Nikki Haley: "I will vote for Donald Trump."

Uh huh. In MAGAt fantasy world Trump getting indicted for crimes in multiple jurisdictions both federal and local is a sign of how magnanimous Trump is and how corrupt Joe Biden is.....

You folks are lost to that sauce boy!


A huge swath of the country thinks that.
Your echo chamber is getting smaller.
I don't know what her policies are.
It's not my place to know.
I am a supporter of President Trump.
But -
If Nikki has supporters who want issues to be addressed (and are not just never trumpers) and these issues are not antithetical to President Trump's, he would probably listen to those ideas and then reach out.
He is a big tent person, and that is how you build winning coalitions.
She's much more a globalist than he is and they don't agree on some goals, but they are much closer in policy positions than in areas where they disagree. I wouldn't mind seeing her having a role in his next administration too. And you're right. Trump doesn't carry a grudge and he is quick to forgive and forget. After having almost a blood feud with Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz in the 2020 campaign, they are all now good friends and Rubio and Cruz are strong supporters of Trump.

It is the more establishment neocon people--Christie, Bush, et al--who get so butt hurt they become adversaries for life apparently. And of course there are those that seem to be maliciously vindictive--Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Romney, Murkowski et al. That's too bad, but it is what it is.
Is that why you're so afraid to address my counter argument to your claims of how beneficial being Trump's VP would be to Haleys career? Do you know what a rational argument is? :dunno: It's supported by facts. So how is the political career of his last VP or you know anyone from his previous administration going? The ones not caught up on criminal charges obviously.... :dunno: :lmao:
I don't make counter arguments against disingenuous arguments. Sorry. And I do try to apply my New Year's resolution in these things. Have a nice day.
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I don't make counter arguments against disingenuous arguments. Sorry. And I do try to apply my New Year's resolution in this things. Have a nice day.
Im having a wonderful day. I love see the fragility of your soft white culture. :lmao:
Republicans are in a panic because Haley is still taking away 10-15 percent of the vote in the primaries.

Her lukewarm support will hopefully quell Republican Never Trump defections in November

Not sure where you're getting republicans in a panic. Biden is losing much more than 10-15 percent in democrat primaries along with minority support in polls. So no need for republicans to panic.
Here's the dealio, folks.

Nikki Hillary's only shot at becoming the nominee was success of these sham politically motivated show trials.

This wasn't supposed to be the main event, this trial in NYC. This was supposed to be a backdrop to other politically motivated show trials.

It wasn't supposed to be scrutinized and reveal as a steaming pile of manufactured donkey shit.

And under that scrutiny it has collapsed like a house of cards in a Hurricaine... it has failed miserably.

It is no coincidence that Nikki picked this moment to endorse President Trump...right after the end of the ridiculous NY trial that has shown itself as a complete farce whose starring and only actual alleged witness is a convicted perjurer who supposedly only "lied out of loyalty" to a person he admitted to embezzling from.

Nikki Hillary saw the writing on the wall.

No one believes that these trials are legitimate, and their existence only makes President Trump stronger.

(As an are the libs going to do now? The trail was such a disaster that, if Trump is found guilty, he's a martyr and a shoe-in to win in November, and if he is acquitted, he is ALSO a shoe-in to win in November.)

That left Nikki Hillary out in the cold.

This was a calculated decision my Haley to attempt to salvage some political power from the only avenue left to her...leveraging her supporters in an attempt to secure a seat in the Trump administration.

That's the way I see it...and if you look at the timing, you may agree as well.
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Thknk you'll ever get a grip on reality, Ace? It's not looking good but at least try. :abgg2q.jpg:


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Your post is nonsense.
You and I see eye to eye on like 97% of topics.

I'm not at all upset that you support Haley. That's your prerogative.

My main issue with Haley is, there isn't room enough to slip a piece of paper between her positions and every Jeb, McCain and Romney that came before her.

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