ANti Vaxer dies of covid - lets down his wife and young family

Its a modern tragedy. People swallow these lies and then - die. he will never see his kids grow up and do great things just because he bought a hoax on the net.

It was his decision.

Using him " as an example" to look down your nose at others and get a cheap sense of self satisfaction at saying I told you so is pretty weak.

If you want a vaccine then get it, if you're still scared wear a mask. That is the beginning and ending of your responsibilities. Other people are allowed to make up their own mind.
That's the problem how do we know they are making up their own mind based on the latest scientific medical information by scientists who have been studying respiratory illnesses their whole professional career and are risking their reputation and career by telling us to get vaccinated, or are they listening to anonymous forum users who could be on hallucinatory drugs, never worked a day in their lives and dream up conspiracy theories that advise against the vaccines and are only saying it for a buzz and have nothing at stake.
Seems many of the anti-vaxxers are listening to the latter.

Its a modern tragedy. People swallow these lies and then - die. he will never see his kids grow up and do great things just because he bought a hoax on the net.
His choice, his problem.

Motorcycle helmets...same thing.

Excellent point BTW. Everyone has a choice.

My mum got a covid vax 2 weeks ago, and passed into death last week from a totally unexpected heart attack. My brother took her down to a local CVS, and a little oriental pharmacist came out to his car and my mum the shot.

Followed by the totally unexpected heart attack last week right after breakfast.

Was it cause by the vaccine? Who can say? The shot really wasn't vetted by Biden before Johnson and Johnson got the ok.

My mum, RIP, was one the healthiest nonagenarians I knew. I saw my aunt at the funeral, very frail, compared to my mother before she passed on.
Your wife was lucky.

Then so are the 99.9%+ of everyone else who gets it as well.

The simple truth is that the overwhelmingly vast majority of those who get infected with this virus, if they have any symptoms at all, never experience any symptoms at all, never experience anything more than a mild flu-like illness. The tiny minority who suffer serious effects, or even death, are pretty much the same who would have the same outcome from any other flu or cold.

The only thing that truly sets this disease apart from all the other flue and cold outbreaks is the way that corrupt media and politicians have exploited it for their own enrichment and empowerment, to the detriment of those of whom they are using this hoax to frighten, control and manipulate. It is discouraging to see how many cretins like you there are that are so abysmally stupid that you fall so easily for it.
Its a modern tragedy. People swallow these lies and then - die. he will never see his kids grow up and do great things just because he bought a hoax on the net.
If you want a vaccine then get it, if you're still scared wear a mask. That is the beginning and ending of your responsibilities. Other people are allowed to make up their own mind.

Have you seen this thread? You're responding to someone who long ago gave up responsibility for taking care of his own health, who, as a result, has had a leg amputated, and now boasts of all the free stuff that his government is giving him as a reward for his irresponsibility.

Its a modern tragedy. People swallow these lies and then - die. he will never see his kids grow up and do great things just because he bought a hoax on the net.
His choice, his problem.

Motorcycle helmets...same thing.

As long as he (or his estate) pays his medical bills.
The far bigger problem to me is that the longer this virus hangs around, the more variants we get. I'd imagine there's a pretty good chance that we'll see variants that current vaccinations can't handle.

So while these misguided souls are following their orders to be ignorant, delusional, selfish, sociopathic rubes, my greater concern is about far more than them.
I hope we get a shit ton of variants that kill as many as possible. Fucking die!!!

And I will FUCKING KILL anyone who tries to force that shit on me!!!
No one is going to force it on you.

We sure wish you would just get over yourselves and get the damn shots before the variants kill us and our loved ones, but all we can do is ask.
Its coming to a point where these anti vax crazies need to be isolated. I dont want to be treated by the unvaxed and neither would I want my kids to be taught by them.

Businesses should put signs up stating that their staff are 100& vaxed.

So, like the Japanese Americans during WWII.
It would help customers make informed decisions. Where is the problem ?

