10 BIG LIES About Donald Trump....Attn. ABNORMALS!

Not at all, I am very happy for you and think everyone should be free to choose their own way.
So when are you going to suck my dick...Unfortunately they wont let me post a picture of that!

I am not going to do so. I am not into that, it is your thing not mine.

But I do think to each should choose for themselves and I am very happy for you that you have chosen and are so open about it.
But it doesnt matter, you said!..So when do I get your blow job?

you are correct, it does not matter to me at all if you are into that. That does not though carry with it the obligation for me to join in.
As I said, a bigot!

Trump commits the foul and vile sin of Bearing False Witness regularly, routinely and blatantly. In doing so he often subjects his targets to malicious irreparable damage. There must be a reason why major religions accept not bearing false witness as a major rule or "commandment" is a main teaching and regulation in their religions.

Trump began his campaign to rhe Presidency by the malicious bearing of false witness and has never ceased bearing false witness

Trump is a prolific bearer of false witness. A habitual serial liar.
Ideas are taken as truth until they’re questioned.

A list of 10 BIG LIES About Donald Trump, in countdown style:...I expect THIS will keep our ABNORMALS all greased up!

#10: He became President to enrich himself and his family!

#9: He’s not intelligent!

#8: …But he didn’t do it on his own—daddy’s $$$. And he’s a lousy businessman!

#7: He’s not a Christian!

#6: He’s not a conservative!

#5: He colluded with Russia!

#4: He’s too divisive, and responsible for violence!

#3: He hates Jews!

#2: He hates blacks, and Hispanics, and Muslims

#1: He lies! (of course this one had to make it to the top!)

Enjoy the lefts DERANGEMENT!

Oh, and ONE MORE for extra credit... He was a Draft Dodger!......lololol!
They rejected guys with flat feet during Vietnam.
A draft dodger is someone who escaped to Canada to avoid the draft.

He didn't have flat feet. He had bone spurs.
I have bone spurs, and they definitely prevent you from marching or running miles every day. They aren't a joke.

There is no amount of low behaviour and flat out lies that you won't believe so long is it comes out of Trump's mouth. You really are too stupid to be one person.
Ideas are taken as truth until they’re questioned.

A list of 10 BIG LIES About Donald Trump, in countdown style:...I expect THIS will keep our ABNORMALS all greased up!

#10: He became President to enrich himself and his family!

#9: He’s not intelligent!

#8: …But he didn’t do it on his own—daddy’s $$$. And he’s a lousy businessman!

#7: He’s not a Christian!

#6: He’s not a conservative!

#5: He colluded with Russia!

#4: He’s too divisive, and responsible for violence!

#3: He hates Jews!

#2: He hates blacks, and Hispanics, and Muslims

#1: He lies! (of course this one had to make it to the top!)

Enjoy the lefts DERANGEMENT!

Oh, and ONE MORE for extra credit... He was a Draft Dodger!......lololol!
Looks right to me
But you are AKWAYS wrong!...Lolol!
Which one is not accurate about Trump
All of them.!...Watch Wrongwingers head explode...lolol
Typical of those with Trump Derangement Syndrome
They believe anything Crooked Donnie tells them
A defense of Trump's history of lying requires those who object and oppose Trump's lying to reject their own moral and religious values and beliefs. If your moral and religious beliefs demand you reject a liar and person of low moral values there is no way you will ever be persuaded to accept a person like Donald Trump as a leader. Morally and religiously it would require you to grasp and be responsible for the sins of the leader, Donald Trump. You have to put every lie and every sin, every bad and every evil thing he does onto your shoulders.

Best to reject the leaders lies and evil ways. Stand your ground and hold on to your religious and moral beliefs.
Ideas are taken as truth until they’re questioned.

A list of 10 BIG LIES About Donald Trump, in countdown style:...I expect THIS will keep our ABNORMALS all greased up!

#10: He became President to enrich himself and his family!

#9: He’s not intelligent!

#8: …But he didn’t do it on his own—daddy’s $$$. And he’s a lousy businessman!

#7: He’s not a Christian!

#6: He’s not a conservative!

#5: He colluded with Russia!

#4: He’s too divisive, and responsible for violence!

#3: He hates Jews!

#2: He hates blacks, and Hispanics, and Muslims

#1: He lies! (of course this one had to make it to the top!)

Enjoy the lefts DERANGEMENT!

