Why Abortion And Euthanasia Should Be Legal


Ninja Kicker
Jul 6, 2012
This story is a few months old, but its incredibly sad. A little boy born with a defective small intestine. He had surgery, but doctors discovered that his entire small bowel had died, and as a result, he couldn't eat or drink, and there was nothing that could be done for him.
He was given high doses of morphine as he starved to death - after 13 days of life:

“On the 20th of April 2013 my sister went into labour three weeks early and my baby nephew was born at 1:30am on my daughter’s birthday.

“One week earlier my sister began having a few contractions so she went to the hospital. When a scan was performed the doctors noticed that the baby’s small intestine appeared to be blocked, so my sister was transferred to John Hunter Hospital. The surgeon said baby Jailan had bowel atresia and that when he was 12 hours old he would be sent to theatre to cut out the blockage and reattach the intestines. The doctor was confident, and assured us that he had performed this surgery numerous times with high success rates.

“We were upset that bub had to have surgery, but reassured that it was a relatively easy and fairly common operation.

Jailan's story: a life too short | Parent Exchange

If the condition had been discovered during the pregnancy, surely it would be kinder to abort Jailan than to give birth to him and watch him starve and die?
And surely it would be kinder for parents to have the option to euthanase their sick children, so they do not have to suffer like this?

Jailan may not have felt pain, given the morphine he was on, but his parents, and relatives had to stand by and watch him grow smaller and weaker, until finally, he died of starvation and dehydration.

I do not understand how some people consider this is a better death than a termination in the womb.
You are right, they should have just killed the mother when she got pregnant.

Please be serious. That was a gorgeous little boy who had to die in such a dreadful way. I really want to know why some people would prefer that he starved to death as opposed to having his life ended before his suffering began?
If the condition had been discovered during the pregnancy, surely it would be kinder to abort Jailan than to give birth to him and watch him starve and die?

I guess so but in this case the condition wasn't discovered during the pregnancy and according to your OP the child seemed to be wanted by the parents. I don't think you'll be able to turn this kid into a poster child for abortion.
You are right, they should have just killed the mother when she got pregnant.

Please be serious. That was a gorgeous little boy who had to die in such a dreadful way. I really want to know why some people would prefer that he starved to death as opposed to having his life ended before his suffering began?

Yet you are trying to turn his story into a whacko thread to justify killing other babies.

I want to point out one serious flaw with your idiotic premise, abortion is legal in Australia.
If the condition had been discovered during the pregnancy, surely it would be kinder to abort Jailan than to give birth to him and watch him starve and die?

I guess so but in this case the condition wasn't discovered during the pregnancy and according to your OP the child seemed to be wanted by the parents. I don't think you'll be able to turn this kid into a poster child for abortion.

Of course not, and its not my intention to say that this child should have been aborted. My point is that a choice should be given, to either abort or to euthanase, children who are severely ill and who will die.

I don't think anyone gets that, though.
You are right, they should have just killed the mother when she got pregnant.

Please be serious. That was a gorgeous little boy who had to die in such a dreadful way. I really want to know why some people would prefer that he starved to death as opposed to having his life ended before his suffering began?

Yet you are trying to turn his story into a whacko thread to justify killing other babies.

I want to point out one serious flaw with your idiotic premise, abortion is legal in Australia.

And it will stay legal, too.
Of course not, and its not my intention to say that this child should have been aborted. My point is that a choice should be given, to either abort or to euthanase, children who are severely ill and who will die.

I don't think anyone gets that, though.

You can count me among those who don't get it. It makes no sense to me to try to make a point by highlighting a situation in the OP that has no relevance to the point you're trying to make.
Just out of curiosity, but how many people on this thread are Catholic and thus disagree and trash Noomi simply because Noomi was raised with a different set of values than you? I am a Catholic and disagree with late term abortions on a fundemental basis, but am I trashing Noomi? No. Euthanasia, however, I can complete agree with. And yes, I am well aware of how hypocritical that sounds.
Just out of curiosity, but how many people on this thread are Catholic and thus disagree and trash Noomi simply because Noomi was raised with a different set of values than you? I am a Catholic and disagree with late term abortions on a fundemental basis, but am I trashing Noomi? No. Euthanasia, however, I can complete agree with. And yes, I am well aware of how hypocritical that sounds.

There's a big difference between disagreeing and trashing. The OP is about abortion and euthanasia, neither of which are applicable in this case and I won't speak for anyone else but that's why I raised an eyebrow at this.

The OP herself admitted that abortion isn't relevant in this case and as for euthanasia the article in the OP states that the parents of the child chose to believe that the doctors were wrong and that the child would survive. We have an OP in a thread about abortion and euthanasia where the situation given in the OP has nothing to do with abortion or euthanasia and that might be why some people are disagreeing with the OP, I've seen no sign that religion has anything to do with the dissent so far.
I needed a story that would make people think about what they would do in a similar or identical situation. This is that story. I want to know what people would do if they were in the same situation, and so far, no one has answered.
This story is a few months old, but its incredibly sad. A little boy born with a defective small intestine. He had surgery, but doctors discovered that his entire small bowel had died, and as a result, he couldn't eat or drink, and there was nothing that could be done for him.
He was given high doses of morphine as he starved to death - after 13 days of life:

“On the 20th of April 2013 my sister went into labour three weeks early and my baby nephew was born at 1:30am on my daughter’s birthday.

“One week earlier my sister began having a few contractions so she went to the hospital. When a scan was performed the doctors noticed that the baby’s small intestine appeared to be blocked, so my sister was transferred to John Hunter Hospital. The surgeon said baby Jailan had bowel atresia and that when he was 12 hours old he would be sent to theatre to cut out the blockage and reattach the intestines. The doctor was confident, and assured us that he had performed this surgery numerous times with high success rates.

“We were upset that bub had to have surgery, but reassured that it was a relatively easy and fairly common operation.

Jailan's story: a life too short | Parent Exchange

If the condition had been discovered during the pregnancy, surely it would be kinder to abort Jailan than to give birth to him and watch him starve and die?
And surely it would be kinder for parents to have the option to euthanase their sick children, so they do not have to suffer like this?

Jailan may not have felt pain, given the morphine he was on, but his parents, and relatives had to stand by and watch him grow smaller and weaker, until finally, he died of starvation and dehydration.

I do not understand how some people consider this is a better death than a termination in the womb.

you do realize that abortion and euthanasia are two totally different subjects?
Why abortion and euthanasia should be legal? I've got a better reason.

$who is your daddy.jpg
I needed a story that would make people think about what they would do in a similar or identical situation. This is that story. I want to know what people would do if they were in the same situation, and so far, no one has answered.

Fair enough. I would not want to abort unless a life-threatening defect were identified, then I'd be alright with it. I disagree with euthanasia and would have done what was done in the story, stuck with the palliative care. I think euthanasia is a very slippery slope and do not wish to see my nation turn into Belgium or the Netherlands.

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