Another Example of CNN's Misleading COVID-19 Reporting


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
CNN's COVID-19 reporting continues to be among the worst and most misleading coverage being done by major news outlets.

Yesterday, CNN published an article about the recent death of a young girl in Detroit, Michigan. CNN titled the article "5-year-old girl dies from Covid-19 as some states aim to reopen." The article included the following statement: "The 5-year-old daughter of two Detroit first responders has died of complications from coronavirus. This heartbreaking news comes as states like Georgia roll the dice on reopening." The article included a video that briefly discussed the young girl's death and that criticized the states that are starting to reopen their economies.

CNN didn't bother to mention that the girl actually died from meningitis, not from COVID-19. Nor did CNN bother to mention that the girl tested positive for strep throat before she was tested for COVID-19. Nor did CNN bother to mention that the girl's worst symptom, severe headaches, is not a common symptom of COVID-19 but is a common symptom of meningitis. (The girl's other symptom was fever, which can be caused by a variety of illnesses.)

When the girl's parents brought her to the hospital after she had tested positive for strep throat, and after her severe headaches did not go away, the hospital tested her for COVID-19 and sent her home with pain medications. The parents then brought the girl back to the hospital because she was still experiencing severe headaches. The hospital then did a series of tests on the girl and discovered that she had meningitis, a deadly disease with a case death rate of over 12%. A few news outlets have been careful enough not to describe her death as "from COVID-19" but as "with COVID-19," since the actual cause of death was meningitis, not COVID-19.

Furthermore, it is not at all clear that the girl developed meningitis because she caught COVID-19. As noted, CNN failed to mention that the girl also tested positive for strep throat. She could have developed meningitis because of her strep throat, since bacterial meningitis is caused by some of the same germs that cause strep throat. It is entirely possible that the girl's death had nothing to do with COVID-19.

CNN's misleading reporting has been part of the irresponsible reporting that has fueled so much needless panic over COVID-19 and that has put pressure on government officials to impose unnecessary lockdowns, close thousands of businesses, and put tens of millions of people out of work.

Here is an article from the scholarly online journal Reason on the recent antibody tests in Los Angeles County that indicate that the COVID-19 death rate is much lower than we have been led to believe:

(CNN)The 5-year-old daughter of two Detroit first responders has died of complications from coronavirus.
Skylar Herbert died Sunday at Beaumont Royal Oak Hospital after being on a ventilator for two weeks, CNN affiliate WXYZ reported. She tested positive for coronavirus last month and developed a rare form of meningitis and swelling on the brain, according to WXYZ.

"The loss of a child, at any time, under any circumstances, is a tragedy," Beaumont Hospital said in a statement obtained by WXYZ. "We are heartbroken that COVID-19 has taken the life of a child. We extend our deepest sympathy to Skylar's family and all others who have lost a loved one to this virus."

CNN's COVID-19 reporting continues to be among the worst and most misleading coverage being done by major news outlets.

Yesterday, CNN published an article about the recent death of a young girl in Detroit, Michigan. CNN titled the article "5-year-old girl dies from Covid-19 as some states aim to reopen." The article included the following statement: "The 5-year-old daughter of two Detroit first responders has died of complications from coronavirus. This heartbreaking news comes as states like Georgia roll the dice on reopening." The article included a video that briefly discussed the young girl's death and that criticized the states that are starting to reopen their economies.

CNN didn't bother to mention that the girl actually died from meningitis, not from COVID-19. Nor did CNN bother to mention that the girl tested positive for strep throat before she was tested for COVID-19. Nor did CNN bother to mention that the girl's worst symptom, severe headaches, is not a common symptom of COVID-19 but is a common symptom of meningitis. (The girl's other symptom was fever, which can be caused by a variety of illnesses.)

When the girl's parents brought her to the hospital after she had tested positive for strep throat, and after her severe headaches did not go away, the hospital tested her for COVID-19 and sent her home with pain medications. The parents then brought the girl back to the hospital because she was still experiencing severe headaches. The hospital then did a series of tests on the girl and discovered that she had meningitis, a deadly disease with a case death rate of over 12%. A few news outlets have been careful enough not to describe her death as "from COVID-19" but as "with COVID-19," since the actual cause of death was meningitis, not COVID-19.