Oh, and ONE MORE for extra credit... He was a Draft Dodger!......lololol!
They rejected guys with flat feet during Vietnam.
A draft dodger is someone who escaped to Canada to avoid the draft.

He didn't have flat feet. He had bone spurs.
I have bone spurs, and they definitely prevent you from marching or running miles every day. They aren't a joke.

There is no amount of low behaviour and flat out lies that you won't believe so long is it comes out of Trump's mouth. You really are too stupid to be one person.
A defense of Trump's history of lying requires those who object and oppose Trump's lying to reject their own moral and religious values and beliefs. If your moral and religious beliefs demand you reject a liar and person of low moral values there is no way you will ever be persuaded to accept a person like Donald Trump as a leader. Morally and religiously it would require you to grasp and be responsible for the sins of the leader, Donald Trump. You have to put every lie and every sin, every bad and every evil thing he does onto your shoulders.

Best to reject the leaders lies and evil ways. Stand your ground and hold on to your religious and moral beliefs.
so he really isn't EVIL, and you agree

Yeah, I agree he is not evil. Immoral as hell, but not evil.
not conservative--how horrible
not christian
how does this make him immoral?

Anyone that cheats on their spouse is immoral.
that's what humans do
this is for a whole other thread---but it is natural for humans to have sex
it is one of the most powerful ''''needs''--without it----no human race
you never lied?

Perhaps you cheat on your spouse and you feel the need to justify it with this tripe, but it will not fly with me.

Sort of fucking sad that you think sexual desire cannot be fulfilled within the confines of marriage.
Gator doesn't SIN!!!!!!!!!!!
he's perfect!!!
he is without SIN
Yeah, I agree he is not evil. Immoral as hell, but not evil.
not conservative--how horrible
not christian
how does this make him immoral?

Anyone that cheats on their spouse is immoral.
that's what humans do
this is for a whole other thread---but it is natural for humans to have sex
it is one of the most powerful ''''needs''--without it----no human race
you never lied?

Perhaps you cheat on your spouse and you feel the need to justify it with this tripe, but it will not fly with me.

Sort of fucking sad that you think sexual desire cannot be fulfilled within the confines of marriage.
Gator doesn't SIN!!!!!!!!!!!
he's perfect!!!
he is without SIN

Never said I do not sin, said I do not cheat on my wife.

It is fun to watch you people try and rationalize such actions since it was done by your savior in the White House instead of just going "yeah, cheating on your spouse is not a good thing".

But you fucking sheep cannot even bring yourself to do that simple thing.

not conservative--how horrible
not christian
how does this make him immoral?

Anyone that cheats on their spouse is immoral.
that's what humans do
this is for a whole other thread---but it is natural for humans to have sex
it is one of the most powerful ''''needs''--without it----no human race
you never lied?

Perhaps you cheat on your spouse and you feel the need to justify it with this tripe, but it will not fly with me.

Sort of fucking sad that you think sexual desire cannot be fulfilled within the confines of marriage.
Gator doesn't SIN!!!!!!!!!!!
he's perfect!!!
he is without SIN

Never said I do not sin, said I do not cheat on my wife.

It is fun to try and watch you people try and rationalize such actions since it was done by your savior in the White House instead of just going "yeah, cheating on your spouse is not a good thing".

But you fucking sheep cannot even bring yourself to do that simple thing.

but you are judging Trump
your sinning is not as bad, you say
Which one of those do you think is a lie?
I'll answer.

Complete lies:
3, 5, 9

Partial lies:
4 - He is not responsible for violence
6 - if by "conservative" they mean he supports free markets, then it is a lie. He does.
7 - he is not religious.
8 - he is a good business man. No one would seriously question that. - He did have his daddy's money to start with.

No way to really tell:
2, 10

The only completely true allegation is #1. He does lie. Glass houses.

Trump isn't responsible for the violence in the same way that Charlie Manson isn't responsible for his followers killing Sharon Tate and her friends or the LaBianca's. And for the same reason.
Anyone that cheats on their spouse is immoral.
that's what humans do
this is for a whole other thread---but it is natural for humans to have sex
it is one of the most powerful ''''needs''--without it----no human race
you never lied?

Perhaps you cheat on your spouse and you feel the need to justify it with this tripe, but it will not fly with me.

Sort of fucking sad that you think sexual desire cannot be fulfilled within the confines of marriage.
Gator doesn't SIN!!!!!!!!!!!
he's perfect!!!
he is without SIN

Never said I do not sin, said I do not cheat on my wife.

