54% of Wisconsin Voters against Recall

The recall was not initiated due to the actions of Walker's aides when he was a county executive...

You can pretend it was, but well laugh at you...

Certainly it played a role for the one million whose signatures were acquired ...

Fools believe there were 1 million valid signatures....
Wisconsin Governor Will Not Challenge Recall Petitions - NYTimes.com

Mr. Walker, a Republican, had until the end of the day on Monday to contest signatures, but his aides said that despite an already granted extension on the deadline and efforts by tens of thousands of pro-Walker forces, there was not enough time to properly review for duplications and fraudulent names all of the 152,000 pages of signatures filed in January by those who hope to recall Mr. Walker from office.

Ok then, the 152,000 pages of signatures filed in January ... that will not be challenged by Walker.
Well, you really have no proof he even knew about anything that may or may not have happened at this point. All you really have is your opinion. Luckily, we have a system for determining guilt or innocence in possible criminal matters, and that process is being followed.

I don't suppose we could, you know, let the process come to it's conclusion BEFORE we pass sentence/judgement, could we???

I addressed the cost and Walker's choice of aides.
Did I mention anything about costs? No. What I said was I'd like to see the outcome of any criminal proceedings PRIOR to making a judgement... unlike you.

Thus, the cost is because of the actions that allowed a recall election.
Is that even a complete sentence?

It is not easy to get one off the ground, many citizens of the state must take part. If 56% vote against it, it will end the process.
You seriously believe that if they take a vote, and 56% of those voting think they should end the recall, it ends? Really???

Florida is a "right to work" state with many unions, no recall petitions of the several ANTI UNION Governors we have had.
How many of those governors tried to limit the unions collective bargaining rights? None.

His anti union stances, and poor judgement in choosing aides, led him to the dilemma he faces. Gray Davis was recalled for LOUSY judgement also.
The aid situation had nothing to do with the start of the recall. Could it have played a part towards the end of the signature drive/ Sure. Was it a major factor? Not according to every union bigshot interviewed, every news article posted, etc.
my comments in BLUE above.
You seriously believe that if they take a vote, and 56% of those voting think they should end the recall, it ends? Really???
How can the recall continue if 56% vote against recall?
I actually don't put much faith in them either considering how they can phrase questions in a way to lead those answering them to give a response that the pollster would like to get. Either way it doesn't change the fact that the right wingers spoke of polls as the will of the people when it suited them to do so.

However, polls are the core of this thread and right wingers are touting a poll. I merely pointed out how they tend to ignore the ones that run counter to their positions. If you have a problem with that then take it up with them.

Reid only controls one part of the "engine room" so why do you refuse to hold the right accountable for their lack of movement?? Oh and passing partisan bills in the house that you know have no chance of passing the senate is not movement so you can leave that trash at the curb.

Doesn't negate the fact that the House has sent bills up and Reid isn't moving on any of them.

Oh wait I forgot He already said that any bills from the House are DOA. Never mind.

Talk about trash that needs to go to the curb. Reid.

LOL so the house "sends" bill that it knows will never pass and you consider that movement? LOL Sending partisan bills that easilly pass the majority rules of the house when compared to the supermjority rules cuurently in place by republicans in the senate is not what any honest person would defend.

Oh and can i get a quote of reid saying exactly what you claim he did??

P.S. thanks for the trash but it was supposed to be left at the curb. LOL

Yep I sure do.

The House is doing its job and the Reid won't even bring them to the floor for discussion or a vote. If he's so sure they won't pass seems to me he would be willing to let his Senators discuss them. Who knows. They might reach a consensus.

As for DOA. You can google those yourself. I did. Reid has said that on quite a few of the House bills headed his way.

Yep. Trash to that curb.
The recall was not initiated due to the actions of Walker's aides when he was a county executive...

You can pretend it was, but well laugh at you...

Certainly it played a role for the one million whose signatures were acquired ...

