CDZ America’s major political parties don’t have ‘the stomach’ to reform US gun laws


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
America’s major political parties don’t have ‘the stomach’ to reform US gun laws
The Australian’s Adam Creighton says both of the major parties in America don’t have “the stomach” to reform the United States’ gun laws. “Because 30 per cent of Americans have a gun and 40 per cent of American households have access to a gun and so when you have that many guns in the country … it’s extremely difficult to regulate them,” Mr Creighton told Sky News host Chris Smith. “It’s really insoluble and terrible problem in my view.”

Local : 2022-05-27(Friday) 11:20:14
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i live in a country (The Netherlands) where it's illegal to bring weapons of ANY sort outside your home, or provoke fist-fights even in the slightest.

and we have a very peaceful country thanks to that regulation.

food for thought?

America’s major political parties don’t have ‘the stomach’ to reform US gun laws​

Wow, stupid post of the day. You don't even know what the gun laws are! You are arguing for something that once attained, you will be sorry you got it. Every other country going down that road the people regret the loss of freedom.

Do you really think some bureaucrat in Washington can pass a bill that will make psycho teens stop wanting to lash out? Do you really believe you can stop every psycho that wants to do something crazy? Do you know that most of these people fly right under the radar until they go berserk?

So you really want that kind of scrutiny on your own life that Big Brother watches and fears every little thing you do? Calling Adolf Hitler!

Guns are not even the problem. Gun grabbers are people who slam their own thumb in the car door then roll it off the cliff out of spite for hurting them.
Stocks in US gun makers rise following horror Texas school shooting

The stock prices of a number of prominent US firearm manufacturers have risen in the days following the mass school shooting in Texas that has since claimed the lives of 19 children and two teachers.
Smith & Wesson Brands has risen almost 10 per cent in the past five days, mirroring the success of other manufacturers such as Ammo Inc (up 12.6 per cent), Sturm Ruger (up 5.64 per cent) and ammunition maker Olin (up 23.5 per cent over the past month).
While restrictions – some as even-handed as background checks – have yet to be announced, investors are attempting to catch firearm stocks at a price they believe is cheap.
There are fears gun sales will surge in the wake of the Texas school shooting. (AP)
A study from 2019 found that a “statistically significant” spike in gun sales occurred in the months immediately following every single mass shooting event.
A rise in stock prices is investors anticipating a boom in gun sales prior to any restrictions being introduced.
How American politicians will tackle the fallout from one of the worst school shootings in more than a decade remains to be seen.
The stock price of gunmaker Smith & Wesson is up nearly 10 per cent since the shooting. (Google Finance)
A bipartisan group of 10 senators led by Democrat Chris Murphy is discussing what they can do to curtail mass gun violence, with current suggestions including expanded background checks or “red flag laws” that would prevent some customers from legally purchasing firearms.
It is uncertain if the group can come to consensus, and even if they do, winning enough votes from Republicans could prove difficult, as most do not want to see changes in the nation’s gun laws.
Democrats would need 10 Republican votes to overcome a filibuster and get a bill through the 50-50 Senate.
Senator Chris Murphy waits to speak to activists demanding action on gun control legislation after a gunman killed 19 children and two teachers in a Texas elementary school. (AP)
“Odds are against us, but we owe it to parents and kids to try,” tweeted Murphy, who has been an advocate for stricter gun control since 20 children and six educators were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012.
Murphy, who gave an impassioned speech on the Senate floor Tuesday as the news broke of the Texas shooting, has said he wants to start with proposals that are doable.
“There is a common denominator we can find,” Murphy said.
“There is a place where we can achieve agreement.”
[IMG alt="<p>In the largest mass school shooting in US
history, gunman Seung-Hui Cho claimed the lives of 32 people at Virginia Tech on April 16 2007.</p><p><strong>Click through to see some of the deadliest mass shootings in American history. </strong></p>"][/IMG]
IN PICTURES: The deadliest mass shootings in US history
Additional reporting by the Associated Press
Stocks in US gun makers rise following horror Texas school shooting

Local : 2022-05-27(Friday) 09:20:15
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There appears to be profits involved in the discussion making around gun-control laws. :(
Wow, stupid post of the day. You don't even know what the gun laws are! You are arguing for something that once attained, you will be sorry you got it. Every other country going down that road the people regret the loss of freedom.

Do you really think some bureaucrat in Washington can pass a bill that will make psycho teens stop wanting to lash out? Do you really believe you can stop every psycho that wants to do something crazy? Do you know that most of these people fly right under the radar until they go berserk?

So you really want that kind of scrutiny on your own life that Big Brother watches and fears every little thing you do? Calling Adolf Hitler!

