Abortion should be banned in the United States

Change to "slaves" and you continue to sound exactly like your ancestral democrats. Unchanged.

Except no one ever said that about slaves.
Of course, you do want to reduce women to slavery by turning them into breeding machines, which sounds a little misogynistic.
Then again, when your screen name is a disgusting porn fetish, the misogyny can't be far behind.
Except no one ever said that about slaves.

:lol: Fraud. Racists like YOU say that about any minority they don't like TODAY. We see it HERE all the time.

Once again we see the leftist who has to deny reality to try (and fail) to support an indefensible position.
Fraud. Racists like YOU say that about any minority they don't like TODAY. We see it HERE all the time.

Once again we see the leftist who has to deny reality to try (and fail) to support an indefensible position.

Really, where do we see that? Heck, I don't like Mormons, but I don't deny that they are human. I mean, really, really dumb humans, but humans nonetheless.

Fetuses aren't people because they aren't viable outside the womb. Ultimately, it's up to the owner of that womb to decide. Not you. Not me, for that matter.

LIAR. Is everyone in the country a slave because we have laws against homicide?

No, dripping poop, what makes them slaves is you are compelling them to have babies they don't want, with all the resultant health issues that go along with it.

Pregnancy has to be voluntary.
Oh, is that the definition of slavery? The NAACP may need you to go lecture them.
The NAACP supports reproductive rights. We wouldn't have a disagreement.

Neither are you.

Wow, seriously, this is the best you have? No wonder public education is failing.

Then it must be up to the owner of a hand to decide whether or not to choke you out. You ok with that, death-worshipper?
Any time you think you are man enough, Dripping Poop

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