1619 Project Conveniently Overlooks Racist Past Of The Democratic Party


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"The New York Times’ 1619 Project virtually ignores the Democrat Party’s role in advancing and sustaining racism in the United States, but doesn't spare critiques of the GOP.

The 1619 Project has been widely adopted as an historical framework on the left despite criticism from eminent historians, being repudiated by the 1619 Project’s own fact-checkers, and mangling basic facts.

Yet, in the essay texts, the Democratic Party is named only three times, in passing. The Republican Party, the political entity formed to fight slavery, also receives little mention. But when the GOP is mentioned, it is excoriated as the 21st-century heir to 19th-century racist ideology.

For critics of the 1619 Project, the virtual omission of any discussion of the Democratic Party is not only galling but revealing. In their view, the goal of the 1619 Project is neither historical nor educational – it’s thoroughly political. “[1619 Project editor] Nikole Hannah-Jones has been explicit about saying that the point of her essay and the point of the 1619 Project more broadly is to get a reparations bill passed. So that’s a partisan objective,” says Lucas Morel, a professor at Washington and Lee University who has authored books on Abraham Lincoln and Ralph Ellison."

'It would be difficult to overstate the Democratic Party’s enduring and baleful role in slavery and racism.'

- But they are only mentioned 3 times.

'Even during President Obama’s tenure, Robert Byrd, a former Exalted Cyclops of his local KKK chapter, was one of the most powerful Democrats in the Senate.'

The bottom line is the 1619 Project is just more Marxist propaganda being used to indoctrinate children.

"The New York Times’ 1619 Project virtually ignores the Democrat Party’s role in advancing and sustaining racism in the United States, but doesn't spare critiques of the GOP.

The 1619 Project has been widely adopted as an historical framework on the left despite criticism from eminent historians, being repudiated by the 1619 Project’s own fact-checkers, and mangling basic facts.

Yet, in the essay texts, the Democratic Party is named only three times, in passing. The Republican Party, the political entity formed to fight slavery, also receives little mention. But when the GOP is mentioned, it is excoriated as the 21st-century heir to 19th-century racist ideology.

For critics of the 1619 Project, the virtual omission of any discussion of the Democratic Party is not only galling but revealing. In their view, the goal of the 1619 Project is neither historical nor educational – it’s thoroughly political. “[1619 Project editor] Nikole Hannah-Jones has been explicit about saying that the point of her essay and the point of the 1619 Project more broadly is to get a reparations bill passed. So that’s a partisan objective,” says Lucas Morel, a professor at Washington and Lee University who has authored books on Abraham Lincoln and Ralph Ellison."

'It would be difficult to overstate the Democratic Party’s enduring and baleful role in slavery and racism.'

- But they are only mentioned 3 times.

'Even during President Obama’s tenure, Robert Byrd, a former Exalted Cyclops of his local KKK chapter, was one of the most powerful Democrats in the Senate.'

The bottom line is the 1619 Project is just more Marxist propaganda being used to indoctrinate children.

The 1619 Project isn't a partisan examination of racist. It's a study of the ways in which racism is built into the system - an explanation of Critical Race Theory. Where, why, and how it started, and how it persists to this day.

Republicans are currently in denial of all of these things so of course they seek to discredit any academic discussion of the roots of the systemic racism which is causing the steep decline in your nation. Those who form today's Republican Party have adopted fascist authoritarian principles of governance, and fascism is always a racist, white supremacist ideology.

This is why Republicanism has failed utterly. It's really hard for your nation to get ahead, when the ruling party for the past 40 years, has spent so much time and energy and focys, keeping the non-white population "under control", and powerless, using anti-democratic policies, and authoritarianism against any attempts to achieve racial parity.
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"The New York Times’ 1619 Project virtually ignores the Democrat Party’s role in advancing and sustaining racism in the United States, but doesn't spare critiques of the GOP.

The 1619 Project has been widely adopted as an historical framework on the left despite criticism from eminent historians, being repudiated by the 1619 Project’s own fact-checkers, and mangling basic facts.

Yet, in the essay texts, the Democratic Party is named only three times, in passing. The Republican Party, the political entity formed to fight slavery, also receives little mention. But when the GOP is mentioned, it is excoriated as the 21st-century heir to 19th-century racist ideology.

For critics of the 1619 Project, the virtual omission of any discussion of the Democratic Party is not only galling but revealing. In their view, the goal of the 1619 Project is neither historical nor educational – it’s thoroughly political. “[1619 Project editor] Nikole Hannah-Jones has been explicit about saying that the point of her essay and the point of the 1619 Project more broadly is to get a reparations bill passed. So that’s a partisan objective,” says Lucas Morel, a professor at Washington and Lee University who has authored books on Abraham Lincoln and Ralph Ellison."

'It would be difficult to overstate the Democratic Party’s enduring and baleful role in slavery and racism.'

- But they are only mentioned 3 times.

'Even during President Obama’s tenure, Robert Byrd, a former Exalted Cyclops of his local KKK chapter, was one of the most powerful Democrats in the Senate.'

