11 Girly Things Pussified Metrosexuals Wish They Could Do

I believe that people who are comfortable in their own skin don't wander around finding fault with the actions and appearance of others.

I believe that people who don't grok sarcasm miss a great deal of amusement in life.
This list pretty much sums up the Pussification of the American Male. To our male brethren who resist such pussification, I say: Huzzah! Real women do not want men to wear make up and "stylish" clothes, and order fruity girly drinks.

A Dec. 17th thread asked the men of Reddit, "What girly thing do you really want to do or try but it is socially unacceptable?" Responses ranged from cuddling etiquette ("Being the little spoon") to fashion woes ("Toe socks") and showing emotion ("Crying in public without getting judged").

Here are 11 of our favorite answers:

1. Have more stylish clothing options. As bradleynowell252 pointed out, "Girls just get so many choices on nice things to wear and still look good, even in a casual manner." It's true that while women can wear "masculine" clothing free of judgment, the same can not be said for men in "feminine" clothing. "Also, fancy hats. It's a shame that only women get to have awesome adornments in their headwear without any social stigma," lokiikol noted.

2. Be able to talk about other men being attractive. Kbjami brought up an important point when he wrote: "Talking about how hot Brad Pitt is. I'm not gay but I find Brad Pitt quite attractive. Actually just talking about how attractive males are in general." We completely agree, men should definitely be able to compliment other men. And Brad Pitt is very attractive.

3. Order "girly drinks." "For just once, I'd like to get to order yummy pink drinks with chunks of real fruit that guys secretly like but can't order because they'll be made fun of," responded Reddit user Dwarf--shortage. We think everyone should be able to drink Flirtinis, Mudslides and Fuzzy Navels -- they're delicious!

4. Get treated to a spa day. We can all agree that there are few places more relaxing than a spa. So why is it only socially acceptable for women to attend these heaven-on-earth establishments? Euphuist said that he would love to get a "Mani/pedi, face mask, all that jazz. Colour me intrigued."...

11 'Girly' Things Men Wish They Could Do Without Judgment
Why the hell do you care what makes other people happy? None of these things make a man any less of a man. I would say a man who does these things because he wants to is more of a man than the confidence-lacking jerks calling him a pussy.

It's clear you wear pink thong undies.

And? Obviously you just proved his point. Why do you care what sort of underwear he is wearing? Why do you care whether a man wants to fish or knit?

The world would be so much better if some would worry more about their own lives and keep their nose out of other people's lives.

That some of those people claim to be "conservative" and want more freedom and smaller gov't is laughable.
I doubt you possess the humor gene to truly grok anything funny, bub.
I doubt you possess the humor gene to truly grok anything funny, bub.

I have a great sense of humor. I'm laughing right now at how you got spanked.

But I progressed beyond the humor of ridiculing others for no reason when I was about 12 years old. Hopefully you will get there some day.
This list pretty much sums up the Pussification of the American Male. To our male brethren who resist such pussification, I say: Huzzah! Real women do not want men to wear make up and "stylish" clothes, and order fruity girly drinks.

A Dec. 17th thread asked the men of Reddit, "What girly thing do you really want to do or try but it is socially unacceptable?" Responses ranged from cuddling etiquette ("Being the little spoon") to fashion woes ("Toe socks") and showing emotion ("Crying in public without getting judged").

Here are 11 of our favorite answers:

1. Have more stylish clothing options. As bradleynowell252 pointed out, "Girls just get so many choices on nice things to wear and still look good, even in a casual manner." It's true that while women can wear "masculine" clothing free of judgment, the same can not be said for men in "feminine" clothing. "Also, fancy hats. It's a shame that only women get to have awesome adornments in their headwear without any social stigma," lokiikol noted.

2. Be able to talk about other men being attractive. Kbjami brought up an important point when he wrote: "Talking about how hot Brad Pitt is. I'm not gay but I find Brad Pitt quite attractive. Actually just talking about how attractive males are in general." We completely agree, men should definitely be able to compliment other men. And Brad Pitt is very attractive.

