The fact is, our presumptive GOP leader, former President Trump, supports and defends our Constitution's big tent system called federalism, guaranteed by the Tenth Amendment. And that system guarantees that the states, and people therein, are to make their own decisions concerning those...
The official GOP position on abortion is stated by Trump in the following video.
The fact is, the GOP supports and defends our Constitution's big tent system called federalism, guaranteed by the Tenth Amendment. And that system guarantees that the states, and people therein, are to make...
See: Democrats are counting on abortion rights to win this battleground state
Of course, when our big media constantly misrepresents what most Republicans support, and falsely pretend there is a massive movement among Republicans to ban abortions, the issue could certainly be a...
Press writer and former diplomat
The difference between a one-party system and a two-party system is like the difference between pocket knife and scissors.
The best example for an authoritarian or one-party system is China, not Russia, because Putin's...
During last night’s debate, after whining and dinning our ears to how loyal he is to the Constitution, with reference to President Trump and the 2020 election, Mike Pence went on to take a dump on the Constitution by indicating he wants Congressional legislation banning abortion.
Pence stated...
I am pro-life, my view is that unless human rights mean something divergent to "human rights," the unborn should have them. As a consequence, I believe nearly all abortion should be banned (the typical 99% or more or cases). There are potential exceptions which I remain agnostic on but these do...
NFBW: Premise: The religious belief’s of the founding fathers are tied to the politics of abortion the past 50 years / you will have to read the CATHOLIC condemnation of Jefferson and his cult of secular religion if you are interested in finding out why - and more.
ELEKTRA220503-#63 “Abortion...
The damage the Trump administration did to American freedoms and democracy is difficult to measure. For most of us the damage is irrelevant - to our personal lives - but for others, personal freedom and even our environment, it is a tragedy.
"The recent set of watershed Supreme Court opinions...
This is a lie that those who support the cold-blooded murder of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings sometimes tell, in order to justify denying the humanity of those victims whose murder they support — “An acorn is not an oak tree.”
I've addressed this lie a few times, by...
Excerpted from:
What Kansas Abortion Vote Means for Democrats, Republicans in the Midterms (newsweek.com)
… In the first electoral test since the Supreme Court overturned the 1973 ruling giving women a federal right to an abortion in June, more than 59 percent of people in Kansas backed...
It’s truly astounding how easy it is to dupe the left. They will blindly believe anything.
The purpose of the Tenth Amendment, which was added to our constitution with nine other amendments, was specifically, and intentionally, to prevent misconstruction or abuse of the newly created government’s powers.
And, these amendments, referred to as the “Bill of Rights”, are ten...
Is it not an irrefutable fact that a majority on our Supreme Court, in its Roe and Casey opinions, decided to exercise legislative, judiciary and executive powers, which in effect subtlety subverted our constitution’s mandated system of separation of powers, and replaced it with one which...
A young woman faces the reality of what abortion really is…
[url unfurl=true]https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/angie-was-laughing-before-her-ninth-abortion.-but-then-she-saw-the-aborted/[/url]
A woman who laughed through nine abortions asked after her last one if she could look at the “tissue”...
PLEASE read this article and look at the photos and explain to me how this is ok.
OK Folks. This one has got me stumped! There is not a lot of information here and a motive is hard to imagine.
Is she really anti-abortion? or
Was she running an abortion mill out of her home?
If the latter, then why? Abortion is still accessible in DC
If really anti-abortion, did she obtain...
trans action
girls who are boys
were one
in two thousand
now one
in twenty
trans formation
and chemicals
to erase fetus
and chemicals
to erase female
the price
of pro-choice
Data behind verses:
In surveys by the American College Health Association, the...
So..the usual ebb and flow....Texas fetal heartbeat works for the anti-choice folks--Tennessee not so much
A federal appeals court on...
Women's right to abortion is necessitated by our right to consent, not by our right to privacy. Our right to privacy just means they don't have to give anyone an explanation. The way consent works is that it only applies to the person you give it to, it cannot automatically transfer to other...
Women of America unite, your rights are under attack. This ridiculous abortion law in Texas targets you. I don't care if you're anti-abortion or pro-abortion. What you do now will determine your rights in the future, all of your rights. If you are allow government to do this to you. Abortion is...
REMINDER: This is in the CDZ and CDZ rules apply.
Countless Elected officials, Legal Experts(sic), Journalists, USMB members /posters, all unceasingly postulate that, in the event that Roe v Wade is ever overturned, the abortion issue would simply "revert back to the States."
