Senator Cruz Accused Biden Administration

That's the best part.

We all know Trump's election fraud claims were bullshit.
Your post was bullshit. And for support, you cited Trump.

Keep flailing. Keep failing. It’s amusing.

And every time I see you trying to escape from the box of your own creation, I’ll be pleased to remind you and anyone else paying any attention to your crap.

Your post was bullshit. And for support, you cited Trump.

You admit Trump is bullshit.

Keep flailing. Keep failing. It’s amusing.

Not flailing at all.

I love your posts about Trump's election fraud claim.

And every time I see you trying to escape from the box of your own creation, I’ll be pleased to remind you and anyone else paying any attention to your crap.

It's not a box, it's a tool. One for future use.
You admit Trump is bullshit.
You lie again. Weak shit. As expected from you.
Not flailing at all
Yep. You are completely. 👍
I love your posts about Trump's election fraud claim.
I love watching you insist on failing harder with each of your posts.
It's not a box, it's a tool. One for future use.
No. You boxed yourself in. You’re just too stupid and dishonest to acknowledge it.

Hurry back with more of your ceaseless fails here.

You lie again. Weak shit. As expected from you.

Yep. You are completely. 👍

I love watching you insist on failing harder with each of your posts.

No. You boxed yourself in. You’re just too stupid and dishonest to acknowledge it.

Hurry back with more of your ceaseless fails here.

I would agree Trump's post lying about election fraud is weak shit.

I would even go so far to say un-american?

Don't you think a presidential candidate making up election fraud lies about another candidate is un-american?

The saddest part is his supporters got an advanced view of Trump's playbook when he accused Cruz of election fraud...and most still bought it again 4 years later. ROFL.

Talk about easy marks.

That matters why?

And of course, that wouldn’t save you from the fact that YOU are the moron who posted it without attribution. 😂

I posted my proof upon request.

Pretty common on debate threads.

No. You?

I’ve had fun constantly exposing your dishonesty.

You won’t be missed.

Buh bah.
Of course I won't be missed.

Your statements are excellent for future posts regarding election fraud.

Certainly you will get credit for your observations about Trump's claims of election fraud.
That matters why?

I posted my proof upon request.

Pretty common on debate threads.

Of course I won't be missed.

Your statements are excellent for future posts regarding election fraud.

Certainly you will get credit for your observations about Trump's claims of election fraud.
To recap for our retarded cat:

You lied.

You’re caught in your lie.

And nobody gives a shit about your silly claims.
You’re the retard offering the post I already quoted and linked.

Don’t play the game. You’re not nearly smart enough.
No game.

For example...

Let's say you post that Pelosi got in a car accident.

Then I post, bullshit! Prove it.

Then you link a tweet from Tucker showing a video of Pelosi's accident.

Did you lie because you had to show proof for your claim?

That seems to be your logic here.

Please explain or deflect.

Your play.
No game.

For example...

Let's say you post that Pelosi got in a car accident.

Then I post, bullshit! Prove it.

Then you link a tweet from Tucker showing a video of Pelosi's accident.

Did you lie because you had to show proof for your claim?

That seems to be your logic here.

Please explain or deflect.

Your play.
You made the claim about Cruz.

You can evade it all you want. But it’s a matter of an internet record.

Having made your cheap claim about Cruz, you were challenged to prove it. You attempted ton”support” if by quoting Trump’s claim (as if a quote is ever proof of a general contention).

I don’t care that Trump may have said it. Politicians often campaign roughly and speak absurdly. I’d say the same to Trump as to you: “prove it.” And wouldn’t accept him quoting some other dude’s opinion as “evidence,” either.

But your deflection here won’t fly. The fact remains that it was you who lied about Cruz at the outset.

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