I Worked for Democrats for Years. Billionaires Have Unfettered Influence | Opinion

1. First lets note that you can't deny the bill would suspend asylum process for years and get people processed and deported faster. You can't deny that the bill would improve situation at the border, so you deflect and pretend what you are explained doesn't exist.

Yes the bill would be an improvement, by all REASON you rightwingers should've been supporting it like many congressional Republicans were, and unfortunately you don't have a brain of your own and just eat up whatever bullshit Trump is selling you for his own electoral reasons.

2. Thats a fucking stupid assertion. Democrats had nothing to do with people showing up in record numbers at the border after Covid travel restrictions eased up. The first and foremost difference at the border was not any policy, it was simply more people trying to get in.

Why do you insist on shitting yourself like this in public?
Did you really just make the statement that Democrats had nothing to do with people showing up in record numbers at the border, Anton? When you put out the word that you're letting them in...then more people are going to show up! That's just common sense. Oh, I'm sorry...you're a liberal...you don't DO common sense!
Did you really just make the statement that Democrats had nothing to do with people showing up in record numbers at the border, Anton? When you put out the word that you're letting them in...then more people are going to show up! That's just common sense. Oh, I'm sorry...you're a liberal...you don't DO common sense!
You are full of bullshit, the word put out was “DON’T COME”, no one “let them in” and in fact most were expelled under Title 42 while it lasted.

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If that makes feel better about supporting the Biden/Harris Admin's intentional release of tens of thousands of known criminals into America, sure.
Yep, still can’t address what was in the bill, still posting deflective fantasies

That’s all you Trumptards are good for.
You are full of bullshit, the word put out was “DON’T COME”, no one “let them in” and in fact most were expelled under Title 42 while it lasted.

Come on, Anton...that "Don't Come" was total bullshit and everyone involved in the border knows it. If they really wanted to send that message they could have closed the border...reinstated "Remain in Mexico"! Instead they kept policies in place that invited illegals to come while gaslighting the country.
Come on, Anton...that "Don't Come" was total bullshit and everyone involved in the border knows it. If they really wanted to send that message they could have closed the border...reinstated "Remain in Mexico"! Instead they kept policies in place that invited illegals to come while gaslighting the country.

70,000. Thats how many people in total fell under Remain in Mexico in all of it's years....and you think that was the make or break for millions that showed up at the border after Covid travel restrictions lifted? While Title 42 was expelling 100,000 of them a month untill it expired April 2022? :cuckoo:

You don't know up from down.
70,000. Thats how many people in total fell under Remain in Mexico in all of it's years....and you think that was the make or break for millions that showed up at the border after Covid travel restrictions lifted? While Title 42 was expelling 100,000 of them a month untill it expired April 2022? :cuckoo:

You don't know up from down.
Remain in Mexico was something that kept them from coming, Anton. Getting rid of it was the invitation to come.
More judges and more courts just means they can process them faster. Conservatives want the border secured. That bill did not secure the border.
As for Trump not wanting anything positive to happen? Biden could have fixed the border anytime he wanted. He chose not to until it was election year. That shows me who really didn't want anything positive to happen regarding the border. Trump will secure the border. With Biden it was always smoke and mirrors. His administration flooded the country with millions of unvetted illegals and they did so deliberately!
did you spell it correctly?
How many illegals have you invited into your neighborhood?
How about you talk to me when you grow a pair and can honestly, directly comment on Trump killing the bi-partisan Deport More bill.

I really don't know how you bullshit peddlers look at yourself in the mirror.
How about you talk to me when you grow a pair and can honestly, directly comment on Trump killing the bi-partisan Deport More bill.

I really don't know how you bullshit peddlers look at yourself in the mirror.
How about you wise up and realize Democrats lie to you.

Just kidding! That'll never happen.

Even the left-wing New York Times said the bill is crap.
Projection. These events indeed did are real and they did happen. The reason why you dont believe it is because you've sacrificed your soul to an orange buffoon with a bad hair transplant and made yourself deaf, blind and dumb in order to worship him at his fat orange feet.
I’m sure it all really happened on MSDNC.

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