Abortion should be banned in the United States

I expressed no desire to make your acquaintance, despite your efforts to appear as a sterling fellow of admirable deportment.

I inquired whether your lashing out under the cloak of anonymity extended beyond your forum hidey-hole?

i can't see you ranting your revilements in personal encounters, and presume you become meek and docile in social setings.
Typical murderer babble.
You had asked if a 40 year old woman a viable human.

Since 40 years is in excess of the lower limit of viability - approximately 5-3/4 months into gestation - her viability will have been well-established.

If you cut a 40 year old woman off from all human contact and left her alone in a desert, do you think she could survive? How about a 30 year old? 10? 5? Immediately following birth?
I am pro-life, my view is that unless human rights mean something divergent to "human rights," the unborn should have them. As a consequence, I believe nearly all abortion should be banned (the typical 99% or more or cases). There are potential exceptions which I remain agnostic on but these do not make up the paradigm of incidents. Otherwise, I have never heard a good argument for legal abortion and I will openly argue that it ought to be banned.
People like you are why Democrats hold the Presidency and Senate majority. Thanks for your good work! Bigly!!!
Leftists would have us believe that passing through the birth canal is magical doorway that bestows life and absolves them of their murderous responsibility. One second before birth - not alive; one second after - alive.

Some real scientists trying to justify their blatant immorality.
Your hyperbole is noted. Do you lash out at the majority of Americans who respect personal freedom as "murdering, leftist scum" only from your hidey-hole of anonymity or do you have the temerity to do so in person?

Trying to play tough, ghoul? Being able to kill the unborn doesn't indicate you'd last a minute with someone a bit older.
If you cut a 40 year old woman off from all human contact and left her alone in a desert, do you think she could survive? How about a 30 year old? 10? 5? Immediately following birth?Why do you value your leftist ideology so highly and human life not at al
Trying to play tough, ghoul? Being able to kill the unborn doesn't indicate you'd last a minute with someone a bit older.
If your imaginary 40-year-old woman is microscopic and never developed a brain, she would face considerable challenges.

How do you explain a significant majority of Americans supporting reproductive freedom in preference to the authoritarian approach of an El Salvador, a Nicaragua, or an Iraq where totalitarian politicians have seized control of wombs and dictate to all?

Leftists would have us believe that passing through the birth canal is magical doorway that bestows life and absolves them of their murderous responsibility. One second before birth - not alive; one second after - alive.

Some real scientists trying to justify their blatant immorality.

Nobody is having an abortion one second before birth. Very few people are having abortions in the third trimester, and in the few cases it does happen, it's usually because the fetus is horribly deformed.

As far as being born magically bestowing life... um.


They don't issue you a birth certificate until you are born.
They don't count you on a census until you are actually born.
Your parents can't count you as a tax dependent until you are actually born.
Once again we see that leftists are forced to deny what they know to be obviously true in order to cling to their bloodthirsty, indefensible political position.

What I know to be true is that if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

No matter what goofy laws you pass, how much you scream JESUS at her, or how many pictures of medical waste you show her on the way into the Abortion Clinic.
No matter what goofy laws you pass against grand theft auto, cars will still be stolen.
Nobody is having an abortion one second before birth. Very few people are having abortions in the third trimester, and in the few cases it does happen, it's usually because the fetus is horribly deformed.

As far as being born magically bestowing life... um.


They don't issue you a birth certificate until you are born.
They don't count you on a census until you are actually born.
Your parents can't count you as a tax dependent until you are actually born.
Why are you conflating legal status with life? That's a silly argument. Why is an unborn child a "fetus" moments before birth? Does fetus = viability?
When slavery was legal, slave owners could tell themselves their slaves weren't human, just animals. Apparently according to lefties that made it a "fact."

No wonder why more slave owners were democrats. They haven't changed.
A killer who wants to kill someone will find a way to kill.

No matter what goofy laws you pass against grand theft auto, cars will still be stolen.

Okay, so let's look at that. Here's the thing, We can enforce laws against murder. We can probably enforce laws against car theft, but more often than not, the cops just write you up a report to give to the insurance companies.

When someone is murdered...
People will report a dead body
Police will conduct investigations and make arrests.
Prosecutors will prosecute.
Juries will vote to convict.

because there is near universal agreement that murder is wrong.

We are NOWHERE NEAR that on Abortion.

Let's start with the police. Do you think the police will have the time to investigate every abortion and miscarriage to determine which ones were unjustified. Forget about the HIPAA implications, just the resources they would have to devote. How do you prove a woman was pregnant without an intrusive medical exam?

This is why even before Roe, women were never prosecuted for having abortions and providers were only prosecuted if they screwed up and killed the woman.

But let's say you get it in front of a jury. A jury made up of people who have enjoyed legal access to abortion for their entire lifetimes. Some of them may have even HAD abortions. Do you really think you are going to get a conviction?

I can tell you what, if I ever found myself on such a jury, I'd vote to acquit, I don't care if you have video of the abortion being performed with the doctor throwing the fetus across the room into the medical waste container for a three pointer!

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