Nikki Haley: "I will vote for Donald Trump."

Here's the dealio, folks.

Nikki Hillary's only shot at becoming the nominee was success of these sham politically motivated show trials.

This wasn't supposed to be the main event, this trial in NYC. This was supposed to be a backdrop to other politically motivated show trials.

It wasn't supposed to be scrutinized and reveal as a steaming pile of manufactured donkey shit.

And under that scrutiny it has collapsed like a house of cards in a Hurricaine... it has failed miserably.

It is no coincidence that Nikki picked this moment to endorse President Trump...right after the end of the ridiculous NY trial that has shown itself as a complete farce whose starring and only actual alleged witness is a convicted perjurer who supposedly only "lied out of loyalty" to a person he admitted to embezzling from.

Nikki Hillary saw the writing on the wall.

No one believes that these trials are legitimate, and their existence only makes President Trump stronger.

(As an are the libs going to do now? The trail was such a disaster that, if Trump is found guilty, he's a martyr and a shoe-in to win in November, and if he is acquitted, he is ALSO a shoe-in to win in November.)

That left Nikki Hillary out in the cold.

This was a calculated decision my Haley to attempt to salvage some political power from the only avenue left to her...leveraging her supporters in an attempt to secure a seat in the Trump administration.

That's the way I see it...and if you look at the timing, you may agree as well.
Nikki Haley is trying to survive in post Trumpian conservative America
Being a traditional Republican is not enough, she must somehow salvage her image with what will be left of MAGA
You think that Texas is in play for the Democrats?
I think Texas is the Democrats play.


Nikki Haley is trying to survive in post Trumpian conservative America
Being a traditional Republican is not enough, she must somehow salvage her image with what will be left of MAGA
It was totally triangulation.

She held out until even a blind man could see the NYC trial was a complete disaster that only a complete fool or a complete partisan would put any stock or weight in a guilty verdict.

Hell, it's so bad I'm hoping for would be an enormous gift to Trump.

Now she's making her hail mary final move to leverage a position where she can stay relevant.
He has already forgiven her and wishes her well when he speaks/posts about her. I don't believe he has directly said she isn't under consideration but most of the MSM and never Trumper sites are saying representatives of the Trump team say she isn't being considered.

In fact they are so adamant that Trump doesn't want her--I think it was late last year or early this year Tucker Carlson said he wouldn't vote for a Trump/Haley ticket giving all the reasons he didn't like her as a candidate--does make me wonder if she isn't on his short list. :)

(I do think some of her policy positions are in conflict with his though. But it would be interesting seeing her debate Kamala.)
President Trump himself said she was not under consideration. I read this a couple weeks ago from another source...but here it is, updated today...

EDIT: here is the political article I read...

I’m warming up to little Marco or the Texas Governor
What difference does it make? Whoever Trump picks will be a craven subservient asswipe who will do what he says, lawful or not. The field is far & wide on who fits the bill, including Haley who baited voter's into pulling the lever for her then stabbed them in the back yesterday.

Anyone who believes a word out of her mouth is being played for a fool.
A political career as what? Where are all the people who worked in his last administration? How are they viewed by you MAGAts? :dunno:

Unless she's willing to support all his dumb and openly corrupt schemes for the next four years, and even Bill Barr, that thirsty ghoul for executive authority wasn't down for the last bit of it. Who would be other than morons who don't know Trump is leading them towards legal jeopardy? :dunno: :laugh:

You might have missed this, as a certain terminally infected TDS mod loves nothing better than hiding pro-Trump threads...but...

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It was totally triangulation.

She held out until even a blind man could see the NYC trial was a complete disaster that only a complete fool or a complete partisan would put any stock or weight in a guilty verdict.

Hell, it's so bad I'm hoping for would be an enormous gift to Trump.

Now she's making her hail mary final move to leverage a position where she can stay relevant.

She understands what a disaster Biden is, and loves her country.

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