was REAL. Or the vaccine wouldn't have prevented them like it does now.
You can't have your cake and eat it to. If the vaccine works, there is no justification for forcing people to get the jab. If the vaccine does not work, there is no justification for forcing people to get the jab.
So the difference between then, and now making COVID less dangerous than automobiles, also proves the number of COVID deaths at 400,000 was REAL. Or the vaccine wouldn't have prevented them like it does now.
You can't have your cake and eat it to. If the vaccine works, there is no justification for forcing people to get the jab. If the vaccine does not work, there is no justification for forcing people to get the jab.

You failed logic. Your position is "if it works, don't use it."

That's like proving that airbags save lives, therefore we don't need airbags.

Stupid logic come up with stupid conclusions.
An example of stupid logic, coming to a stupid conclusion.

If the vaccine works, there is no justification for forcing people to get the jab.

If the vaccine does not work, there is no justification for forcing people to get the jab.
So the difference between then, and now making COVID less dangerous than automobiles, also proves the number of COVID deaths at 400,000 was REAL. Or the vaccine wouldn't have prevented them like it does now.
You can't have your cake and eat it to. If the vaccine works, there is no justification for forcing people to get the jab. If the vaccine does not work, there is no justification for forcing people to get the jab.

You failed logic. Your position is "if it works, don't use it."

That's like proving that airbags save lives, therefore we don't need airbags.

Stupid logic come up with stupid conclusions.

You are not paying attention. If it works, the cost of not getting vaccinated is born by the person who choses to not get the jab. Their choice, their problem.

Oh...I am a libertarian.
You are not paying attention. If it works, the cost of not getting vaccinated is born by the person who choses to not get the jab. Their choice, their problem.

They're breeding mutations. And they are the elements carrying out a chain reaction in the spread of the disease.
The French government have stated that you will need a vax passport in order to attend public events like concerts and sports events. 3million people booked a jab the next day. Our economies wont recover if we are concerned that some anti vax nut is sitting next to you.

Our governments have a responsibility to protect us from domestic terrorists as much as foreign threats.
Maybe you don't understand, the booster is against the current variant, not the next one.
It works on both. And if something new shows up, there will be another vaccine.
It takes 6 months to get emergency approval for a new vaccine, or a booster. That's why pfizer is asking to go into clinical trials, so it will be available by the end of the year.

Any new mutation, will be another 6 months before they can approve it.

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