Fools believe there were 1 million valid signatures....
Yes, for fundraising for the gubernatorial campaign in 2010. How can the recall continue if 56% vote against the matter? Wisconsin must have strange recall laws.
I addressed the cost and Walker's choice of aides.
Did I mention anything about costs? No. What I said was I'd like to see the outcome of any criminal proceedings PRIOR to making a judgement... unlike you.

Thus, the cost is because of the actions that allowed a recall election.
Is that even a complete sentence?

It is not easy to get one off the ground, many citizens of the state must take part. If 56% vote against it, it will end the process.
You seriously believe that if they take a vote, and 56% of those voting think they should end the recall, it ends? Really???

Florida is a "right to work" state with many unions, no recall petitions of the several ANTI UNION Governors we have had.
How many of those governors tried to limit the unions collective bargaining rights? None.

His anti union stances, and poor judgement in choosing aides, led him to the dilemma he faces. Gray Davis was recalled for LOUSY judgement also.
The aid situation had nothing to do with the start of the recall. Could it have played a part towards the end of the signature drive/ Sure. Was it a major factor? Not according to every union bigshot interviewed, every news article posted, etc.
my comments in BLUE above.
You seriously believe that if they take a vote, and 56% of those voting think they should end the recall, it ends? Really???
How can the recall continue if 56% vote against recall?

I think you're confusing terminology here...

The recall process, vs. the recall election. Once the signatures are turned in, there is no way to stop a recall election from happening.

If you're claiming that if 56% of the people decided they do not want a recall election it would stop, you're wrong.

If you're claiming that in a recall election, if 56% want Walker to stay, he stays... then you are correct. Actually, the specific percentage is immaterial. If there is a single vote more for Walker to stay then there is for his opponent, then he stays.

Perhaps if you clarified your 56% statement, we'd know which you were referring to???
The recall was not initiated due to the actions of Walker's aides when he was a county executive...

You can pretend it was, but well laugh at you...

Certainly it played a role for the one million whose signatures were acquired ...

Fools believe there were 1 million valid signatures....
Walker's campaign estimated 20% invalid, that still leaves 645,000 MORE than the entire number of Union members IN Wisconsin.

Walker will survive this recall bs.

The Unions and the Dems will have egg all over themselves not to mention empty pockets.

An investigation will find out if Walker did anything illegal. Walker will survive this as well.

The voters/taxpayers of WI are already doing better under Walker then they ever did under his Dem predecessor.

Walker will be re-elected in a landslide.

Hows that for predictions??
Certainly it played a role for the one million whose signatures were acquired ...

Fools believe there were 1 million valid signatures....
Walker's campaign estimated 20% invalid, that still leaves 645,000 MORE than the entire number of Union members IN Wisconsin.

If you're claiming that in a recall election, if 56% want Walker to stay, he stays... then you are correct. Actually, the specific percentage is immaterial. If there is a single vote more for Walker to stay then there is for his opponent, then he stays.
That was my point. And I read there have prior recall efforts? If so, Wisconsin needs stricter laws for recall elections; YES, they cost money. Still, I have read about non union groups who want him recalled. If unions are starting MULTIPLE recall actions that fail, there should be some method of sanction.
Walker will survive this recall bs.

The Unions and the Dems will have egg all over themselves not to mention empty pockets.

An investigation will find out if Walker did anything illegal. Walker will survive this as well.

The voters/taxpayers of WI are already doing better under Walker then they ever did under his Dem predecessor.

Walker will be re-elected in a landslide.

Hows that for predictions??
There should be a method under Wisconsin state law to prevent multiple recall efforts that fail. I read Walker's office hadn't the time to challenge 1 million recall signatures. That too should be changed; an office holder should have time to challenge those seeking recall.
my comments in BLUE above.
You seriously believe that if they take a vote, and 56% of those voting think they should end the recall, it ends? Really???
How can the recall continue if 56% vote against recall?

I think you're confusing terminology here...

The recall process, vs. the recall election. Once the signatures are turned in, there is no way to stop a recall election from happening.