Furthermore, it is not at all clear that the girl developed meningitis because she caught COVID-19. As noted, CNN failed to mention that the girl also tested positive for strep throat. She could have developed meningitis because of her strep throat, since bacterial meningitis is caused by some of the same germs that cause strep throat. It is entirely possible that the girl's death had nothing to do with COVID-19.

CNN's misleading reporting has been part of the irresponsible reporting that has fueled so much needless panic over COVID-19 and that has put pressure on government officials to impose unnecessary lockdowns, close thousands of businesses, and put tens of millions of people out of work.

Here is an article from the scholarly online journal Reason on the recent antibody tests in Los Angeles County that indicate that the COVID-19 death rate is much lower than we have been led to believe:

They can't take the chance that Trump can get the economy moving in the next 6 months...the longer they can keep people locked down, the more damage they do to the economy and the they think they can use that to beat Trump and to take over the healthcare system.

As reports are coming out now, the lockdown on hospitals and their inability to do elective surgeries...80% of their revenue.......the democrats are jumping for joy....these hospitals are going bankrupt, laying off staff, and won't be able to survive for long.........and the democrat party loves it......they can't wait to crush the healthcare system so the "experts," who got the Chinese virus wrong can take it over...
CNN's COVID-19 reporting continues to be among the worst and most misleading coverage being done by major news outlets.

Yesterday, CNN published an article about the recent death of a young girl in Detroit, Michigan. CNN titled the article "5-year-old girl dies from Covid-19 as some states aim to reopen." The article included the following statement: "The 5-year-old daughter of two Detroit first responders has died of complications from coronavirus. This heartbreaking news comes as states like Georgia roll the dice on reopening." The article included a video that briefly discussed the young girl's death and that criticized the states that are starting to reopen their economies.

CNN didn't bother to mention that the girl actually died from meningitis, not from COVID-19. Nor did CNN bother to mention that the girl tested positive for strep throat before she was tested for COVID-19. Nor did CNN bother to mention that the girl's worst symptom, severe headaches, is not a common symptom of COVID-19 but is a common symptom of meningitis. (The girl's other symptom was fever, which can be caused by a variety of illnesses.)

When the girl's parents brought her to the hospital after she had tested positive for strep throat, and after her severe headaches did not go away, the hospital tested her for COVID-19 and sent her home with pain medications. The parents then brought the girl back to the hospital because she was still experiencing severe headaches. The hospital then did a series of tests on the girl and discovered that she had meningitis, a deadly disease with a case death rate of over 12%. A few news outlets have been careful enough not to describe her death as "from COVID-19" but as "with COVID-19," since the actual cause of death was meningitis, not COVID-19.

Furthermore, it is not at all clear that the girl developed meningitis because she caught COVID-19. As noted, CNN failed to mention that the girl also tested positive for strep throat. She could have developed meningitis because of her strep throat, since bacterial meningitis is caused by some of the same germs that cause strep throat. It is entirely possible that the girl's death had nothing to do with COVID-19.

CNN's misleading reporting has been part of the irresponsible reporting that has fueled so much needless panic over COVID-19 and that has put pressure on government officials to impose unnecessary lockdowns, close thousands of businesses, and put tens of millions of people out of work.

Here is an article from the scholarly online journal Reason on the recent antibody tests in Los Angeles County that indicate that the COVID-19 death rate is much lower than we have been led to believe:

This is what we have to deal with.......lies from the democrat party press.......if people would pay attention to this, the democrats would be run out of the country.
CNN's COVID-19 reporting continues to be among the worst and most misleading coverage being done by major news outlets.

Yesterday, CNN published an article about the recent death of a young girl in Detroit, Michigan. CNN titled the article "5-year-old girl dies from Covid-19 as some states aim to reopen." The article included the following statement: "The 5-year-old daughter of two Detroit first responders has died of complications from coronavirus. This heartbreaking news comes as states like Georgia roll the dice on reopening." The article included a video that briefly discussed the young girl's death and that criticized the states that are starting to reopen their economies.

CNN didn't bother to mention that the girl actually died from meningitis, not from COVID-19. Nor did CNN bother to mention that the girl tested positive for strep throat before she was tested for COVID-19. Nor did CNN bother to mention that the girl's worst symptom, severe headaches, is not a common symptom of COVID-19 but is a common symptom of meningitis. (The girl's other symptom was fever, which can be caused by a variety of illnesses.)

