Will Tokenism save the GOP?

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
If the GOP has any chance to win back the White House they will need to become the party of the big tent in deed not word. Don't expect the VP nominee to be a white male; of course one must expect the party leaders learned a lesson in 2008 and the person will be vetted up, down and sideways.

Will Tokenism save the GOP? Not likely, for picking the VP nominee based solely on sex or ethnicity will be rightly seen by the majority of voters as what it is, pandering.
That's funny coming from the "I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" Party, the same Party that Ike had to send in the 82nd Airborne to make them desegregate their schools
If the GOP has any chance to win back the White House they will need to become the party of the big tent in deed not word. Don't expect the VP nominee to be a white male; of course one must expect the party leaders learned a lesson in 2008 and the person will be vetted up, down and sideways.

Will Tokenism save the GOP? Not likely, for picking the VP nominee based solely on sex or ethnicity will be rightly seen by the majority of voters as what it is, pandering.

LO friggin L!! The world would never have heard of barack obama if he was white and you accuse Republicans of tokenism?
The GOP puts up candidates based on qualifications, not complexion. when we get behind a man like Alan West or Herman Cain, it's not us that does everything in our power to marginalize him.
The left fears viable Conservative minority candidates. The only way they can win is to have a monopoly on the minority vote.
"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."
Tokenism? Really?
"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."
Tokenism? Really?

They had their chance with JC Watts, until he found they only wanted his face and not his opinion. How about Alan Keyes? He's a principled man. After all, he threw his 18 year old daughter out of the house after she came out of the closet.
They will DEFINITELY be asked to vet their VP candidate this time @ LOL. Maybe vetting has a different meaning for the GOP :dunno:
Not tokenism, but maybe Tolkienism will...

That's funny coming from the "I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" Party, the same Party that Ike had to send in the 82nd Airborne to make them desegregate their schools

Which as a result has those states voting solidly republican now. Lyndon Johnson was right when he predicted that the southern states would be lost with the passage of the Civil Rights Act granting (gasp) "negro equality".
They will DEFINITELY be asked to vet their VP candidate this time @ LOL. Maybe vetting has a different meaning for the GOP :dunno:

Gee, like the intense vetting of Barrack Hussein Obama? Any question other than "how's your day going?" was greeted with cries of racism.

They will DEFINITELY be asked to vet their VP candidate this time @ LOL. Maybe vetting has a different meaning for the GOP :dunno:

Gee, like the intense vetting of Barrack Hussein Obama? Any question other than "how's your day going?" was greeted with cries of racism.


No...but "where's your birth certificate" will be. How many white Presidents were asked to produce theirs? Oh yeah, none...
They will DEFINITELY be asked to vet their VP candidate this time @ LOL. Maybe vetting has a different meaning for the GOP :dunno:

Gee, like the intense vetting of Barrack Hussein Obama? Any question other than "how's your day going?" was greeted with cries of racism.


No...but "where's your birth certificate" will be. How many white Presidents were asked to produce theirs? Oh yeah, none...

Hillary was the anointed one... until a slick token black guy showed up and the Democrats had a collective orgasm.. then Hillary was thrown under the bus.
Palin thought the queen ran england and that north and south Korea were the same place.
They will DEFINITELY be asked to vet their VP candidate this time @ LOL. Maybe vetting has a different meaning for the GOP :dunno:

Gee, like the intense vetting of Barrack Hussein Obama? Any question other than "how's your day going?" was greeted with cries of racism.


The voters in the primaries vetted him. He vetted Biden, and probably others. McCain vetted Palin. The rest is history.
Hillary threw herself under the bus. She went too negative and it turned voters off. I say this as a former Hillary supporter. The "dodging bullets" claim didn't help either.
Bush appointed more minorities than any other president.
The GOP has minorities like Clarence Thomas and Condoleeza Rice.
The Democrats have minorities like Maxine Waters and Alcee Hastings.
They will DEFINITELY be asked to vet their VP candidate this time @ LOL. Maybe vetting has a different meaning for the GOP :dunno:

Gee, like the intense vetting of Barrack Hussein Obama? Any question other than "how's your day going?" was greeted with cries of racism.


No...but "where's your birth certificate" will be. How many white Presidents were asked to produce theirs? Oh yeah, none...

The left created the issues so what is the point?
Gee, like the intense vetting of Barrack Hussein Obama? Any question other than "how's your day going?" was greeted with cries of racism.


No...but "where's your birth certificate" will be. How many white Presidents were asked to produce theirs? Oh yeah, none...

Hillary was the anointed one... until a slick token black guy showed up and the Democrats had a collective orgasm.. then Hillary was thrown under the bus.

I don't see Republicans having a half woody over their choices. Forget about orgasms. The best they're going to get is a morning piss prick.

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