The bottom line is the 1619 Project is just more Marxist propaganda being used to indoctrinate children.

Well, go figure?
Those who revise history always end up on the good ground.
Well, go figure?
Those who revise history always end up on the good ground.

I find it laughable that the Federalist Society, an outfit which has been attempting to rewrite the history of the Founding Fathers to frame them as founding a nation in their own image - which only empowered land owning white males, and they would like a return to these "founding principles". They claim ownership and kinship with rich while men, who claimed dominion over "lesser beings" like slaves, sharecroppers, and renters, and women. Hence, their mental gymnastics in seeking once again, to keep non-whites, women, and the poor from voting while claiming themselves to be the party on the side of both law and order, and the Constitution.
I find it laughable that the Federalist Society, an outfit which has been attempting to rewrite the history of the Founding Fathers to frame them as founding a nation in their own image - which only empowered land owning white males, and they would like a return to these "founding principles". They claim ownership and kinship with rich while men, who claimed dominion over "lesser beings" like slaves, sharecroppers, and renters, and women. Hence, their mental gymnastics in seeking once again, to keep non-whites, women, and the poor from voting while claiming themselves to be the party on the side of both law and order, and the Constitution.

What century was that? :boobies:
The 1619 Project isn't a partisan examination of racist. It's a study of the ways in which racism is built into the system - an explanation of Critical Race Theory. Where, why, and how it started, and how it persists to this day.

Republicans are currently in denial of all of these things so of course they seek to discredit any academic discussion of the roots of the systemic racism which is causing the steep decline in your nation. Those who form today's Republican Party have adopted fascist authoritarian principles of governance, and fascism is always a racist, white supremacist ideology.

This is why Republicanism has failed utterly. It's really hard for your nation to get ahead, when the ruling party for the past 40 years, has spent so much time and energy and focys, keeping the non-white population "under control", and powerless, using anti-democratic policies, and authoritarianism against any attempts to achieve racial parity.

How can you explain where why and how racism started without mention those who not only started it but promoted and perfected it?
I find it laughable that the Federalist Society, an outfit which has been attempting to rewrite the history of the Founding Fathers to frame them as founding a nation in their own image - which only empowered land owning white males, and they would like a return to these "founding principles". They claim ownership and kinship with rich while men, who claimed dominion over "lesser beings" like slaves, sharecroppers, and renters, and women. Hence, their mental gymnastics in seeking once again, to keep non-whites, women, and the poor from voting while claiming themselves to be the party on the side of both law and order, and the Constitution.

I find it laughable a wacko candied hog posts on an American forum and believes anyone GAF what she thinks. You’ve been told to F off a thousand times but you think you’re opinion is so important to Americans it must be heard.
Here’s 1001:
F off you Canadian hag!
I find it laughable that the Federalist Society, an outfit which has been attempting to rewrite the history of the Founding Fathers to frame them as founding a nation in their own image - which only empowered land owning white males, and they would like a return to these "founding principles". They claim ownership and kinship with rich while men, who claimed dominion over "lesser beings" like slaves, sharecroppers, and renters, and women. Hence, their mental gymnastics in seeking once again, to keep non-whites, women, and the poor from voting while claiming themselves to be the party on the side of both law and order, and the Constitution.
It's 2021,Dipshit.

Please try to keep up.
How can you explain where why and how racism started without mention those who not only started it but promoted and perfected it?
It started in Europe when Linnaeus decided to classify people by race and whites have been trying to perfect it ever since. Regardless of party. Read the Corwin Amendment republican, then shut up.
It started in Europe when Linnaeus decided to classify people by race and whites have been trying to perfect it ever since. Regardless of party. Read the Corwin Amendment republican, then shut up.

Thank God that the United States of America has absolutely nothing to do with IM2's racist statement.
The scientists who produced classifications of human groups were Europeans. Carolus Linnaeus (1707–1778), a Swedish botanist, produced the first modern classification of human populations in 1735. Linnaeus, the founder of scientific taxonomy, divided the genus Homo into four racial types: Eurapaeus, Americanus, Asiaticus, and Africanus.

Thank God that the United States of America has absolutely nothing to do with IM2's racist statement.
The United States has helped perfect racism and nothing I said was racist. Whites from every political party America has had have been responsible for the maintenance and enhancement of racism in this country.

We can start with the 3/5ths compromise as proof if slavery works on your fragility MeBelle.
IM2, Negroids are extremely racist. All Europhobic racism inflicted on the West via Blacks, Browns and Jews is literally destroying the great civilization the White man invented. The 3/5ths thing was actually very altruistic since Negroids were recognized basically as what they were in terms of value to society at best.
I find it laughable a wacko candied hog posts on an American forum and believes anyone GAF what she thinks. You’ve been told to F off a thousand times but you think you’re opinion is so important to Americans it must be heard.
Here’s 1001:
F off you Canadian hag!

If telling me to fuck off 1000 times didn’t work, what makes you think that 1001 will be the charm? If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, you’re the very definition of insanity.

Doesn’t sound like you’re laughing at leftists anymore. Sounds more like you’re angry and pissed off at leftists.
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