I disagree that...
This is a simple poll to make a relevant political point.
In the 2016 Presidential Election, one of the primary reasons that Trump voters voted for Trump over Hillary was to DENY Hillary the chance to nominate any Supreme Court justices. Trump won the election. It would be a betrayal of HIS...
1. This thread is in the CDZ; ALL CDZ rules apply.
2. You can change your answers at any time.
3. All sides are invited to present any and all evidence to support their views.
4. Posts and responses are asked to be confined to the subject of this OP. "Does and abortion kill a child...
"Supreme Court justices heard the first oral arguments in a controversial Louisiana abortion case. If the law is upheld, it's possible every clinic in the state would be forced to close. CBS News reporter Kate Smith joined CBSN AM to explain the arguments for both sides and the crucial role of...
Erroneous precedents in previous Supreme Court rulings are in no way sacred or set in stone. They are subject to the U.S. Constitution as it was written, originally understood, and intended. If former Supreme Court rulings are unconstitutional, then precedent must be overturned.
This is one of them!
Texas Allowed to Halt Abortions to Conserve Masks, Gloves
(Bloomberg) -- Texas struck a blow against abortion rights when a federal appeals court ruled the state can ban most procedures as long as the governor’s emergency health decree to save medical supplies for...
Pete Buttigieg and Meghan McCain discussed abortion on the View
so anyone that knows Megan McCain knows that she is pro life and feels that when it comes to reproductive rights women should have none. She’s made that clear.
So Pete Buttigieg was asked on the View what he felt about abortion...
Actually, this is a bad joke without a punch line. The thought of him actually being elected makes me feel as though I am stuck in a thick tar of despair which hangs in the air like the stench of death. He is a disgrace to the concept of human rights, a dangerous enemy of the rule of law and...
I realize that many believe that women shouldn't be forced to be inconvenienced with a pregnancy. But why does the woman's "right" to not be inconvenienced trump a pre-born human's right to live their life?
She proudly embodies the very visage of blasphemy against the God she's supposed to represent.
50 million and counting, just in the US alone. I wouldn’t want to be her on judgement day.
"Now, a lesbian Episcopal priest, the "very reverend" Katherine Hancock Ragsdale, takes the abomination...
The “aliens” in “alien abductions” are really the ghosts of aborted fetuses who have come back to haunt us.
In the classic alien abduction experience, the abductee first sees a bright light like the "light at the end of the tunnel" related by people who have had near-death experiences: evidence...
Ten million aging baby boomers are expected to suffer from Alzheimer’s. Roe v. Wade gave boomers the right to terminate an unwanted fetus. We should draw on that Supreme Court decision to allow caregivers to terminate an unwanted “adult fetus.”
Dementia, already known as “second childhood,”...
A woman giving birth to a stillborn child is charged with murder because she took meth, yet I thought Planned Parenthood and the Left excused and rationalized hundreds of casual abortions everyday as a "right" because it is just a fetus and not a human being and so has no rights?!
So how can...
So I was watching the Trump rally in Florida and I was posting what Donald Trump was saying and was banned. Banned for posting Donald Trump's direct quotes. Here is a live stream of the rally and some of the direct quotes.
Don't believe me. Watch for yourself. This is Trump at his base...
The panel in the left was from 2012 when Republicans controlled the house.
That was the panel on women’s health and reproductive rights.
The panel on the right was today.
So do Republican men feel they’re better at deciding women’s rights? Than women?
What if it's true...
Greater access to abortion may have reduced America’s crime rate
"May 24, 2019
"Crime rates in the U.S. have fallen by about half since the early 1990s.
"A new working paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research finds that legalized abortion following the...
Supreme Court leaves intact block on one Indiana abortion restriction, but allows fetal burial to go into effect
The Supreme Court overturned this part:
a state may prohibit abortions motivated solely by race, sex or disability.
Republicans want to force women to have retarded babies or...
A First: Women Take The Majority In Nevada Legislature And Colorado House
Just like the country, the body is slightly more than half women.
"It's been a long, hard fight. I'm starting to see some of the fruits of not just my labor, but the labor of so many other people whose names I don't...
Even Putin wouldn't do this.
First off, let me point out the utter hypocrisy of The Left AGAIN.
The Democrat Party's Position is to Oppose "Right To Try"
That means that if you have cancer, you will not have The Right To Try experimental treatments. A panel will decide if you live or die...