It is fun to try and watch you people try and rationalize such actions since it was done by your savior in the White House instead of just going "yeah, cheating on your spouse is not a good thing".

But you fucking sheep cannot even bring yourself to do that simple thing.

but you are judging Trump
your sinning is not as bad, you say

I am not talking about sinning, sin is religious term. One does not need to be religious to know that cheating on their spouse is wrong.

But yes, yes I am, judging Trump and we all do it every day.

That is the way our system is set up, some things are worse than other things.

The punishment fro raping and killing someone is different than it is for cheating on your taxes. Now, using your term, both are sins, but we do not judge them equally. Or most of us do not, perhaps you think that raping and killing is the same as cheating on your taxes. Since you think that cheating on a spouse is normal, there is no telling what other sort of fucked up views you have.
Which one of those do you think is a lie?
I'll answer.

Complete lies:
3, 5, 9

Partial lies:
4 - He is not responsible for violence
6 - if by "conservative" they mean he supports free markets, then it is a lie. He does.
7 - he is not religious.
8 - he is a good business man. No one would seriously question that. - He did have his daddy's money to start with.

No way to really tell:
2, 10

The only completely true allegation is #1. He does lie. Glass houses.

Trump isn't responsible for the violence in the same way that Charlie Manson isn't responsible for his followers killing Sharon Tate and her friends or the LaBianca's. And for the same reason.

Put down the pipe dragon lady, I don't think you can think for yourself. Rachael Maddow lives in your head.
Ideas are taken as truth until they’re questioned.

A list of 10 BIG LIES About Donald Trump, in countdown style:...I expect THIS will keep our ABNORMALS all greased up!

#10: He became President to enrich himself and his family!

#9: He’s not intelligent!

#8: …But he didn’t do it on his own—daddy’s $$$. And he’s a lousy businessman!

#7: He’s not a Christian!

#6: He’s not a conservative!

#5: He colluded with Russia!

#4: He’s too divisive, and responsible for violence!

#3: He hates Jews!

#2: He hates blacks, and Hispanics, and Muslims

#1: He lies! (of course this one had to make it to the top!)

Enjoy the lefts DERANGEMENT!

Oh, and ONE MORE for extra credit... He was a Draft Dodger!......lololol!
They rejected guys with flat feet during Vietnam.
A draft dodger is someone who escaped to Canada to avoid the draft.

He didn't have flat feet. He had bone spurs.
I have bone spurs, and they definitely prevent you from marching or running miles every day. They aren't a joke.

There is no amount of low behaviour and flat out lies that you won't believe so long is it comes out of Trump's mouth. You really are too stupid to be one person.

Considering that you're using one of Trump's biggest lies as your signature meme, I don't think you comprehend the meaning of the word "irony". Schumer never said this, and it isn't true, no matter how many times Trump repeats it.

It's not illegal immigrants who are voting for Democrats. It's the honest and decent people who believe in the Constitution, the rule of law, and respect and dignity for ALL CITIZENS.

Every day, more and more decent Republicans are walking away from Donald Trump and his policies of hate, division, fear and paranoia. The smart ones at least. Soon the Republican Party will only consist of low-information voters who actually believe the shit Trump spouts. People like YOU.
#10: He became President to enrich himself and his family!
I don't know. The jury is still out on that one. Every president leaves office richer than before.

Not really. Trump's net worth is dropping like a stone. His hotel properties throughout the world are doing poorly, despite the influx of visitors from Saudi Arabia to several of them. The only US Trump properties which are currently operating at a profit, are his East Coast Golf Clubs which are all doing well because membership buys access to the President. Trump immediately doubled the initiation fees at Mar-a-lago and Bedminster when he was first elected and then made of point of travelling there every weekend on the taxpayers dime.

And no other President has ever signed himself a multi-million dollar tax cut.

#9: He’s not intelligent!
Wharton School of Business at The University of Pennsylvania is the #1 business school in the world. I would think one needs to be pretty bright to get into that school.

Not in Trump's case. His father made a very large donation to the university, despite not have attended that school, and Dumb Donald got in. Yes he did graduate, but he did not win any academic awards, nor did he graduate with honours or otherwise distinguish himself as a student there, other than one of his professors was quoted as saying Trump was "the dumbest student he ever had" right before the election.

#8: …But he didn’t do it on his own—daddy’s $$$. And he’s a lousy businessman!
He didn't do it on his own. He did have daddy's money, but he is far from a lousy business man. Nobody with a brain thinks he sucks at business.

