1500 year old bible found in Turkey

What is oddly fascinating to me is how Christians claim the bible to be wholly the 'word of god', yet there are many books that were left out and this was decided by people.

People who had an agenda and who kept what THEY like and discarded what THEY didn't like. In essence, a group of men 1700 years ago voted on what was 'gods' word and what wasn't.

Seems contradictory on the grandest scale to say the least. And anything new that is discovered is automatically discarded as well.

This antichristian pamphlet of forgers in an turkish museum is an instrument of hate. The problem is the hateful blindness of big parts of the world in case of the erasement of the oldest indigen christian cultures in the world.

its part of the bible of the area.

I'm sure the intent 1500 yrs ago was to make a forgery to be found i the 21st century

take a class in logic

A fake is a fake. I don't discuss fakes as if it would be facts.

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If 'god' is all knowing and all powerful, and created and creates everything, and is the creator of every person ...
speculate much ?

maybe it was just the species or simply whatever was the beginning to Garden Earth .... and then, only the Spirits that free themselves will ever be judged with all others to simply perish.

What is oddly fascinating to me is how Christians claim the bible to be wholly the 'word of god', yet there are many books that were left out and this was decided by people.

People who had an agenda and who kept what THEY like and discarded what THEY didn't like. In essence, a group of men 1700 years ago voted on what was 'gods' word and what wasn't.

Seems contradictory on the grandest scale to say the least. And anything new that is discovered is automatically discarded as well.

Men wrote the books.
When a voice in all languages of the world speaks at the same time to every human at the same instance and tells us we are F#$%ed, then I might listen and then question.
Now, it is just men that make themselves believe, or try to convince others they speak for god. Why can't god speak for itself?
Most of the bible has a basis in far older pagan religions. Bible is just an amalgam of what came before. Even one god is not unique. So what makes people so idiotic for quoting the words of the bible when they can't explain most of it without quoting. They don't understand so they just keep repeating over and over as if that is any kind of answer to questions.

Mother nature make more sense than this male deity that wages war on its own creation when is should have know everything in advance. Einstein, repeating the same thing expecting a different answer...? If god knows all then why create mankind in the first place rather than punish us for doing what is in our nature because god created us that way? Why not just avoid making us in the first place if everything was preordained? Isn't that like putting a mouse in a maze without an exit? Sound sadistic to me, not a god of love for its creation.

And people wonder why there is so much skepticism about this god figure? We are using our god given, evoloved, brains.

Of course.

If 'god' is all knowing and all powerful, and created and creates everything, and is the creator of every person, then he knows before he creates someone whether they are going to 'hell' or not. Hell, a place of pain, suffering, misery, and torture, where people are sent for eternity. 'God' knows BEFORE he creates someone if they are going to hell or not. And the ones going to hell, he creates them anyway. He in fact creates millions for the sole purpose of suffering horrifically in hell, forever. According to Christian dogma. Yet this person loves all mankind?

And here is where the conundrum with religions comes in. Most people that need religion

Every human being needs religion.

are too ignorant to even ask such questions or understand the answers and implications. Their whole existence is built on their belief, and ANYTHING that would shake that belief would violently shake the ground they stand on.

And for the ignorant, that fear is more than enough to get them to push closed the door to keep too much light from entering that dark room.

There are several versions of the writings of Barnabas and most Christians do not accept any of them.

There is one version I find interesting because of a single verse which deals with abortion. As far as I know, it is the only verse in any purported religious text that is so clear and unambiguous that it is absolutely dispositive of the issue. Here it is:

“Thou shalt not destroy thy conceptions before they are brought forth; nor kill them after they are born (XIV: 11).”

The Lost Books of the Bible The General Epistle of Barnabas

Fake is fake. The reason for the forgers of this extarordionary stupid pamphlet seems to be the will to cause a reorientation in the relations between Muslims and Christians. Atheistic Pseudomuslims like the people of the terrororganisation "IS" are murdering in the name of god everyone who is not a Muslim - even if he is a Muslim. 90% of the Christians in the Iraq for example are not any longer living there. The situation in Syria is a desaster. And so on and so on. ...

