To me, it looked like Sec. Ben Carson thought Congresswomen Porter called him an "OREO".


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
“Oreo?”: A Very Hungry Ben Carson Lays Out His Plan to Evict Immigrants From Public Housing

Watching Ben Ben with intelligent people trying to ask him about his job was painful. He was asked how many people were on the list for government housing and he said a couple of hundred thousand? One Congresswoman said no, 4.1 MILLION.

Congresswoman Porter asked him about R. E. O. (real estate owned) and he became confused and asked "Oreo?" as if that was how he was being addressed.

Then later, Congresswoman Porter asked him a different question and he said I don't know, do you? She said yes. And he asked her "Please Explain".........HIS JOB!

He asked her to explain his job to him and then asked if she would drop by his office and explain to his staff.

This is not a joke.

This is why Trump has the most corrupt cabinet in American History.


Government audit: Carson's $40K office purchases broke law

That from just a couple of days ago.

And this is why you are a totally blind racist. How does it feel to out yourself?
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How warped.
I know.
That he could be head of an agency that he thinks he's only helping a couple of hundred thousand people.

And he's off by a factor of 20. He didn't even know those people exist. Millions of Americans he's supposed to help and he didn't know they exist.

So he spends his time fleecing taxpayers and breaking the law.
How warped.
I know.
That he could be head of an agency that he thinks he's only helping a couple of hundred thousand people.

And he's off by a factor of 20. He didn't even know those people exist. Millions of Americans he's supposed to help and he didn't know they exist.

So he spends his time fleecing taxpayers and breaking the law.

You are warped....PH
Ben Carson is a fantastic individual.

I wish the 1st black pres. of the US had been a real American black man, Now we gotta deal with Obama damage n stuff :cuckoo:
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Seriously. Why even bring this up?
It's his job to know stuff connected to HUD.

No one has figured that out?

It's like Rick Perry. He wanted to get rid of the Department of Energy but he accepted the job anyway. Then he was shocked to find out they actually did stuff. Including managing America's nuclear energy. The guy before him was a doctor of physics.

But that's Trump and the Republicans. Don't use smart people. Use RICH people who don't know anything. But they can always figure out a way to fleece taxpayers.
Ben Carson is a fantastic individual.

I wish the 1st black pres. of the US had been a real American black man, Now we gotta deal with Obama damage n stuff :cuckoo:
You should check out the link before you go any further. He may have been a good doctor, but he knows nothing beyond that and doesn't care to know.
The videos on Youtube make him look moronic. There is no other way to describe it.
Seriously. Why even bring this up?
It's his job to know stuff connected to HUD.

No one has figured that out?

It's like Rick Perry. He wanted to get rid of the Department of Energy but he accepted the job anyway. Then he was shocked to find out they actually did stuff. Including managing America's nuclear energy. The guy before him was a doctor of physics.

But that's Trump and the Republicans. Don't use smart people. Use RICH people who don't know anything. But they can always figure out a way to fleece taxpayers.

Is it your job to attack and attack.....every single day and night. Pathetic. You are not worthy to lick Carson's shoes.
How warped.
I know.
That he could be head of an agency that he thinks he's only helping a couple of hundred thousand people.

And he's off by a factor of 20. He didn't even know those people exist. Millions of Americans he's supposed to help and he didn't know they exist.

So he spends his time fleecing taxpayers and breaking the law.

You are warped....PH
I have to disagree. I think whoever supports this drain on the American taxpayer is warped.

If he's so good, then explain why. I already proved he's corrupt and has no morals. Prove otherwise. You won't. Because you can't.
How warped.
I know.
That he could be head of an agency that he thinks he's only helping a couple of hundred thousand people.

And he's off by a factor of 20. He didn't even know those people exist. Millions of Americans he's supposed to help and he didn't know they exist.

So he spends his time fleecing taxpayers and breaking the law.

You are warped....PH
I have to disagree. I think whoever supports this drain on the American taxpayer is warped.

If he's so good, then explain why. I already proved he's corrupt and has no morals. Prove otherwise. You won't. Because you can't.

You proved?? LOL I don't even know what to ALWAYS think you prove, yet you NEVER do. I am embarrassed for you.
Seriously. Why even bring this up?
It's his job to know stuff connected to HUD.

No one has figured that out?

It's like Rick Perry. He wanted to get rid of the Department of Energy but he accepted the job anyway. Then he was shocked to find out they actually did stuff. Including managing America's nuclear energy. The guy before him was a doctor of physics.