No problem at all. If a person does not get vaccinated by their own choice, the medical charges are on them if they get covid.
We should apply that to the obese, those who participate in risky sports, alcoholics, smokers, drug users, unsafe drivers, hell, even jaywalkers.
Isn't being a facist fun?
That can all be fixed by having a stupidity rider. Higher premiums if you voluntarily engage in risky behavior. What you will probably find is that not getting vaccinated is not very risky compared with, say, drunk driing or sky diving. Probably would only cost you $1 per month.
How do you guys think we are ever in to get out of this pandemic if not through the vaccines?
It needs over 90% of the population vaccinated or it will be around forever.
In the UK take-up has been very good and it looks like well over 90% will eventually be vaccinated hopefully before Autumn. In the US, however, there has been so much hostility you are not going to reach 90% by as much as 10% to possibly 33% refusing. That means Covid will be infecting those not vaxed forever and continually throwing up more variants. In just 16 months in the UK one variant - the Kent strain is far more contagious but no more lethal. You though are going to risk it throwing up strains forever any one of which could be far more lethal and resistant to the vaccines.
What happens if it throws up a strain that is as lethal as Ebola and kills 90% of anybody infected and is also resistant to the vaccines? That is when you are really in the shit. And if your in the shit it risks every other country including the UK being at risk.

Maybe some people want the 'pandemic' to go on forever. Fear is an awesome source of motivation.
Maybe, but still waiting for one of them to come back and explain how we ever get out of it without the vaccines. Perhaps they think god will deliver them. Or like you say they just love a crisis and don't want it to end. There's a saying in Britain - "There's nowt as queer as folk!" In this very old saying 'queer' as in peculiar not gay.

Eventually, unvaccinated people will either get covid and then become immune, or they will get covid, and then die.

Their choice.
Not their choice for a few reasons. We don't know how long term the immunity is from having had Covid. Millions would have to die inorder to achieve natural heard immunity

Those that get sick, will spread it to others and provide fertile hosts for varients before they recover or die. They will also be putting a burden on the heath care system

Not every onedies or recovers fully. A sizable percentage are "long haulers" who have long term neurological, repiratory, cardiac or renal problems and may never be productive again and further burden the health care and social safety net systems, not to mention their families

In conclusion the "my body my choice" mantra is. short sighted and dangerous In addition, ir appears that the same people who bleat about choice with respect to the Covid vaxx, are not so big on choice when it comes to transgeder issues or womens reproductive rights.

So people in the US do not have a choice to be innoculated?

Can you name one of them?

Its a modern tragedy. People swallow these lies and then - die. he will never see his kids grow up and do great things just because he bought a hoax on the net.
His choice, his problem.

Motorcycle helmets...same thing.

As long as he (or his estate) pays his medical bills.
The far bigger problem to me is that the longer this virus hangs around, the more variants we get. I'd imagine there's a pretty good chance that we'll see variants that current vaccinations can't handle.

So while these misguided souls are following their orders to be ignorant, delusional, selfish, sociopathic rubes, my greater concern is about far more than them.
I hope we get a shit ton of variants that kill as many as possible. Fucking die!!!

And I will FUCKING KILL anyone who tries to force that shit on me!!!
No one is going to force it on you.

We sure wish you would just get over yourselves and get the damn shots before the variants kill us and our loved ones, but all we can do is ask.
Its coming to a point where these anti vax crazies need to be isolated. I dont want to be treated by the unvaxed and neither would I want my kids to be taught by them.

Businesses should put signs up stating that their staff are 100& vaxed.

So, like the Japanese Americans during WWII.
It would help customers make informed decisions. Where is the problem ?

No problem at all. If a person does not get vaccinated by their own choice, the medical charges are on them if they get covid.
We should apply that to the obese, those who participate in risky sports, alcoholics, smokers, drug users, unsafe drivers, hell, even jaywalkers.
Isn't being a facist fun?
That can all be fixed by having a stupidity rider. Higher premiums if you voluntarily engage in risky behavior. What you will probably find is that not getting vaccinated is not very risky compared with, say, drunk driing or sky diving. Probably would only cost you $1 per month.
How do you guys think we are ever in to get out of this pandemic if not through the vaccines?
It needs over 90% of the population vaccinated or it will be around forever.
In the UK take-up has been very good and it looks like well over 90% will eventually be vaccinated hopefully before Autumn. In the US, however, there has been so much hostility you are not going to reach 90% by as much as 10% to possibly 33% refusing. That means Covid will be infecting those not vaxed forever and continually throwing up more variants. In just 16 months in the UK one variant - the Kent strain is far more contagious but no more lethal. You though are going to risk it throwing up strains forever any one of which could be far more lethal and resistant to the vaccines.
What happens if it throws up a strain that is as lethal as Ebola and kills 90% of anybody infected and is also resistant to the vaccines? That is when you are really in the shit. And if your in the shit it risks every other country including the UK being at risk.