When the girl's parents brought her to the hospital after she had tested positive for strep throat, and after her severe headaches did not go away, the hospital tested her for COVID-19 and sent her home with pain medications. The parents then brought the girl back to the hospital because she was still experiencing severe headaches. The hospital then did a series of tests on the girl and discovered that she had meningitis, a deadly disease with a case death rate of over 12%. A few news outlets have been careful enough not to describe her death as "from COVID-19" but as "with COVID-19," since the actual cause of death was meningitis, not COVID-19.

Furthermore, it is not at all clear that the girl developed meningitis because she caught COVID-19. As noted, CNN failed to mention that the girl also tested positive for strep throat. She could have developed meningitis because of her strep throat, since bacterial meningitis is caused by some of the same germs that cause strep throat. It is entirely possible that the girl's death had nothing to do with COVID-19.

CNN's misleading reporting has been part of the irresponsible reporting that has fueled so much needless panic over COVID-19 and that has put pressure on government officials to impose unnecessary lockdowns, close thousands of businesses, and put tens of millions of people out of work.

Here is an article from the scholarly online journal Reason on the recent antibody tests in Los Angeles County that indicate that the COVID-19 death rate is much lower than we have been led to believe:

I have a young relative, his 2nd grade teacher's son got strep migrated to his brain.....people don't understand how bad strep throat can be........I just wonder if he has had access to the medical procedures he needs to recover with the Chinese Virus lockdown on these hospitals...
CNN's COVID-19 reporting continues to be among the worst and most misleading coverage being done by major news outlets.

Yesterday, CNN published an article about the recent death of a young girl in Detroit, Michigan. CNN titled the article "5-year-old girl dies from Covid-19 as some states aim to reopen." The article included the following statement: "The 5-year-old daughter of two Detroit first responders has died of complications from coronavirus. This heartbreaking news comes as states like Georgia roll the dice on reopening." The article included a video that briefly discussed the young girl's death and that criticized the states that are starting to reopen their economies.

CNN didn't bother to mention that the girl actually died from meningitis, not from COVID-19. Nor did CNN bother to mention that the girl tested positive for strep throat before she was tested for COVID-19. Nor did CNN bother to mention that the girl's worst symptom, severe headaches, is not a common symptom of COVID-19 but is a common symptom of meningitis. (The girl's other symptom was fever, which can be caused by a variety of illnesses.)

When the girl's parents brought her to the hospital after she had tested positive for strep throat, and after her severe headaches did not go away, the hospital tested her for COVID-19 and sent her home with pain medications. The parents then brought the girl back to the hospital because she was still experiencing severe headaches. The hospital then did a series of tests on the girl and discovered that she had meningitis, a deadly disease with a case death rate of over 12%. A few news outlets have been careful enough not to describe her death as "from COVID-19" but as "with COVID-19," since the actual cause of death was meningitis, not COVID-19.

Furthermore, it is not at all clear that the girl developed meningitis because she caught COVID-19. As noted, CNN failed to mention that the girl also tested positive for strep throat. She could have developed meningitis because of her strep throat, since bacterial meningitis is caused by some of the same germs that cause strep throat. It is entirely possible that the girl's death had nothing to do with COVID-19.

CNN's misleading reporting has been part of the irresponsible reporting that has fueled so much needless panic over COVID-19 and that has put pressure on government officials to impose unnecessary lockdowns, close thousands of businesses, and put tens of millions of people out of work.

Here is an article from the scholarly online journal Reason on the recent antibody tests in Los Angeles County that indicate that the COVID-19 death rate is much lower than we have been led to believe:

It figures. CNN is just ghastly. The scary thing is there are undoubtedly QUITE a few knuckleheads that post on these threads (Siete and berg, for example) that believe EVERYTHING CNN broadcasts. Quite sad, but HIGHLY preventable.
CNN's COVID-19 reporting continues to be among the worst and most misleading coverage being done by major news outlets.

Yesterday, CNN published an article about the recent death of a young girl in Detroit, Michigan. CNN titled the article "5-year-old girl dies from Covid-19 as some states aim to reopen." The article included the following statement: "The 5-year-old daughter of two Detroit first responders has died of complications from coronavirus. This heartbreaking news comes as states like Georgia roll the dice on reopening." The article included a video that briefly discussed the young girl's death and that criticized the states that are starting to reopen their economies.

