A dark day for Trump. The darkest day for the presidency since Watergate.


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
ANALYSIS: Two of the president's former associates were in court Tuesday. Both guilty of multiple felonies. What happened to draining the swamp?

by Jonathan Allen / Aug.21.2018 / 6:11 PM ET

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — There hasn't been a darker moment for a president — or for the presidency — since Richard Nixon resigned on the verge of impeachment in 1974.

On Tuesday, Michael Cohen, the president's longtime fixer and former personal lawyer, pleaded guilty to felony crimes that included illegally paying women hush money to help Donald Trump win the presidency in 2016. Most important, he said he did so at Trump's direction.

In other words, Trump cheated to win the White House, according to one of his closest former associates.
Thoughts on the following?

It wasn't just a bad day for Trump, it was a historically awful day for the presidency.​
ANALYSIS: Two of the president's former associates were in court Tuesday. Both guilty of multiple felonies. What happened to draining the swamp?

by Jonathan Allen / Aug.21.2018 / 6:11 PM ET

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — There hasn't been a darker moment for a president — or for the presidency — since Richard Nixon resigned on the verge of impeachment in 1974.

On Tuesday, Michael Cohen, the president's longtime fixer and former personal lawyer, pleaded guilty to felony crimes that included illegally paying women hush money to help Donald Trump win the presidency in 2016. Most important, he said he did so at Trump's direction.

In other words, Trump cheated to win the White House, according to one of his closest former associates.
Thoughts on the following?

It wasn't just a bad day for Trump, it was a historically awful day for the presidency.​

"Hush" money isn't a crime.

Or a campaign finance violation.

I'm a certified election professional. It's part of my job to know these things.
ANALYSIS: Two of the president's former associates were in court Tuesday. Both guilty of multiple felonies. What happened to draining the swamp?

by Jonathan Allen / Aug.21.2018 / 6:11 PM ET

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — There hasn't been a darker moment for a president — or for the presidency — since Richard Nixon resigned on the verge of impeachment in 1974.

On Tuesday, Michael Cohen, the president's longtime fixer and former personal lawyer, pleaded guilty to felony crimes that included illegally paying women hush money to help Donald Trump win the presidency in 2016. Most important, he said he did so at Trump's direction.

In other words, Trump cheated to win the White House, according to one of his closest former associates.
Thoughts on the following?

It wasn't just a bad day for Trump, it was a historically awful day for the presidency.​

How so? Seems like a worse day (in the short run) for Paul Manifort and as far as Coehn go’s, nothing criminal for trump there. There may be a campaigne finance thing with the bimbos, but even that’s not a big deal. Just ask the last president who got a fine for campaigne finance violations, not to mention all the Congress critters who have done and do the same. All this is is a blip in the 24 hour news cycle.
Bill Clinton paid off Paula Jones. Tough to say if it was the right thing to do.

If Trump is guilty of campaign finance violations, he should be punished like Obama was in 2008, when he was fined for $375,000 for violating campaign finance laws.

I m happy to see a tax cheat maybe go to jail. They all should.
ANALYSIS: Two of the president's former associates were in court Tuesday. Both guilty of multiple felonies. What happened to draining the swamp?

by Jonathan Allen / Aug.21.2018 / 6:11 PM ET

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — There hasn't been a darker moment for a president — or for the presidency — since Richard Nixon resigned on the verge of impeachment in 1974.

On Tuesday, Michael Cohen, the president's longtime fixer and former personal lawyer, pleaded guilty to felony crimes that included illegally paying women hush money to help Donald Trump win the presidency in 2016. Most important, he said he did so at Trump's direction.

In other words, Trump cheated to win the White House, according to one of his closest former associates.
Thoughts on the following?

It wasn't just a bad day for Trump, it was a historically awful day for the presidency.​
And already they are attacking Michael cohens credibility.

Rudy even admitted trump committed a criminal crime and knew trump reimbursted Michael Cohen.

Now, I think Cohen has info on russia. Stay tuned.
Bill Clinton paid off Paula Jones. Tough to say if it was the right thing to do.

If Trump is guilty of campaign finance violations, he should be punished like Obama was in 2008, when he was fined for $375,000 for violating campaign finance laws.

I m happy to see a tax cheat maybe go to jail. They all should.
And trump should be impeached
Trump is a cancer on the presidency that has metastasized. The corruption and Trump's complicity in campaign finance laws crimes not to mention his alleged, and I use that word lightly, conspiracy with the Russians make s him the most sleazy, dishonorable, unprincipled and amoral man to ever hold the office. The worm should resign and begone.
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Bill Clinton paid off Paula Jones. Tough to say if it was the right thing to do.

If Trump is guilty of campaign finance violations, he should be punished like Obama was in 2008, when he was fined for $375,000 for violating campaign finance laws.

I m happy to see a tax cheat maybe go to jail. They all should.
And trump should be impeached

Sure, bring his legal violations before Congress and vote on it.

Clinton was impeached and disbarred. Shit happens, right?

If Trump committed impeachable offenses, he should be impeached.

What’s your case for impeachment, specifically?
Obama’s treasury secretary was also a tax cheat.

I guess Obama should have been impeached.
More butthurt bullshit.

Because the leftist regressives can't criticize anything that Trump is actually accomplishing they have to resort to this inconsequential stuff, which I don't even bother to read. Useless...
Bill Clinton paid off Paula Jones. Tough to say if it was the right thing to do.

If Trump is guilty of campaign finance violations, he should be punished like Obama was in 2008, when he was fined for $375,000 for violating campaign finance laws.

I m happy to see a tax cheat maybe go to jail. They all should.
And trump should be impeached

Sure, bring his legal violations before Congress and vote on it.

Clinton was impeached and disbarred. Shit happens, right?

If Trump committed impeachable offenses, he should be impeached.

What’s your case for impeachment, specifically?
Watch the news.

And Michael Cohen has more dirt. Stay tuned.

Never before has a presidents lawyer implicated him in a federal crime
ANALYSIS: Two of the president's former associates were in court Tuesday. Both guilty of multiple felonies. What happened to draining the swamp?

by Jonathan Allen / Aug.21.2018 / 6:11 PM ET

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — There hasn't been a darker moment for a president — or for the presidency — since Richard Nixon resigned on the verge of impeachment in 1974.

On Tuesday, Michael Cohen, the president's longtime fixer and former personal lawyer, pleaded guilty to felony crimes that included illegally paying women hush money to help Donald Trump win the presidency in 2016. Most important, he said he did so at Trump's direction.

In other words, Trump cheated to win the White House, according to one of his closest former associates.
Thoughts on the following?

It wasn't just a bad day for Trump, it was a historically awful day for the presidency.​
And already they are attacking Michael cohens credibility.

Rudy even admitted trump committed a criminal crime and knew trump reimbursted Michael Cohen.

Now, I think Cohen has info on russia. Stay tuned.

Maher’s was this admitted criminality?
Bill Clinton paid off Paula Jones. Tough to say if it was the right thing to do.

If Trump is guilty of campaign finance violations, he should be punished like Obama was in 2008, when he was fined for $375,000 for violating campaign finance laws.

I m happy to see a tax cheat maybe go to jail. They all should.
And trump should be impeached

Sure, bring his legal violations before Congress and vote on it.

Clinton was impeached and disbarred. Shit happens, right?

If Trump committed impeachable offenses, he should be impeached.

What’s your case for impeachment, specifically?
Watch the news.

And Michael Cohen has more dirt. Stay tuned.

Never before has a presidents lawyer implicated him in a federal crime

What federal crime would that be?

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