Who is to say what is fake?

In this case the pope of the Copts said some very clear words. Somewhere here you will find a source.

If you have two sets of books from the same period that say opposite things, how do you know which is the fake if you cannot prove there is a god or prove what is in the text is real?

Two different perspective of the same thing does not make one more or less true.

Aramaic could be more true and the greek a later faulty translation. We already know of many translation errors in the greek text, made worse when further translated to other languages.

Perhaps you will find a version of the consitution of the United States written in German. If not I can try to find a German who writes you one. If I find the right guy then I'm sure it will look more original than the original. But I fear some people will refuse to believe George Washington was the grandpa of Adolpf Pfitler. Or was he? Let us discuss about.

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What is oddly fascinating to me is how Christians claim the bible to be wholly the 'word of god', yet there are many books that were left out and this was decided by people.

People who had an agenda and who kept what THEY like and discarded what THEY didn't like. In essence, a group of men 1700 years ago voted on what was 'gods' word and what wasn't.

Seems contradictory on the grandest scale to say the least. And anything new that is discovered is automatically discarded as well.

Men wrote the books.
When a voice in all languages of the world speaks at the same time to every human at the same instance and tells us we are F#$%ed, then I might listen and then question.
Now, it is just men that make themselves believe, or try to convince others they speak for god. Why can't god speak for itself?
Most of the bible has a basis in far older pagan religions. Bible is just an amalgam of what came before. Even one god is not unique. So what makes people so idiotic for quoting the words of the bible when they can't explain most of it without quoting. They don't understand so they just keep repeating over and over as if that is any kind of answer to questions.

Mother nature make more sense than this male deity that wages war on its own creation when is should have know everything in advance. Einstein, repeating the same thing expecting a different answer...? If god knows all then why create mankind in the first place rather than punish us for doing what is in our nature because god created us that way? Why not just avoid making us in the first place if everything was preordained? Isn't that like putting a mouse in a maze without an exit? Sound sadistic to me, not a god of love for its creation.

And people wonder why there is so much skepticism about this god figure? We are using our god given, evoloved, brains.

Of course.

If 'god' is all knowing and all powerful, and created and creates everything, and is the creator of every person, then he knows before he creates someone whether they are going to 'hell' or not. Hell, a place of pain, suffering, misery, and torture, where people are sent for eternity. 'God' knows BEFORE he creates someone if they are going to hell or not. And the ones going to hell, he creates them anyway. He in fact creates millions for the sole purpose of suffering horrifically in hell, forever. According to Christian dogma. Yet this person loves all mankind?

And here is where the conundrum with religions comes in. Most people that need religion

Every human being needs religion.

are too ignorant to even ask such questions or understand the answers and implications. Their whole existence is built on their belief, and ANYTHING that would shake that belief would violently shake the ground they stand on.

And for the ignorant, that fear is more than enough to get them to push closed the door to keep too much light from entering that dark room.


A minimum of 95000 years ago this process started. Perhaps this was the day when we left paradise. In the end maybe everything what we are is our belief and what we found out about the truth of our existance. We have to think and to act in senseful or sensemaking contextes if we like to be happy. Anything else than the will of god I'm personally not able to accept and to be happy the same time. I'm an extremly free person. I guess I would be dead or more worse - even in in prison - if I would not be rebound in god. The main problem in philosophy I would describe in this way: Our brain is a reality simulator so our whole existance is belief and searching the truth. If we deny this we are denying ourselve.

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If 'god' is all knowing and all powerful, and created and creates everything, and is the creator of every person ...
speculate much ?

maybe it was just the species or simply whatever was the beginning to Garden Earth .... and then, only the Spirits that free themselves will ever be judged with all others to simply perish.



