Women of America unite.....


Platinum Member
Jul 26, 2021
Women of America unite, your rights are under attack. This ridiculous abortion law in Texas targets you. I don't care if you're anti-abortion or pro-abortion. What you do now will determine your rights in the future, all of your rights. If you are allow government to do this to you. Abortion is a bad choice at best, but it should always be your choice. Prevention isn't always possible. Rape and incest are never a choice. Right now these Representatives want to use the law to prevent abortions. In the very near future, when the world is hopelessly overpopulated, they could use the same law to say you must have an abortion. This should always be your choice. Live Free or die that is the question facing you now.
Women of America unite, your rights are under attack. This ridiculous abortion law in Texas targets you. I don't care if you're anti-abortion or pro-abortion. What you do now will determine your rights in the future, all of your rights. If you are allow government to do this to you. Abortion is a bad choice at best, but it should always be your choice. Prevention isn't always possible. Rape and incest are never a choice. Right now these Representatives want to use the law to prevent abortions. In the very near future, when the world is hopelessly overpopulated, they could use the same law to say you must have an abortion. This should always be your choice. Live Free or die that is the question facing you now.


Actually "women of America" finally have a voice in the legal system after being abused and tortured mentally and physically and humiliated by liberal men for half a century. Women have a "heartbeat law" to protect them from being victims of vicious aggressive men who often force them mentally or physically into the worst scenario of their lives by hiring someone to kill the life inside them. Abortion ain't about women's empowerment but rather liberal men's power over them. Maybe the heartbeat law won't solve women's enslavement by liberal men but it's a start.
Women of America unite, your rights are under attack. This ridiculous abortion law in Texas targets you. I don't care if you're anti-abortion or pro-abortion. What you do now will determine your rights in the future, all of your rights. If you are allow government to do this to you. Abortion is a bad choice at best, but it should always be your choice. Prevention isn't always possible. Rape and incest are never a choice. Right now these Representatives want to use the law to prevent abortions. In the very near future, when the world is hopelessly overpopulated, they could use the same law to say you must have an abortion. This should always be your choice. Live Free or die that is the question facing you now.

Define women for us...
Stann, I sure hope you are just as rabid about not allowing or bringing illegals into the country as you are about being able to kill an innocent babe in its mother's womb.

Yours truly fully female and a mother too!
Proud uncle, that has nothing to do with women's rights. And there's no babe in the womb it's a fetus until it breathes life into his lives independently it's a fetus you can change all the definitions you want you can't change facts.
Proud uncle, that has nothing to do with women's rights. And there's no babe in the womb it's a fetus until it breathes life into his lives independently it's a fetus you can change all the definitions you want you can't change facts.
It's a human being, because it can't be anything else. Your semantics don't change that. That's a fact you ignore.
Proud uncle, that has nothing to do with women's rights. And there's no babe in the womb it's a fetus until it breathes life into his lives independently
Are you saying it is just a "thing" without life until 9 months when it takes a first breath of air? Seriously is that what you are saying? Yes or no?
Proud uncle, that has nothing to do with women's rights. And there's no babe in the womb it's a fetus until it breathes life into his lives independently it's a fetus you can change all the definitions you want you can't change facts.

So you like murdering babies? Can't change facts. Bet you think covid "vaccinations" are important too.
Using the term "Fetus" is just an excuse to legalize murder. Adolf Eichmann would be proud.
In your fantasy it's murder, murder requires a person a citizen; sorry but a fetus doesn't qualify. And you're the last person to be a judge, you're way too emotional about this. It doesn't even concern you. You've made your choice let other women make theirs.
Women of America unite, your rights are under attack. This ridiculous abortion law in Texas targets you. I don't care if you're anti-abortion or pro-abortion. What you do now will determine your rights in the future, all of your rights. If you are allow government to do this to you. Abortion is a bad choice at best, but it should always be your choice. Prevention isn't always possible. Rape and incest are never a choice. Right now these Representatives want to use the law to prevent abortions. In the very near future, when the world is hopelessly overpopulated, they could use the same law to say you must have an abortion. This should always be your choice. Live Free or die that is the question facing you now.

As a woman....sit down, Stan
Proud uncle, that has nothing to do with women's rights. And there's no babe in the womb it's a fetus until it breathes life into his lives independently it's a fetus you can change all the definitions you want you can't change facts.
It is a human being in the womb. Using the term fetus in an attempt to skirt the fact that it is a human baby in the womb does not negate that fact that it is still a babe in its mother's womb.

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