Maybe some people want the 'pandemic' to go on forever. Fear is an awesome source of motivation.
Maybe, but still waiting for one of them to come back and explain how we ever get out of it without the vaccines. Perhaps they think god will deliver them. Or like you say they just love a crisis and don't want it to end. There's a saying in Britain - "There's nowt as queer as folk!" In this very old saying 'queer' as in peculiar not gay.

Eventually, unvaccinated people will either get covid and then become immune, or they will get covid, and then die.

Their choice.
Not their choice for a few reasons. We don't know how long term the immunity is from having had Covid. Millions would have to die inorder to achieve natural heard immunity

Those that get sick, will spread it to others and provide fertile hosts for varients before they recover or die. They will also be putting a burden on the heath care system

Not every onedies or recovers fully. A sizable percentage are "long haulers" who have long term neurological, repiratory, cardiac or renal problems and may never be productive again and further burden the health care and social safety net systems, not to mention their families

In conclusion the "my body my choice" mantra is. short sighted and dangerous In addition, ir appears that the same people who bleat about choice with respect to the Covid vaxx, are not so big on choice when it comes to transgeder issues or womens reproductive rights.

So people in the US do not have a choice to be innoculated?

Can you name one of them?
I am not speaking of it legally. Unfortuatly the government cant force you to get the shot, assisde from public school children with respect to other diseases. But I am looking at it as a moral and pragmatic issue. It is about a reponsibility to the community
Then so are the 99.9%+ of everyone else who gets it as well.

The simple truth is that the overwhelmingly vast majority of those who get infected with this virus, if they have any symptoms at all, never experience any symptoms at all, never experience anything more than a mild flu-like illness. The tiny minority who suffer serious effects, or even death, are pretty much the same who would have the same outcome from any other flu or cold.
Absolutely wrong. First the death rate is ten times what you claim, and COVID can have long term health effects to those who survive.

Review of COVID-19's long-term effects - News-Medical.Net

The most prevalent symptoms in both periods included fatigue, general pain or discomfort, sleep disturbances, shortness of breath, and anxiety or depression.

Its a modern tragedy. People swallow these lies and then - die. he will never see his kids grow up and do great things just because he bought a hoax on the net.
His choice, his problem.

Motorcycle helmets...same thing.

As long as he (or his estate) pays his medical bills.
The far bigger problem to me is that the longer this virus hangs around, the more variants we get. I'd imagine there's a pretty good chance that we'll see variants that current vaccinations can't handle.

So while these misguided souls are following their orders to be ignorant, delusional, selfish, sociopathic rubes, my greater concern is about far more than them.
I hope we get a shit ton of variants that kill as many as possible. Fucking die!!!

And I will FUCKING KILL anyone who tries to force that shit on me!!!
No one is going to force it on you.

We sure wish you would just get over yourselves and get the damn shots before the variants kill us and our loved ones, but all we can do is ask.
Its coming to a point where these anti vax crazies need to be isolated. I dont want to be treated by the unvaxed and neither would I want my kids to be taught by them.

Businesses should put signs up stating that their staff are 100& vaxed.

So, like the Japanese Americans during WWII.
It would help customers make informed decisions. Where is the problem ?

No problem at all. If a person does not get vaccinated by their own choice, the medical charges are on them if they get covid.
We should apply that to the obese, those who participate in risky sports, alcoholics, smokers, drug users, unsafe drivers, hell, even jaywalkers.
Isn't being a facist fun?
That can all be fixed by having a stupidity rider. Higher premiums if you voluntarily engage in risky behavior. What you will probably find is that not getting vaccinated is not very risky compared with, say, drunk driing or sky diving. Probably would only cost you $1 per month.
How do you guys think we are ever in to get out of this pandemic if not through the vaccines?
It needs over 90% of the population vaccinated or it will be around forever.
In the UK take-up has been very good and it looks like well over 90% will eventually be vaccinated hopefully before Autumn. In the US, however, there has been so much hostility you are not going to reach 90% by as much as 10% to possibly 33% refusing. That means Covid will be infecting those not vaxed forever and continually throwing up more variants. In just 16 months in the UK one variant - the Kent strain is far more contagious but no more lethal. You though are going to risk it throwing up strains forever any one of which could be far more lethal and resistant to the vaccines.
What happens if it throws up a strain that is as lethal as Ebola and kills 90% of anybody infected and is also resistant to the vaccines? That is when you are really in the shit. And if your in the shit it risks every other country including the UK being at risk.

