10/2020: Solar is now ‘Cheapest Electricity in History’, confirms IEA

How much longer will there be coal ? All the clean coal is gone ( anthracite ) . They are burning dirty coal now ( bituminous ) and how much more of that can the earth take ? The climate change crisis is upon us , and we keep adding to the problem. The sun isn't going anywhere and it suppose to last another 5 billion years.
There is still anthracite to be had, but cost is higher, to be sure.

At current estimates there are 300 to 600 years worth of coal available. There is NO proof of a climate change crisis. There is just climate change. It is normal.

Their claims of widespread destruction are certainly not born out by THEIR actions.

They claim the Maldives are going to be underwater in a few years, yet they are spending billions on airports all over the Maldives to bring in tourists.

If those islands were truly at risk no one would invest that sort of money in them.

Take a look at EVERY plan that they have to "combat climate change". They all involve transferring money from the poor and middle class, to them.

If the situation were as dire as they claim there would be truly draconian measures in place to reverse what is happening.

But no. They merely tax you for "polluting". That money goes into their pockets.

Where is the danger if all a company has to do is pay a tax to pollute? The carbon tax works like this. I am a company that pollutes. I buy YOUR carbon allowance because you don't use it.

I give that money to them. I still get to pollute. I don't need to do ANYTHING to reduce the amount that I pollute. Not. One. Thing.

So where then, is the emergency?
There is still anthracite to be had, but cost is higher, to be sure.

At current estimates there are 300 to 600 years worth of coal available. There is NO proof of a climate change crisis. There is just climate change. It is normal.
The rate at which CO2 and temperatures are rising has not been seen in 15 times the span of human history. How is that normal?
Their claims of widespread destruction are certainly not born out by THEIR actions.
I note you did NOT say that they were not born out by observations. The logic that says AGW isn't happening because Obama bought a home near the ocean is exactly as valid as rejecting the carcinogenic nature of tobacco because we still have smokers.
They claim the Maldives are going to be underwater in a few years, yet they are spending billions on airports all over the Maldives to bring in tourists.

If those islands were truly at risk no one would invest that sort of money in them.
Why don't you look up the per capita income of your average Maldivean and tell us how they live.
Take a look at EVERY plan that they have "combat climate change". They all involve transferring money from the poor and middle class, to them.
First, identify THEM, then show us one of their plans that does what you claim.
If the situation were as dire as they claim there would be truly draconian measures in place to reverse what is happening.
Smoking cigarettes is killing people, horribly, yet we still sell them on every corner of the nation. How can that be?
But no. They merely tax you for "polluting". That money goes into their pockets.
Who is "THEY" and what money is going into their pockets?
Where is the danger if all a company has to do is pay a tax to pollute? The carbon tax works like this. I am a company that pollutes. I buy YOUR carbon allowance because you don't use it.

I give that money to them. I still get to pollute. I don't need to do ANYTHING to reduce the amount that I pollute. Not. One. Thing.
If you're a business that doesn't object to paying bills you can avoid, you won't be in business very long. Problem solved!
So where then, is the emergency?
In the real world. You should come visit some time.
The rate at which CO2 and temperatures are rising has not been seen in 15 times the span of human history. How is that normal?

I note you did NOT say that they were not born out by observations. The logic that says AGW isn't happening because Obama bought a home near the ocean is exactly as valid as rejecting the carcinogenic nature of tobacco because we still have smokers.

Why don't you look up the per capita income of your average Maldivean and tell us how they live.

First, identify THEM, then show us one of their plans that does what you claim.

Smoking cigarettes is killing people, horribly, yet we still sell them on every corner of the nation. How can that be?

Who is "THEY" and what money is going into their pockets?

If you're a business that doesn't object to paying bills you can avoid, you won't be in business very long. Problem solved!

In the real world. You should come visit some time.
Relax. CO2 is a weak GHG. For every doubling or halving of CO2, it produces only 1C of surface temperature change. The planet is naturally warming up to its pre-glacial temperature like it always has for the last 3 million years before temperature changes affect salinity and density of ocean waters and disrupts heat flow from the Atlantic to the Arctic which triggers glacial periods because the landmass configuration is uniquely configured for colder temperatures.
How much longer will there be coal ? All the clean coal is gone ( anthracite ) . They are burning dirty coal now ( bituminous ) and how much more of that can the earth take ? The climate change crisis is upon us , and we keep adding to the problem. The sun isn't going anywhere and it suppose to last another 5 billion years.