CNN didn't bother to mention that the girl actually died from meningitis, not from COVID-19. Nor did CNN bother to mention that the girl tested positive for strep throat before she was tested for COVID-19. Nor did CNN bother to mention that the girl's worst symptom, severe headaches, is not a common symptom of COVID-19 but is a common symptom of meningitis. (The girl's other symptom was fever, which can be caused by a variety of illnesses.)

When the girl's parents brought her to the hospital after she had tested positive for strep throat, and after her severe headaches did not go away, the hospital tested her for COVID-19 and sent her home with pain medications. The parents then brought the girl back to the hospital because she was still experiencing severe headaches. The hospital then did a series of tests on the girl and discovered that she had meningitis, a deadly disease with a case death rate of over 12%. A few news outlets have been careful enough not to describe her death as "from COVID-19" but as "with COVID-19," since the actual cause of death was meningitis, not COVID-19.

Furthermore, it is not at all clear that the girl developed meningitis because she caught COVID-19. As noted, CNN failed to mention that the girl also tested positive for strep throat. She could have developed meningitis because of her strep throat, since bacterial meningitis is caused by some of the same germs that cause strep throat. It is entirely possible that the girl's death had nothing to do with COVID-19.

CNN's misleading reporting has been part of the irresponsible reporting that has fueled so much needless panic over COVID-19 and that has put pressure on government officials to impose unnecessary lockdowns, close thousands of businesses, and put tens of millions of people out of work.

Here is an article from the scholarly online journal Reason on the recent antibody tests in Los Angeles County that indicate that the COVID-19 death rate is much lower than we have been led to believe:

They can't take the chance that Trump can get the economy moving in the next 6 months...the longer they can keep people locked down, the more damage they do to the economy and the they think they can use that to beat Trump and to take over the healthcare system.

As reports are coming out now, the lockdown on hospitals and their inability to do elective surgeries...80% of their revenue.......the democrats are jumping for joy....these hospitals are going bankrupt, laying off staff, and won't be able to survive for long.........and the democrat party loves it......they can't wait to crush the healthcare system so the "experts," who got the Chinese virus wrong can take it over...
Fantastic post, thanks.
CNN's COVID-19 reporting continues to be among the worst and most misleading coverage being done by major news outlets.

Yesterday, CNN published an article about the recent death of a young girl in Detroit, Michigan. CNN titled the article "5-year-old girl dies from Covid-19 as some states aim to reopen." The article included the following statement: "The 5-year-old daughter of two Detroit first responders has died of complications from coronavirus. This heartbreaking news comes as states like Georgia roll the dice on reopening." The article included a video that briefly discussed the young girl's death and that criticized the states that are starting to reopen their economies.

CNN didn't bother to mention that the girl actually died from meningitis, not from COVID-19. Nor did CNN bother to mention that the girl tested positive for strep throat before she was tested for COVID-19. Nor did CNN bother to mention that the girl's worst symptom, severe headaches, is not a common symptom of COVID-19 but is a common symptom of meningitis. (The girl's other symptom was fever, which can be caused by a variety of illnesses.)

When the girl's parents brought her to the hospital after she had tested positive for strep throat, and after her severe headaches did not go away, the hospital tested her for COVID-19 and sent her home with pain medications. The parents then brought the girl back to the hospital because she was still experiencing severe headaches. The hospital then did a series of tests on the girl and discovered that she had meningitis, a deadly disease with a case death rate of over 12%. A few news outlets have been careful enough not to describe her death as "from COVID-19" but as "with COVID-19," since the actual cause of death was meningitis, not COVID-19.

Furthermore, it is not at all clear that the girl developed meningitis because she caught COVID-19. As noted, CNN failed to mention that the girl also tested positive for strep throat. She could have developed meningitis because of her strep throat, since bacterial meningitis is caused by some of the same germs that cause strep throat. It is entirely possible that the girl's death had nothing to do with COVID-19.

CNN's misleading reporting has been part of the irresponsible reporting that has fueled so much needless panic over COVID-19 and that has put pressure on government officials to impose unnecessary lockdowns, close thousands of businesses, and put tens of millions of people out of work.