Maybe some people want the 'pandemic' to go on forever. Fear is an awesome source of motivation.
Maybe, but still waiting for one of them to come back and explain how we ever get out of it without the vaccines. Perhaps they think god will deliver them. Or like you say they just love a crisis and don't want it to end. There's a saying in Britain - "There's nowt as queer as folk!" In this very old saying 'queer' as in peculiar not gay.

Eventually, unvaccinated people will either get covid and then become immune, or they will get covid, and then die.

Their choice.
Not their choice for a few reasons. We don't know how long term the immunity is from having had Covid. Millions would have to die inorder to achieve natural heard immunity

Those that get sick, will spread it to others and provide fertile hosts for varients before they recover or die. They will also be putting a burden on the heath care system

Not every onedies or recovers fully. A sizable percentage are "long haulers" who have long term neurological, repiratory, cardiac or renal problems and may never be productive again and further burden the health care and social safety net systems, not to mention their families

In conclusion the "my body my choice" mantra is. short sighted and dangerous In addition, ir appears that the same people who bleat about choice with respect to the Covid vaxx, are not so big on choice when it comes to transgeder issues or womens reproductive rights.

So people in the US do not have a choice to be innoculated?

Can you name one of them?
I am not speaking of it legally. Unfortuatly the government cant force you to get the shot, assisde from public school children with respect to other diseases. But I am looking at it as a moral and pragmatic issue. It is about a reponsibility to the community

The vaccinated community has nothing to worry about.

Its a modern tragedy. People swallow these lies and then - die. he will never see his kids grow up and do great things just because he bought a hoax on the net.
I swear, it's like being in a movie.

The suffering and dying that follow will be voluntary. Incredible.
I have been told that a lot of gops are avoiding the vax so that Pres Biden misses his vaccine target. Being stupid isnt a crime but pandering to it should be.
Actually, in the United States we have what is called freedom of choice. That means you don't have to do what they little old lady holding the scepter tells you to do.

His children didn't choose to grow up without their dad.

His wife didn't choose to be a widow.
The vaccinated community has nothing to worry about.
Except the next variant, which may render the vaccine ineffective, or much less effective.

It's a race to beat the virus before it mutates again. Think of the Borg on Star Trek. It adapts.

Its a modern tragedy. People swallow these lies and then - die. he will never see his kids grow up and do great things just because he bought a hoax on the net.
I swear, it's like being in a movie.

The suffering and dying that follow will be voluntary. Incredible.
I have been told that a lot of gops are avoiding the vax so that Pres Biden misses his vaccine target. Being stupid isnt a crime but pandering to it should be.
Actually, in the United States we have what is called freedom of choice. That means you don't have to do what they little old lady holding the scepter tells you to do.

His children didn't choose to grow up without their dad.

His wife didn't choose to be a widow.

The wife chose him, and they chose to have children.
Actually, in the United States we have what is called freedom of choice. That means you don't have to do what they little old lady holding the scepter tells you to do.
His children didn't choose to grow up without their dad.

His wife didn't choose to be a widow.
The insurance company didn't choose to bear the hundreds of thousands in medical expenses trying to save him.

Don't forget the cost to society.

Its a modern tragedy. People swallow these lies and then - die. he will never see his kids grow up and do great things just because he bought a hoax on the net.
Let's hope his kids didn't inherit their father's stupidity
It's a race to beat the virus before it mutates again. Think of the Borg on Star Trek. It adapts.
The borg is movie fiction. The flu has been around for millions of years.
And the flu has been mutating each year, which is why we can't stop it.

But... COVID is 10-50 times as deadly as the flu. 10-50 times as contagious as the flu.

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