11 Girly Things Pussified Metrosexuals Wish They Could Do


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
This list pretty much sums up the Pussification of the American Male. To our male brethren who resist such pussification, I say: Huzzah! Real women do not want men to wear make up and "stylish" clothes, and order fruity girly drinks.

A Dec. 17th thread asked the men of Reddit, "What girly thing do you really want to do or try but it is socially unacceptable?" Responses ranged from cuddling etiquette ("Being the little spoon") to fashion woes ("Toe socks") and showing emotion ("Crying in public without getting judged").

Here are 11 of our favorite answers:

1. Have more stylish clothing options. As bradleynowell252 pointed out, "Girls just get so many choices on nice things to wear and still look good, even in a casual manner." It's true that while women can wear "masculine" clothing free of judgment, the same can not be said for men in "feminine" clothing. "Also, fancy hats. It's a shame that only women get to have awesome adornments in their headwear without any social stigma," lokiikol noted.

2. Be able to talk about other men being attractive. Kbjami brought up an important point when he wrote: "Talking about how hot Brad Pitt is. I'm not gay but I find Brad Pitt quite attractive. Actually just talking about how attractive males are in general." We completely agree, men should definitely be able to compliment other men. And Brad Pitt is very attractive.

3. Order "girly drinks." "For just once, I'd like to get to order yummy pink drinks with chunks of real fruit that guys secretly like but can't order because they'll be made fun of," responded Reddit user Dwarf--shortage. We think everyone should be able to drink Flirtinis, Mudslides and Fuzzy Navels -- they're delicious!

4. Get treated to a spa day. We can all agree that there are few places more relaxing than a spa. So why is it only socially acceptable for women to attend these heaven-on-earth establishments? Euphuist said that he would love to get a "Mani/pedi, face mask, all that jazz. Colour me intrigued."...

11 'Girly' Things Men Wish They Could Do Without Judgment
Well yes. That's the proper response of a self-contained individual.
This list pretty much sums up the Pussification of the American Male. To our male brethren who resist such pussification, I say: Huzzah! Real women do not want men to wear make up and "stylish" clothes, and order fruity girly drinks.

A Dec. 17th thread asked the men of Reddit, "What girly thing do you really want to do or try but it is socially unacceptable?" Responses ranged from cuddling etiquette ("Being the little spoon") to fashion woes ("Toe socks") and showing emotion ("Crying in public without getting judged").

Here are 11 of our favorite answers:

1. Have more stylish clothing options. As bradleynowell252 pointed out, "Girls just get so many choices on nice things to wear and still look good, even in a casual manner." It's true that while women can wear "masculine" clothing free of judgment, the same can not be said for men in "feminine" clothing. "Also, fancy hats. It's a shame that only women get to have awesome adornments in their headwear without any social stigma," lokiikol noted.

2. Be able to talk about other men being attractive. Kbjami brought up an important point when he wrote: "Talking about how hot Brad Pitt is. I'm not gay but I find Brad Pitt quite attractive. Actually just talking about how attractive males are in general." We completely agree, men should definitely be able to compliment other men. And Brad Pitt is very attractive.

3. Order "girly drinks." "For just once, I'd like to get to order yummy pink drinks with chunks of real fruit that guys secretly like but can't order because they'll be made fun of," responded Reddit user Dwarf--shortage. We think everyone should be able to drink Flirtinis, Mudslides and Fuzzy Navels -- they're delicious!

4. Get treated to a spa day. We can all agree that there are few places more relaxing than a spa. So why is it only socially acceptable for women to attend these heaven-on-earth establishments? Euphuist said that he would love to get a "Mani/pedi, face mask, all that jazz. Colour me intrigued."...

11 'Girly' Things Men Wish They Could Do Without Judgment

Hon....these boys are gay. I mean....real, real gay. They might not know it yet...but give'em time.
I wouldn't make that assumption.

Our public school system and medical establishment have been punishing and drugging boys for merely being boys for years. Boys are treated like defective girls. That is going to have an impact.
This list pretty much sums up the Pussification of the American Male. To our male brethren who resist such pussification, I say: Huzzah! Real women do not want men to wear make up and "stylish" clothes, and order fruity girly drinks.

A Dec. 17th thread asked the men of Reddit, "What girly thing do you really want to do or try but it is socially unacceptable?" Responses ranged from cuddling etiquette ("Being the little spoon") to fashion woes ("Toe socks") and showing emotion ("Crying in public without getting judged").

