Alberta officials slam White House for demanding more OPEC oil after cancelling Keystone XL.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Xiden killed US pipeline jobs, and Canada's oil industry with one EQ.
Then Putin's Whore approved Nord Stream2 so Putin has a cash cow to fund his military.

You have had 12 years to learn about the Keystone export pipeline.

And you still don't know a damned thing about Nordstream 2 either.
Your "comments" are not "facts", they aren't even "alternate facts", and they don't refute my post at all. Thanks for texting, I'll give you a "participation trophy".

You don't know about either pipeline. Nordstream 2 will save money for our European allies.
Keystone xl wasn't carrying oil for the domestic market.

But yet the price of gas at the pump soared up for Americans after this Joe Dufus idiot closed the pipeline.

Anybody thast voted for this Joe Dufus shithead and then ignored the fact he stole the election is a figgin moron.
No worries folks!!!
Our press secretary yesterday said basically they have no plans to increase production, and gas prices - you know - just go up and down... "next question"

Even our Canadian friends know that the Joe Dufus Administration is an administration of morons.

Alberta is not Canada. Alberta is Texas North. They've been living off their "Heritage Fund" created by oil revenues, and are the only province in Canada without a VAT. They have always elected VERY conservative governments, and spawned the most socially regressive policies in Canada. The Fraser Institute, a far right libertarian think tank, is located in Alberta. They're the only province in Canada with Charter schools.

Selfish, greedy, and VERY entitled is how I would described the government, but not the people of Alberta.
Xiden killed US pipeline jobs, and Canada's oil industry with one EQ.

Trumpybear shouldn't have used an EO to approve it's construction in the first place. The next president wouldn't be able to undo legislation. What hand did Alberta officials have in resurrecting the dead project via a Presidential EO by the Trumpster?

We are practically their only customer still, so with 3+ million barrels a day shipped here, their industry is doing just fine.
But yet the price of gas at the pump soared up for Americans after this Joe Dufus idiot closed the pipeline.

The pipeline was never open. The price increase was prices recovering from the pandemic related price drops.
Trumpybear shouldn't have used an EO to approve it's construction in the first place. The next president wouldn't be able to undo legislation. What hand did Alberta officials have in resurrecting the dead project via a Presidential EO by the Trumpster?

We are practically their only customer still, so with 3+ million barrels a day shipped here, their industry is doing just fine.
Yeah. We're still buying their oil. Their real bitch is that w/o the pipeline, their profits are less with transportation.

But imo we should let oil companies build the pipeline at their expense, and factor it into the cost of oil
Yeah. We're still buying their oil. Their real bitch is that w/o the pipeline, their profits are less with transportation.

But imo we should let oil companies build the pipeline at their expense, and factor it into the cost of oil

Shhh. don't tell, but I opposed Obama's veto.
The pipeline was never open. The price increase was prices recovering from the pandemic related price drops.

You are confused Moon Bat. The price of oil is a speculative market. If you shut down a major supply route (pipeline) and replace it with a more expensive supply route (George Soros's trucks and trains) then the price will go up.
Trumpybear shouldn't have used an EO to approve it's construction in the first place. The next president wouldn't be able to undo legislation. What hand did Alberta officials have in resurrecting the dead project via a Presidential EO by the Trumpster?

We are practically their only customer still, so with 3+ million barrels a day shipped here, their industry is doing just fine.
LOL! Let me rephrase your post: Xiden wants more OPEC oil and tells Canada to get fucked.

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