Here is an article from the scholarly online journal Reason on the recent antibody tests in Los Angeles County that indicate that the COVID-19 death rate is much lower than we have been led to believe:

It figures. CNN is just ghastly. The scary thing is there are undoubtedly QUITE a few knuckleheads that post on these threads (Siete and berg, for example) that believe EVERYTHING CNN broadcasts. Quite sad, but HIGHLY preventable.
You idiots keep stepping in the same shit.

(CNN)The 5-year-old daughter of two Detroit first responders has died of complications from coronavirus.
Skylar Herbert died Sunday at Beaumont Royal Oak Hospital after being on a ventilator for two weeks, CNN affiliate WXYZ reported. She tested positive for coronavirus last month and developed a rare form of meningitis and swelling on the brain, according to WXYZ.

"The loss of a child, at any time, under any circumstances, is a tragedy," Beaumont Hospital said in a statement obtained by WXYZ. "We are heartbroken that COVID-19 has taken the life of a child. We extend our deepest sympathy to Skylar's family and all others who have lost a loved one to this virus."

5-year-old daughter of Detroit first responders dies after being diagnosed with coronavirus
Skylar Herbert developed a rare form of meningitis and swelling on the brain. She died after being on a ventilator for two weeks.

CNN was spot on.
CNN's COVID-19 reporting continues to be among the worst and most misleading coverage being done by major news outlets.

Yesterday, CNN published an article about the recent death of a young girl in Detroit, Michigan. CNN titled the article "5-year-old girl dies from Covid-19 as some states aim to reopen." The article included the following statement: "The 5-year-old daughter of two Detroit first responders has died of complications from coronavirus. This heartbreaking news comes as states like Georgia roll the dice on reopening." The article included a video that briefly discussed the young girl's death and that criticized the states that are starting to reopen their economies.

CNN didn't bother to mention that the girl actually died from meningitis, not from COVID-19. Nor did CNN bother to mention that the girl tested positive for strep throat before she was tested for COVID-19. Nor did CNN bother to mention that the girl's worst symptom, severe headaches, is not a common symptom of COVID-19 but is a common symptom of meningitis. (The girl's other symptom was fever, which can be caused by a variety of illnesses.)

When the girl's parents brought her to the hospital after she had tested positive for strep throat, and after her severe headaches did not go away, the hospital tested her for COVID-19 and sent her home with pain medications. The parents then brought the girl back to the hospital because she was still experiencing severe headaches. The hospital then did a series of tests on the girl and discovered that she had meningitis, a deadly disease with a case death rate of over 12%. A few news outlets have been careful enough not to describe her death as "from COVID-19" but as "with COVID-19," since the actual cause of death was meningitis, not COVID-19.

Furthermore, it is not at all clear that the girl developed meningitis because she caught COVID-19. As noted, CNN failed to mention that the girl also tested positive for strep throat. She could have developed meningitis because of her strep throat, since bacterial meningitis is caused by some of the same germs that cause strep throat. It is entirely possible that the girl's death had nothing to do with COVID-19.

CNN's misleading reporting has been part of the irresponsible reporting that has fueled so much needless panic over COVID-19 and that has put pressure on government officials to impose unnecessary lockdowns, close thousands of businesses, and put tens of millions of people out of work.

Here is an article from the scholarly online journal Reason on the recent antibody tests in Los Angeles County that indicate that the COVID-19 death rate is much lower than we have been led to believe:

First off you failed to post a link that the article was fake news and threw in some other link, second you need to find out the facts and stop lying but a trump voter isn't for facts. The meningitis was a result of Covid 19 so yes Covid killed her. Get your head out of your ass for once.

News organizations like CNN should not be allowed to report stories just because the stories come from experts and hospitals. How would doctors and hospitals know why a child has died? Those people are always talking about "complications" or a drug's "side effects". What makes them so knowledgable?
CNN's COVID-19 reporting continues to be among the worst and most misleading coverage being done by major news outlets.

Yesterday, CNN published an article about the recent death of a young girl in Detroit, Michigan. CNN titled the article "5-year-old girl dies from Covid-19 as some states aim to reopen." The article included the following statement: "The 5-year-old daughter of two Detroit first responders has died of complications from coronavirus. This heartbreaking news comes as states like Georgia roll the dice on reopening." The article included a video that briefly discussed the young girl's death and that criticized the states that are starting to reopen their economies.