Here are 11 of our favorite answers:

1. Have more stylish clothing options. As bradleynowell252 pointed out, "Girls just get so many choices on nice things to wear and still look good, even in a casual manner." It's true that while women can wear "masculine" clothing free of judgment, the same can not be said for men in "feminine" clothing. "Also, fancy hats. It's a shame that only women get to have awesome adornments in their headwear without any social stigma," lokiikol noted.

2. Be able to talk about other men being attractive. Kbjami brought up an important point when he wrote: "Talking about how hot Brad Pitt is. I'm not gay but I find Brad Pitt quite attractive. Actually just talking about how attractive males are in general." We completely agree, men should definitely be able to compliment other men. And Brad Pitt is very attractive.

3. Order "girly drinks." "For just once, I'd like to get to order yummy pink drinks with chunks of real fruit that guys secretly like but can't order because they'll be made fun of," responded Reddit user Dwarf--shortage. We think everyone should be able to drink Flirtinis, Mudslides and Fuzzy Navels -- they're delicious!

4. Get treated to a spa day. We can all agree that there are few places more relaxing than a spa. So why is it only socially acceptable for women to attend these heaven-on-earth establishments? Euphuist said that he would love to get a "Mani/pedi, face mask, all that jazz. Colour me intrigued."...

11 'Girly' Things Men Wish They Could Do Without Judgment

It's OK. No one is accusing you of being "girly".
Oh, pish and tosh, rdeany.

You're a boring fool...but I bet your handbag matches your belt and shoes.
I wouldn't make that assumption.

Our public school system and medical establishment have been punishing and drugging boys for merely being boys for years. Boys are treated like defective girls. That is going to have an impact.

"Through the Womrhole" or some general science doc had a geneticist on it claiming males will be extinct. In a few million years. Some kinda chromosomal defect. Might be moot though as I doubt the human race will be extant in a few hundred years. Technology evolves so fast, that soon as the tech exists to wipe ourselves out, we probably will.
I wouldn't make that assumption.

Our public school system and medical establishment have been punishing and drugging boys for merely being boys for years. Boys are treated like defective girls. That is going to have an impact.

If so I weep for humanity. And women.
I wouldn't make that assumption.

Our public school system and medical establishment have been punishing and drugging boys for merely being boys for years. Boys are treated like defective girls. That is going to have an impact.

"Through the Womrhole" or some general science doc had a geneticist on it claiming males will be extinct. In a few million years. Some kinda chromosomal defect. Might be moot though as I doubt the human race will be extant in a few hundred years. Technology evolves so fast, that soon as the tech exists to wipe ourselves out, we probably will.

The end could be much sooner than you think:

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CQYAWRY/ref=oh_d__o01_details_o01__i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1]Amazon.com: Our Final Invention: Artificial Intelligence and the End of the Human Era eBook: James Barrat: Kindle Store[/ame]
10. Have fun with one's children without being judged.

Perhaps it's just me, but I never gave a shit what others said or thought when I at the park with my son. If he wanted me to go down the slide with him, I went down the slide.

Same with my God-Daughter... She wanted me to put on a silly hat and have "tea" with her, I did. Hold her baby doll? No problem.

I know that there are pictures out there in the world of me wearing some stupid hat she wanted me to wear.

If you aren't man enough to play with your children and make them laugh, you need to grow up.
^ That is the correct motorcycle.
10. Have fun with one's children without being judged.

Perhaps it's just me, but I never gave a shit what others said or thought when I at the park with my son. If he wanted me to go down the slide with him, I went down the slide.

Same with my God-Daughter... She wanted me to put on a silly hat and have "tea" with her, I did. Hold her baby doll? No problem.

I know that there are pictures out there in the world of me wearing some stupid hat she wanted me to wear.

If you aren't man enough to play with your children and make them laugh, you need to grow up.

Why would that even be on the list? What is "girly" about playing with your children? :confused:
I wouldn't make that assumption.

Our public school system and medical establishment have been punishing and drugging boys for merely being boys for years. Boys are treated like defective girls. That is going to have an impact.

yep, that is the exact reason, not being gay.

if you want to have a tasty drink - do it - and if you are a confident person - you will do it no matter what anybody will have to say.
I am not sure how they are that driven to clothes. Usually boys do not even care what they wear at all.
I wouldn't make that assumption.

