When it comes to China and trade, Trump is like Chinese food. Won Dum Fuk.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Let me tell you how this is working and how it should work.

First, let's agree on the facts.

China steals from everyone. Every country they trade with, they steal secrets from and they trade unfairly.

So what is the most obvious way to beat back China?

Think about it.

Think about NATO. After the Russians became the worlds number one enemy, NATO was formed which created mutual protection for a bunch of countries including us. They surrounded Russia and kept Russia contained.

So Donald Trump, being Chinese food, and of burning bridges with ALL of our friends around the world, he should have organized them as a block to force China to come to the table and negotiate. The number one economy in the world is China. Second is the European Union and third is the United States.

Instead Won Dum Fuk decided to go it alone. He made enemies of all of our FORMER friends. And now there is no one to help us against China.

Instead, we have enormous brand new taxes called Tariffs. We have farmers going out of business and a falling stock market. All because Won Dum Fuk can't work with others.

This will never get fixed as long as he is in office. And maybe even after. Who could trust this country now that Won Dum Fuk has made us the laughing stock of the world?

All I can say is "rots of ruk".
Let me tell you how this is working and how it should work.

First, let's agree on the facts.

China steals from everyone. Every country they trade with, they steal secrets from and they trade unfairly.

So what is the most obvious way to beat back China?

Think about it.

Think about NATO. After the Russians became the worlds number one enemy, NATO was formed which created mutual protection for a bunch of countries including us. They surrounded Russia and kept Russia contained.

So Donald Trump, being Chinese food, and of burning bridges with ALL of our friends around the world, he should have organized them as a block to force China to come to the table and negotiate. The number one economy in the world is China. Second is the European Union and third is the United States.

Instead Won Dum Fuk decided to go it alone. He made enemies of all of our FORMER friends. And now there is no one to help us against China.

Instead, we have enormous brand new taxes called Tariffs. We have farmers going out of business and a falling stock market. All because Won Dum Fuk can't work with others.

This will never get fixed as long as he is in office. And maybe even after. Who could trust this country now that Won Dum Fuk has made us the laughing stock of the world?

All I can say is "rots of ruk".

So you are opposed to collecting taxes when we have $20 trillion debt and you support China’s unfair trade practices. You want to keep rewarding communists and their abysmal humanitarian and environmental record. You want to go on rewarding companies that move manufacturing to China and put American manufacturers out of business.

Yea, run on that.
Another anti American thread.. rooting for China .. treason
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Preferring a summary? Oh my god this sounds like Bill barR!
Let me tell you how this is working and how it should work.

First, let's agree on the facts.

China steals from everyone. Every country they trade with, they steal secrets from and they trade unfairly.

So what is the most obvious way to beat back China?

Think about it.

Think about NATO. After the Russians became the worlds number one enemy, NATO was formed which created mutual protection for a bunch of countries including us. They surrounded Russia and kept Russia contained.

So Donald Trump, being Chinese food, and of burning bridges with ALL of our friends around the world, he should have organized them as a block to force China to come to the table and negotiate. The number one economy in the world is China. Second is the European Union and third is the United States.

Instead Won Dum Fuk decided to go it alone. He made enemies of all of our FORMER friends. And now there is no one to help us against China.

Instead, we have enormous brand new taxes called Tariffs. We have farmers going out of business and a falling stock market. All because Won Dum Fuk can't work with others.

This will never get fixed as long as he is in office. And maybe even after. Who could trust this country now that Won Dum Fuk has made us the laughing stock of the world?

All I can say is "rots of ruk".

psst... Dentard......US is the number 1 economy in the world. Maybe the mods will let you delete that OP, or you may look like an idiot.....darn..too late.
Let me tell you how this is working and how it should work.

First, let's agree on the facts.

China steals from everyone. Every country they trade with, they steal secrets from and they trade unfairly.

So what is the most obvious way to beat back China?

Think about it.

Think about NATO. After the Russians became the worlds number one enemy, NATO was formed which created mutual protection for a bunch of countries including us. They surrounded Russia and kept Russia contained.