That is what Christians say the bible says. Every one I've talked to says the same. And I don't have to pull a muscle stretching to know most religions believe the same about their 'god'. Where is the speculation? LOL
What is oddly fascinating to me is how Christians claim the bible to be wholly the 'word of god', yet there are many books that were left out and this was decided by people.

People who had an agenda and who kept what THEY like and discarded what THEY didn't like. In essence, a group of men 1700 years ago voted on what was 'gods' word and what wasn't.

Seems contradictory on the grandest scale to say the least. And anything new that is discovered is automatically discarded as well.

This antichristian pamphlet of forgers in an turkish museum is an instrument of hate. The problem is the hateful blindness of big parts of the world in case of the erasement of the oldest indigen christian cultures in the world.

its part of the bible of the area.

I'm sure the intent 1500 yrs ago was to make a forgery to be found i the 21st century

take a class in logic

A fake is a fake. I don't discuss fakes as if it would be facts.

Paul was the fake. Constantine was the fake.

Why should the aramaic be more fake than constantine's codex?

Why should 'Jesus son of the father' not have written a gospel after what happened? Or which was the real jesus if any of it had any truth.
What is oddly fascinating to me is how Christians claim the bible to be wholly the 'word of god', yet there are many books that were left out and this was decided by people.

People who had an agenda and who kept what THEY like and discarded what THEY didn't like. In essence, a group of men 1700 years ago voted on what was 'gods' word and what wasn't.

Seems contradictory on the grandest scale to say the least. And anything new that is discovered is automatically discarded as well.

This antichristian pamphlet of forgers in an turkish museum is an instrument of hate. The problem is the hateful blindness of big parts of the world in case of the erasement of the oldest indigen christian cultures in the world.

its part of the bible of the area.

I'm sure the intent 1500 yrs ago was to make a forgery to be found i the 21st century

take a class in logic

A fake is a fake. I don't discuss fakes as if it would be facts.

Paul was the fake. Constantine was the fake.

Why should the aramaic be more fake than constantine's codex?

Why should 'Jesus son of the father' not have written a gospel after what happened? Or which was the real jesus if any of it had any truth.

The so called "Gospel of Barnabas" is written from criminal Pseudomuslims for normal Muslims to weaken their own tradition to live peacefully together with members of the christian religion. One of the side-effects of such confusions is mass-murder on the indigen christian population in lots of countries. I don't discuss on the graves of my people about your fanatic tryings to stabalize your own psychological structure with whatever lie you are able to think or not to think.

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If 'god' is all knowing and all powerful, and created and creates everything, and is the creator of every person ...
speculate much ?

maybe it was just the species or simply whatever was the beginning to Garden Earth .... and then, only the Spirits that free themselves will ever be judged with all others to simply perish.



That is what Christians say the bible says. Every one I've talked to says the same. And I don't have to pull a muscle stretching to know most religions believe the same about their 'god'. Where is the speculation? LOL
What is oddly fascinating to me is how Christians claim the bible to be wholly the 'word of god', yet there are many books that were left out and this was decided by people.

People who had an agenda and who kept what THEY like and discarded what THEY didn't like. In essence, a group of men 1700 years ago voted on what was 'gods' word and what wasn't.

Seems contradictory on the grandest scale to say the least. And anything new that is discovered is automatically discarded as well.

This antichristian pamphlet of forgers in an turkish museum is an instrument of hate. The problem is the hateful blindness of big parts of the world in case of the erasement of the oldest indigen christian cultures in the world.

its part of the bible of the area.

I'm sure the intent 1500 yrs ago was to make a forgery to be found i the 21st century

take a class in logic

A fake is a fake. I don't discuss fakes as if it would be facts.

Paul was the fake. Constantine was the fake.

Why should the aramaic be more fake than constantine's codex?

Why should 'Jesus son of the father' not have written a gospel after what happened? Or which was the real jesus if any of it had any truth.

