1500 year old bible found in Turkey

The museum of Ankara, Turkey, is home to a mysterious 1500 year old bible that according to many could change the way we look at religion and the vatican seems to be threatened. This bible comprises the mysterious texts called the apocryphal gospels, including the Gospel of Barnabas and is a very controversial piece according to many historians.
The Gospel of Barnabas states the following regarding Jesus’ deity


What does this prove? The Gospel of Barnabas was written way after the New Testament Gospels and Paul's writings. Heck, even after Revelation. So this Bibles 1,500 years old. Ok? So the Gospel of Barnabas was written before then (500AD), probably when all the other gnostic writings were written, 2nd century and onward. Waaaay after Jesus, and the New Testament writings. So I don't see it as such a big deal.
And Even had the gospel of Barnabas been written during the time of the Apostles, it still would have never attained canonical status due to the historical and doctrinal errors it contains. For example, the gospel of Barnabas purports that Jesus did not claim to be the Messiah (see Matthew 26:63-64 among everywhere else in the NT writings). The gospel of Barnabas also says that Jesus was born when Pilate was governor (but history records Pilate becoming governor in A.D. 26 or 27). It's ludicrous. It's just some Da Vinci Code, we found something that could tear Christianity apart, but not really if anyone actually looks into it, thing.

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Half of New Testament forged, Bible scholar says

* At least 11 of the 27 New Testament books are forgeries.

* The New Testament books attributed to Jesus’ disciples could not have been written by them because they were illiterate.

* Many of the New Testament’s forgeries were manufactured by early Christian leaders trying to settle theological feuds.

Half of New Testament forged Bible scholar says CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs

Wow a whole one scholar! Well played Guno. That one scholar clearly overshadows All the other hundreds of scholars who know otherwise :)

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The museum of Ankara, Turkey, is home to a mysterious 1500 year old bible that according to many could change the way we look at religion and the vatican seems to be threatened. This bible comprises the mysterious texts called the apocryphal gospels, including the Gospel of Barnabas and is a very controversial piece according to many historians.
The Gospel of Barnabas states the following regarding Jesus’ deity


What does this prove? The Gospel of Barnabas was written way after the New Testament Gospels and Paul's writings. Heck, even after Revelation. So this Bibles 1,500 years old. Ok? So the Gospel of Barnabas was written before then (500AD), probably when all the other gnostic writings were written, 2nd century and onward. Waaaay after Jesus, and the New Testament writings. So I don't see it as such a big deal.
And Even had the gospel of Barnabas been written during the time of the Apostles, it still would have never attained canonical status due to the historical and doctrinal errors it contains. For example, the gospel of Barnabas purports that Jesus did not claim to be the Messiah (see Matthew 26:63-64 among everywhere else in the NT writings). The gospel of Barnabas also says that Jesus was born when Pilate was governor (but history records Pilate becoming governor in A.D. 26 or 27). It's ludicrous. It's just some Da Vinci Code, we found something that could tear Christianity apart, but not really if anyone actually looks into it, thing.

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A gospel of Barnabas - I don't know wether it is the same gospel of Barnabas in the turkish museum - was faked in the 14th-16th century in Europe. If it is the same gospel then the aramaic bibel there is more than 1000 years younger as they say. Could be interesting to know how much money Turkey wasted when they bought this poor piece of worthless workmanship.

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Is there another text backing this ones claims?

b/c that's pretty much how the church went about making the bible, whatever could be mostly confirmed was in the book, the rest was cast off
So they confirmed that some invisible dude took 6 days to make everything then was so pooped he needed a day off?
If you don't have anything useful to add it's best not to just open your mouth and remove all doubt

Is there another text backing this ones claims?

b/c that's pretty much how the church went about making the bible, whatever could be mostly confirmed was in the book, the rest was cast off
So they confirmed that some invisible dude took 6 days to make everything then was so pooped he needed a day off?
If you don't have anything useful to add it's best not to just open your mouth and remove all doubt
Thanks for fucking up that saying. :D

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