A Need Greater Now Than Ever – Vigorous Oversight of an Expanding Executive: what GOP said to Obama


Gold Member
May 8, 2017

A Constitutional Obligation: Congressional Oversight of the Executive Branch Hand-in-hand with the powers expressly granted to Congress by the Constitution – among others, to legislate, to appropriate funds, to declare war, to raise armies, and to impeach – is the implicit responsibility to perform rigorous oversight of the Executive Branch.1 As one historian noted, “it was not considered necessary to make an explicit grant of such authority. The power to make laws implied the power to see whether they were faithfully executed.”2

Moreover, the U.S. Supreme Court has recognized this Congressional power on numerous occasions. For example, the Court held that “the power of inquiry – with process to enforce it – is an essential and appropriate auxiliary to the legislative function .… A legislative body cannot legislate wisely or effectively in the absence of information respecting the conditions which the legislation is intended to affect or change, and where the legislative body does not itself possess the requisite information -- which not infrequently is true -- recourse must be had to others who do possess it.”4 Further, in Watkins v. United States, Chief Justice Warren wrote for the majority:

We start with several basic premises on which there is general agreement. The power of Congress to conduct investigations is inherent in the legislative process. That power is broad. It encompasses inquiries concerning the administration of existing laws as well as proposed or possibly needed statutes. It includes surveys of defects in the social, economic, or political system for the purpose of enabling Congress to remedy them. It comprehends probes into departments of the federal government to expose corruption, inefficiency, or waste.5



Look at that. Constitutional Obligation. He should have said, "Constitutional Obligation unless a Republican is in office".

Republicans endlessly investigated the Obama administration. Just Benghazi alone had 17 separate investigations.

We know Trump is guilty of at least a dozen felonies. And yet the GOP endlessly protect Trump.

Is this evidence of Party before Country?
Bullshit. The purpose of Congress is to legislate laws, not to conduct endless investigations. That's the job of the judicial branch of government, not the legislative branch.
The problem isn't a lack of Congressional oversight. The problem is the Congress makes a bunch of half-baked laws without much regard for the details and then punts them into an Executive Department agency to actually fill in the rules and regulations and run.
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Bullshit. The purpose of Congress is to legislate laws, not to conduct endless investigations. That's the job of the judicial branch of government, not the legislative branch.
Wrong again. It’s oversight. So the executive branch isn’t a king. It’s right there in the first article of the Constitution.
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The problem isn't a lack of Congressional oversight. The problem is the Congress makes a bunch of half-baked laws without much regard for the details and then punts them into an Executive Department agency to actually fill in the rules and regulations and run.
Who even knows what your delusions are telling you to share with us. If it isn’t based on fact, please keep it to yourself.
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We know Trump is guilty of at least a dozen felonies.
There’s a link in my signature line to the Mueller report. Why should I have to tell you when I provided the link. You do know how to read, right? Read that and learn something, for once in your life.

A Constitutional Obligation: Congressional Oversight of the Executive Branch Hand-in-hand with the powers expressly granted to Congress by the Constitution – among others, to legislate, to appropriate funds, to declare war, to raise armies, and to impeach – is the implicit responsibility to perform rigorous oversight of the Executive Branch.1 As one historian noted, “it was not considered necessary to make an explicit grant of such authority. The power to make laws implied the power to see whether they were faithfully executed.”2

Moreover, the U.S. Supreme Court has recognized this Congressional power on numerous occasions. For example, the Court held that “the power of inquiry – with process to enforce it – is an essential and appropriate auxiliary to the legislative function .… A legislative body cannot legislate wisely or effectively in the absence of information respecting the conditions which the legislation is intended to affect or change, and where the legislative body does not itself possess the requisite information -- which not infrequently is true -- recourse must be had to others who do possess it.”4 Further, in Watkins v. United States, Chief Justice Warren wrote for the majority:

We start with several basic premises on which there is general agreement. The power of Congress to conduct investigations is inherent in the legislative process. That power is broad. It encompasses inquiries concerning the administration of existing laws as well as proposed or possibly needed statutes. It includes surveys of defects in the social, economic, or political system for the purpose of enabling Congress to remedy them. It comprehends probes into departments of the federal government to expose corruption, inefficiency, or waste.5



Look at that. Constitutional Obligation. He should have said, "Constitutional Obligation unless a Republican is in office".