The so called "Gospel of Barnabas" is written from Pseudomuslims for normal Muslims to weaken their own tradition to live peacefully together with members of the christian religion.

centuries before Islam?

Islam knew of the gospel, they did not create it. 1st century list if text have mentioned it and copies have been found in coptic monasteries.

>>"Brother Marino" encountered a reference to an early GospelofBarnabas in the writings of Irenaeus. Then, some time later, by a happy accident, he found a copy of the same early gospel in the library of Pope Sixtus V<<

If the gospel is mentioned around 150 AD, how can it be considered a forgery?
If 'god' is all knowing and all powerful, and created and creates everything, and is the creator of every person ...
speculate much ?

maybe it was just the species or simply whatever was the beginning to Garden Earth .... and then, only the Spirits that free themselves will ever be judged with all others to simply perish.



That is what Christians say the bible says. Every one I've talked to says the same. And I don't have to pull a muscle stretching to know most religions believe the same about their 'god'. Where is the speculation? LOL
This antichristian pamphlet of forgers in an turkish museum is an instrument of hate. The problem is the hateful blindness of big parts of the world in case of the erasement of the oldest indigen christian cultures in the world.

its part of the bible of the area.

I'm sure the intent 1500 yrs ago was to make a forgery to be found i the 21st century

take a class in logic

A fake is a fake. I don't discuss fakes as if it would be facts.

Paul was the fake. Constantine was the fake.

Why should the aramaic be more fake than constantine's codex?

Why should 'Jesus son of the father' not have written a gospel after what happened? Or which was the real jesus if any of it had any truth.

The so called "Gospel of Barnabas" is written from Pseudomuslims for normal Muslims to weaken their own tradition to live peacefully together with members of the christian religion.

centuries before Islam?

It's a fake.

Islam knew of the gospel, they did not create it.

Someone made this fake as a weapon against Christians. No one was able to know in the year 150 something about the history of the Islam.

1st century list if text have mentioned it and copies have been found in coptic monasteries.


>>"Brother Marino" encountered a reference to an early GospelofBarnabas in the writings of Irenaeus. Then, some time later, by a happy accident, he found a copy of the same early gospel in the library of Pope Sixtus V<<

If the gospel is mentioned around 150 AD, how can it be considered a forgery?

Good grieve. The Pope of the Copts said it's a fake - that's enough evidence for me. Give the book some german experts and they will find out what's wrong with it. Besides it's very easy to see that this writing is a weapon against Christians - that's why you love it - not because you live in respect of the words of the gospels. No idea who Marino was or wether anyone wrote a gospel in the name of Barnabas. Unimportant. Sometimes I would wish we never had componed the bible although I love it. This book seems sometimes to create more confusion than clearness. Perhaps I should write a summary? "God is not dead. He lives." Does anyone need more to know? Whatelse could be important? "Every Muslim who murderers Christians will go to hell" could also be another sentence what's not written directly in this way in the bible but what is expressed from the bible and hopefully also from the Quran. Whatever. The selfmade Gospel of Barnabas is a fake. The people should listen to the real gospels.

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If 'god' is all knowing and all powerful, and created and creates everything, and is the creator of every person ...
speculate much ?

maybe it was just the species or simply whatever was the beginning to Garden Earth .... and then, only the Spirits that free themselves will ever be judged with all others to simply perish.



That is what Christians say the bible says. Every one I've talked to says the same. And I don't have to pull a muscle stretching to know most religions believe the same about their 'god'. Where is the speculation? LOL
its part of the bible of the area.

I'm sure the intent 1500 yrs ago was to make a forgery to be found i the 21st century

take a class in logic

A fake is a fake. I don't discuss fakes as if it would be facts.

Paul was the fake. Constantine was the fake.

Why should the aramaic be more fake than constantine's codex?

Why should 'Jesus son of the father' not have written a gospel after what happened? Or which was the real jesus if any of it had any truth.

The so called "Gospel of Barnabas" is written from Pseudomuslims for normal Muslims to weaken their own tradition to live peacefully together with members of the christian religion.

centuries before Islam?

