
  1. MindWars

    Eyewitnesses to Trump scare in Reno speak out.

    EYEWITNESSES TO TRUMP SCARE IN RENO SPEAK OUT Here's what happened Eyewitnesses who were in attendance at Donald Trump’s Reno, Nevada, rally on November 5, 2016 speak out about what they saw when a reported assassin was tackled by Secret Service. Eyewitnesses to Trump Scare in Reno Speak Out...
  2. MindWars

    More violence against Trump supporters

    As Election Day nears and the GOP nominee rises, attacks on his backers, signs and buildings are escalating Physical attacks on Donald Trump supporters and their personal property appear to be growing increasingly common as Election Day approaches and passions intensify. Trump Surge Freakout...
  3. MindWars

    Florida election officials busted for massive voter fraud

    Voters in Florida have reportedly been complaining that they aren’t receiving their absentee ballots they requested. Friday, it was revealed that Democrat insiders are filling out the absentee ballots themselves. Florida Election Officials Busted For Massive Voter Fraud Hillary obsessed nut...
  4. MindWars

    NBC caught preparing Hillary victory results before election

    Pre-election "results" conditioning public to accept rigged Hillary "victory" A NBC station was caught posting election results showing a Hillary Clinton victory days before the election, fueling concerns that the mainstream media is conditioning the public to accept a rigged election favoring...
  5. MindWars

    Ex-FBI official: Clintons are a 'crime family'

    A former FBI official said Sunday that Bill and Hillary Clinton are part of a “crime family” and argued top officials hindered the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server while she was secretary of State. During a radio interview with John Catsimatidis, former assistant FBI...
  6. MindWars

    Militia group calls on members to patrol polls on election

    Militia group calls on members to patrol polls on Election Day Amid growing concerns about possible violence and vote fraud on Election Day, the Oath Keepers, a national group of former military and law enforcement officers, has urged its members to “blend in” with voters and do “incognito...
  7. MindWars

    War declared on paid Clinton trolls working overtime in countdown to election Reddit fights back

    Back in April 2016, a Hillary Clinton SuperPAC called 'Correct the Record' issued a press release blatantly informing the public they would be spending more than a million dollars to pay Clinton trolls and shills to "engage in online messaging both for Secretary Clinton and to push back against...
  8. MindWars

    George Soros reveals election results on leaked tape

    In recent weeks, Democrats have attempted to paint Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump as a lunatic for claiming that the election is going to be rigged in favor of his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton. Even Republican politicians and former politicians are telling Trump to knock...
  9. rodpreacher

    Trump Nice song feat. Donald Trump about Vladimir Putin

  10. rodpreacher

    Silly & hilarious tune & video about Putin feat. Donald Trump

  11. Peony

    Bye-bye Blathering Celebrities (Don’t let the door hit you on the you know what)

    We hear it every election, over and over, from some famous progressive or other. The emoting goes something like this, “if that Nazi wins, I’m leaving the United States forever!” During the election between Gore and Bush, for example, Alec Baldwin, classy father, faithful husband, profound...
  12. washamericom

    Trump "I think we're winning"

    Trump just said on foxnews. i do too. there's a long way to the election day. there may be a few surprises left. this is the single election to remember, because so many thing are different, that means change. & redefining journalsim just happened along the way to the whitehouse. man, where...
  13. MindWars

    What's not being said about what's happening right now that could change the election

    What’s Not Being Said About What’s Happening RIGHT Now That Could Change The Election Apparently mail is being stolen, hence mail fraud is it something who knows is it possible to keep up front in your minds maybe. Again it shouldn't matter who you are voting for do you want those votes stolen.
  14. MindWars

    Lyin Media triggered after Trump says he will wait and see before accepting ele. results

    LOL: Lyin' Media Triggered After Trump Says He'll Wait And See Before Accepting Election Results Donald Trump didn't go along with Chris Wallace's demand he accept the results of the election regardless of whether or not Democrats commit massive voter fraud. LOL: Lyin' Media Triggered After...
  15. MindWars

    FAKERY: Major media preparing to steal the election - night outcome

    FAKERY: MAJOR MEDIA PREPARING TO STEAL ELECTION-NIGHT OUTCOME? Here it is in a nutshell: major media consider the election a media event Note: this article is about the early projections media outlets make on election night—when they call the winner. Here it is in a nutshell: major media...
  16. N

    Why the sudden disgust for Trump?

    As a young citizen of the United States I cannot seem to fathom or comprehend the support for the Republican nominee Donald Trump. America will basically have to choose between the lesser of two evils, but I would think if one was a somewhat decent human being the obvious choice would be Hillary...
  17. Divine Wind

    Hillary still less trustworthy than Trump

    This link shows most Americans have made up their minds about their election choice, but it also shows they trust Hillary less than Trump. It also shows that they find Trump shares their values more than Hillary does by a small margin. Many voters made their choice before face-off: #tellusatoday
  18. C

    Not a Tyrant

    I'll be honest. I was very disappointed by the election results. I didn't want Hillary Clinton to win the Democrat nomination and I didn't want Donald Trump to win the Republican nomination. I wanted two different people to run for President. But I can tell you about three people who were...
  19. Bill Angel

    Should Trump and Clinton volunteer to take standardized psychological & neurological tests?