3. Order "girly drinks." "For just once, I'd like to get to order yummy pink drinks with chunks of real fruit that guys secretly like but can't order because they'll be made fun of," responded Reddit user Dwarf--shortage. We think everyone should be able to drink Flirtinis, Mudslides and Fuzzy Navels -- they're delicious!

4. Get treated to a spa day. We can all agree that there are few places more relaxing than a spa. So why is it only socially acceptable for women to attend these heaven-on-earth establishments? Euphuist said that he would love to get a "Mani/pedi, face mask, all that jazz. Colour me intrigued."...

11 'Girly' Things Men Wish They Could Do Without Judgment
Why the hell do you care what makes other people happy? None of these things make a man any less of a man. I would say a man who does these things because he wants to is more of a man than the confidence-lacking jerks calling him a pussy.

It's clear you wear pink thong undies.
I prefer jock straps. Why are you thinking about me in my underwear? Does that turn you on? The irony is that you literally just proved my point with your remarks. Can't say I'm surprised.
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You must be totally pussified IRL.

Just sayin'.
The word "metrosexual" sounds gay. ..... :eusa_hand:

Not necessarily;

heterosexual, metrosexual.

Metrosexual - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Metrosexual is a neologism, derived from metropolitan and heterosexual, coined in 1994 describing a man (especially one living in an urban, post-industrial, capitalist culture) who is especially meticulous about his grooming and appearance, typically spending a significant amount of time and money on shopping as part of this.[1] The term is popularly thought to contrast heterosexuals who adopt fashions and lifestyles stereotypically associated with homosexuals."

The rise of the metrosexual - smh.com.au

The rise of the metrosexual

Macho man has bitten the dust to be replaced by something just as tough inside but softer at the edges.

They're spending their time differently - not only occupying more of it in front of the mirror but also shopping at boutique stores, drinking at bars rather than pubs, enjoying a dance at a nightclub and going to beauty salons. Cosmetics brands such as Ella Bache say men make up as much as 40 per cent of their salon customers in some areas.

David Beckham, the man whom British academics have credited with changing male behaviour, has been deemed the ultimate metrosexual. Beckham has helped break "masculine codes", says a Warwick University sociology professor, Dr Andrew Parker, "defying various manly expectations such as what clothes a man is allowed to wear".
I doubt you possess the humor gene to truly grok anything funny, bub.

I have a great sense of humor. I'm laughing right now at how you got spanked.

But I progressed beyond the humor of ridiculing others for no reason when I was about 12 years old. Hopefully you will get there some day.

Your posts refute your claim, oh humorless one.
Absolute rubbish. And the biggest point to be made about this is, if your manliness is determined by your wardrobe, what you drink, whether you can acknowledge that another man is handsome, or whether you enjoy going to a spa, then your manliness is an illusion.

Worrying about what someone else will think of what I wear, drink or whatever, is not an issue for me.

What constitutes manliness varies from one demographic group to the next.

Those of us who are defending a classic Western definition will never accept metrosexual feminized crap as masculine.

But you seem to have no problem with the girliness, nor of the other libtards that identify such as 'gay' reflexively.

When guy-liner is part of manliness in our society, there will be no hope left at all.

I can only worry about what I do. What someone else does, as long as it does not effect me, is not part of my worry and none of my business.

I doubt I'll ever own guy-liner. But there are times that I do all I can to groom myself to a high polish. There are other times when I am a pig. Neither is better than the other.

If I am going hunting or camping, I am usually dirty, sweaty and completely unconcerned with any style.

If I am going out someplace nice, attending a formal function, or other event that calls for it, I am groomed and polished with a well fixed attire.

How I dress, groom, or even what I like to do in my spare time (be it a spa or hog hunting) would seem to me to be my business. That others worry about it seems more like little old ladies gossiping than men being men.

Yes, one should dress for the occasion and group one is going to mingle with.

I don't care for the idea that I might be in a group where wearing a skirt is expected.