If you're claiming that if 56% of the people decided they do not want a recall election it would stop, you're wrong.

If you're claiming that in a recall election, if 56% want Walker to stay, he stays... then you are correct. Actually, the specific percentage is immaterial. If there is a single vote more for Walker to stay then there is for his opponent, then he stays.

Perhaps if you clarified your 56% statement, we'd know which you were referring to???
The recall ENDS if 56% vote against the removal of Walker; that is what Zander's post references.
Fools believe there were 1 million valid signatures....
Walker's campaign estimated 20% invalid, that still leaves 645,000 MORE than the entire number of Union members IN Wisconsin.

If you're claiming that in a recall election, if 56% want Walker to stay, he stays... then you are correct. Actually, the specific percentage is immaterial. If there is a single vote more for Walker to stay then there is for his opponent, then he stays.
That was my point. And I read there have prior recall efforts? If so, Wisconsin needs stricter laws for recall elections; YES, they cost money. Still, I have read about non union groups who want him recalled. If unions are starting MULTIPLE recall actions that fail, there should be some method of sanction.

there is no law against starting a recall petition drive. The state doesn't pay for anything until enough signatures are turned in. So, if 20 different unions start recall petitions, but none amass enough signatures, those efforts are for naught and they don't cost the state a dime.

Having said that, I am unaware of any other efforts to recall Walker.

Also, as I said, the percentage of votes one way or the other doesn't matter in the actual recall election. Whoever has more votes wins. If you have Walker vs two different opponents, and Walker get 45%, Opponent 1 gets 29% and Opponent 3 gets 22%, Walker still wins.
The recall ENDS if 56% vote against the removal of Walker; that is what Zander's post references.

you may want to re-read his OP...

Looks like the Labor Union thugs and bullies will get another dose of reality after Walker survives this recall....:lol: :lol:

So much for that recall effort. According to a new Rasmussen poll of likely Wisconsin voters, Gov. Scott Walker should survive an effort to throw out his 2010 election, a campaign driven by pro-union activists angered that he limited collective bargaining rights for public employees in a budget-cutting move.
It’s a huge and positive switch for Scott’s fortunes. Opponents made headlines when they easily collected 1 million signatures on a recall petition. Walker this week said he would not challenge the signatures-including names like “Donald Duck”-because there isn’t enough time before the May recall election.

Poll: Wisconsin's Walker to survive union recall drive | Washington Examiner

54% in Wisconsin Oppose Recall of GOP Governor Walker - Rasmussen Reports™

All Zander says is that in a recent poll, 54% of the people polled are against the recall.

I see nothing that says the recall stops if 56% are against it. Please... point out which part of the OP supports your statement.
Walker's campaign estimated 20% invalid, that still leaves 645,000 MORE than the entire number of Union members IN Wisconsin.

If you're claiming that in a recall election, if 56% want Walker to stay, he stays... then you are correct. Actually, the specific percentage is immaterial. If there is a single vote more for Walker to stay then there is for his opponent, then he stays.
That was my point. And I read there have prior recall efforts? If so, Wisconsin needs stricter laws for recall elections; YES, they cost money. Still, I have read about non union groups who want him recalled. If unions are starting MULTIPLE recall actions that fail, there should be some method of sanction.

there is no law against starting a recall petition drive. The state doesn't pay for anything until enough signatures are turned in. So, if 20 different unions start recall petitions, but none amass enough signatures, those efforts are for naught and they don't cost the state a dime.

Having said that, I am unaware of any other efforts to recall Walker.

Also, as I said, the percentage of votes one way or the other doesn't matter in the actual recall election. Whoever has more votes wins. If you have Walker vs two different opponents, and Walker get 45%, Opponent 1 gets 29% and Opponent 3 gets 22%, Walker still wins.
I understand. Zander's post says 56% against recalling Walker.
:eusa_eh:Zander's post references the recall ELECTION; you are correct, it is 54%. Read Zander's post. IF 54% vote against recalling Walker, he remains in office. And, as you noted, even less a percentage is necessary, if no other candidate exceeds Walker's vote total.
The recall ENDS if 56% vote against the removal of Walker; that is what Zander's post references.

you may want to re-read his OP...

