How far will we allow Computer AI Systems to go?

The scary part is if humans are no longer around, the AI system will still be operating long after they are no more humans.?! That's why the Mother computer on the Alien ship, was sent along for the mission, just in case the Alien eliminated the entire crew. To bring back the xenomorph for the weapons division of the Yutani Weyland corporation.
AI, no matter how far developed it becomes is still only a machine. We can always just turn it off.
You are missing my point. What if there is no one there to turn the AI system off??! Will the AI system stay on forever?
I think about the movie Alien and the AI system onboard the Nostromo. The Mother AI system told the crew they were expendable, and that the primary goal was the return of the Alien species back to Earth, for the weapons division of Yutani Weyland Corp. My question. How far are we in the United States, going to allow this AI system to go in the Future?!. Your thoughts.?

All the way. Humans just don't know where to stop, because the people in charge don't care about anything other than money.
You are missing my point. What if there is no one there to turn the AI system off??! Will the AI system stay on forever?
If there are no people around what would it matter? Eventually it would shut off, a cooling fan would break and it would overheat or some wire would fray, whatever the case it would simply cease to be.
If there are no people around what would it matter? Eventually it would shut off, a cooling fan would break and it would overheat or some wire would fray, whatever the case it would simply cease to be.
I guess if the AI had the capability, it would have to create robots to repair and upkeep the central intelligence/mainframe or whatever.

Of course it would need more robots to maintain the robot factories. And robots to operate power plants. And robots to mine/extract the raw resources needed for all this.

You’d eventually wind up with a planet of self replicating robots that would putter along until they’d strip the planet of usable resources.
If it is powered by a Nuclear power system, it could run for hundreds of years.?!??
Software has replaced many jobs and will replace many more as employers cut costs. That will seem like a great idea for a while to employers, until electricity becomes too expensive for all that computing. Supply chain breakdowns may also cripple systems with lack of hard drives and other parts that burn out daily in the infrastructure of the internet. People who know how to do those jobs may then be long gone, so there's nobody left to train new employees. There is some cause for alarm, but not much of a chance that cost cutters will care enough to heed that alarm, if business survival requires maximum cost cutting.
AI is still nothing more than a glorified search engine spitting out database answers....

And the databases are not always reliable. To date, I've seen that populist opinion is overriding facts.

That's not going to work out well for companies relying upon AI for their needs.
Is there some truth to The Machine in “Person of Interest”.

It can see and hear everything?
Is there some truth to The Machine in “Person of Interest”.

It can see and hear everything?
No because "The Machine" was looking creatively. Machines cannot be creative. They follow predictable patterns which sometimes seem creative....but are not.
The machine also defied its programming on several occasions.

Donut machines do not make tacos. And taco machines don't make donuts.
No because "The Machine" was looking creatively. Machines cannot be creative. They follow predictable patterns which sometimes seem creative....but are not.
The machine also defied its programming on several occasions.

Donut machines do not make tacos. And taco machines don't make donuts.

I found it an intriguing idea though. What is relevant and what is not irrelevant. As far as the government is concerned.
I found it an intriguing idea though. What is relevant and what is not irrelevant. As far as the government is concerned.
I fly as far below the radar as possible.

The tallest nail gets pounded. So duck when that hammer comes looking for tall nails.

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