25-Year-Old Former Football Player Jake Hescock Dies Suddenly of Cardiac Arrest While Jogging


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
This poor healthy kid died while out jogging. His family must be devastated.
These incidents are happening so often over the last 18 months or so, I wonder if they will ever figure out what's going on.
Good thing we all know the clot shots are "safe & effective" or people might start asking questions the "experts" do not want to talk about.
I guess we will have to mark this down as just another case of ABCS, Anything But the Clot Shots.
It's the leading cause of death for anyone currently enrolled in a giant medical experiment on a gene therapy masquerading as a vaccine.

RIP young man.
Prayers & condolences for the family & friends.

Former University of Central Florida (UCF) football player and Massachusetts native Jake Hescock died suddenly on Tuesday, according to his family.

Hescock, 25, collapsed while jogging in Boston last week, his cousin Lisa Walz Mlynarczyk wrote on a Facebook group dedicated to him.

This poor healthy kid died while out jogging. His family must be devastated.
These incidents are happening so often over the last 18 months or so, I wonder if they will ever figure out what's going on.
Good thing we all know the clot shots are "safe & effective" or people might start asking questions the "experts" do not want to talk about.
I guess we will have to mark this down as just another case of ABCS, Anything But the Clot Shots.
It's the leading cause of death for anyone currently enrolled in a giant medical experiment on a gene therapy masquerading as a vaccine.

RIP young man.
Prayers & condolences for the family & friends.

Former University of Central Florida (UCF) football player and Massachusetts native Jake Hescock died suddenly on Tuesday, according to his family.

Hescock, 25, collapsed while jogging in Boston last week, his cousin Lisa Walz Mlynarczyk wrote on a Facebook group dedicated to him.

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Are these incidents happening more now then before the vaccine and when will we hold Trump accountable?
Are these incidents happening more now then before the vaccine and when will we hold Trump accountable?
It was inevitable that Nazis would blame Trump for the negative effects of the mRNA sequencer - despite the same scum calling for anyone resisting the jab to be killed, just a year ago.
It was inevitable that Nazis would blame Trump for the negative effects of the mRNA sequencer - despite the same scum calling for anyone resisting the jab to be killed, just a year ago.
Of course he is responsible. He threw socialist money at big pharma to fast track the vaccine against the advice of Fauci.

He needs to be held accountable. Follow the money. Did he get kickbacks from phizer as a reward from giving them our tax money?

When will we learn socialism doesn't work?
Of course he is responsible.
But not when the "Vax" was the greatest thing - only now that it turns out to be ineffective - or worse...

He threw socialist money at big pharma to fast track the vaccine against the advice of Fauci.

You misspelled "on the advice of Fauci"
He needs to be held accountable. Follow the money. Did he get kickbacks from phizer as a reward from giving them our tax money?

No, but Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden did. Both have massive holdings in Pfizer.

When will we learn socialism doesn't work?

But not when the "Vax" was the greatest thing - only now that it turns out to be ineffective - or worse...

He was responsible either way but thanks for showing your bias.

You misspelled "on the advice of Fauci"

No I didn't. He recommended against fast tracking and Trump didn't listen. As a matter of fact Trump subsequently attacked the FDA and others for slowing the vaccine down as part of a deep state maneuver against him.

No, but Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden did. Both have massive holdings in Pfizer.

They didn't throw socialist money at them like Trump did.

Political parties embracement of socialism is a big joke to yah huh?

I guess the old saying is correct. Socialism is whatever the other party spends money on.
This poor healthy kid died while out jogging. His family must be devastated.
These incidents are happening so often over the last 18 months or so, I wonder if they will ever figure out what's going on.

Can you provide some actual data that shows they are happening more than now they were in say 2019?
He was responsible either way but thanks for showing your bias.

Funny, not a single fascist on this board credited Trump back when the "Vax" was viewed in a positive light - only now that it's all gone to shit.

No I didn't. He recommended against fast tracking and Trump didn't listen. As a matter of fact Trump subsequently attacked the FDA and others for slowing the vaccine down as part of a deep state maneuver against him.

Fauci is one of the perpetrators of the Wuhan Designer Virus™ and should be lined up against the wall and shot.

Everyone wanted a vaccine as quickly as possible - Fauci PREDICTED it would take 5 to 10 years to produce a shot, but publicly supported efforts and remains one of the most prolific voices advocating for the mRNA sequencers - including making it manditory.

They didn't throw socialist money at them like Trump did.

Don't be such a clown. Remember Polio and the federal money used to find that vaccine..

Political parties embracement of socialism is a big joke to yah huh?

You don't know what the word "socialism" means.

I guess the old saying is correct. Socialism is whatever the other party spends money on.

It appears to be that way to you.

Really it is the control of the means of production by the state or central authority - which in no way describes "Warp Speed."

Your ignorance doesn't alter reality.
Funny, not a single fascist on this board credited Trump back when the "Vax" was viewed in a positive light - only now that it's all gone to shit.

I can't speak to your personal anecdotes.

Fauci is one of the perpetrators of the Wuhan Designer Virus™ and should be lined up against the wall and shot.

He recommended against fast tracking the vaccine. Trump didn't listen.

Everyone wanted a vaccine as quickly as possible - Fauci PREDICTED it would take 5 to 10 years to produce a shot, but publicly supported efforts and remains one of the most prolific voices advocating for the mRNA sequencers - including making it manditory.

So? The decision was Trump's. Now see what's happening.

Don't be such a clown. Remember Polio and the federal money used to find that vaccine..