So Donald Trump, being Chinese food, and of burning bridges with ALL of our friends around the world, he should have organized them as a block to force China to come to the table and negotiate. The number one economy in the world is China. Second is the European Union and third is the United States.

Instead Won Dum Fuk decided to go it alone. He made enemies of all of our FORMER friends. And now there is no one to help us against China.

Instead, we have enormous brand new taxes called Tariffs. We have farmers going out of business and a falling stock market. All because Won Dum Fuk can't work with others.

This will never get fixed as long as he is in office. And maybe even after. Who could trust this country now that Won Dum Fuk has made us the laughing stock of the world?

All I can say is "rots of ruk".

So you are opposed to collecting taxes when we have $20 trillion debt and you support China’s unfair trade practices. You want to keep rewarding communists and their abysmal humanitarian and environmental record. You want to go on rewarding companies that move manufacturing to China and put American manufacturers out of business.

Yea, run on that.

Let’s be clear. These tariffs are not collecting taxes from the Chinese. They are a tax on Americans. Agree or disagree with the tariffs, but you better damn well better understand who pays them.

Here’s how the current tariffs on goods coming into the US from China work: taxes are applied on goods coming in, and American importers are the ones responsible for paying them. Some absorb the cost; most pass them onto the consumer.
The US is responsible for paying trade tariffs on imports, not China
Let me tell you how this is working and how it should work.

First, let's agree on the facts.

China steals from everyone. Every country they trade with, they steal secrets from and they trade unfairly.

So what is the most obvious way to beat back China?

Think about it.

Think about NATO. After the Russians became the worlds number one enemy, NATO was formed which created mutual protection for a bunch of countries including us. They surrounded Russia and kept Russia contained.

So Donald Trump, being Chinese food, and of burning bridges with ALL of our friends around the world, he should have organized them as a block to force China to come to the table and negotiate. The number one economy in the world is China. Second is the European Union and third is the United States.

Instead Won Dum Fuk decided to go it alone. He made enemies of all of our FORMER friends. And now there is no one to help us against China.

Instead, we have enormous brand new taxes called Tariffs. We have farmers going out of business and a falling stock market. All because Won Dum Fuk can't work with others.

This will never get fixed as long as he is in office. And maybe even after. Who could trust this country now that Won Dum Fuk has made us the laughing stock of the world?

All I can say is "rots of ruk".

So you are opposed to collecting taxes when we have $20 trillion debt and you support China’s unfair trade practices. You want to keep rewarding communists and their abysmal humanitarian and environmental record. You want to go on rewarding companies that move manufacturing to China and put American manufacturers out of business.

Yea, run on that.

Let’s be clear. These tariffs are not collecting taxes from the Chinese. They are a tax on Americans. Agree or disagree with the tariffs, but you better damn well better understand who pays them.

Here’s how the current tariffs on goods coming into the US from China work: taxes are applied on goods coming in, and American importers are the ones responsible for paying them. Some absorb the cost; most pass them onto the consumer.
The US is responsible for paying trade tariffs on imports, not China

No shit Sherlock, that’s why I called it collecting taxes. The tariffs do however harm China, because sales of their products goes down. The goal is to move manufacturing back to the US or at least for us to do business with countries with similar standard of living which we practice free trade with.

The tariffs don’t hurt America, it hurts companies that outsource to China, and rewards companies that manufacture in the USA.

Poor deanTard, how does it feel to be defending the communists over your own country?

Are you even really an American?
Let me tell you how this is working and how it should work.

First, let's agree on the facts.

China steals from everyone. Every country they trade with, they steal secrets from and they trade unfairly.

So what is the most obvious way to beat back China?

Think about it.

Think about NATO. After the Russians became the worlds number one enemy, NATO was formed which created mutual protection for a bunch of countries including us. They surrounded Russia and kept Russia contained.

So Donald Trump, being Chinese food, and of burning bridges with ALL of our friends around the world, he should have organized them as a block to force China to come to the table and negotiate. The number one economy in the world is China. Second is the European Union and third is the United States.