    Wouldn't psychological and neurological testing of the candidates give voters a better picture of who they actually are, rather than witnessing them trading barbs and insults in their interviews, speeches, and Twitter posts? Some tests evaluate one's problem-solving ability and one's ability to...
  20. Cellblock2429

    Ted Kennedy Secretly Asked The Soviets To Intervene In 1984 Elections - So where's the fake outrage?

    Ted Kennedy Secretly Asked The Soviets To Intervene In 1984 Elections thefederalist.com/.../ted-kennedy-secretly-asked-the-soviets-to-intervene-in-the-1984-... Mar 10, 2015 - Did 47 Republican Senators just commit treason with Iran letter? ... should consult liberal lion Ted Kennedy, who not...
  21. Cellblock2429

    Leaked emails show how Democrats screwed Sanders

    New York Post - "In the thousands of internal e-mails, it was revealed that a Democratic Party official tried to use Bernie Sanders’ supposed religious beliefs to derail his presidential campaign." Cheating is the only way Dems can win a race
  22. C

    Two Face Bernie

    Bernie Sanders is a two faced jerk. A few weeks ago he said that Hillary Clinton is unfit and now he's telling us to support her. He has proven himself to be a lousy politician. He let his country down and I regret voting for him. This turn of events also makes me regret that I'm registered to vote.
  23. P@triot

    Green party's Jill Stein invites Bernie Sanders to take over ticket

    The nominee of the Green Party is offering to step aside so that Bernie Sanders could continue his bid to be president. If this happens - the impact has the potential to be catastrophic for Hillary Clinton (much like Ross Perot was for George H. W. Bush). For all of those making bold and...
  24. CelloX

    The Kickstarter Solution to the Two Party System

    I am not sure if this could work, but I think it has potential for breaking down the wall preventing third party, independent, and small main party candidates from winning. Here is the idea: Make a website, preferably funded by Kickstarter (to fund the creation of the site and gain press)...
  25. Ridgerunner

    Who elects the President of the United States?

    During my 40+ years of following politics I have always heard that partisan Democrats and Republicans only contribute to the election of their chosen candidate. In reality Independent voters actually elect politicians to office. Jimmy Carter was elected with the votes of Independents after 8...
  26. Never3ndr

    Anybody Else Ready for Trump v Hillary?

    I'm (obviously) not a fan of Trump, but, like many people here, I'm also not a fan of Hillary. With that in mind, the one good thing that Trump is great at is being sort of like the internet troll of politicians and just saying outrageously inflammatory or controversial statements. With the...
  27. P@triot

    Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton

    This sums up the rational American people perfectly....
  28. P@triot

    Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton

  29. P@triot

    Devout liberals in the media predicting Trump will crush Hillary

    Yesterday Van Jones (self-admitted communist who served in the White House under Barack Obama as "Green Czar") insisted that Donald Trump is likely to win the presidency because he can pull the black vote and even the liberal vote... Van Jones’ Warning to Fellow Democrats, Black Voters: Trump...
  30. washamericom

    Vermont has Bernie fatigue...

    i admit it, the old guy has worn me out. here in Vermont it's all Bernie all of the time. all of our tv channels are "the Bernie channel". the only thing worse would be if it was halloween and ten people at my front door wearing Bernie masks are here to liberate the redistribution of my candy...
  31. Slade3200

    Does Cruz have a foot in his mouth?

    After all the talk and calls for Kasich to drop out because he has no mathematical chance of winning the majority of delegates, how does Cruz move forward without being a total hypocrite now that he can't win a majority either?
  32. P@triot

    Obama likely to sit out Democratic primary altogether

    This is something really peculiar going on within the Democrat Party. For starters, it speaks volumes that Obama refuses to come out and support Hillary. The reality is, much like everyone in the party, he absolutely can't stand her. Their battles are legendary and well documented. But beyond...
  33. DonaldFG

    CDZ Third Way Democrats and their Republican Friends

    In one of the worst strategic political mistakes ever made, elite leaders in the Democratic Party came up with something called the Third Way of politics. (The Democrats' 'Third Way' Quarrel Could Change Your Future) The idea was that they believed they had to merge their policies with the...
  34. DonaldFG

    CDZ A Rare Opportunity to Reform Corrupt Government

    After watching over the past half-century a disappointing parade of candidates running for U.S. President, I am finally hearing one not speaking the usual gobbledegook but actually making sense. And the usual embedded and implied lies are not there for this candidate. His past record as a...
  35. Never3ndr

    Why Clinton?

    This is a serious question to any supporters of Clinton on this forum (I honestly haven't seen any so I kinda expect this topic to die). The question is simple: Why do you support Hillary Clinton? This isn't asking why you are a Democrat, nor why you hate Conservatives...it is why you support...
  36. S

    The Hillary Trump Riddle!?

  37. S

    Hillary Trump Riddle?

  38. midcan5

    'Make America Great Again'

    An interesting catch phrase or words so coded its meaning is lost on most? When was or wasn't America great? Doesn't that depends on who is making the call. How did an outsider, a person who goes against every policy republicans promote become their candidate of choice. How? The answer is...
  39. L

    Haiti vs Uganda and both vs US rigged elections - each time ONE basic difference

    Haiti vs Uganda and both vs US elections - each time ONE basic difference Make sure you read basic fact #2 about human cattle (see BASICS section) after reading what follows. Haiti vs Uganda "elections": Similar numberes; Illuminati puppets get in reality less than 5% (uganda) and 2% (Haiti)...

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