Anti-Trump Arguments Ring Hollow


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
The arguments against Donald Trump becoming the Republican nominee for President are becoming almost farcical, pitting him against some mythical candidate who is yet to be named (Yaweh, perhaps?) Apparently, not nominating anyone would be less "damaging" to the GOP than nominating Mr. Trump. What a load of BS!

Just as the "Democratic" Party is anything but, the Republican Party should be renamed the Repudiation Party if it deliberately ignores the wished of its voters. Since when did backroom deals come back into vogue? Is it really up to the insiders to decide who are acceptable candidates? Holy Khamenei!

Why are "establishment" Republicans the first to support changing the rules when their candidate(s) do not win by established procedures? Is this Principled Conservatism?
There are 470 elections at the federal level. The Republican Party is concerned somewhat about each of them.

While the Presidency is the most important, it is not the only contest. The Republican Party is under no obligation to act outside of it's best interest. If you wish to contend that nominating someone who is damaging to the Party is going to hurt the party; it's a catch-22 proposition to the leadership; either be destroyed from within or by their own actions.

Getting behind a serial liar who is rude, boorish, and above all it only for themselves is probably not high on their agenda.
Why are "establishment" Republicans the first to support changing the rules when their candidate(s) do not win by established procedures? Is this Principled Conservatism?
It's just human nature.

Trump is an absolute embarrassment on multiple levels and they're trying to find a way to get rid of him before he causes further damage to a party that is already terribly divided and damaged.

They're in a no-win situation unless Trump suddenly decides he's no longer interested.
If the Republican Party is something other than the sum of its members, it needs to be abolished.
The Republican Party is fighting for it's existence. Nothing is off the table to destroy and discredit Trump. Nothing.

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