But whatever floats you boat is your bidness.... it's just not manly to wear that skirt no how no way, lol, for whomever.

Kilts excepted of course.
Why the hell do you care what makes other people happy? None of these things make a man any less of a man. I would say a man who does these things because he wants to is more of a man than the confidence-lacking jerks calling him a pussy.

It's clear you wear pink thong undies.

And? Obviously you just proved his point. Why do you care what sort of underwear he is wearing? Why do you care whether a man wants to fish or knit?

The world would be so much better if some would worry more about their own lives and keep their nose out of other people's lives.
That some of those people claim to be "conservative" and want more freedom and smaller gov't is laughable.

Really? Must be a charming life to not be bothered if pedos live next door or Zeta drug dealers, or...whatever.

No man is an island, dude. What we each do impacts the rest of us.

You wanna wear pink undies, go ahead, but that still makes you metro, lol.
I doubt you possess the humor gene to truly grok anything funny, bub.

I have a great sense of humor. I'm laughing right now at how you got spanked.

But I progressed beyond the humor of ridiculing others for no reason when I was about 12 years old. Hopefully you will get there some day.

I don't see where you think you got the advantage in that conversation, but declaring victory and walking away patting one's own back is kind of a give away for faux victory.
The word "metrosexual" sounds gay. ..... :eusa_hand:

Not necessarily;

heterosexual, metrosexual.

Metrosexual - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Metrosexual is a neologism, derived from metropolitan and heterosexual, coined in 1994 describing a man (especially one living in an urban, post-industrial, capitalist culture) who is especially meticulous about his grooming and appearance, typically spending a significant amount of time and money on shopping as part of this.[1] The term is popularly thought to contrast heterosexuals who adopt fashions and lifestyles stereotypically associated with homosexuals."

The rise of the metrosexual - smh.com.au

The rise of the metrosexual

Macho man has bitten the dust to be replaced by something just as tough inside but softer at the edges.

They're spending their time differently - not only occupying more of it in front of the mirror but also shopping at boutique stores, drinking at bars rather than pubs, enjoying a dance at a nightclub and going to beauty salons. Cosmetics brands such as Ella Bache say men make up as much as 40 per cent of their salon customers in some areas.

David Beckham, the man whom British academics have credited with changing male behaviour, has been deemed the ultimate metrosexual. Beckham has helped break "masculine codes", says a Warwick University sociology professor, Dr Andrew Parker, "defying various manly expectations such as what clothes a man is allowed to wear".

Ummm, no.

Just because someone wrote it up in an article doesn't make it true, Sherlock.
The word "metrosexual" sounds gay. ..... :eusa_hand:

Not necessarily;

heterosexual, metrosexual.

Metrosexual - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Metrosexual is a neologism, derived from metropolitan and heterosexual, coined in 1994 describing a man (especially one living in an urban, post-industrial, capitalist culture) who is especially meticulous about his grooming and appearance, typically spending a significant amount of time and money on shopping as part of this.[1] The term is popularly thought to contrast heterosexuals who adopt fashions and lifestyles stereotypically associated with homosexuals."

The rise of the metrosexual - smh.com.au

The rise of the metrosexual

Macho man has bitten the dust to be replaced by something just as tough inside but softer at the edges.

They're spending their time differently - not only occupying more of it in front of the mirror but also shopping at boutique stores, drinking at bars rather than pubs, enjoying a dance at a nightclub and going to beauty salons. Cosmetics brands such as Ella Bache say men make up as much as 40 per cent of their salon customers in some areas.

David Beckham, the man whom British academics have credited with changing male behaviour, has been deemed the ultimate metrosexual. Beckham has helped break "masculine codes", says a Warwick University sociology professor, Dr Andrew Parker, "defying various manly expectations such as what clothes a man is allowed to wear".

Ummm, no.

Just because someone wrote it up in an article doesn't make it true, Sherlock.
What facts are you disputing in the article? Everything listed is truer than the nonsense you've been spewing.

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