CNN didn't bother to mention that the girl actually died from meningitis, not from COVID-19. Nor did CNN bother to mention that the girl tested positive for strep throat before she was tested for COVID-19. Nor did CNN bother to mention that the girl's worst symptom, severe headaches, is not a common symptom of COVID-19 but is a common symptom of meningitis. (The girl's other symptom was fever, which can be caused by a variety of illnesses.)

When the girl's parents brought her to the hospital after she had tested positive for strep throat, and after her severe headaches did not go away, the hospital tested her for COVID-19 and sent her home with pain medications. The parents then brought the girl back to the hospital because she was still experiencing severe headaches. The hospital then did a series of tests on the girl and discovered that she had meningitis, a deadly disease with a case death rate of over 12%. A few news outlets have been careful enough not to describe her death as "from COVID-19" but as "with COVID-19," since the actual cause of death was meningitis, not COVID-19.

Furthermore, it is not at all clear that the girl developed meningitis because she caught COVID-19. As noted, CNN failed to mention that the girl also tested positive for strep throat. She could have developed meningitis because of her strep throat, since bacterial meningitis is caused by some of the same germs that cause strep throat. It is entirely possible that the girl's death had nothing to do with COVID-19.

CNN's misleading reporting has been part of the irresponsible reporting that has fueled so much needless panic over COVID-19 and that has put pressure on government officials to impose unnecessary lockdowns, close thousands of businesses, and put tens of millions of people out of work.

Here is an article from the scholarly online journal Reason on the recent antibody tests in Los Angeles County that indicate that the COVID-19 death rate is much lower than we have been led to believe:

It figures. CNN is just ghastly. The scary thing is there are undoubtedly QUITE a few knuckleheads that post on these threads (Siete and berg, for example) that believe EVERYTHING CNN broadcasts. Quite sad, but HIGHLY preventable.
You idiots keep stepping in the same shit.

(CNN)The 5-year-old daughter of two Detroit first responders has died of complications from coronavirus.
Skylar Herbert died Sunday at Beaumont Royal Oak Hospital after being on a ventilator for two weeks, CNN affiliate WXYZ reported. She tested positive for coronavirus last month and developed a rare form of meningitis and swelling on the brain, according to WXYZ.

"The loss of a child, at any time, under any circumstances, is a tragedy," Beaumont Hospital said in a statement obtained by WXYZ. "We are heartbroken that COVID-19 has taken the life of a child. We extend our deepest sympathy to Skylar's family and all others who have lost a loved one to this virus."

5-year-old daughter of Detroit first responders dies after being diagnosed with coronavirus
Skylar Herbert developed a rare form of meningitis and swelling on the brain. She died after being on a ventilator for two weeks.

CNN was spot on.

Come on man you know very well any trumper isn't for facts.
CNN's COVID-19 reporting continues to be among the worst and most misleading coverage being done by major news outlets.

Yesterday, CNN published an article about the recent death of a young girl in Detroit, Michigan. CNN titled the article "5-year-old girl dies from Covid-19 as some states aim to reopen." The article included the following statement: "The 5-year-old daughter of two Detroit first responders has died of complications from coronavirus. This heartbreaking news comes as states like Georgia roll the dice on reopening." The article included a video that briefly discussed the young girl's death and that criticized the states that are starting to reopen their economies.

CNN didn't bother to mention that the girl actually died from meningitis, not from COVID-19. Nor did CNN bother to mention that the girl tested positive for strep throat before she was tested for COVID-19. Nor did CNN bother to mention that the girl's worst symptom, severe headaches, is not a common symptom of COVID-19 but is a common symptom of meningitis. (The girl's other symptom was fever, which can be caused by a variety of illnesses.)

When the girl's parents brought her to the hospital after she had tested positive for strep throat, and after her severe headaches did not go away, the hospital tested her for COVID-19 and sent her home with pain medications. The parents then brought the girl back to the hospital because she was still experiencing severe headaches. The hospital then did a series of tests on the girl and discovered that she had meningitis, a deadly disease with a case death rate of over 12%. A few news outlets have been careful enough not to describe her death as "from COVID-19" but as "with COVID-19," since the actual cause of death was meningitis, not COVID-19.

Furthermore, it is not at all clear that the girl developed meningitis because she caught COVID-19. As noted, CNN failed to mention that the girl also tested positive for strep throat. She could have developed meningitis because of her strep throat, since bacterial meningitis is caused by some of the same germs that cause strep throat. It is entirely possible that the girl's death had nothing to do with COVID-19.