It's a fake.

Islam knew of the gospel, they did not create it.

Someon made this fake as a weapon against Christians. No one was able to know in the year 150 something about the history of the Islam.

1st century list if text have mentioned it and copies have been found in coptic monasteries.


>>"Brother Marino" encountered a reference to an early GospelofBarnabas in the writings of Irenaeus. Then, some time later, by a happy accident, he found a copy of the same early gospel in the library of Pope Sixtus V<<

If the gospel is mentioned around 150 AD, how can it be considered a forgery?

Good grieve. The Pope of the Copts said it's a fake - that's enough evidence for me. Give the book some german experts and they will find out what's wrong with it. Besides it's very easy to see that this writing is a weapon against Christians - that's why you love it - not because you live in respect of the words of the gospels. No idea who Marinao was or wether anyone wrote a gospel in the name of Barnabas. Unimportant. Sometimes I would wish we never had componed the bible although I love it. This book seems sometimes to create more confusion than clearness. Perhaps I should write a summary? "God is not dead. He lives." Does anyone need more to know? Whatelse could be important? "Every Muslim who murderers Christians will go to hell" could also be another sentence what's not written directly in this way in the bible but what is expressed from the bible and hopefully also from the Quran. Whatever. The selfmade Gospel of Barnabas is a fake. The people should listen to the real gospels.

are you going to stomp your foot and start throwing things? LOL

None of the gospels in the bible were first accounts. Three were written a century later. The presumed date that barnabas was originally is 61AD and copied. The aramaic bible is dated to 1500-2000 yrs old, a copy of a copy.
The museum of Ankara, Turkey, is home to a mysterious 1500 year old bible that according to many could change the way we look at religion and the vatican seems to be threatened. This bible comprises the mysterious texts called the apocryphal gospels, including the Gospel of Barnabas and is a very controversial piece according to many historians.
The Gospel of Barnabas states the following regarding Jesus’ deity


Everyone knows that the Bible has been edited for the convenience of the Christian church.

It doesn't matter. If you've believed something your whole life, to be told what you believe is wrong is to admit that the Bible may be wrong, Christianity is wrong and that you're stupid enough to fall for all of this.

See it swept under the bulging rug of history.

speculate much ?

maybe it was just the species or simply whatever was the beginning to Garden Earth .... and then, only the Spirits that free themselves will ever be judged with all others to simply perish.



That is what Christians say the bible says. Every one I've talked to says the same. And I don't have to pull a muscle stretching to know most religions believe the same about their 'god'. Where is the speculation? LOL
A fake is a fake. I don't discuss fakes as if it would be facts.

Paul was the fake. Constantine was the fake.

Why should the aramaic be more fake than constantine's codex?

Why should 'Jesus son of the father' not have written a gospel after what happened? Or which was the real jesus if any of it had any truth.

The so called "Gospel of Barnabas" is written from Pseudomuslims for normal Muslims to weaken their own tradition to live peacefully together with members of the christian religion.

centuries before Islam?

It's a fake.

Islam knew of the gospel, they did not create it.

Someon made this fake as a weapon against Christians. No one was able to know in the year 150 something about the history of the Islam.

1st century list if text have mentioned it and copies have been found in coptic monasteries.


>>"Brother Marino" encountered a reference to an early GospelofBarnabas in the writings of Irenaeus. Then, some time later, by a happy accident, he found a copy of the same early gospel in the library of Pope Sixtus V<<

If the gospel is mentioned around 150 AD, how can it be considered a forgery?