Our public school system and medical establishment have been punishing and drugging boys for merely being boys for years. Boys are treated like defective girls. That is going to have an impact.

yep, that is the exact reason, not being gay.

if you want to have a tasty drink - do it - and if you are a confident person - you will do it no matter what anybody will have to say.
I am not sure how they are that driven to clothes. Usually boys do not even care what they wear at all.

I know a lot of women who wish women's fashions were more like men's - basic stuff that didn't change so much. A lot of what is passed off as fashion is tacky, poorly made crap that won't last more than a few washings. I'd rather buy wellmade things that will last.
Soft names make for soft men

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oo8CrY_ZfFk]George Carlin - Goofy Boy Names (HQ) - YouTube[/ame]
This list pretty much sums up the Pussification of the American Male. To our male brethren who resist such pussification, I say: Huzzah! Real women do not want men to wear make up and "stylish" clothes, and order fruity girly drinks.

A Dec. 17th thread asked the men of Reddit, "What girly thing do you really want to do or try but it is socially unacceptable?" Responses ranged from cuddling etiquette ("Being the little spoon") to fashion woes ("Toe socks") and showing emotion ("Crying in public without getting judged").

Here are 11 of our favorite answers:

1. Have more stylish clothing options. As bradleynowell252 pointed out, "Girls just get so many choices on nice things to wear and still look good, even in a casual manner." It's true that while women can wear "masculine" clothing free of judgment, the same can not be said for men in "feminine" clothing. "Also, fancy hats. It's a shame that only women get to have awesome adornments in their headwear without any social stigma," lokiikol noted.

2. Be able to talk about other men being attractive. Kbjami brought up an important point when he wrote: "Talking about how hot Brad Pitt is. I'm not gay but I find Brad Pitt quite attractive. Actually just talking about how attractive males are in general." We completely agree, men should definitely be able to compliment other men. And Brad Pitt is very attractive.

3. Order "girly drinks." "For just once, I'd like to get to order yummy pink drinks with chunks of real fruit that guys secretly like but can't order because they'll be made fun of," responded Reddit user Dwarf--shortage. We think everyone should be able to drink Flirtinis, Mudslides and Fuzzy Navels -- they're delicious!

4. Get treated to a spa day. We can all agree that there are few places more relaxing than a spa. So why is it only socially acceptable for women to attend these heaven-on-earth establishments? Euphuist said that he would love to get a "Mani/pedi, face mask, all that jazz. Colour me intrigued."...

11 'Girly' Things Men Wish They Could Do Without Judgment

When walking through a parking lot, holding my daughter's hand, we usually skip

Skipping is actually the best warm up exercise for runners because it is not only stretching but looses their muscles so they don't get injured.
This list pretty much sums up the Pussification of the American Male. To our male brethren who resist such pussification, I say: Huzzah! Real women do not want men to wear make up and "stylish" clothes, and order fruity girly drinks.

A Dec. 17th thread asked the men of Reddit, "What girly thing do you really want to do or try but it is socially unacceptable?" Responses ranged from cuddling etiquette ("Being the little spoon") to fashion woes ("Toe socks") and showing emotion ("Crying in public without getting judged").

Here are 11 of our favorite answers:

1. Have more stylish clothing options. As bradleynowell252 pointed out, "Girls just get so many choices on nice things to wear and still look good, even in a casual manner." It's true that while women can wear "masculine" clothing free of judgment, the same can not be said for men in "feminine" clothing. "Also, fancy hats. It's a shame that only women get to have awesome adornments in their headwear without any social stigma," lokiikol noted.

2. Be able to talk about other men being attractive. Kbjami brought up an important point when he wrote: "Talking about how hot Brad Pitt is. I'm not gay but I find Brad Pitt quite attractive. Actually just talking about how attractive males are in general." We completely agree, men should definitely be able to compliment other men. And Brad Pitt is very attractive.

3. Order "girly drinks." "For just once, I'd like to get to order yummy pink drinks with chunks of real fruit that guys secretly like but can't order because they'll be made fun of," responded Reddit user Dwarf--shortage. We think everyone should be able to drink Flirtinis, Mudslides and Fuzzy Navels -- they're delicious!

4. Get treated to a spa day. We can all agree that there are few places more relaxing than a spa. So why is it only socially acceptable for women to attend these heaven-on-earth establishments? Euphuist said that he would love to get a "Mani/pedi, face mask, all that jazz. Colour me intrigued."...

11 'Girly' Things Men Wish They Could Do Without Judgment

You should butt fuck 'em. You know you want to.

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