Everyone with half a brain KNOWS he sucks at business. His companies have gone bankrupt SEVEN TIMES. That's a record for an American businessman. So is his record of 3000+ law suits. I remember one of our big time builder clients telling us why he avoids lawsuits. They take up a lot of time, and a lot of money, to collect a few thousand dollars. If he used that time and those resources to build new projects, he could make ten times the amount of money that we were proposing he sue for.

American banks have lost so much money lending to Trump that they will no longer finance his deals. Until he started laundering money for Russian oligarchs, he was pretty much broke. Trump would be worth more money if he had simply taken his inheritance and invested it in the stock market.

#7: He’s not a Christian!
He's not religious.

It''s not that Trump isn't Christian, or that he isn't religious. It's that he has no morality. No simple sense of right and wrong. He said it didn't matter what he said about Dr. Ford because 'We won'". He still doesn't understand why people got all crazy about him separating young children from their parents. For Trump, winning isn't everything, it's the only thing. It doesn't matter how you win. It only matters that you do, and he sees everything as a pissing contest. There is nothing worse in his eyes, than a "loser".

Trump has been a "loser" all of his life. His narciscism, his inferiority complex, his politics of grievance. All of his life, Dumb Donald has lied and faked his way through life, making his way by bullying the little guys in the construction business, and sucking dumb investors into his money losing schemes. Along the way he learned how to run a good bankruptcy scam. He bragged about walking away from Atlantic City with $40 million in his pockets, after his first bankrupcties there. His one success was the construction of Trump Tower, which his father smoothed the way for him to complete. Nothing thereafter has been a success.

#6: He’s not a conservative!
Depends on how you define "conservative."

Trump is an authoritarian populist. He will say and do whatever he needs to in order to get elected, but his greatest hits to gin his base involve heavy doses of white nationalism, with a side order of paranoia, fear-mongering and undermining the government structures, and checks and balances which constrain the President's power. His demands for loyalty oaths, and absolute obediance regardless of what the Constitution says, what the oath of office says, and his attacks on the press as "fake news" are straight out of the Joseph Stalin playbook. It was Stalin who coined the phrase "enemy of the people" in regards to the Press.

#5: He colluded with Russia!
Nobody with a brain believes that horseshit. It was an excuse for why SHE didn't win.

Nobody with their eyes wide open believes he didn't collude with Russia. First off, there's those 100+ indictments of Trump Campaign workers, Russian government hackers, and apparently, Julian Assange. And the 6 guilty pleas, and 5 cooperation agreements, and the fact that Michael Cohen implicated Trump as an unindicted co-conspirator in regards to the crimes he committed in his dealings with Stormy Daniels.

Why do you think that Trump is shitting himself on Twitter again on a daily basis? Mueller has been a busy little beaver during the election campaign, interviewing Cohen and Manafort, preparing his next round of indictments, which we actually thought might drop today. Trump doesn't openly obstruct justice like this unless he is really fucking scared. Don't forget - Trump knows EXACTLY what he's done and what Mueller might find. We don't. Innocent men don't act like this.

#4: He’s too divisive, and responsible for violence!
He is as divisive as his opposition. The opposition is simply not used to the push back. The GOP is full of pussies who never push back.

Violent crime is up across the nation since Trump's election. Reports of hate crimes are up 500%. Right wing vigilantis, armed to the teeth, are headed for the border to repell the Caravan. What are the odds that this will end well?

#3: He hates Jews!
This is true. His Jewish son-in-law is not a REAL Jew. Jared Kirshner is just a "house Jew." He is an Uncle Chaim. :laughing0301:
He's not down for the struggle.

#2: He hates blacks, and Hispanics, and Muslims
QUOTE="Bootney Lee Farnsworth, post: 21207370, member: 65605"]I can't say for sure. It would be speculation to assume that I know what is in another man's heart. The left does not have a problem making this assumption for political gain, even in cases where there is absolutely zero evidence.

#1: He lies!
He does. All politicians lie. I am surprised this is even a criticism. We cannot trust any of those weasels.

As for the rest of your bullshit apologies for Trump's amoral and illegal behaviour and saying "they're all like this", well no they're not.

Trump is defying immigration law, because he doesn't want to let people who aren't white, Christian and well off, into the US. Trump has decided to bar people from seeking asylum, to bar people from countries he deems "shitholes", and to ban Muslim immigration. He's trying to rescind the citizenship of some immigrants. He's tossed out all of the visa immigrants from Hispanic countries.