CNN's misleading reporting has been part of the irresponsible reporting that has fueled so much needless panic over COVID-19 and that has put pressure on government officials to impose unnecessary lockdowns, close thousands of businesses, and put tens of millions of people out of work.

Here is an article from the scholarly online journal Reason on the recent antibody tests in Los Angeles County that indicate that the COVID-19 death rate is much lower than we have been led to believe:

It figures. CNN is just ghastly. The scary thing is there are undoubtedly QUITE a few knuckleheads that post on these threads (Siete and berg, for example) that believe EVERYTHING CNN broadcasts. Quite sad, but HIGHLY preventable.
You idiots keep stepping in the same shit.

(CNN)The 5-year-old daughter of two Detroit first responders has died of complications from coronavirus.
Skylar Herbert died Sunday at Beaumont Royal Oak Hospital after being on a ventilator for two weeks, CNN affiliate WXYZ reported. She tested positive for coronavirus last month and developed a rare form of meningitis and swelling on the brain, according to WXYZ.

"The loss of a child, at any time, under any circumstances, is a tragedy," Beaumont Hospital said in a statement obtained by WXYZ. "We are heartbroken that COVID-19 has taken the life of a child. We extend our deepest sympathy to Skylar's family and all others who have lost a loved one to this virus."

5-year-old daughter of Detroit first responders dies after being diagnosed with coronavirus
Skylar Herbert developed a rare form of meningitis and swelling on the brain. She died after being on a ventilator for two weeks.

CNN was spot on.

Come on man you know very well any trumper isn't for facts.
Gee, ANOTHER liberal knucklehead chimes in. Hilarious!
CNN's COVID-19 reporting continues to be among the worst and most misleading coverage being done by major news outlets.

Yesterday, CNN published an article about the recent death of a young girl in Detroit, Michigan. CNN titled the article "5-year-old girl dies from Covid-19 as some states aim to reopen." The article included the following statement: "The 5-year-old daughter of two Detroit first responders has died of complications from coronavirus. This heartbreaking news comes as states like Georgia roll the dice on reopening." The article included a video that briefly discussed the young girl's death and that criticized the states that are starting to reopen their economies.

CNN didn't bother to mention that the girl actually died from meningitis, not from COVID-19. Nor did CNN bother to mention that the girl tested positive for strep throat before she was tested for COVID-19. Nor did CNN bother to mention that the girl's worst symptom, severe headaches, is not a common symptom of COVID-19 but is a common symptom of meningitis. (The girl's other symptom was fever, which can be caused by a variety of illnesses.)

When the girl's parents brought her to the hospital after she had tested positive for strep throat, and after her severe headaches did not go away, the hospital tested her for COVID-19 and sent her home with pain medications. The parents then brought the girl back to the hospital because she was still experiencing severe headaches. The hospital then did a series of tests on the girl and discovered that she had meningitis, a deadly disease with a case death rate of over 12%. A few news outlets have been careful enough not to describe her death as "from COVID-19" but as "with COVID-19," since the actual cause of death was meningitis, not COVID-19.

Furthermore, it is not at all clear that the girl developed meningitis because she caught COVID-19. As noted, CNN failed to mention that the girl also tested positive for strep throat. She could have developed meningitis because of her strep throat, since bacterial meningitis is caused by some of the same germs that cause strep throat. It is entirely possible that the girl's death had nothing to do with COVID-19.

CNN's misleading reporting has been part of the irresponsible reporting that has fueled so much needless panic over COVID-19 and that has put pressure on government officials to impose unnecessary lockdowns, close thousands of businesses, and put tens of millions of people out of work.

Here is an article from the scholarly online journal Reason on the recent antibody tests in Los Angeles County that indicate that the COVID-19 death rate is much lower than we have been led to believe:

It figures. CNN is just ghastly. The scary thing is there are undoubtedly QUITE a few knuckleheads that post on these threads (Siete and berg, for example) that believe EVERYTHING CNN broadcasts. Quite sad, but HIGHLY preventable.
You idiots keep stepping in the same shit.

(CNN)The 5-year-old daughter of two Detroit first responders has died of complications from coronavirus.
Skylar Herbert died Sunday at Beaumont Royal Oak Hospital after being on a ventilator for two weeks, CNN affiliate WXYZ reported. She tested positive for coronavirus last month and developed a rare form of meningitis and swelling on the brain, according to WXYZ.