Tell the poor in India that "you can't burn coal, because it's too dirty, keep burning dung".
Like I've said all along fossil fuels will run out sooner than we can imagine and long before that happens the costs will make it prohibitive to use them as we are using them today. We can't wait until that day to develop alternatives. Thank GOD for forward-thinking people.
Forward thinking people, do not use our natural resources carelessly. Forward thinking people would build something that has not been built for hundreds of years, that would be Wind Mills.

Wind turbines, very inefficient, to the point that all companies go bankrupt without massive subsidies.

Wind turbines, you can not build just one, you can not build just a 100, you can not even stop at 10,000. We must build wind turbines forever.

Wind turbines, use the largest amount of natural resources giving us very little electricity. They are literal, dinosaurs, obsolete before they leave the drawing board.

Wind and Solar manufacturing depletes oil and all fossil fuels faster, by using a million times more in manufacturing.

If we ask Stann to describe the process and the chemicals to build solar and wind, at best Stann will have to google an answer.
It's clearly super-duper cheap.
That's why Germans pay the highest rates in the world, all their cheap solar electricity.
If the government has to subsidize something then it ain't cheap.

These stupid Environmental Wackos don't understand the simple concept of false economics.

If solar was the cheapest then everybody would be anxious to put it in without government subsidizes or mandates.

But it ain't the cheapest. It hardly works. A very costly and inefficient way to produce electricity and it can't compete with fossil fuels by a long shot.
If the government has to subsidize something then it ain't cheap.

These stupid Environmental Wackos don't understand the simple concept of false economics.

If solar was the cheapest then everybody would be anxious to put it in without government subsidizes or mandates.

But it ain't the cheapest. It hardly works. A very costly and inefficient way to produce electricity and it can't compete with fossil fuels by a long shot.
WOW! You all guys must make big bucks from BIG OIL It WAS a good ride , wasn't it.
If the government has to subsidize something then it ain't cheap.

These stupid Environmental Wackos don't understand the simple concept of false economics.

If solar was the cheapest then everybody would be anxious to put it in without government subsidizes or mandates.

But it ain't the cheapest. It hardly works. A very costly and inefficient way to produce electricity and it can't compete with fossil fuels by a long shot.
Do you understand who the IEA is?
Do you understand who the IEA is?
Yes. You mentioned it in a post quite some time ago , I looked it up. No problem. Unlike the Big Oil promoters on here and obviously there are many; I have faith in the government and the wisdom of their planning. No system is perfect , but that's life. Obviously we cannot continue on the same path. It's brought us to this point but the costs have been astronomical.
If the government has to subsidize something then it ain't cheap.

These stupid Environmental Wackos don't understand the simple concept of false economics.

If solar was the cheapest then everybody would be anxious to put it in without government subsidizes or mandates.

But it ain't the cheapest. It hardly works. A very costly and inefficient way to produce electricity and it can't compete with fossil fuels by a long shot.
Whoa bubba, are you suggesting the warmers can’t think on their own? I agree
Yes. You mentioned it in a post quite some time ago , I looked it up. No problem. Unlike the Big Oil promoters on here and obviously there are many; I have faith in the government and the wisdom of their planning. No system is perfect , but that's life. Obviously we cannot continue on the same path. It's brought us to this point but the costs have been astronomical.
The government doesn’t own the grid!
WOW! You all guys must make big bucks from BIG OIL It WAS a good ride , wasn't it.
None of us get money from oil companies. Ask yourself another question, who gets to make the TRILLIONS of dollars from replacing the current energy system?

Guess what. It's the very same people who are pushing the scam.

You complain about oil companies making a few billion dollars, but completely ignore the TRILLIONS that are on the line for those who push the scam.

Why is that?