Trump is the President of ALL OF THE PEOPLE. That includes blacks, immigrants, hispanics, and women. He is governing for his base. Pandering to the racists. Destroying the country with hate, fear and paranoia.[/QUOTE]
In College, the Student Lives Like a Child. That's Why He Graduates With the Mind of a Child.

The deeper a reality-based thinker goes into Leftist cults indoctrinated under "the ideologies of the educated," the dumber those warped perspectives become. As a typical example of smug stupidity, Progues glorify the wrong end of the Bell Curve; such a hypocritical contradiction proves that college education has as little to do with making anyone intelligent as reading the sports pages has with making anyone athletic.

Complementing the false conceit of the sheltered and smug pseudo-intellectuals is the fact that the deeper a reality-based mind goes beyond Trump's uninhibited personality presentations, the more The Donald fits the definition of "untutored genius."
They rejected guys with flat feet during Vietnam.
A draft dodger is someone who escaped to Canada to avoid the draft.

He didn't have flat feet. He had bone spurs.
I have bone spurs, and they definitely prevent you from marching or running miles every day. They aren't a joke.

There is no amount of low behaviour and flat out lies that you won't believe so long is it comes out of Trump's mouth. You really are too stupid to be one person.

Considering that you're using one of Trump's biggest lies as your signature meme, I don't think you comprehend the meaning of the word "irony". Schumer never said this, and it isn't true, no matter how many times Trump repeats it.

It's not illegal immigrants who are voting for Democrats. It's the honest and decent people who believe in the Constitution, the rule of law, and respect and dignity for ALL CITIZENS.

Every day, more and more decent Republicans are walking away from Donald Trump and his policies of hate, division, fear and paranoia. The smart ones at least. Soon the Republican Party will only consist of low-information voters who actually believe the shit Trump spouts. People like YOU.

Seriously put down the pipe Dragon lady. How is it so many progressives can wake up in the morning only to spend their entire day consumed by intellectual dishonesty and "racial awareness"? People like you CONSTANTLY say things not for their merit, but because it makes you feel good about yourself and puts a smug look on your face.

The better job Trump objectively performs, the more abstract and desperate progressive narrative becomes. You people cannot criticize Trump for results, so you invent feelings for this, that and the other. TRUMP IS ANGRY.....TRUMP COULD BE, TRUMP MIGHT BE.......blah blah blah code for a trainload of bullshit.

You progressives have been had 24/7 by the internet and media. THEY BUILD HATRED, DIVISION AND ALARM, plain and simple, and the results are clear. They built it, and for the simple & fragile mind, it must be true. First MFing story I see on Yahoo, just another day at the office:
U.S. Conservatives are terrified of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. And so they should be
Last edited:
Which one of those do you think is a lie?
I'll answer.

Complete lies:
3, 5, 9

Partial lies:
4 - He is not responsible for violence
6 - if by "conservative" they mean he supports free markets, then it is a lie. He does.
7 - he is not religious.
8 - he is a good business man. No one would seriously question that. - He did have his daddy's money to start with.

No way to really tell:
2, 10

The only completely true allegation is #1. He does lie. Glass houses.

Trump isn't responsible for the violence in the same way that Charlie Manson isn't responsible for his followers killing Sharon Tate and her friends or the LaBianca's. And for the same reason.
You are so over the edge that mere words can't describe it.
They rejected guys with flat feet during Vietnam.
A draft dodger is someone who escaped to Canada to avoid the draft.

He didn't have flat feet. He had bone spurs.
I have bone spurs, and they definitely prevent you from marching or running miles every day. They aren't a joke.

There is no amount of low behaviour and flat out lies that you won't believe so long is it comes out of Trump's mouth. You really are too stupid to be one person.

Considering that you're using one of Trump's biggest lies as your signature meme, I don't think you comprehend the meaning of the word "irony". Schumer never said this, and it isn't true, no matter how many times Trump repeats it.

It's not illegal immigrants who are voting for Democrats. It's the honest and decent people who believe in the Constitution, the rule of law, and respect and dignity for ALL CITIZENS.

Every day, more and more decent Republicans are walking away from Donald Trump and his policies of hate, division, fear and paranoia. The smart ones at least. Soon the Republican Party will only consist of low-information voters who actually believe the shit Trump spouts. People like YOU.
Trump had nothing to do with the picture in my signature, you fucking dingbat. It's pointless to argue with anyone as deranged as you. That's why I seldom bother.

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