Anybody Else Ready for Trump v Hillary?


Silver Member
Feb 29, 2016
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I'm (obviously) not a fan of Trump, but, like many people here, I'm also not a fan of Hillary.

With that in mind, the one good thing that Trump is great at is being sort of like the internet troll of politicians and just saying outrageously inflammatory or controversial statements. With the volumes of material he's going to have to work with against Hillary (anything from the emails, to Wall Street, to her flip flops, etc.) one thing that I am looking forward to is seeing Trump absolutely trash her during this outrageously negative campaign season. I mean, it is like watching a reality TV show that just happens to be our Presidential election (which is atrocious when you think about it objectively). Anybody else actually a little interested to see the verbal fireworks start flying?
It would be nice if they shared the ride, so if they by chance have an auto accident and killed, We'd be rid of both and can finally get candidates that are runners up...
I'm waiting for the gender neutral rest room rumble. It should be classic.
I'm (obviously) not a fan of Trump, but, like many people here, I'm also not a fan of Hillary.

With that in mind, the one good thing that Trump is great at is being sort of like the internet troll of politicians and just saying outrageously inflammatory or controversial statements. With the volumes of material he's going to have to work with against Hillary (anything from the emails, to Wall Street, to her flip flops, etc.) one thing that I am looking forward to is seeing Trump absolutely trash her during this outrageously negative campaign season. I mean, it is like watching a reality TV show that just happens to be our Presidential election (which is atrocious when you think about it objectively). Anybody else actually a little interested to see the verbal fireworks start flying?
I can't wait for the debates. I hope the winner in November gets less than 40% of the vote.
I'm (obviously) not a fan of Trump, but, like many people here, I'm also not a fan of Hillary.

With that in mind, the one good thing that Trump is great at is being sort of like the internet troll of politicians and just saying outrageously inflammatory or controversial statements. With the volumes of material he's going to have to work with against Hillary (anything from the emails, to Wall Street, to her flip flops, etc.) one thing that I am looking forward to is seeing Trump absolutely trash her during this outrageously negative campaign season. I mean, it is like watching a reality TV show that just happens to be our Presidential election (which is atrocious when you think about it objectively). Anybody else actually a little interested to see the verbal fireworks start flying?
Yes, I can't wait. I can't imagine a more exiting time to be alive.
I'm (obviously) not a fan of Trump, but, like many people here, I'm also not a fan of Hillary.

With that in mind, the one good thing that Trump is great at is being sort of like the internet troll of politicians and just saying outrageously inflammatory or controversial statements. With the volumes of material he's going to have to work with against Hillary (anything from the emails, to Wall Street, to her flip flops, etc.) one thing that I am looking forward to is seeing Trump absolutely trash her during this outrageously negative campaign season. I mean, it is like watching a reality TV show that just happens to be our Presidential election (which is atrocious when you think about it objectively). Anybody else actually a little interested to see the verbal fireworks start flying?

It has happen!

I have seen the day when the Presidential Election has become the Next American Idol type of contest but with more insanity and pure bullshit!

God help this country!
I'm (obviously) not a fan of Trump, but, like many people here, I'm also not a fan of Hillary.

With that in mind, the one good thing that Trump is great at is being sort of like the internet troll of politicians and just saying outrageously inflammatory or controversial statements. With the volumes of material he's going to have to work with against Hillary (anything from the emails, to Wall Street, to her flip flops, etc.) one thing that I am looking forward to is seeing Trump absolutely trash her during this outrageously negative campaign season. I mean, it is like watching a reality TV show that just happens to be our Presidential election (which is atrocious when you think about it objectively). Anybody else actually a little interested to see the verbal fireworks start flying?

It has happen!

I have seen the day when the Presidential Election has become the Next American Idol type of contest but with more insanity and pure bullshit!

God help this country!

It's hard to believe that leftwing douche bags like you could pump our more sanctimonious bullshit that you have in the past 7 1/2 years, but nevertheless you have managed to top yourselves.
I'm (obviously) not a fan of Trump, but, like many people here, I'm also not a fan of Hillary.

With that in mind, the one good thing that Trump is great at is being sort of like the internet troll of politicians and just saying outrageously inflammatory or controversial statements. With the volumes of material he's going to have to work with against Hillary (anything from the emails, to Wall Street, to her flip flops, etc.) one thing that I am looking forward to is seeing Trump absolutely trash her during this outrageously negative campaign season. I mean, it is like watching a reality TV show that just happens to be our Presidential election (which is atrocious when you think about it objectively). Anybody else actually a little interested to see the verbal fireworks start flying?

It has happen!

I have seen the day when the Presidential Election has become the Next American Idol type of contest but with more insanity and pure bullshit!

God help this country!

It's hard to believe that leftwing douche bags like you could pump our more sanctimonious bullshit that you have in the past 7 1/2 years, but nevertheless you have managed to top yourselves.

I find it sad and pathetic that Trump voters believe everyone that does not vote for Trump must be left-wing when in fact your boy is to the left of Clinton, so how does it feel to be another Progressive whore?

Now I know you will declare what I wrote about Trump is a lie, and you're the final judge of what is left-wing and your word is like God word, but the reality you word is just another fucking retarded inbred that is living proof why I support your right to abort your worthless ass.

Oh, and I do not support President Obama agenda, but you will claim I am lying because you believe you know me so well, and I will not be voting for Clinton either.

So as I finish my asinine response to you please remember to go fuck yourself, and you are part of the problem and never will be part of the damn solution you worthless excuse of human waste!
I get the impression that many Trump supporters don't care if he is conservative, liberal, moderate or whatever. He could govern from the chandelier and that would be ok with them. I think that Trump causing such a yuge upheaval within the GOPe and turning the government on its head is why they support him. Which is great ... unless he's not what he appears to be and doesn't do what he says he'll do. Which is a legitimate concern, considering that his leanings have been to the left his whole life, until suddenly he decided to run for potus and wahla!, he's suddenly a conservative ... or something. This causes some of us to, I don't know, not trust the guy because he seems like he's going to fly whichever way the wind blows. Not trusting him is paramount for some of us and that's what's making it hard for us to throw support his way.

clinton should be taken out and shot. Uh, figuratively speaking of course.
I'm (obviously) not a fan of Trump, but, like many people here, I'm also not a fan of Hillary.

No offense, but you seem to be a delusional nutcase if your opinion is "obvious" to posters here and you think the general audience knows who you are a "fan" of. :p I used to be a Boston Bruins fan back in the day myself.
I'm (obviously) not a fan of Trump, but, like many people here, I'm also not a fan of Hillary.

No offense, but you seem to be a delusional nutcase if your opinion is "obvious" to posters here and you think the general audience knows who you are a "fan" of. :p I used to be a Boston Bruins fan back in the day myself.
Or you could look at my current avatar. There may be a big hint there.

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