Good grieve. The Pope of the Copts said it's a fake - that's enough evidence for me. Give the book some german experts and they will find out what's wrong with it. Besides it's very easy to see that this writing is a weapon against Christians - that's why you love it - not because you live in respect of the words of the gospels. No idea who Marinao was or wether anyone wrote a gospel in the name of Barnabas. Unimportant. Sometimes I would wish we never had componed the bible although I love it. This book seems sometimes to create more confusion than clearness. Perhaps I should write a summary? "God is not dead. He lives." Does anyone need more to know? Whatelse could be important? "Every Muslim who murderers Christians will go to hell" could also be another sentence what's not written directly in this way in the bible but what is expressed from the bible and hopefully also from the Quran. Whatever. The selfmade Gospel of Barnabas is a fake. The people should listen to the real gospels.

are you going to stomp your foot and start throwing things? LOL

None of the gospels in the bible were first accounts. Three were written a century later. The presumed date that barnabas was originally is 61AD and copied. The aramaic bible is dated to 1500-2000 yrs old, a copy of a copy.

Clearly if you have a Bible that was printed in the last 100 years, it's a fake, because, it's not the real Bible. Hahaha. How they put their feet in it.

speculate much ?

maybe it was just the species or simply whatever was the beginning to Garden Earth .... and then, only the Spirits that free themselves will ever be judged with all others to simply perish.



That is what Christians say the bible says. Every one I've talked to says the same. And I don't have to pull a muscle stretching to know most religions believe the same about their 'god'. Where is the speculation? LOL
A fake is a fake. I don't discuss fakes as if it would be facts.

Paul was the fake. Constantine was the fake.

Why should the aramaic be more fake than constantine's codex?

Why should 'Jesus son of the father' not have written a gospel after what happened? Or which was the real jesus if any of it had any truth.

The so called "Gospel of Barnabas" is written from Pseudomuslims for normal Muslims to weaken their own tradition to live peacefully together with members of the christian religion.

centuries before Islam?

It's a fake.

Islam knew of the gospel, they did not create it.

Someon made this fake as a weapon against Christians. No one was able to know in the year 150 something about the history of the Islam.

1st century list if text have mentioned it and copies have been found in coptic monasteries.


>>"Brother Marino" encountered a reference to an early GospelofBarnabas in the writings of Irenaeus. Then, some time later, by a happy accident, he found a copy of the same early gospel in the library of Pope Sixtus V<<

If the gospel is mentioned around 150 AD, how can it be considered a forgery?

Good grieve. The Pope of the Copts said it's a fake - that's enough evidence for me. Give the book some german experts and they will find out what's wrong with it. Besides it's very easy to see that this writing is a weapon against Christians - that's why you love it - not because you live in respect of the words of the gospels. No idea who Marinao was or wether anyone wrote a gospel in the name of Barnabas. Unimportant. Sometimes I would wish we never had componed the bible although I love it. This book seems sometimes to create more confusion than clearness. Perhaps I should write a summary? "God is not dead. He lives." Does anyone need more to know? Whatelse could be important? "Every Muslim who murderers Christians will go to hell" could also be another sentence what's not written directly in this way in the bible but what is expressed from the bible and hopefully also from the Quran. Whatever. The selfmade Gospel of Barnabas is a fake. The people should listen to the real gospels.

are you going to stomp your foot and start throwing things? LOL

None of the gospels in the bible were first accounts. Three were written a century later. The presumed date that barnabas was originally is 61AD and copied. The aramaic bible is dated to 1500-2000 yrs old, a copy of a copy.

I guess you would prefer to live in a world without Christians. So I will go now and let you come a step nearer to your dream.

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Is there another text backing this ones claims?

b/c that's pretty much how the church went about making the bible, whatever could be mostly confirmed was in the book, the rest was cast off

Is there another text backing this ones claims?

b/c that's pretty much how the church went about making the bible, whatever could be mostly confirmed was in the book, the rest was cast off
So they confirmed that some invisible dude took 6 days to make everything then was so pooped he needed a day off?

Is there another text backing this ones claims?

b/c that's pretty much how the church went about making the bible, whatever could be mostly confirmed was in the book, the rest was cast off
So they confirmed that some invisible dude took 6 days to make everything then was so pooped he needed a day off?