Instead Won Dum Fuk decided to go it alone. He made enemies of all of our FORMER friends. And now there is no one to help us against China.

Instead, we have enormous brand new taxes called Tariffs. We have farmers going out of business and a falling stock market. All because Won Dum Fuk can't work with others.

This will never get fixed as long as he is in office. And maybe even after. Who could trust this country now that Won Dum Fuk has made us the laughing stock of the world?

All I can say is "rots of ruk".
Oh these fools didn’t even read this and they are making all those comments. This is the problem with why Republicans should never ever be allowed to run the country. They actually think going it alone is good for America.
Let me tell you how this is working and how it should work.

First, let's agree on the facts.

China steals from everyone. Every country they trade with, they steal secrets from and they trade unfairly.

So what is the most obvious way to beat back China?

Think about it.

Think about NATO. After the Russians became the worlds number one enemy, NATO was formed which created mutual protection for a bunch of countries including us. They surrounded Russia and kept Russia contained.

So Donald Trump, being Chinese food, and of burning bridges with ALL of our friends around the world, he should have organized them as a block to force China to come to the table and negotiate. The number one economy in the world is China. Second is the European Union and third is the United States.

Instead Won Dum Fuk decided to go it alone. He made enemies of all of our FORMER friends. And now there is no one to help us against China.

Instead, we have enormous brand new taxes called Tariffs. We have farmers going out of business and a falling stock market. All because Won Dum Fuk can't work with others.

This will never get fixed as long as he is in office. And maybe even after. Who could trust this country now that Won Dum Fuk has made us the laughing stock of the world?

All I can say is "rots of ruk".
When it comes to your thread idiocy you’re like Chinese food. Another one’ll be along in an hour.
Let me tell you how this is working and how it should work.

First, let's agree on the facts.

China steals from everyone. Every country they trade with, they steal secrets from and they trade unfairly.

So what is the most obvious way to beat back China?

Think about it.

Think about NATO. After the Russians became the worlds number one enemy, NATO was formed which created mutual protection for a bunch of countries including us. They surrounded Russia and kept Russia contained.

So Donald Trump, being Chinese food, and of burning bridges with ALL of our friends around the world, he should have organized them as a block to force China to come to the table and negotiate. The number one economy in the world is China. Second is the European Union and third is the United States.

Instead Won Dum Fuk decided to go it alone. He made enemies of all of our FORMER friends. And now there is no one to help us against China.

Instead, we have enormous brand new taxes called Tariffs. We have farmers going out of business and a falling stock market. All because Won Dum Fuk can't work with others.

This will never get fixed as long as he is in office. And maybe even after. Who could trust this country now that Won Dum Fuk has made us the laughing stock of the world?

All I can say is "rots of ruk".
When it comes to your thread idiocy you’re like Chinese food. Another one’ll be along in an hour.
You guys are like a bunch of poisonous lemmings.

You rush to name call and cry why did you say this and then post some imaginary quote. It’s like this determination to be as stupid and ignorant as possible and to remain that way. I just don’t get it.

Let me try it again with these people that are deafened by the shout of their own ignorant voices.

America can’t win by going in alone.

Let me say that again.

America can’t win by going it alone.

Real leaders gather supporters behind them. And in this case that would be other countries, for instance the people in the European Union.

Create a strategy everybody can get behind and that’s how you have real leverage and power to negotiate. It’s the numbers.

You can’t have a discussion with ignorant fuks when they refuse to learn anything. And they come up with these imaginary scenarios like you hate the United States. They are ignorant fuks.

Going in alone means damage to this country. What the fuk is up with ignorant morons that don’t understand that?

America can’t go it alone.
I don’t think Republicans understand the reason we have trade deals with groups of countries. They think this country should just go it alone. That’s how you lose.

Which team would win more? The basketball team that’s got five players on the court or the basketball team that has one player?
Just watched Tom cotton on TV saying that if our soldiers make sacrifices overseas then there’s nothing wrong with a few farmers making sacrifices here.
And Senator Tom cotton comes from a farm state.

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