Another Week, Another Set of Weak, Pathetic Trump-Targeting AP 'Fact Checks'


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
All sorts of stuff in the article but, as usual, it’s the final part that gets down to the nitty-gritty:

Meanwhile, has identified at least five things the establishment press got wrong last week — and that's with limiting the scope of report on "Trump, Comey and Russia":

  • The Rosenstein “Quitting Episode”

  • The Comey resources request

  • CNN's claim that Trump “is under investigation” (note that this is a false claim the AP refused to refute)

  • CNN’s connection of grand jury subpoenas to Comey’s firing

  • The multitude of media comparisons to Watergate
As John Solomon at Circa wrote in introducing his analysis: "You can review the facts and decide for yourself whether the media shamed itself."

It's pretty obvious they did. It's also quite obvious that the so-called "fact checkers" at the Associated Press have no interest in exposing media failures or the Democratic Party and leftist politicians who adopt them as talking points.

From Another Week, Another Set of Weak, Pathetic Trump-Targeting AP 'Fact Checks'

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