
  1. deanrd

    GOP Spreadsheet of raped pre teens, tracking length of pregnancy to stop them from an abortion.

    Just saw this as breaking news on Rachel Maddow. It won't be anywhere else because it's breaking news. So girls, from 12 to 17, most had been raped and came here seeking an abortion. So Scott Lloyd, who works for the Trump Administration, keeps a very long and detailed spreadsheet on these...
  2. TheProgressivePatriot

    Georgia Bill Would Seek to Regulate Mens Bodies in Response to Abortion Bans

    Testicular Bill Of Rights: Georgia Bill Would Place Restrictions On Sexual Aides For Men Progressive Secular Humanist - See second story down I thought that this was hysterical! I am a married male and I am all for it! Although I don't live in Georgia . But seriously, it is time for men...
  3. TheProgressivePatriot

    Idaho Republicans Kill Bill That Would Have Ended Child Marriage In The State

    Republicans: Please tell us again how your party is the party of family values and the party that cares about women, children and families? Then tell us how many 16 year old kids that you have encountered were emotionally, intellectually and financially ready to be a parent and a spouse. And...
  4. Chuz Life

    Bull Ring A Human Fetus is a Child; Chuz Life vs JoeB131

    I (Chuz Life) herby challenge USMB member JoeB131 to a One on One debate on the subject of whether or not a human being in the fetal stage of their life, growth and development is a "child." JoeB131 If you are willing to accept this debate, answer with a response and let's discuss and agree on...
  5. Chuz Life

    JoeB131, I'm calling you out on your claim that a human fetus is NOT a Child!

    JoeB131, I am calling you out on your continued claim that a human fetus is not a child. Despite many attempts to educate your retarded ass in various other threads, you still continue to regurgitate the same denials as though you have never even once been proven wrong. I call. I challenge...
  6. JGalt

    The Negro Project

    Before it was called “Planned Parenthood,” it was called "The Negro Project." "The Negro Project was initiated in 1939 by Sanger’s Birth Control Federation of America, an early form of Planned Parenthood. The purpose was to promote contraception use among the black population of the South...
  7. The Original Tree

    I Believe Fairfax Is Innocent

    You might think that’s crazy coming from a Conservative. I also believe Judge Moore was Innocent and Kavanaugh was Innocent. That’s what being an American is really about. But you might ask if I have reasons, especially in regards to Fairfax. I don’t expect you to believe this, but I do know...
  8. deanrd

    Republicans are the last people who should be trying to school us on ethics and morals.

    We have the most lying president in the history of the world, a man who boasts about sexual assault and who has unprotected sex with porn stars, elected by Republicans as president of the United States. And this is the party that spends endless amounts of time trying to school the rest of the...
  9. JGalt

    You cannot be a Democrat and a Christian at the same time...

    ...the two are mutually-exclusive. If you are a Democrat, you are carrying out the work of your father Satan. He loves the fact that you support leaders who want to pass laws allowing for the murder of unborn children. He loves the fact that you are for the disrespect of our landmarks and...
  10. Chuz Life

    Call out on C_Clayton_Jones

    I'm calling you out for a debate on the Constitutionality of elective abortion. This thread is open to all to discuss the challenge, specifics, formats, the poll, etc. Bull Ring - Abortion Debate; Chuz Life vs. C_Clayton_Jones #post-21638740
  11. Chuz Life

    Bull Ring Abortion Debate; Chuz Life vs. C_Clayton_Jones

    I (Chuz Life) herby challenge USMB member C-Clayton_Jones to a One on One debate on the Constitutionality of elective abortion. If you are willing to accept this debate, answer with a response and let's discuss and agree on the format, judges and moderation to be used.
  12. AVG-JOE


    Family is not important thing. It's everything..
  13. deanrd

    Did Donald Trump try to talk his wife into having an abortion?

    Did Donald Trump try to talk his wife into having an abortion? —— . The real estate mogul's daughter with his second wife, Marla Maples, was not necessarily planned. When Marla told him he was pregnant, he replied: “What are we going to do about this?” 22 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About...
  14. deanrd

    How to win the abortion issue.