Republicans endlessly investigated the Obama administration. Just Benghazi alone had 17 separate investigations.

We know Trump is guilty of at least a dozen felonies. And yet the GOP endlessly protect Trump.

Is this evidence of Party before Country?
DEMOCRATS also have to govern there towns.. where almost 300 blacks are getting shot every weekend they have the worst schools.. at some point democrats you need to govern .. not lynch a sitting president elected in a free country.
The problem isn't a lack of Congressional oversight. The problem is the Congress makes a bunch of half-baked laws without much regard for the details and then punts them into an Executive Department agency to actually fill in the rules and regulations and run.
Who even knows what your delusions are telling you to share with us. If it isn’t based on fact, please keep it to yourself.

A know it all who knows nothing. The President cannot expand his powers. Congress can only expand the President's power and the only time I can recall the SCOTUS checking them in their sloppy legislating was on the short-lived Line-Item Veto the Congress gave him and the SCOTUS took away.
There’s a link in my signature line to the Mueller report. Why should I have to tell you when I provided the link. You do know how to read, right? Read that and learn something, for once in your life.
I've already read the report and it clears our beloved President Trump of any wrong doing. ... :cool:
Your fantasies are amusing, clearly.

Lying? Not so much.


Those are felonies.


The number is now over 900 former federal prosecutors who signed the letter saying Trump committed felonies.

Cohen Plea Deal Makes Trump 'Unindicted Co-Conspirator,' Watergate Prosecutor Says

A Constitutional Obligation: Congressional Oversight of the Executive Branch Hand-in-hand with the powers expressly granted to Congress by the Constitution – among others, to legislate, to appropriate funds, to declare war, to raise armies, and to impeach – is the implicit responsibility to perform rigorous oversight of the Executive Branch.1 As one historian noted, “it was not considered necessary to make an explicit grant of such authority. The power to make laws implied the power to see whether they were faithfully executed.”2

Moreover, the U.S. Supreme Court has recognized this Congressional power on numerous occasions. For example, the Court held that “the power of inquiry – with process to enforce it – is an essential and appropriate auxiliary to the legislative function .… A legislative body cannot legislate wisely or effectively in the absence of information respecting the conditions which the legislation is intended to affect or change, and where the legislative body does not itself possess the requisite information -- which not infrequently is true -- recourse must be had to others who do possess it.”4 Further, in Watkins v. United States, Chief Justice Warren wrote for the majority:

We start with several basic premises on which there is general agreement. The power of Congress to conduct investigations is inherent in the legislative process. That power is broad. It encompasses inquiries concerning the administration of existing laws as well as proposed or possibly needed statutes. It includes surveys of defects in the social, economic, or political system for the purpose of enabling Congress to remedy them. It comprehends probes into departments of the federal government to expose corruption, inefficiency, or waste.5



Look at that. Constitutional Obligation. He should have said, "Constitutional Obligation unless a Republican is in office".

Republicans endlessly investigated the Obama administration. Just Benghazi alone had 17 separate investigations.

We know Trump is guilty of at least a dozen felonies. And yet the GOP endlessly protect Trump.

Is this evidence of Party before Country?
DEMOCRATS also have to govern there towns.. where almost 300 blacks are getting shot every weekend they have the worst schools.. at some point democrats you need to govern .. not lynch a sitting president elected in a free country.
What are you doing? Going around every thread and posting that you’re concerned about black people? We know that’s a joke right?
We also know who’s getting shot and who’s doing the shooting.