Today's GOP is not the same as back during the polio shots. Kids were pulled out of classrooms to get the vaccine. That wouldn't happen today.

You don't know what the word "socialism" means.

Throwing federal tax money at private companies to fascilitate development of a vaccine is socialism.

It appears to be that way to you.

Really it is the control of the means of production by the state or central authority - which in no way describes "Warp Speed."

Your ignorance doesn't alter reality.
That is what the Trump administration called it, not me.
I can't speak to your personal anecdotes.

You could link to examples of democrats praising Trump - if any existed....

He recommended against fast tracking the vaccine. Trump didn't listen.

Yet became the biggest advocate - to the point that it's called the "Fauci Ouchie"


So? The decision was Trump's. Now see what's happening.

I see - anything good is because of your Reich, anything bad is because of Trump.

Today's GOP is not the same as back during the polio shots. Kids were pulled out of classrooms to get the vaccine. That wouldn't happen today.

Children are the least susceptible to Wuhan - makes no sense to jab them.

Still you gloss over the public expenditure to find a vaccine in the case of Polie.

Throwing federal tax money at private companies to fascilitate development of a vaccine is socialism.


It's a shame you're so ignorant.

That is what the Trump administration called it, not me.

Called the vaccine development "socialism?"

Nah, I think you're lying.
You could link to examples of democrats praising Trump - if any existed....

Yet became the biggest advocate - to the point that it's called the "Fauci Ouchie"


Lol, clever. Never heard that expression.

I see - anything good is because of your Reich, anything bad is because of Trump.

No, you don't see. The potential for projection certainly exists in that statement though.

Children are the least susceptible to Wuhan - makes no sense to jab them.

Still you gloss over the public expenditure to find a vaccine in the case of Polie.

Yes, I glossed over because it happened decades ago.


It's a shame you're so ignorant.

Deflection. Are you contending that the federal government giving millions in tax payer money to big pharma is captialism?

Called the vaccine development "socialism?"

Nah, I think you're lying.
Rent free? Trump threw socialist money at big pharma to fast track the vaccine against the advice of Fauci and now that vaccine is killing people.

How could he not be part of this conversation?
I'm not here to defend DT. The clot shots were a bad idea all around but at least he never mandated anything, unlike Fauxi & the Dems. DT shouldn't have given any tax dollars for the clot shots & we should stop them immediately.
Maybe if the fake experts & DC UNiparty desperately trying to get rid of DT hadn't gaslighted us with a bad flu, he wouldn't have been in that predicament.
The Dems crashed that bus so you own it.

I notice you admit they are in fact killing people so can I assume you will be denouncing any current govt attempts to get people to take it? The CDC is still pushing that poison & the diaper dudes military is still mandating it.
You should make a post about how stupid that is.

BTW, you'll have to provide a link where Fauxi ever said we should stop the shots until they've been fully tested.

Also, you have a very poor understanding of socialism. It is not a money source or type of currency, it is an economic system of collectivist state owned control over the means of production.
He directed pharma to come up with a real & safe vaccine in the name of national security, like FDR did in WWII.
They failed
I'm not here to defend DT. The clot shots were a bad idea all around but at least he never mandated anything, unlike Fauxi & the Dems. DT shouldn't have given any tax dollars for the clot shots & we should stop them immediately.
Maybe if the fake experts & DC UNiparty desperately trying to get rid of DT hadn't gaslighted us with a bad flu, he wouldn't have been in that predicament.
The Dems crashed that bus so you own it.

Perhaps if Trump hadn't claimed that COVID was harmless to the public while telling Woodward it was more dangerous then the flu, people could have been more prepared instead of expecting it to "disappear in about 5 days".

Trump fascilitated the vaccine... to put it lightly, and touted the vaccine. The one time Democrats jump on board and agree with Trump and they get hammered by the right while Trump goes around the country giving speeches and claiming to disband the constitution and his supporters don't care.

Just another day in politics.

I notice you admit they are in fact killing people so can I assume you will be denouncing any current govt attempts to get people to take it? The CDC is still pushing that poison & the diaper dudes military is still mandating it.
You should make a post about how stupid that is.

I admit nothing. I simply question the logic of claiming a vaccine was created with tax payer money, institutions bashed by and scientists ignored but somehow Trump has no culpability. Just partison Politics. The audacity is rather remarkable.

People in the military should take it or they can get the heck out. When you sign the dotted lines you are essentially giving permission. It's exactly what I had to do when I received 5 anthrax shots, compliments of the US government.
BTW, you'll have to provide a link where Fauxi ever said we should stop the shots until they've been fully tested.

I didn't say he said we should stop the shots. I said he advised against fast tracking the vaccine.

“The one thing that you would not want to see with a vaccine is getting an EUA (emergency use authorization) before you have a signal of efficacy,” Fauci told Reuters in a phone interview.

“One of the potential dangers if you prematurely let a vaccine out is that it would make it difficult, if not impossible, for the other vaccines to enroll people in their trial,” Fauci said.

"Trump had tweeted on Saturday that “deep state” elements at the FDA were delaying progress on drugs and vaccines until after the Nov. 3 election in order to hurt his reelection bid."

Also, you have a very poor understanding of socialism. It is not a money source or type of currency, it is an economic system of collectivist state owned control over the means of production.
He directed pharma to come up with a real & safe vaccine in the name of national security, like FDR did in WWII.
They failed
Sure. It wasn't my intention to imply that because Trump throwing our tax money at big pharma, that the US is now completely socialist. Yet the fed giving money to select companies certainly is a characteristic of socialism.

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