Do YOU hope to benefit from the scam too?
Do you understand who the IEA is?
Do you even know that any country in the world that has commercial solar and most countries with private solar subsidized the goddamn things? That is false economics. Dumb economics.

I have posted this before but I will do it again becuse you don't have the mental capacity to retain the knowledge I have imparted on you in other discussions.

I have a good friend that is an executive at Duke Energy, one the largest power companies in the US. He is a real engineer and like me he knows that solar is a shit way to produce energy. I asked him since he and most knowledge people in the world knows that solar is tremendously inefficient and a waste of money how come Duke is putting up the stupid solar farms? He says for three reasons:

1. Like many US companies they get financing from European banks that have better terms. However, they have to adhere to misguided EU policies on "sustainability" and a commitment to really idiotic Green projects in order to get the banks to lend them the money. In other words more government interference that has nothing to do with real science.

2. They get government subsidies for building the goddamn things. Lots of government money. In other words the government steals our money through taxation and gives it to Duke to do something stupid that they wouldn't otherwise do.

3. They can pass along the cost of the worthless solar farms to the consumers through higher utility rates.

The other thing that he didn't mention is the really dumbass policies of the Potatohead administration to artificially run up the cost of fossil fuels. That makes Duke more incline to take the filthy money and build the inefficient solar farms

It doesn't cost them hardly anything and it kisses the ass of the demented confused stupid Environmental Wackos and in this filthy ass woke world that seems to be important to those that aren't very smart.

My friend also tells me that the maintenance on these solar farms is absolutely a nightmare. The life cycle of one is more like five to seven years than the 20 years of what you would expect.

Solar can't compete with fossil fuels and that is the reason they are only viable through misguided and absolutely bat shit crazy government interference. Stupid way to run an economy that is dependent on massive amounts of energy, isn't it? Energy that Environmental Wackos like you need to run your heat, AC, refrigerators, clothes dryers and every other carbon footprint items in your home.
Do you even know that any country in the world that has commercial solar and most countries with private solar subsidized the goddamn things? That is false economics. Dumb economics.

I have posted this before but I will do it again becuse you don't have the mental capacity to retain the knowledge I have imparted on you in other discussions.

I have a good friend that is an executive at Duke Energy, one the largest power companies in the US. He is a real engineer and like me he knows that solar is a shit way to produce energy. I asked him since he and most knowledge people in the world knows that solar is tremendously inefficient and a waste of money how come Duke is putting up the stupid solar farms? He says for three reasons:

1. Like many US companies they get financing from European banks that have better terms. However, they have to adhere to misguided EU policies on "sustainability" and a commitment to really idiotic Green projects in order to get the banks to lend them the money. In other words more government interference that has nothing to do with real science.

2. They get government subsidies for building the goddamn things. Lots of government money. In other words the government steals our money through taxation and gives it to Duke to do something stupid that they wouldn't otherwise do.

3. They can pass along the cost of the worthless solar farms to the consumers through higher utility rates.

The other thing that he didn't mention is the really dumbass policies of the Potatohead administration to artificially run up the cost of fossil fuels. That makes Duke more incline to take the filth money and build the inefficient solar farms

It doesn't cost them hardly anything and it it kisses the ass of the demented confused stupid Environmental Wackos and in this filthy ass woke world that seems to be important to those that aren't very smart.

My friend also tells me that the maintenance on these solar farms is absolutely a nightmare. The life cycle of one is more like five to seven years than the 20 years of what you would expect.

Solar can't compete with fossil fuels and that is the reason they are only viable through misguided and absolutely bat shit crazy government interference. Stupid way to run an economy that is dependent on massive amounts of energy, isn't it? Energy that Environmental Wackos like you need to run your heat, AC, refrigerators, clothes dryers and every other carbon footprint items in your home.
Crick is a one trick pony. It understands nothing that it posts.

Crick is a one trick pony. It understands nothing that it posts.

I know. I have been trying to educate the dufus for sometime now but he cannot be educated. This silly ass AGW scam is a religion to him. Just like Scientology where the leaders of the church knows it all a scam but the rank and file are obsessed with believing.

I really didn't post that for him. You can't teach a stupid Environmental Wacko anything. I posted it for other people to read just to show what an idiot Crick is.

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