Things are heating up. The White House was hoping to drag all this crap out till after the election. But it looks like the judiciary is fast tracking everything. More and more of the judges are demanding that the reductions be removed and people are allowed to read what was actually in the report


A Constitutional Obligation: Congressional Oversight of the Executive Branch Hand-in-hand with the powers expressly granted to Congress by the Constitution – among others, to legislate, to appropriate funds, to declare war, to raise armies, and to impeach – is the implicit responsibility to perform rigorous oversight of the Executive Branch.1 As one historian noted, “it was not considered necessary to make an explicit grant of such authority. The power to make laws implied the power to see whether they were faithfully executed.”2

Moreover, the U.S. Supreme Court has recognized this Congressional power on numerous occasions. For example, the Court held that “the power of inquiry – with process to enforce it – is an essential and appropriate auxiliary to the legislative function .… A legislative body cannot legislate wisely or effectively in the absence of information respecting the conditions which the legislation is intended to affect or change, and where the legislative body does not itself possess the requisite information -- which not infrequently is true -- recourse must be had to others who do possess it.”4 Further, in Watkins v. United States, Chief Justice Warren wrote for the majority:

We start with several basic premises on which there is general agreement. The power of Congress to conduct investigations is inherent in the legislative process. That power is broad. It encompasses inquiries concerning the administration of existing laws as well as proposed or possibly needed statutes. It includes surveys of defects in the social, economic, or political system for the purpose of enabling Congress to remedy them. It comprehends probes into departments of the federal government to expose corruption, inefficiency, or waste.5



Look at that. Constitutional Obligation. He should have said, "Constitutional Obligation unless a Republican is in office".

Republicans endlessly investigated the Obama administration. Just Benghazi alone had 17 separate investigations.

We know Trump is guilty of at least a dozen felonies. And yet the GOP endlessly protect Trump.

Is this evidence of Party before Country?
DEMOCRATS also have to govern there towns.. where almost 300 blacks are getting shot every weekend they have the worst schools.. at some point democrats you need to govern .. not lynch a sitting president elected in a free country.
What are you doing? Going around every thread and posting that you’re concerned about black people? We know that’s a joke right?
We also know who’s getting shot and who’s doing the shooting.

I’m concerned about human beings being used by the democrat party again.. and all lives matter.. and we could use the votes. Haha
Bullshit. The purpose of Congress is to legislate laws, not to conduct endless investigations. That's the job of the judicial branch of government, not the legislative branch.
Well while various Congressional oversight committees spend time poking their noses into national threats like what’s going on in Major League Baseball, every aspect of Trump’s prior life, etc. etc., I’ve yet to hear any oversight powwow drums on the constant beat to find out if there was any wrongdoing by either Boeing and/or FAA folks in the development and certification of the 737 MAX aircraft. Some tempting time frame squeezes had to happen to keep Airbus from launching a substantial threat to Boeing’s 737 series, the best selling planes ever, with of course billions and billions of dollars at stake. But I guess overseeing the proper number of transgender potties in the nation’s Day Care facilities is pretty life and death stuff too.
There’s a link in my signature line to the Mueller report. Why should I have to tell you when I provided the link. You do know how to read, right? Read that and learn something, for once in your life.
I've already read the report and it clears our beloved President Trump of any wrong doing. ... :cool:
Your fantasies are amusing, clearly.

Lying? Not so much.


Those are felonies.


The number is now over 900 former federal prosecutors who signed the letter saying Trump committed felonies.

Cohen Plea Deal Makes Trump 'Unindicted Co-Conspirator,' Watergate Prosecutor Says
Gee, Deanie. 900? That's close to the same number of FBI files Hillary stole or extorted off the FBI. I guess if they didn't sign the beat-the-crap-out-of-Trump, Hillary would have exposed the crap outta 'em, because I'm as certain as tax imposition that Hillary has a far longer list of victims due to expropriated FBI files she wheedled out of people whose FBI files would ruin them, working in the department. What a damn Crook your goddess is.

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