"so pooped" ... got it. An expression of antichristian drug-consumists and racists of the anglo-american culture in the early 21st century.

The museum of Ankara, Turkey, is home to a mysterious 1500 year old bible that according to many could change the way we look at religion and the vatican seems to be threatened. This bible comprises the mysterious texts called the apocryphal gospels, including the Gospel of Barnabas and is a very controversial piece according to many historians.
The Gospel of Barnabas states the following regarding Jesus’ deity


What does this prove? The Gospel of Barnabas was written way after the New Testament Gospels and Paul's writings. Heck, even after Revelation. So this Bibles 1,500 years old. Ok? So the Gospel of Barnabas was written before then (500AD), probably when all the other gnostic writings were written, 2nd century and onward. Waaaay after Jesus, and the New Testament writings. So I don't see it as such a big deal.
And Even had the gospel of Barnabas been written during the time of the Apostles, it still would have never attained canonical status due to the historical and doctrinal errors it contains. For example, the gospel of Barnabas purports that Jesus did not claim to be the Messiah (see Matthew 26:63-64 among everywhere else in the NT writings). The gospel of Barnabas also says that Jesus was born when Pilate was governor (but history records Pilate becoming governor in A.D. 26 or 27). It's ludicrous. It's just some Da Vinci Code, we found something that could tear Christianity apart, but not really if anyone actually looks into it, thing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If 'god' is all knowing and all powerful, and created and creates everything, and is the creator of every person ...
speculate much ?

maybe it was just the species or simply whatever was the beginning to Garden Earth .... and then, only the Spirits that free themselves will ever be judged with all others to simply perish.



That is what Christians say the bible says. Every one I've talked to says the same. And I don't have to pull a muscle stretching to know most religions believe the same about their 'god'. Where is the speculation? LOL
Isa: That is what Christians say the bible says ... Where is the speculation?

Isa: If 'god' is all knowing and all powerful, and created and creates everything, and is the creator of every person ...

Isa: And for the ignorant, that fear is more than enough to get them to push closed the door to keep too much light from entering that dark room.

And for the ignorant ...

the ignorant both religious and not may go their own way and without harm, perish - however deciphering from the past the means to free one's Spirit may help in correctly accomplishing the feat and likewise knowing what awaits them at their arrival to the Everlasting may be beneficial ... especially the #1 (judgement).

The museum of Ankara, Turkey, is home to a mysterious 1500 year old bible that according to many could change the way we look at religion and the vatican seems to be threatened. This bible comprises the mysterious texts called the apocryphal gospels, including the Gospel of Barnabas and is a very controversial piece according to many historians.
The Gospel of Barnabas states the following regarding Jesus’ deity


What does this prove? The Gospel of Barnabas was written way after the New Testament Gospels and Paul's writings. Heck, even after Revelation. So this Bibles 1,500 years old. Ok? So the Gospel of Barnabas was written before then (500AD), probably when all the other gnostic writings were written, 2nd century and onward. Waaaay after Jesus, and the New Testament writings. So I don't see it as such a big deal.
And Even had the gospel of Barnabas been written during the time of the Apostles, it still would have never attained canonical status due to the historical and doctrinal errors it contains. For example, the gospel of Barnabas purports that Jesus did not claim to be the Messiah (see Matthew 26:63-64 among everywhere else in the NT writings). The gospel of Barnabas also says that Jesus was born when Pilate was governor (but history records Pilate becoming governor in A.D. 26 or 27). It's ludicrous. It's just some Da Vinci Code, we found something that could tear Christianity apart, but not really if anyone actually looks into it, thing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Half of New Testament forged, Bible scholar says

* At least 11 of the 27 New Testament books are forgeries.

* The New Testament books attributed to Jesus’ disciples could not have been written by them because they were illiterate.

* Many of the New Testament’s forgeries were manufactured by early Christian leaders trying to settle theological feuds.

Half of New Testament forged Bible scholar says CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs

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