    Republicans insist they are saving lives. They protect the right of school shooters to carry weapons. They protect the rights of men who commit domestic violence to carry weapons. They want to end school lunches for poor children and cut healthcare. These are the people who want to protect...
  15. deanrd

    Today's kids say “Fun for boys should never include trauma for girls”. Republicans should listen!!!!

    Boys will be boys? As Kavanaugh debate rages, teens are saying some adults still don’t get it “I had a situation like this happen to me,” O’Connor told her 16-year-old daughter, Brynn, as they sat together in their Bethesda kitchen this week. She had also been a student at an all-girls prep...
  16. DOTR

    Roe Vs Wade is dead.

    Face it. It took decades of concerted efforts to get here and may take a few more years yet. But I imagine we can start on it next session. But here is something the abortionists pretend they dont understand...getting rid of Roe V Wade does not ban abortions. it returns it to the people of...
  17. deanrd

    Can anyone think of a law that legislates a man's body?

    Republicans want to take away the rights of women to manage their own bodies. Can anyone think of a law that also manages a man's body? I can't think of one. Maybe if we legislate men's bodies women will be less opposed to having their own bodies managed by strangers?
  18. deanrd

    What will happen when Republicans overturn a woman's right to control her own body?

    The new GOP nominee said birth control is "abortion in a pill". Birth Control didn't become legal for married couples until the late 1960's. Birth Control didn't become legal for single people until the 1070's. When abortion was illegal, women died going to what was called "backstreet...
  19. Monk-Eye

    Does Abortion Violate Non Aggression Principles ?

    " Does Abortion Violate Non Aggression Principles ? " * Relocated Opinion Poll Multiple Choice * This is a reproduction of another thread and allows one a choice of more than one option . Feel free to complete a survey at this site - Does Prohibiting Abortion Violate Non Aggression Principles ?
  20. deanrd

    Will Republican women applaud the right to an abortion being taken away from them?

    Soon, we will have another radical right wing judge. Roe versus Wade is very close to being taken away from women as a right. After all, Trump said women who get an abortion should be punished. Will losing this woman's right be OK to women in the US? Should women be punished for getting an...
  21. deanrd

    Remember when Trump said women who have abortions should be "punished"?

    Donald Trump advocates punishment for abortion So what do you think? Women who have abortions should be punished? What should the punishment be? Prison? What if they were raped? Or their health was compromised?
  22. P@triot

    The left continues to contradict themselves

    Homicide? Wait...homicide? How can killing a fetus legally be homicide when (A.) abortion is legal and (B.) progressives insist that a fetus is not a human life? This is further proof that the left builds their positions on irrational emotion instead of logic and reason. Which creates a...
  23. P@triot

    The left: “we MUST protect children”. The left: “we have a right to kill children”

    The left is never consistent in their views. Never. Uh....Kamala? You people have been barbarically slaughtering hundreds of millions of babies for decades. Even selling their dismembered body parts. And you celebrate it. Literally celebrate it. The left proudly started a #ShoutYourAbortion...
  24. T

    Trump thinks the women's march is a Pro Trump gathering....LOLOLOLO

    Donald Dumb tweeted the following: Beautiful weather all over our great country, a perfect day for all Women to March. Get out there now to celebrate the historic milestones and unprecedented economic success and wealth creation that has taken place over the last 12 months. Lowest female...
  25. AsianTrumpSupporter

    George Soros caught illegally backing self-genocide aka abortion via Amnesty Intl. in Ireland

    Leaked George Soros Plan to Turn Ireland into a Pro-Abortion Country - Breitbart DCLeaks.com revealed last year that billionaire investor George Soros has been using his Open Society Foundation (OSF) to turn Ireland – what Planned Parenthood refers to as the “jewel in the crown of the pro-life...
  26. Chuz Life

    California Tried to Force Pro-Life Centers to Promote Abortion. Now, the SCOTUS Is Weighing In

