ForLeft Wing Posters Who Love To Post Liberal 'Fact Check' Site Decisions As 'Gospel': False Lafayette Square Narrative Was Liberal Fact Check FAIL


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
There are a lot of liberal extremists / snowflakes who love posting proven-liberally-biased Tact Check sites as evidence that their parroted false narratives are 'FACT'....

The IG's recent released report PROVING what happened in Lafayette Park had NOTHING to do with President Trump NOT ONLY destroyed the Democrat, Left-Wing Extremist, Fake News Media, and snowflake narrative but exposed the FACT that these regularly cited/quoted 'Fact Check' sites are extremely biased - like the fake fake news media and that just because they claim something is 'False' or 'True' does NOT mean it is so!

Collapsed Lafayette Square narrative is yet another 'fact-checked' story gone bad​

- Fact-checkers having to walk back 'supposedly all-knowing rulings' damaging media's credibility​

Another left-leaning media narrative with fact-checker cover went belly-up this week, as an Inspector General report found former President Donald Trump did not have Lafayette Square forcefully cleared of protesters so he could pose in front of a church last year.

"Fact-checked" mainstream media stories unhelpful to Republicans or conservatives – like ones related to Russia or vaccine development or police shootings or the origins of the Coronavirus – have later fallen apart or been amended, updated, corrected, or retracted over the past few years. And observers are taking note it doesn't seem to go the other way.

"I have been through a lot of fact checks, and I cannot recall a check favoring the right half of politics that's been reversed," the conservative Media Research Center's Tim Graham told Fox News. "This pattern of fact checkers having to walk back their supposedly all-knowing rulings underlines how eager they are to solidify Democrat narratives and undermine conservative journalism."

So just because you post the decision of some left-leaning 'Fact-Check' site does not mean you or the site are right. You very well may be parroting another liberal propaganda-pushing site.

CNN, The NY Times (as usual), ABC News, MSNBC, NPR, The Washington Post, Politi-Fact, and many other outlets who pushed this - among other now debunked false narratives - are now having to deal with having to be WRONG, having declared another proven / debunked false liberal narrative was 'FACT' at the time:

At the time, there were numerous examples of media figures pushing the story that Trump demanded protesters to be cleared. CNN correspondent Jim Acosta asserted at a briefing that the White House had "gassed and pummeled protesters" so Trump could have a photo-op. MSNBC anchor Joy Reid said it happened so Trump could have his picture taken with a Bible. And CNN's Anderson Cooper said it "obviously" happened for Trump's photo-op.

The New York Times reported, "Protesters Dispersed With Tear Gas So Trump Could Pose At Church." ABC News, MSNBC, NPR, the Washington Post, and other outlets also reported the story at the time.

Collapsed Lafayette Square narrative is yet another 'fact-checked' story gone bad
You know who the 'Fact Checkers' are?

The F*ing Reporters who write this BS.
Their F*ing Editors who are supposed to double-check their sources, facts, etc...before this crap is ever reported.

1. Political Bias is the top reasons these liberal fake news, propaganda-pushers - sometimes/most of the time KNOWING these stories are lies - pumping out all these stories being debunked.

2. The second reason in this 24/7 News Coverage world nw for pumping out garbage that is not thoroughly investigated and substantiated is because everyone wants to be / needs to be 1st,to get the scoop.

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