A teenager in France has admitted to stabbing a 71-year-old man in the face repeatedly because the teen thought the man was gay

hatred is wrong, unless the old dude hit on the teen, then that's 1 way to stop it, i guess, though i don't condone it!

Even if you take that large an offense at being hit on sexually, the stealing the victims car means you probably did it for the free car.
I used to hit on women in bars when I was much younger and less married, but none of them stabbed me repeatedly and stole my car.
Even if you take that large an offense at being hit on sexually, the stealing the victims car means you probably did it for the free car.
I used to hit on women in bars when I was much younger and less married, but none of them stabbed me repeatedly and stole my car.
Less married. . . . :cool:
hatred is wrong, unless the old dude hit on the teen, then that's 1 way to stop it, i guess, though i don't condone it!

Uhm, France...

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