    California Tried to Force Pro-Life Centers to Promote Abortion. Now, the Supreme Court Is Weighing In. "In NIFLA vs. Becerra, the court will decide whether pro-life advocates must refer clients to abortion clinics or face fines, penalties, and possible closure. The basic question the court...
  27. Chuz Life

    Missouri's new abortion rules could mean big costs for Planned Parenthood

    Missouri's new abortion rules could mean big costs for Planned Parenthood Paying for physicians to be on call at all times at local clinics could cost Planned Parenthood a pretty penny. In late November, the health department's proposed new rules were made public, along with estimates of how...
  28. Chuz Life

    Money well spent!

    The Texas Legislature's budget for the next two years includes $20 million more in funding for a controversial state program that seeks to discourage women from getting abortions in the state. Bravo for Texas! State gives Alternatives to Abortion program $20 million more in funding
  29. Chuz Life

    Pennsylvania is on the move to ban abortions!

    Abortion limits advance in Pa. House PENNSYLVANIA Abortion limits advance in Pa. House Go Pennsylvania! Lead the way!
  30. Chuz Life

    Will this change the abortion debate?

    When the DNA test is finally perfected to tell whether or not a child in the womb is Gay. . . Will that result in more abortions or less? Scientists find DNA differences between gay men and their straight twin brothers. . ...
  31. Chuz Life

    Science says life begins at conception.

    Doesn't it make sense that a new organisms life begins when its aging begins? Old before your time: Study suggests that aging begins in the womb Summary: The process of aging begins even before we are born, according to an international team of researchers. In a study using rats to model...
  32. Chuz Life

    Abortion will decide the winner!

    Why abortion — not sexual misconduct — is likely to decide the Alabama Senate race Roy Moore is trying to save himself with a tried and true conservative move: resorting to the politics of abortion. By Stacie Taranto Just as I predicted would be the case! Perspective | Why abortion — not...
  33. Chuz Life

    Roy Moore for life!

    Roy Moore's new spokeswoman: An Ohioan with roots in state's abortion fights POLITICS Roy Moore's new spokeswoman: An Ohioan with roots in state's abortion fights That's good. Right?
  34. midcan5

    America was not founded on....

    So many myths dominate American discourse today and religion is one of the big sticks. “the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.” "Speaking at a rally on the steps of the U.S. Capitol on May 16, 1920, Baptist theologian George Washington Truett...
  35. P@triot

    Actions speaking MUCH louder than words

    If you want to know the true platform of the left - look no further than this story. It epitomizes everything they support and believe in. 1. Prevent education. Keep the populace as ignorant and dependent as possible. Sorry folks - this cannot be twisted regardless of the efforts of the left...
  36. P@triot

    What does this say about the intellect of the left?

    We all know that life begins at conception (a fetus has unique DNA). And yet the left has embraced a sort of "out of sight, out of mind" mindset when it comes to the abortion issue. Since they can't actually see the baby, it must not be a baby. That is quite an indictment on the left's view on...
  37. Chuz Life

    CDZ Question for abortion proponents

    What is the difference between a human being in the zygote stage of their life, growth and development. . . And a human Zygote? Anybody?
  38. Chuz Life

    Does the US Constitution give the govt. the authority. . .

    Does the US Constitution give the govt. the authority. . . To say that a human being in one set of circumstances is a "person" but that same human being in another set of circumstances, is not? The relevant part of the Constitution (as far as I can tell) simply says that "all persons are...
  39. Chuz Life

    CDZ Poll: Which of these two theories has a more solid basis in scientific fact?

    Please take the poll and let's discuss the details. All CDZ rules apply.
  40. Chuz Life

    CDZ Will any USMB abortion proponents admit that an abortion kills a child?

    Just what the thread title says. I have participated on a lot of forums and debate sites for nearly 30 years now and though it is very rare, I have in fact encountered abortion proponents who are not afraid to admit that an abortion kills a child. They agree that an abortion denies prenatal...

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