"The loss of a child, at any time, under any circumstances, is a tragedy," Beaumont Hospital said in a statement obtained by WXYZ. "We are heartbroken that COVID-19 has taken the life of a child. We extend our deepest sympathy to Skylar's family and all others who have lost a loved one to this virus."

5-year-old daughter of Detroit first responders dies after being diagnosed with coronavirus
Skylar Herbert developed a rare form of meningitis and swelling on the brain. She died after being on a ventilator for two weeks.

CNN was spot on.

Come on man you know very well any trumper isn't for facts.
Gee, ANOTHER liberal knucklehead chimes in. Hilarious!

You're either a liberal or a trumper? What a dump fucking hoosier. But when I lived up around your part of the state many years ago that is about all you have.
CNN's COVID-19 reporting continues to be among the worst and most misleading coverage being done by major news outlets.

Yesterday, CNN published an article about the recent death of a young girl in Detroit, Michigan. CNN titled the article "5-year-old girl dies from Covid-19 as some states aim to reopen." The article included the following statement: "The 5-year-old daughter of two Detroit first responders has died of complications from coronavirus. This heartbreaking news comes as states like Georgia roll the dice on reopening." The article included a video that briefly discussed the young girl's death and that criticized the states that are starting to reopen their economies.

CNN didn't bother to mention that the girl actually died from meningitis, not from COVID-19. Nor did CNN bother to mention that the girl tested positive for strep throat before she was tested for COVID-19. Nor did CNN bother to mention that the girl's worst symptom, severe headaches, is not a common symptom of COVID-19 but is a common symptom of meningitis. (The girl's other symptom was fever, which can be caused by a variety of illnesses.)

When the girl's parents brought her to the hospital after she had tested positive for strep throat, and after her severe headaches did not go away, the hospital tested her for COVID-19 and sent her home with pain medications. The parents then brought the girl back to the hospital because she was still experiencing severe headaches. The hospital then did a series of tests on the girl and discovered that she had meningitis, a deadly disease with a case death rate of over 12%. A few news outlets have been careful enough not to describe her death as "from COVID-19" but as "with COVID-19," since the actual cause of death was meningitis, not COVID-19.

Furthermore, it is not at all clear that the girl developed meningitis because she caught COVID-19. As noted, CNN failed to mention that the girl also tested positive for strep throat. She could have developed meningitis because of her strep throat, since bacterial meningitis is caused by some of the same germs that cause strep throat. It is entirely possible that the girl's death had nothing to do with COVID-19.

CNN's misleading reporting has been part of the irresponsible reporting that has fueled so much needless panic over COVID-19 and that has put pressure on government officials to impose unnecessary lockdowns, close thousands of businesses, and put tens of millions of people out of work.

Here is an article from the scholarly online journal Reason on the recent antibody tests in Los Angeles County that indicate that the COVID-19 death rate is much lower than we have been led to believe:

It figures. CNN is just ghastly. The scary thing is there are undoubtedly QUITE a few knuckleheads that post on these threads (Siete and berg, for example) that believe EVERYTHING CNN broadcasts. Quite sad, but HIGHLY preventable.
You idiots keep stepping in the same shit.

(CNN)The 5-year-old daughter of two Detroit first responders has died of complications from coronavirus.
Skylar Herbert died Sunday at Beaumont Royal Oak Hospital after being on a ventilator for two weeks, CNN affiliate WXYZ reported. She tested positive for coronavirus last month and developed a rare form of meningitis and swelling on the brain, according to WXYZ.

"The loss of a child, at any time, under any circumstances, is a tragedy," Beaumont Hospital said in a statement obtained by WXYZ. "We are heartbroken that COVID-19 has taken the life of a child. We extend our deepest sympathy to Skylar's family and all others who have lost a loved one to this virus."

5-year-old daughter of Detroit first responders dies after being diagnosed with coronavirus
Skylar Herbert developed a rare form of meningitis and swelling on the brain. She died after being on a ventilator for two weeks.

CNN was spot on.
Using the death of a 5-year-old who tragically died from a rare form of meningitis, to further a political narrative (don't re-start the economy until after the election) for political gain, is NOT journalism.


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