Looks like the Labor Union thugs and bullies will get another dose of reality after Walker survives this recall....:lol: :lol:

So much for that recall effort. According to a new Rasmussen poll of likely Wisconsin voters, Gov. Scott Walker should survive an effort to throw out his 2010 election, a campaign driven by pro-union activists angered that he limited collective bargaining rights for public employees in a budget-cutting move.
It’s a huge and positive switch for Scott’s fortunes. Opponents made headlines when they easily collected 1 million signatures on a recall petition. Walker this week said he would not challenge the signatures-including names like “Donald Duck”-because there isn’t enough time before the May recall election.

Poll: Wisconsin's Walker to survive union recall drive | Washington Examiner

54% in Wisconsin Oppose Recall of GOP Governor Walker - Rasmussen Reports™

All Zander says is that in a recent poll, 54% of the people polled are against the recall.

I see nothing that says the recall stops if 56% are against it. Please... point out which part of the OP supports your statement.
So much for that recall effort. According to a new Rasmussen poll of likely Wisconsin voters, Gov. Scott Walker should survive an effort to throw out his 2010 election,
The recall ENDS if 56% vote against the removal of Walker; that is what Zander's post references.

you may want to re-read his OP...

Looks like the Labor Union thugs and bullies will get another dose of reality after Walker survives this recall....:lol: :lol:

Poll: Wisconsin's Walker to survive union recall drive | Washington Examiner

54% in Wisconsin Oppose Recall of GOP Governor Walker - Rasmussen Reports™

All Zander says is that in a recent poll, 54% of the people polled are against the recall.

I see nothing that says the recall stops if 56% are against it. Please... point out which part of the OP supports your statement.
So much for that recall effort. According to a new Rasmussen poll of likely Wisconsin voters, Gov. Scott Walker should survive an effort to throw out his 2010 election,
You mean, like the poll Zander linked to in his OP? :rolleyes:

You know, if you had just said that in your first post, you wouldn't have looked so utterly stupid all this time.
Walker is amassing a huge war chest to defend his governorship. How much of the "working man's" money will will Big Labor throw away?

Walker raises millions to fight recall effort - JSOnline

Walker raises millions to fight recall effort - JSOnline

Recall organizers submitted more than 1.9 million signatures in all against the six officials last week, including more than a million against Walker. Slightly more than 540,000 valid signatures must be counted for each of the recalls against Walker and Kleefisch before elections can proceed.

In just over a year, Walker has raised more than $12 million in campaign donations - more than he spent to win the seat in 2010 - and despite sizable spending in recent weeks still has $2.6 million in cash in the bank, according to figures released Monday by his campaign. The Republican governor has traveled the country to raise money in recent weeks and has benefited from a quirk in the state's election law that allows elected officials facing recalls to raise unlimited amounts.

Walker has been able to exploit that aspect of state law, raising $5.1 million in the second half of 2011.

But among the previously reported donations that Walker received were $250,000 from Bob Perry, owner of Perry Homes in Houston and one of the primary financial forces behind the Swift Boat Veterans ads that attacked U.S. Sen. John Kerry in the 2004 presidential campaign; $205,000 from Elizabeth and Richard Uihlein of Lake Forest, Ill., founders of the shipping supply company Uline; $175,075 from the Schuette family, which owns Wausau Homes and supports the state tea party movement; and $20,000 from H. Ross Perot Jr., son of the two-time presidential candidate. (Texas)

Walker and the other Republicans would automatically appear on the ballot.

Walker and the other Republicans would automatically appear on the ballot.

Big labour does not have to spend a dime for the recall, they have already made their point ...

Walker on the otherhand has indeed been a Busy-Beaver.

- all else is Speculative till the election date is posted.
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