But that's Trump and the Republicans. Don't use smart people. Use RICH people who don't know anything. But they can always figure out a way to fleece taxpayers.

Is it your job to attack and attack.....every single day and night. Pathetic. You are not worthy to lick Carson's shoes.
I wonder how much his shoes cost and how many taxpayers it took to pay for them?

HUD chief Carson broke law with unauthorized purchases, GAO says

Why are Republicans always defending criminals?
Seriously. Why even bring this up?
It's his job to know stuff connected to HUD.

No one has figured that out?

It's like Rick Perry. He wanted to get rid of the Department of Energy but he accepted the job anyway. Then he was shocked to find out they actually did stuff. Including managing America's nuclear energy. The guy before him was a doctor of physics.

But that's Trump and the Republicans. Don't use smart people. Use RICH people who don't know anything. But they can always figure out a way to fleece taxpayers.

Is it your job to attack and attack.....every single day and night. Pathetic. You are not worthy to lick Carson's shoes.
I wonder how much his shoes cost and how many taxpayers it took to pay for them?

HUD chief Carson broke law with unauthorized purchases, GAO says

Why are Republicans always defending criminals?

None of your business how much his shoes cost.

You are now calling him a criminal?
How warped.
I know.
That he could be head of an agency that he thinks he's only helping a couple of hundred thousand people.

And he's off by a factor of 20. He didn't even know those people exist. Millions of Americans he's supposed to help and he didn't know they exist.

So he spends his time fleecing taxpayers and breaking the law.

You are warped....PH
I have to disagree. I think whoever supports this drain on the American taxpayer is warped.

If he's so good, then explain why. I already proved he's corrupt and has no morals. Prove otherwise. You won't. Because you can't.

You proved?? LOL I don't even know what to ALWAYS think you prove, yet you NEVER do. I am embarrassed for you.
That's why I post links. I think they are very important. I even post Fox when ever I can.

Carson's office purchases broke law, government auditors say - Fox News

See what I mean?
How warped.
I know.
That he could be head of an agency that he thinks he's only helping a couple of hundred thousand people.

And he's off by a factor of 20. He didn't even know those people exist. Millions of Americans he's supposed to help and he didn't know they exist.

So he spends his time fleecing taxpayers and breaking the law.

You are warped....PH
I have to disagree. I think whoever supports this drain on the American taxpayer is warped.

If he's so good, then explain why. I already proved he's corrupt and has no morals. Prove otherwise. You won't. Because you can't.

You proved?? LOL I don't even know what to ALWAYS think you prove, yet you NEVER do. I am embarrassed for you.
That's why I post links. I think they are very important. I even post Fox when ever I can.

Carson's office purchases broke law, government auditors say

See what I mean?

Your links do not mean shit. Don't you yet realize you are a joke???
I know.
That he could be head of an agency that he thinks he's only helping a couple of hundred thousand people.

And he's off by a factor of 20. He didn't even know those people exist. Millions of Americans he's supposed to help and he didn't know they exist.

So he spends his time fleecing taxpayers and breaking the law.

You are warped....PH
I have to disagree. I think whoever supports this drain on the American taxpayer is warped.

If he's so good, then explain why. I already proved he's corrupt and has no morals. Prove otherwise. You won't. Because you can't.

You proved?? LOL I don't even know what to ALWAYS think you prove, yet you NEVER do. I am embarrassed for you.
That's why I post links. I think they are very important. I even post Fox when ever I can.

Carson's office purchases broke law, government auditors say

See what I mean?

Your links do not mean shit. Don't you yet realize you are a joke???
Now you are just personally attacking me.

No political discussion, just personal attacks.

Is that part of your mandate? Ignore the facts. Don't read the links? And attack those who respect the law?

This is has every appearance of being a cult.

Three EQUAL branches of government.

1. The executive, which includes the president.

2. The legislative branch which includes both legislation AND oversight.

3. The judiciary.

We have oversight. That comes from both a free press and a congress with broad subpoena powers.

Being president is NOT being King. No one is above the law. When they break it after they take an oath as a public servant, they deserve whatever ridicule they EARNED.
Seriously. Why even bring this up?
It's his job to know stuff connected to HUD.

No one has figured that out?

It's like Rick Perry. He wanted to get rid of the Department of Energy but he accepted the job anyway. Then he was shocked to find out they actually did stuff. Including managing America's nuclear energy. The guy before him was a doctor of physics.

But that's Trump and the Republicans. Don't use smart people. Use RICH people who don't know anything. But they can always figure out a way to fleece taxpayers.

Rick Perry is a fucking moron. What does that have to do with Carson?

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