Guns are not even the problem. Gun grabbers are people who slam their own thumb in the car door then roll it off the cliff out of spite for hurting them.
please don't pretend you know about the day to day situation in my country.

we all find it a fine arrangement, over here.

keeps all violence between citizens under strict control, and if a psycho walks into the street with even a knife on him, he is quickly shot down by police. we had an incident like that in my own city just a year ago.
Then I recommend you stay over there and attend to your own business.

And stop asking US to pay for your defense.

View attachment 650897
You Americans have no qualms about advising us on how to live our lives,
so i have no qualms about doing the same to you..
And we'd rather grow our own defense industries over here in Europe, and reserve the right not to help you out in future unjust wars you might start.
America’s major political parties don’t have ‘the stomach’ to reform US gun laws
The Australian’s Adam Creighton says both of the major parties in America don’t have “the stomach” to reform the United States’ gun laws. “Because 30 per cent of Americans have a gun and 40 per cent of American households have access to a gun and so when you have that many guns in the country … it’s extremely difficult to regulate them,” Mr Creighton told Sky News host Chris Smith. “It’s really insoluble and terrible problem in my view.”

Local : 2022-05-27(Friday) 11:20:14
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i live in a country (The Netherlands) where it's illegal to bring weapons of ANY sort outside your home, or provoke fist-fights even in the slightest.

and we have a very peaceful country thanks to that regulation.

food for thought?
America’s major political parties don’t have ‘the stomach’ to reform US gun laws
The Australian’s Adam Creighton says both of the major parties in America don’t have “the stomach” to reform the United States’ gun laws. “Because 30 per cent of Americans have a gun and 40 per cent of American households have access to a gun and so when you have that many guns in the country … it’s extremely difficult to regulate them,” Mr Creighton told Sky News host Chris Smith. “It’s really insoluble and terrible problem in my view.”

Local : 2022-05-27(Friday) 11:20:14
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i live in a country (The Netherlands) where it's illegal to bring weapons of ANY sort outside your home, or provoke fist-fights even in the slightest.

and we have a very peaceful country thanks to that regulation.

food for thought?
Access to firearms is regulated in America. Reform U.S. gun laws? How so? Precisely what "insoluble and terrible problem" is Creighton alluding to?
You Americans have no qualms about advising us on how to live our lives,
so i have no qualms about doing the same to you..
And we'd rather grow our own defense industries over here in Europe, and reserve the right not to help you out in future unjust wars you might start.
America saved your asses in two world wars. Good luck.
America’s major political parties don’t have ‘the stomach’ to reform US gun laws
The Australian’s Adam Creighton says both of the major parties in America don’t have “the stomach” to reform the United States’ gun laws. “Because 30 per cent of Americans have a gun and 40 per cent of American households have access to a gun and so when you have that many guns in the country … it’s extremely difficult to regulate them,” Mr Creighton told Sky News host Chris Smith. “It’s really insoluble and terrible problem in my view.”

Local : 2022-05-27(Friday) 11:20:14
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i live in a country (The Netherlands) where it's illegal to bring weapons of ANY sort outside your home, or provoke fist-fights even in the slightest.

and we have a very peaceful country thanks to that regulation.

food for thought?
Who the hell do they think they are anyway's no one's place fact The only thing that should be discussed is rolloing back every regulation since 1934

i demand my human and civil rights back
Even if the Democrats banned all guns, it would not solve the problem because criminals and terrorists and spree shooters are not going to turn in their guns.
The Democrats are targeting the law abiding gun owners, not the criminals.
you think we don't need to check for guns everywhere all the time?
we do have to, and we do.
bankrobbers still have guns over here, but they are smart enough to use them only in a heist.

other than that, criminals know that there are stiff jail sentences on getting caught with a gun on them or in their home/car.
America saved your asses in two world wars. Good luck.
and then you dragged us into questionable wars against communism and the Muslims several times.

so we'll gladly develop our own armies, and come to your aid should you ever need it.

but we'd rather make our own decisions, like you do as well.
you think we don't need to check for guns everywhere all the time?
we do have to, and we do.
bankrobbers still have guns over here, but they are smart enough to use them only in a heist.

other than that, criminals know that there are stiff jail sentences on getting caught with a gun on them or in their home/car.
they do back ground checks in the US
You Americans have no qualms about advising us on how to live our lives,
so i have no qualms about doing the same to you..
And we'd rather grow our own defense industries over here in Europe, and reserve the right not to help you out in future unjust wars you might start.
What's funny is that it's the leftists like you in America that you're complaining about, and you don't seem to get that.

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